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Why is everyone wanting all companions back


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There's no way all LI's would fit in the 9 chapters, size and most likely not suitable for story. I don't see how companions like Andronikos or Mako would fit in.


Unless they tie in somehow with the Uprisings or some big deal with the core worlds rallying to the Alliance cause, that's about the only way I can see them fitting in a diverse group of companions.

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That's not exactly true, maybe on their own planet where you get them from, but other than that, they have little to no impact on the actual story line. Unlike Lana, theron and Koth.


Your companions would just kind of disagree or agree with whatever and not have much of a real opinion. Not something like Koth leaving because you made a poor decision, etc.


The only thing your companions had was their side story and if your Li was your very first companion, you'd get to do extra stuff.


that's like, your opinion man. I want the important companions to have a role. Scourge, Kira, Nadia, Mako these companions added more depth to the story I went through in 1.0 than the current main cast in 4.0. I'm not talking about the plot driving actions Lana/Theron/etc. take, I'm talking about how they build the games world through story.


In fact, I still think it's garbage that the new cast is driving the Emperor story and not Scourge who has been part of his story since the Revan novel. Scourge was the most important comp in the game and he's not been mentioned. abysmal follow through there.

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that's like, your opinion man. I want the important companions to have a role. Scourge, Kira, Nadia, Mako these companions added more depth to the story I went through in 1.0 than the current main cast in 4.0. I'm not talking about the plot driving actions Lana/Theron/etc. take, I'm talking about how they build the games world through story.


In fact, I still think it's garbage that the new cast is driving the Emperor story and not Scourge who has been part of his story since the Revan novel. Scourge was the most important comp in the game and he's not been mentioned. abysmal follow through there.


Scourge should have been all over SoR -and- KotFE. I can understand why he wasn't much in SoR because they dialed companion dialogs down to 0 in that xpac and it wouldn't have been fair to all the players that didn't roll knights, but in KotFE? My only guess is either they couldn't get the Voice Actor (he's busy) or someone figured he and Marr were too redundant.

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that's like, your opinion man. I want the important companions to have a role. Scourge, Kira, Nadia, Mako these companions added more depth to the story I went through in 1.0 than the current main cast in 4.0. I'm not talking about the plot driving actions Lana/Theron/etc. take, I'm talking about how they build the games world through story.


In fact, I still think it's garbage that the new cast is driving the Emperor story and not Scourge who has been part of his story since the Revan novel. Scourge was the most important comp in the game and he's not been mentioned. abysmal follow through there.


It's not really an opinion, it's not like I wouldn't like some companions to ce back in the story, there's just too many to fit in 9 chapters. And with the theme of them, many just don't fit.


When you read the names of the chapters, where would someone like mako or Andronikos for in exactly? I'm quite curious as I can't see it.

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Because they have storylines to them that are far superior to what we get now.


I will never forget how I got my first companion and later M1-4X.

I was like, what? I can have companions? Fighting with me having a personal kind of story that's way better than stupid fight pets in DAOC or WoW. I will never forget this moment.


SWTOR was awesome MMO when solo and group play was both an option ...

Edited by KnightOfTython
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Some people spent 4 years in this game with their original companions and built a personal story for their characters and their crews. (It's an RPG, after all.)


The nameless, storyless flood of companions we got with 4.0 could never compete with that.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Yeah I agree that there is a continuity with the original companions many miss, but also there is the achievement aspect. If you have lost your companions before you have gotten the 1000 kills on all of them for example, is it possible to still get those achievements without rolling a new toon to accomplish that? I'm not sure myself as I personally have not used the terminal on Odessen to request my original companions, so I do not know what effect that has on this if any. Edited by Vigilanis
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If you have lost your companions before you have gotten the 1000 kills on all of them for example, is it possible to still get those achievements without rolling a new toon to accomplish that? I'm not sure myself as I personally have not used the terminal on Odessen to request my original companions, so I do not know what effect that has on this if any.

Yep, still possible. Terminal doesn't mess that up. Also you can get the achievements when playing a character who the companion isn't usually tied to, i.e. you can get the achievement kills using the BH companions while playing a JC.

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Kind of a silly OP, most of us have some kind of connection to a companion, often the first one, but not always. I miss Nadia, she was my consular's BFF and none of the others have grabbed my attention the same way. I do take Vette along now, but damn if I wasn't unhappy that she couldn't use an assault cannon all the time.
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Why is everyone wanting all companions back

I don't want ALL companions back, just the ones I was married to or were my main companion. Some, like Kaliyo for my IA have already come back. Some, like Kira, who is the wife of one of my JKs, haven't shown up yet.

Another thing is that (if I recall) few of the good looking human companions have come back yet.

(In one case, I used the terminal in Odessen Alliance base to get Jaesa back early - but I didn't get them all back).

Edited by JediQuaker
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Some people spent 4 years in this game with their original companions and built a personal story for their characters and their crews. (It's an RPG, after all.)


The nameless, storyless flood of companions we got with 4.0 could never compete with that.


This post sums it up perfectly.


I want the companions I grew to care about over 5 yrs back. Please and thank you.

