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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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If they quit the game when they lose then maybe they just need to quit and learn the hard way. Seriously. You don't get laid if you get rejected once and never try to get laid again. You keep at it. They need to learn this lesson.


Not totally related by any means to the topic, but I know what your saying, but you cannot hide the fact that being level 50 killing super low level players each warfront does not get boring after a while, and there is no room for you to improve as a player at all.

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Or you can start leveling?


No one is stopping you from attaining level 50.

Stop queuing and pay your dues. Every MMO has a right of passage. Its like becoming a man. That right of passage is called leveling. Get to it.


So now people can't pvp at lower levels? You're allowed to pvp to level.


The only reason people don't want brackets is they like feeling superior.


I am already mopping up 50s on my 20+ scoundrel, I can't wait to show you 50s what pvp is really like once I hit max. And I plan on making it miserable.


Do some of you really think you get better fighting low levels? However low levels DO get better fighting those higher.


Ask that 49 marauder i slaughtered in 1 v 1 huttball, or the assassin who could only kill me when it was 3 on 1. She was level 39. Feels good.


The 50s who dont want brackets are not doing themselves any favors.

Edited by Liberate
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If you honestly think lvl 20s fighting lvl 50s is an acceptable game mechanic then you need to go jump in a fire. I guess people can't seem to comprehend the simple concept of bolestering =/= the abilities, talents, and expertise stat that you're missing.


Just stop and think what you're arguing for! Fricken a people.


I had no problem owning while leveling. I didn't post once when I pvped the higher levels all the way to 50. And I never QQ'ed once when fighting 50s when I was level 38-49. In fact we had no problem killing them or still owning them knocking them into the pit passing balls for TDs.

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So now people can't pvp at lower levels? You're allowed to pvp to level.


The only reason people don't want brackets is they like feeling superior.


I am already mopping up 50s on my 20+ scoundrel, I can't wait to show you 50s what pvp is really like once I hit max. And I plan on making it miserable.


Do some of you really think you get better fighting low levels? However low levels DO get better fighting those higher.


Ask that 49 marauder i slaughtered in 1 v 1 huttball, or the assassin who could only kill me when it was 3 on 1. She was level 39. Feels good.


The 50s who dont want brackets are not doing themselves any favors.



You can pvp to level. You still get TONS of XP and credits. I lost while leveling majority of the time I got like 23k xp in warzones. Didnt matter how many times I lost I still played well. An got my own XP/credits.


People just QQ'ing over the fact it says "Defeat"


When before the other days patch winning/losing almost had same rewards.

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If you honestly think lvl 20s fighting lvl 50s is an acceptable game mechanic then you need to go jump in a fire. I guess people can't seem to comprehend the simple concept of bolestering =/= the abilities, talents, and expertise stat that you're missing.


Just stop and think what you're arguing for! Fricken a people.


If you honestly think your only level 20 when you queued for a war zone. Your mistaken. YOU ARE LEVEL 50 When you enter. You are just restricted ability's and gear. Hmmm sound familiar? Sounds kinda like call of duty or battlefield when you first begin. Earn your stuff. Stop asking for hand outs.

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50s stand a better chance against a none 50, but ONLY if they are:-


1. Good at their class

2. Play to their strengths

3. Geared Well

4. Use teamwork


There is the lack of crucial abilities that will always make higher levels better. Healer, tank, and melee all depend on abilities gained at higher levels.


Level 50 needs to be separate no matter what. I do not want non-50s on my teams when I am at cap. Definitely should not be forced to wait for rateds until we have level 50 only warzones.


Levels are there for a reason.

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An that is the bottomline that people just are willingly ignoring. That upon entering a warzone you are in fact LEVEL 50. Your restricted Gear/Talents. Because you have not unlocked them. Just like every other single PVP game in the world.


Its called unlock it.


Go play call of duty. Do you get every weapon at rank one? Every perk at rank one?

Go play battlefield. Do you get the same?

Go play Bloodline Champions. Same question.

Go play Socom navy Seals. Same question.


See the pattern here.

Earn your stuff. Stop asking for handouts.

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There is the lack of crucial abilities that will always make higher levels better. Healer, tank, and melee all depend on abilities gained at higher levels.


Level 50 needs to be separate no matter what. I do not want non-50s on my teams when I am at cap. Definitely should not be forced to wait for rateds until we have level 50 only warzones.


Levels are there for a reason.


