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People On The Fence: What Would It Take To Keep You


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You are aware that Visceral is an EA company, right?

EA, not Bioware, has the rights to Star Wars...so no matter what happens, it'll be an EA entity. Bioware is where the mistakes with this game were made and continue to be made. Do you really think EA gives a flip what WZ comms convert to? Do you think they care if CXP is Legacy based or not? You think EA demanded RNG gearing? EA doesn't give a flip, as long as Bioware brings in more than they demand, they can do whatever...but there's a very good reason EA didn't ask Bioware to develop the next online Star Wars game.

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What I would need to reactivate my sub when it runs out is:


-KotET story has to be so good that I will want to play it many times. This means the story can no longer have gaping plot holes, no superfluous chapters and must have a better balance between story telling and moar skytrooper style fillers. That just killed the replay value in KotFE for me.


-Uprisings should actually be fun to do, again giving me a reason to do them again. It has that potential but it needs to fulfill it.


-The livestream in January should give us news about new group content that will come at least in part in the NEAR future.


-The RNG in endgame gearing should not become irritating and depressing because I can't get a gear set together in a reasonable amount of time compared to the average. If people in my guild are all geared up and I am still looking for one or two pieces or more and just keep having bad luck, I can assure you I will cancel my sub even if all the other stuff is cool. I am not a fan of RNG, I like to work for something and get it, not work for something and hope I get it. I can imagine if at work I work 40 hours a week and then they say, sorry, you lost to the RNG, no salary this month, I will not be a happy camper. If the system is lenient enough that I'll get geared in a fair way, I'm fine. If not, it's a deal breaker.

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EA, not Bioware, has the rights to Star Wars...so no matter what happens, it'll be an EA entity. Bioware is where the mistakes with this game were made and continue to be made. Do you really think EA gives a flip what WZ comms convert to? Do you think they care if CXP is Legacy based or not? You think EA demanded RNG gearing? EA doesn't give a flip, as long as Bioware brings in more than they demand, they can do whatever...but there's a very good reason EA didn't ask Bioware to develop the next online Star Wars game.


^ Side note... It is really Bioware Austin, a key point... The whole division was setup from scratch in Austin, TX to make SWTOR. Bioware Canada that made the games we know and love from the past 15 years is not really the same company, nor is it (or was it ever) the same people.


"Bioware" also hasn't really existed as a company for some time now, it has been almost 10 years since EA bought them, everyone who made it great is largely gone now.

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2018 lol?


A new Online Star Wars game, like the one being developed. I'm hoping Visceral comes through on a 2017 release.


Good luck getting any kind of story out of that. Of all EA's entities, which any new star wars game would have to be, only bioware knows what story is an how to craft one.

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2018 lol?


A new Online Star Wars game, like the one being developed. I'm hoping Visceral comes through on a 2017 release.


That's just a rumour though. There have been some indications it could be but there is nothing official on the game being online or open world.


So maybe it is, but maybe it's not.

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I actually just came back because I didn't care for One Tamriel (and the PvP here is just better, anyway).


For me, the one thing that has soured me on SWTOR in the past isn't the game itself, it's the general lack of care from the developer end.


Don't get me wrong, the core gameplay is solid and there's a LOT of good content here. What the devs have gotten right, they've gotten REALLY right.


However, for me the issues have to do with basic housekeeping. Bugs don't get fixed (or even responded to) in a very timely fashion and the basic game infrastructure could really use some help.


What they really need to do is an engine overhaul, along with support for either Vulkan or DirectX 12. I know I'm going to be schooled in how difficult that is and how it probably won't happen, but a boy can dream, right? If they're going to do it, now would be the time since Star Wars hype is very high and people are REALLY interested in the franchise right now. Not to mention the possibility of this game (or at least many of its elements) becoming canon.


TL;DR: Polish the game, Devs. You've got a great thing here, but there's a little too much neglect on the housekeeping end of things.

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That's just a rumour though. There have been some indications it could be but there is nothing official on the game being online or open world.


So maybe it is, but maybe it's not.

SWTOR was a "rumor" for years as well...I bet we see it announced at E3 this year...hence the delay tactics with no new content.

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SWTOR was a "rumor" for years as well...I bet we see it announced at E3 this year...hence the delay tactics with no new content.


Just because one rumour came true, doesn't mean they all do. Most don't.


However it turns out though, at this moment we really don't know. Didn't we already have E3 this year though?

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Sorry, I have some Indonesian orphans who greatly need my attention so I cannot answer your question.

Oh of course Reno, the children always come fir....errr...wait a minute...you wouldn't just be trying to throw me off now would ya?! :eek:

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Have I ever been a forum poster who would resort to devious under handed tactics to escape burden of proof?

This must be a trick question...so...yes?! Wait...no! Definitely not...but possibly...probably?! Doubtfully? Maybe? I'M SO CONFUSED!