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This is my very same case. I want back all my love interests, thats it, and some lets say "special" companions like Scourge. They brought some love interests back but definitely not enough, and however they added a metric TON of new companions. Imo they should add the original ones back or at least the love interests, they are much higher priority than just random folks nobody is attached to.




Agreed. At the very least the main love interest companions should be returned and it would nice to not be railroaded into taking a specific companion in the new chapters.


I for one miss bending Jaesa over every table that comes within my field of vision.

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Two reasons, mainly:


1. I want to play with them during the story. I miss having my favorite companions be the ones in cutscenes with my character, making comments . . . playing the new story content with them. I don't want Koth and Lana; I want Andronikos and Ashara. The new KotFE companions feel more like "guests" to me, because they are so uncustomizable.


2. Biggest reason: I want them on other characters. For example: I thought Lord Scourge was awesome, but my Knight, not so much. So I want to get Lord Scourge for one of my other characters that I feel is lacking in the "awesome companions" department.

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I couldn't care less about all the newfags in my alliance. I need my original crew. People my character initially recruited, interracted with, built personal relations with. They are part of my craracter's story and, essentially, personality. Edited by Frenesi
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Scourge should have been one of the first people we went looking for. If my character is a JK...I am well aware that Scourge is out there, and that Scourge KNOWS the Emperor...has spent 300 years with the Emperor thus has quite the insight on them. Why the heck would I not make it a priority to track him down?

Even a pure lightside JK has earned Scourges undying respect as a warrior and as someone who doesn't waiver in their discipline and beliefs (if you wobble between dark and light Scourge actually even admits to losing respect for you, and if you go pure darkside he mentions you would make a good Sith but also has a hard time fully respecting you as you lack honor).


Even if you are not a JK, Lana is aware of him being out there. His betrayal of the Emperor is well known by the time of SoR...so...why didn't she even bring him up? Scourge's hatred for the Emperor isn't a secret by any means and anyone connected to Imperial Intelligence (of which Lana was made the new head of a rebuilt one at the end of SoR) she'd of learned about him in some way or fashion.


Why would such a resource not be a focus of at least a chapter?


Of course, my belief is they put off giving us Theran and Holiday specifically because Holiday is going to replace Scorpio and maybe even tinker around with the code inside of the Gemini shell to get her own body...and Theran being an exotech specialist means the two of them make Scorpio look like a toaster oven.

So I suspect we'll see Theran, Holiday, and Scourge in the expansion if they are even remotely aware of the companion stories and how they could play into all of this. Either this expansion or the next, as those three could have huge impacts on the tale. More so than any other right now anyway.

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I know some love those old companions. They were our first group and some might have an attachment to them.


For me, companions are now so generic and a dime a dozen that I no longer care.


I picked a companion (at the time one I thought BW would never take away - so non-story companion), leveled it up and was done.


I lost interest in companions with how they were changed. So now I see them as nothing but little pets for me to get the job done. As long as I have one leveled up. Forget the rest.

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Honestly? I play almost exclusively solo, so it's nice to have my favorite companions on call. Adds to the story immersion and gives an otherwise lonely game a bit more life.


I can call them back after chapter 9, but it's not the same. I don't know why. It sounds silly to say, but it has something to do with immersion. It's sort of like using cheat codes.

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It's likely that the vast majority don't care if every single companion comes back, but you can bet that every single companion has some people that would like them back (even if only to kill).


Pretty much this. Not everyone wants all companions, but all companions have someone who wants them back, so as a result, all companions should return.


I still haven't given up completely on SCORPIO, either. She's an original companion, and after playing through another agent story, I think it's still possible to get her back, and in a less awkward manner than Quinn. We were forced to keep Quinn after the Quinncident, we should get the choice to take SCORPIO back, too. :p

Edited by KyaniteD
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Some of us just want the Love Interests and special companions like scourge back.

For my Bounty Hunter (that I have played since early access in 2011), Mako is as much a part of his story as every other companion combined.

I am sure many other players feel the same way about some of their companions as well.

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why? I haven't used a single original returning companion since I got the new ones its neat using a different on on each and every toon


Because everyone is different and they like something different. Some may like the new ones and want some that some of us don't like but that's their choice and some would rather have our old companions back whether or not we even romanced them.


People are different and maybe that is why.

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The reason BW took away our original companions had nothing to do with the 'story' (because that 'story' does not make sense whatsoever) or creativity, imho. I feel this was solely motivated by budget. It is cheaper to develop and maintain companions that are basically one and the same character, but with different skins. Same goes for the player character: it no longer matters which class one plays. I don't really hold this against BW, because they have to work within the budget that is available to them, Unfortunately this budget does not allow for stories of the quality of the original class stories.


My two main reasons for wanting the original companions back are: 1) I've played with all those crews for about 4 years and they've all grown on me (I guess other and certainly newer players may feel very differently about this) and 2) I consider the new companions, including Lana Beniko and Theron Shan, complete and utter garbage. The other throwaway companions that were introduced in KotFE are, if possible, even worse.


All this is a very personal opinion. My subscription runs out before the launch of KotET and I will only return to the game when the original companions return (not through the Odessen terminal), so probably never :)

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