So basically your saying players who are max rank in call of duty should not play against people who just bought the game. You need to think about what your saying. Your asking to get a free pass cause you cant handle the grind.

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Change the game name to call of duty.

Change the word Level to Rank. An what do you have.

Different game but same situation. Except only for the MMO. You have people asking for hand outs.


You are already level 50 when you enter a warzone. Unlock the rest. GG.

Edited by Furyofwar
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I agree with OP, at my lvl 27 I hit 50's for 500+ and they hitting me back over 3k+...

2 50's can own warzone full of 20-30's.

Some peops gave up in the midle of WZ's and/quit since no way to beat 50"s.

BW need to address that or some peops start talking to boycott WZ's if under 45.

Btw , major lvl 50 gank comming from Impire side, thats herting even more underdog republic population.

Unbalance will bring problems, I dont see any fun from 50's to 2 shot 20's , thats gonna get boring soon?

Then 20's will start quiting as well, since there is no chance to get fun in pvp for them.

What happend to peops who are not getting fun? They'll quit the game...

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I know some people will constantly try to live in that state of denial believing bolster helps, but gear helps tremendously. A non 50 trying to wail against a 50 with expertise gear on (and yes, you can get blue expertise gear at 50 on your capitol world) is a brick wall that just refuses to get chipped.


Quit crying about gear and get better, I took a 50 jugg with 16k health the other day from full on my 32 sorc. The gear doesn't make them invincible. It just gives you a reason to complain to BioWare to cradle you some more.

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Go play battlefield. Do you get the same?


You don't need any of the unlocks to be competitive in any Battlefield game, and if you think that you do you're exceptionally bad at shooters. No one should have to earn anything to be on a level playing field. I don't have to "earn" chess pieces or the moves those pieces can perform. It seems like some of you folks have a pretty twisted idea on how competitive activities should be set up.

Edited by AdmiralBlue
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Endgame class put in same bracket as absolute begginner class.


Anyone who does not see what is wrong with this, shouldn't make post regarding balance.



Also, comparing this game(rpg) to an fps, is fail on every level imaginable.

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Maybe many of us aren't in a rush to the end or are making an alt character because we didn't like a certain point of the original character we created. But hey, rush to the end and be bored waiting for others.


Or stay at the starter planets and complain on the forums? I pick being level 50.

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An that is the bottomline that people just are willingly ignoring. That upon entering a warzone you are in fact LEVEL 50. Your restricted Gear/Talents. Because you have not unlocked them. Just like every other single PVP game in the world.


Its called unlock it.


Go play call of duty. Do you get every weapon at rank one? Every perk at rank one?

Go play battlefield. Do you get the same?

Go play Bloodline Champions. Same question.

Go play Socom navy Seals. Same question.


See the pattern here.

Earn your stuff. Stop asking for handouts.


Other games using terrible mechanics is not an excuse for this one to do the same.

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Other games using terrible mechanics is not an excuse for this one to do the same.


Agreed, the fact that he was using other games that have no comparison to Swtor at all was fail all in its self. This thread's intention to give out what we all know is true, even if some of us hide it with the fact that the people complaining are noobs or whatever you want to say. The PvP system needs a rework, to a happy medium for the player base.

Edited by lambnet
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I say leave it alone. I'm only lvl 25 now, valor 25, and I love the challenge. I come out of almost every WZ with the most medals on either side. I see 50s on my team, and on the other side, see their score at the end too, its not that impressive in a lot of them. I'm sorry to have to say this, but really, learn to play and you wont have a problem. Maybe your just upset you suck, doesn't mean they need to change the game to make it easier on you.
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You don't need any of the unlocks to be competitive in any Battlefield game, and if you think that you do you're exceptionally bad at shooters. No one should have to earn anything to be on a level playing field. I don't have to "earn" chess pieces or the moves those pieces can perform. It seems like some of you folks have a pretty twisted idea on how competitive activities should be set up.


Very true, though perks and new weapons to give you boost and SV98 is an amazing sniper :p

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I say leave it alone. I'm only lvl 25 now, valor 25, and I love the challenge. I come out of almost every WZ with the most medals on either side. I see 50s on my team, and on the other side, see their score at the end too, its not that impressive in a lot of them. I'm sorry to have to say this, but really, learn to play and you wont have a problem. Maybe your just upset you suck, doesn't mean they need to change the game to make it easier on you.


^hasn't run into a lvl 50 4man premade.^.

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