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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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I think another possible solution besides just creating a separate bracket would be to matchmake based on level, so that both sides have an equal number of 50s. If you join a WZ as a level 20, you could then expect everyone to be between 10 and 30, with the occasional 40+ thrown in if there aren't enough people to fill the game.


Another form of matchmaking would be based on expertise, similar to how Blizzard does their Battleground matchmaking based on how much resilience gear you have. That would make it very unlikely that one side has 3 more level 50s than the other side.

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PvP needs a 40+ section to balance it out.


Also, Sith classes are out-of-balance. Just check the logs of what side wins PvP matches and you'll clearly see what needs to be fixed.



We are paying a lot of money for this game and appreciate all the hard work that has gone into it thus far. However, please let us know that you are going to address our concerns so we don't get frustrated.


Trying the PvP missions you get at lvl 10 isn't much fun when we get insta-killed by a lvl 50.

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Warzones are a joke right now. They are extremely unbalanced. A level 50 runs around with 20K life by you get bolstered to 11K. The damage is also half, if you are lucky, of what a 50 is doing.


This is just poor design. Plain and simple. BioWare learned nothing from every other MMO and thought they could do things differently. Problem is that other companies have tried this and realized it doesn't work.


We need tiered Warzones based on level. We need cross-server Warzones so we don't have hour long queues or the same group dominating the Warzones.


Fixing Warzones should be a top priority for BioWare.

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We need tiered Warzones based on level. We need cross-server Warzones so we don't have hour long queues or the same group dominating the Warzones.


Fixing Warzones should be a top priority for BioWare.


I will second this!

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Topped many leaderboards below 50, it's not hard, it requires skill and a positive mindset.


It's a rarity it seems.




Topped many leaderboards below 50, it's not hard, it requires spamming AOEs.

Fixed it for you.

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Level 45-50 need there own bracket


All we need is 1 BRACKET


i say one cuz more then one will make it hard for us under 50 to have some fun


So a level 45-50 bracket will be cool and it wont slow down the queo for thos level 50 cuz they will still be able to quoe whit some level's 45 put a list we wont have to deal whit Premade of level 45and50 team's again level 20 and 30's it make pvp more about who have more level 50 then about skill's



SORRY FOR MY SPELLING I hope you can understand


So plz level 45-50 bracket fast level 45 and up need there own little bracket so it take skill


40-50 need there own brackets

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The real problem is the normalization system.


Normalization does well to keep everyone pre-50 and fresh 50s at about the same stat level,

by scaling the stats gained from a player's current gear by a percentage based on the character's level. One could argue that this system ensures that every character from 10-49 has the same exact "caps" for their stats, which does well to keep things pretty fair in those level ranges.


50's, however, are capable of exceeding these caps because of the standard tier-based gear system that comes into play at 50, which effectively allows players to obtain gear of a greater level than 50.


Because everyone else is "normalized" to level 50 stats, and because level 50's can currently achieve level 58 stats, there's really no way to keep the balance in the current system on a per-stat basis.


There are two ways of fixing this.


First, as the OP suggested, a new warzone bracket be introduced for endgame players, with no normalization (though I feel that it should be 50-only, not 45-50).


Alternatively, players could be normalized to 58 based on the average level of their gear, instead of their character. Currently, expertise is not accounted for in stat normalization (which is also a part of the whole problem in the first place). In such a system, expertise could not be normalized, or there would be no incentive to climb the gear tiers in the first place (everyone's gear would effectively be identical in warzones).


Personally, I am in favor of the first option, OP's idea. To be perfectly honest, I give the devs the benefit of the doubt, and I believe they already saw this coming, and are probably just waiting for there to be a large enough level 50 population to implement it.


I don't have more to add to this post.

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Whoever said this post was absolute ****, I agree. The Ignorance radiating from people who are already level fifty is just astounding. I know this is a hard concept for you guys to grasp but some of us have jobs and lives and dare I even say it, girlfriends. Some of us don't have time to sit here all day and play Star Wars. Thus being so we are behind the loop in leveling and take it at our own pace.


You try to justify that a 50-20 is fair, what are you smoking honestly ?


First off, you have all your skills we don't, which in respects means you are putting out about 3 or maybe 4 times the damage we are. You also have about 3 times the health we do. I don't know about you but I don't see how someone who shouldn't even be in my PVP WZ hitting me for 5k every time is fair, you're either delusional or on drugs if you think that is fair.


I've played many MMO's and this has rarely ever been in a problem in any of them, the simple answer to this would be to bracket it by 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50. I know that there are more then enough people of this level to make that system work.


Anyways, In the mean time keep being trolls while the rest of us continue on with having lives and not hitting 50 in 4 days.

Edited by bmanthekid
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Whoever said this post was absolute ****, I agree. The Ignorance radiating from people who are already level fifty is just astounding. I know this is a hard concept for you guys to grasp but some of us have jobs and lives and dare I even say it, girlfriends. Some of us don't have time to sit here all day and play Star Wars. Thus being so we are behind the loop in leveling and take it at our own pace.


You try to justify that a 50-20 is fair, what are you smoking honestly ?


First off, you have all your skills we don't, which in respects means you are putting out about 3 or maybe 4 times the damage we are. You also have about 3 times the health we do. I don't know about you but I don't see how someone who shouldn't even be in my PVP WZ hitting me for 5k every time is fair, you're either delusional or on drugs if you think that is fair.


I've played many MMO's and this has rarely ever been in a problem in any of them, the simple answer to this would be to bracket it by 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50. I know that there are more then enough people of this level to make that system work.


