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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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bump for justice... 50's are absolutely ruining pvp right now for most of the player base.


50's are not ruining pvp. Bioware is ruining pvp. 50's want to pvp just like everyone else. We just need cross-server brackets. It's the only answer.

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lazy *** low lvls are killing pvp, lvling isnt hard in this game and you can make a lvl every 2hours at low lvl, these people are just lazy and ruin the lvl 50s experience. because we gotta carry them nubs, and they have the nerve 2 call themselves pvpers, and refuse to pve abit to get atleast in the 30s.


wasting everyones time, being crap, like really what goes through your head, im gonna get to lvl 10 and then slowly pvp to lvl 50, and miss craploads of weekly and daily boxes, so when i get there, i have no good gear, and everyone outgears me by miles.


A level every 2 hours is more than most people with a life play a night. You *********** retard with no life call other people lazy? You are a no life looser that talks **** to everyone else? LOL, think back on your life when you are on your death bed about all the great experiences you have had. What? Nothing but your fat *** sitting at a keyboard? Sucks to be you.

Edited by Lathom
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I have to agree with the OP. What was BW thinking having every single level in the same PvP. Shorter Ques? Seriously?! How could they expect players to stay with the game longterm. Previous MMOs such as WoW or GW have done PvP for years, how can you try to develop a new MMO and not look at other competition. Companies grow through innovation, not trying to reinvent the Wheel over and over again. BioWare disappointed me with the pvp in this game, BIG TIME.
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The length of this thread shows what a problem putting level 50's with low levels is. It's time to give level 50's there own bracket. Common BW do the right thing.


This for sure. PvP is crap within the free month simply because of no brackets.

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Topped many leaderboards below 50, it's not hard, it requires skill and a positive mindset.


It's a rarity it seems.




You dont PvP enough then - pre-mades with all 50s (or close) are all over the place - heck in many games now they just sit outside where you spawn and kill you

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Level 45-50 need there own bracket


All we need is 1 BRACKET


i say one cuz more then one will make it hard for us under 50 to have some fun


So a level 45-50 bracket will be cool and it wont slow down the queo for thos level 50 cuz they will still be able to quoe whit some level's 45 put a list we wont have to deal whit Premade of level 45and50 team's again level 20 and 30's it make pvp more about who have more level 50 then about skill's



SORRY FOR MY SPELLING I hope you can understand


So plz level 45-50 bracket fast level 45 and up need there own little bracket so it take skill




Worst pvp I have ever expirienced so far for lower and middle lvl player....this pvp system is a freaking JOKE ! Mixing 10-50 levels, including high end pvp gear...Iam speechless. Its alone not comfortable that lower lvls are not that balanced itself, but if you add the 50ies AND the pvp gear you create some mess.


This is not a wow killer or the mmorpg of the year, swtor is just disappointing and a big letdown...especially when it comes to pvp.

Edited by BobaFurz
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50's need to be put in their own bracket...


If you see a pre-made or 4 or more 50's on the opposite team(unless you have the same number of 50's) just logout. Its a waste of time.




The good side is that most of the 50's now are the powerleveler look at me angsting types..they burn out fast and will soon begin populating various forums telling us how SWOTR sucks and the next game is the greatest thing ever...then they will do the same thing in that game..rinse e repeat. Their shelf lives are short and its not really worth bothering with them.

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I think people who are not level 50 are killing pvp... So there needs to be no brackets, you can only do warzones if you are level 50...


As unfair as that sounds, what you propose vs. what we have now... I agree with you completely. The game is not fair nor balanced. Its whoevers team has the most 50's. I.e. who's faction has the most hardcore. With the game int its first 30 days free from a subscription, It's important to portray a great game to potential longterm players, but the way the PvP system is now?! NO FREAKING WAY WILL I STAY FOR A GAME LIKE THIS~!

Edited by Rollento
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Up until today I was doing great in PVP, today I EVERY SINGLE TIME I QUEUE'D I went in against an almost full group of level 50's. I am level 38. It was taking our entire team to kill two of them, and they would usually mop about half of us out, then the rest of their team would show up to finish it off.


I don't mind a challenge, I don't mind losing. But when you obviously have no chance at all, what is the point of playing? This is what the OP is referring too here, he's not crying that he got beat up by a guuurrlll. He's complaining that level 50's have an unfair advantage over the lower level players in PVP, which, let's be honest here, is absolutely true with the way the gear is built. Get off your high horse, stop insulting people. Not everyone rushed to level 50 as fast as they possibly could. Some of us are enjoying the content.