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I did a two month resub that expires at Christmas. I'm then discontinuing until there's either an announcement of an operation or a server merge and an announcement of an announcement. I have a couple lifetime subs to other MMOs so I'd probably pick up one or both of those.


They burned up the benefit of the doubt (which I was generous with in 4.0). We need either new stuff to bring people back or consolidation.

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For me, staying or going depends on a lot of things. Or rather, how long I'll stay does, because I doubt I'll stick around for much longer than January if I've already done all I want by then, and what information they share about future content additions.


Not necessarily in this order:

- Our original companions. My poor Bounty Hunter gave up half-way through KotFE, because without his Mako, he doesn't really see a reason to keep on keeping on.

- How fun uprisings are, and for how long. The same goes for the LvD thingy and the rest of the new repeatable content

- The story. I have a lot of characters I may or may not want to run through KotET, so how long that takes and, more importantly, if I like it enough to want to play it more than three times (DS, LS, neutral) absolutely affects how long I stay subbed.

- The new planets. Hopefully open world. If we're stuck in mostly corridor runs or free to explore (side quests? I miss side quests) makes a huge difference for replayability

- New daily areas, new heroic quests, new rep grinds for cool rewards, such as decos and mounts and special gear you can't get anywhere else

- New Ops, FPs and WZs. Without RNG gearing systems. NOT because I myself want to do group content often, but I do want a healthy population so the ingame economy works. Plus when I do feel like doing a WZ, I don't want to wait for ages because everyone else left the game.

- Not being made to feel like a side kick in the story, or being made to feel (especially DS) choices are the most moronic thing you could possibly do. As DS, I should be able to tell Aric to go to hell when he wants to play the hero. As a DS; I should get to kill him right there and then when he defies me.


Out of game, I'd first, like someone else already said, desperately want to see more transparent and exact explanations of what Bioware's vision for the game is. What IS the grand plan?

None of the vague "focusing on group content". Be exact, dammit. Don't leave half of the people who read the forum thinking you mean Ops, and the other half convinced it's going to be some lame version of Star Fortresses, if anything at all.

None of the piecemeal dribbling of information about, quite frankly, badly thought through changes. Or worse, no information at all until after the changes have taken place...


Those are the things that come to mind right now, although I was sitting here nodding at a lot of the things others have already said, and I'm sure I've repeated more than a few and forgotten even more.


I'll probably stay subbed for a couple months more, as I said at the start. If for nothing else, then because I've talked a friend into giving this game a go, and he'll need some help getting started. How long he keeps playing will also impact my sub.


But also, IF there is any new content in the future, I'm pretty certain I'll want to check it out eventually.

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I started playing when the game launched for the story. I like alts but playing through different stories kept it interesting at least.


Then they condensed it down into one story for all and it got painful to level alts through the exact same story i'd done a handful of times before.


KOTFE made it a hell of a lot worse. That story drags on and after the first 3 or 4 times it gets incredibly boring and I lost interest in some of my favourite characters as I couldn't face running those missions again.


The one plus it had, that kept me coming back, was the content was very solo friendly and i'm more solo centric.


I hear they are aiming at more group content in the future so i'll see what the next expansion is all about and then i'll probably drop it unless the main bulk is still solo friendly. I know, I know, MMO's and groups ... I hear it a lot ... may surprise people to know that a hell of a lot of people play MMO's solo. We play them for the persistent worlds not available in single player games. We always have something to do. We just play at odd times that makes it hard to find groups consistently so we like to play alone.


If this game is moving away from that then i'll stick to my other MMO's. I don't mind either way, SWTOR would need to have constant story missions pumped into it for me to have a long term interest in sticking around and that doesn't seem possible. They can't do class stories anymore so my faith in the game evaporated a long time ago. It's more of a filler now.

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If this game is moving away from that then i'll stick to my other MMO's. I don't mind either way, SWTOR would need to have constant story missions pumped into it for me to have a long term interest in sticking around and that doesn't seem possible. They can't do class stories anymore so my faith in the game evaporated a long time ago. It's more of a filler now.

I'm curious...what MMO are you playing (or have you ever played) that delivered more story content than this game? SWTOR spent almost 2-full years on nothing but story content...if that didn't satiate you, what does?

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EA, not Bioware, has the rights to Star Wars...so no matter what happens, it'll be an EA entity. Bioware is where the mistakes with this game were made and continue to be made. Do you really think EA gives a flip what WZ comms convert to? Do you think they care if CXP is Legacy based or not? You think EA demanded RNG gearing? EA doesn't give a flip, as long as Bioware brings in more than they demand, they can do whatever...but there's a very good reason EA didn't ask Bioware to develop the next online Star Wars game.


But when you say online game does that mean big, immersive, multiplayer, or just another Facebook style clickfest?

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