Anyways, In the mean time keep being trolls while the rest of us continue on with having lives and not hitting 50 in 4 days.


They think the fact they killed a level 50 once, who probably fell asleep at his keyboard, is proof that there is no imbalance. Really though, some probably just don't want to fight people who might actually put up a fight.

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I hear you, I don't what to say man. The PVP system in this game is broken right now, I know exactly how to play my class and the arguments they are making here are totally invalid. I'm not going to be able to kill someone who's hitting me for 2k base and 5k crits, just will not happen.


These kids that are already level 50 are kids who are still in school and have all the time in the world to play, probably have no jobs, no life and nothing else to do with their free time.

Edited by bmanthekid
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Seriously. Stop QQing and go level to 50. If you lack the ability to level to 50 you do not belong in the MMORPG community.


Getting to 50(Level Cap) is a Prerequisite TO EVERY MMO IN EXISTANCE.

You do not try to endgame without it.


Stop being bad.

Stop being Ignorant.

Stop waiting for nerfs/balance when you do not even meet the requirements to play. You can get 50 yourself. Get gear yourself and balance the game yourself.


If you want to unsubscribe because your to lazy to level to 50 then please for the love of god do it already. An please unsubscribe to all future games. An please never play a RPG that requires leveling ever again. Because you are a disease on this game Genre.


Dang newbies.

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Seriously. Stop QQing and go level to 50. If you lack the ability to level to 50 you do not belong in the MMORPG community.


Getting to 50(Level Cap) is a Prerequisite TO EVERY MMO IN EXISTANCE.

You do not try to endgame without it.


Stop being bad.

Stop being Ignorant.

Stop waiting for nerfs/balance when you do not even meet the requirements to play. You can get 50 yourself. Get gear yourself and balance the game yourself.


If you want to unsubscribe because your to lazy to level to 50 then please for the love of god do it already. An please unsubscribe to all future games. An please never play a RPG that requires leveling ever again. Because you are a disease on this game Genre.


Dang newbies.


Spoken like a true online champ, you're nothing but a troll and a person who has no life. It is apparent that your lack of English shows your intelligence level.


Alright champ, you tell me how to get to 50 so fast ?


I work six days out of the seven days a week and I'm not going to spend my one day off playing Star Wars all day.


I play at least 3 hours a day maybe four and that's it. I know for a fact leveling slows down after 30 and I'm not about to sit here and play eight hours a day like you.


So champ, tell me how do I get to 50 without being a complete low life nerd like yourself.

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Seriously. Stop QQing and go level to 50. If you lack the ability to level to 50 you do not belong in the MMORPG community.


Getting to 50(Level Cap) is a Prerequisite TO EVERY MMO IN EXISTANCE.

You do not try to endgame without it.


Stop being bad.

Stop being Ignorant.

Stop waiting for nerfs/balance when you do not even meet the requirements to play. You can get 50 yourself. Get gear yourself and balance the game yourself.


If you want to unsubscribe because your to lazy to level to 50 then please for the love of god do it already. An please unsubscribe to all future games. An please never play a RPG that requires leveling ever again. Because you are a disease on this game Genre.


Dang newbies.


I don't think you see the larger implications of lower levels first PvP impressions. Since you can get PvP dailies at level 10 people want to pvp at lower levels for fun. I only hope they aren't going in against a 50 pre-made. You want to suck the fun out of a game quickly... we're watching it happen right before our eyes.


Server pops now dropping.


PvP matches canceled because lack of repub players.


Empire farming valor in huttball matches. Check YouTube for some videos.


I am on a server that does have a much more sizable empire faction. I'm not writing this to QQ. I love PvP an don't mind sticking it out, but...


What good is PvP if there is no one else there to play with? I think we are quickly heading in that direction.


I was in a huttball match and 10 repub players dropped in the first 5 minutes because they knew what was going to happen. We got farmed by a 50 pre-made empire group with scored 5 points and then stood right beside the goal line waiting for us to come out and get mowed down. Then with 5 seconds left they scored the last point.


I'm on the fence atm, but many of my guildies have already gone back to LoL while waiting for GW2. I like SWToR, but it's losing its PvP luster pretty quickly. I don't want to go back and read through all the pages, but has there been any official word when there might be at least a lvl 50 bracket implemented?



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You're right, they're killing it by making me laugh so hard I can barely concentrate. So many 50's are so terrible that the tears of laughter in my eyes make it difficult at times to beat them 1v2. But I usually pull through.
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You're right, they're killing it by making me laugh so hard I can barely concentrate. So many 50's are so terrible that the tears of laughter in my eyes make it difficult at times to beat them 1v2. But I usually pull through.

I don't know if that's an honest statement or you just being a troll. I could see that though if you are near them in level.

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I would imagine the brackets will be introduced eventually. We will all recall this as a "remember when" moment.


I don't think asking for competitive pvp as you level up is too much to ask. But this will be addressed eventually so <shrug>.



The only thing that bugs me, is hearing that 50's complain that they get lowbies on their team. First, they pvp'd at lower level too. Second, the player has no control over this.

Edited by Ravenolf
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I have a question for all you whiners and complainers..., when the level 50s are in their own brackets and you are still losing at instanced PVP are you going to come here complaining to BW that they need to bracket everyone between 20s and 40s because of how they did the itemization?


Face it, people who do not excel at PVP, but want to try anyway are still going to cry about something not being fair or balanced, but they won't have the level 50s to kick around and blame. People need to understand that hey maybe they aren't as good as they think they are and either need to just enjoy the storied content or get over it and just play the game.

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