If they would implement a bracket system it would solve alot of problems, the hardcore people would have their ranking system, the non-hardcore people can continue to dabble happily. I really enjoyed pvp up until today, I still enjoy it, but if this isn't corrected, soon the only people you'll see in the warzones will be new people who don't know better yet, and lvl 50's.



I felt the same way today. Came home from long day of work, fired up the game at lvl 38 and thought i'd get some nice PvP matches in and it was just a nightmare for the next hour. Every game that popped on the republic side was up against teams that comprised of a minimum of 6 lvl 50's up to a few games with premades that were all 50.


One of the matches had me as the highest lvl at 38 on the republic side vs all 50's. Not pretty and not fun. Logged out, went to dinner with wife, watched a movie...posted online forum...off to bed. Enjoy the night of slow pops 50's until we see brackets.

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Anyone not level 50 is just meat for my grinder. It takes atleast two of them to take me down and even then they fail most of the time. Only an operative that gets the drop on me gives me pause because of their insane burst.


It's not just the gear, its stuff such as epic reusable heal stims and stuff that lower levels don't have access to.

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lazy *** low lvls are killing pvp, lvling isnt hard in this game and you can make a lvl every 2hours at low lvl, these people are just lazy and ruin the lvl 50s experience. because we gotta carry them nubs, and they have the nerve 2 call themselves pvpers, and refuse to pve abit to get atleast in the 30s.


wasting everyones time, being crap, like really what goes through your head, im gonna get to lvl 10 and then slowly pvp to lvl 50, and miss craploads of weekly and daily boxes, so when i get there, i have no good gear, and everyone outgears me by miles.


even if its a troll post, it is so true.

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Level 45-50 need there own bracket


All we need is 1 BRACKET


i say one cuz more then one will make it hard for us under 50 to have some fun


So a level 45-50 bracket will be cool and it wont slow down the queo for thos level 50 cuz they will still be able to quoe whit some level's 45 put a list we wont have to deal whit Premade of level 45and50 team's again level 20 and 30's it make pvp more about who have more level 50 then about skill's



SORRY FOR MY SPELLING I hope you can understand


So plz level 45-50 bracket fast level 45 and up need there own little bracket so it take skill




Please give 40-50 their own bracket.

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Arn't there Warhammer developers running PVP? If so, were screwed, I just got out of a voidstar where my republic was all low level verse 2 premades of 2 different level 50 guilds, in pvp gear.


That was FUN. :rolleyes:

Edited by Liberate
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PvP in this game simply is no longer fun. It's sad to say, because I'm the biggest SWTOR fanboy, but this was just a terrible, huge mistake. This needs to be BioWare's #1 priority; they will lose more customers to this issue than to any other single problem.




I love the rest of the game, and pvp was really fun in Beta and in the first week after launch, but it's just horrible now.

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I don't know what they could do.


Level 50's in pvp gear kill people too quickly when they are playing 1-49's or if they were just playing newly minted level 50's.


I loved the warfronts in RIFT until I hit level 50 - then trying to grind my way up the pvp ladder against fully-geared out players is what made me rage-quit the game.


It's a problem in this game (I'm only level 34 right now), but it would be a problem, maybe a worse one, at level 50 if they had brackets, because at least now, you can kill the random level 20 player in there.

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No, gear plays a large part in this game. Saying the bolster mechanic helps is a bit of a farce, especially in the face of people slotting expertise gear. Yea, a lot of derps are hitting 50 and not knowing what they are doing, they take a while longer to kill than normal, but a decent PvPer will always win against you, no matter how awesome you think your combo is. Not unless you caught him low on health or with their clicks on CD. And even then that is questionable since a level 50 sorcerer is impossible for anyone to kill without decent gear or heavy tag teaming.





Sorc heals? they better be impossible to kill 1v1 or they suck at healing. DPS sorc hell no. Learn your class and stop ************ and moaning people.



The biggest issue is and always will be is the Skills you have at hand. Assassin weren't real viable until 26. Unsure about the rest. I've had lvl 10 healers be top heals with 1-2 deaths because the team protects them and they don't run off and be in bad positions.

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Stop being a slacker and level to 50, problem solved.


which, of course, is a stupid comment.


people should be able to enjoy the vast amount of content provided 1-49 and still have a fighting chance in war zones, imo.


otherwise, they might as well make war zones only available to level 50's.

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