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Guys playing girl characters.


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Femshep would like to have a word with you.




And Ripley.


And Kerrigan.


And Morrigan.


And Sylvanas.




And Diana Carter. (Wonder Woman)


And Trudy Chacon. (****** female pilot, Avatar)


And Sara Connor. (Terminator)


And River Tam. (Firefly)


And Jennifer Susan Walters. (She Hulk)


And Jenette Vasquez (Alien)


And Galadriel (LotR)


And Alice (Resident Evil)


And Kara Thrace (BSG)


And Lt. Susan Ivanova (B5)


And Capt. Carolyn Fry (Pitch Black)


And Leeloo Dallas (Fifth Element)


And Yu Shu Lien (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)


+ too many to name from books and comics.


So... yeah. In my make believe fantasy worlds women kick a lot of ***. They are tough, brave, heroic, and unstoppable. Just like my female trooper.


Free world. If you don't see it that way, then that's your perogative. Might want to get your perception of women checked out with your local mental health practiioner, though.


Just don't stand in my way... I got asses to kick. :-)




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Where as I don't understand the "I'd rather look at a girl's butt" argument (they're polygons, they're of nil sexual value one way or the other), I couldn't care less if a dude wants to play a girl character.


Personally, when a create a character I want to be the largest most destructive looking force possible. I want to be as ugly as possible, I want to be disgusting and vile. Female models are never disgusting, ugly or vile enough.


All my characters in SWTOR are male body 4.

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Please ... no hate... my first MMO was WoW and I have scratched it off for SWTOR. I used to play a male Tauren druid as I am a male in RL. Back then in vanilla WoW, taurens took up a lot of screen and as a druid a lot bear butt was to be seen. I got annoyed at pvp trying to click tiny toons on the opposing faction.


So... now I generally roll a female of the smallest toon I can find ... I just like the less bulkiness of the female toons when looking around on my screen, but don't want to give up the 3rd person pt of view.




You realize the males in this game can be stick figures, right? :p

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I find it a pretty disturbing idea to begin with that the immediate association to encountering a woman on the internet is either flirting or just flat-out sex. Gods, we're just people trying to enjoy a game, I'd like to have at least one getaway place where my gender isn't immediately associated with my sexuality.

It's such a hurtful phenomenon. All this 'many men online roleplaying girls' stuff is ridiculous and only helps perpetuate the line of thought that a woman who *does* play online games is somehow rare and exceptional and should be flooded with creepy approaches.


It shouldn't matter at all who's behind the avatar, but it also shouldn't be the default assumption that it's a guy, that minimizes and trivializes the presence of women on games and makes it even more scary to talk about your real identity with guildies and friends.


Never underesimate h0rny nerd lust, 40 year old virgins and sexually repressed star wars fantasy sex orgys, in fact, I'd have a dig at Bioware for catering to their market by making every female in the game have a huge chest! I mean I'd do 99% of the birds in SWTOR...



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I am a woman and I always play male characters in mmorpgs. They look better, imo. Especially mine, whom I create to be extremely cute.


Ah, if you could only see my sith inquisitor. I'd make him my avatar on this site, but alas, the people who built this thread only allow you to use their avatars. Which completely sucks.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


I figure I'm going to be staring at my character's butt for hundreds of hours in the game. I'd rather be looking at a female then. :rod_evil_g:

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Women generally don't cause physical harm like men do.


Women get inside of your head, make you turn against yourself, and suck every bit of life you have out of you, all the while making you think you are doing this to yourself, and if the news taught me anything, it is then, and only then, that they will try to light you on fire or cut your sack off when you sleep.


sounds kinda sith like to me

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Where as I don't understand the "I'd rather look at a girl's butt" argument (they're polygons, they're of nil sexual value one way or the other), I couldn't care less if a dude wants to play a girl character.


Personally, when a create a character I want to be the largest most destructive looking force possible. I want to be as ugly as possible, I want to be disgusting and vile. Female models are never disgusting, ugly or vile enough.


All my characters in SWTOR are male body 4.


Quite frankly, I think the polygons are at least mildly sexy to look at. Not sure what the value of something nice to look at is for you, and perhaps you don't care for the beauty of a virtual world. I like it however, and that's why I do it. It's amusing when my fiance gives me crap for it though. My opinion differs from yours, neither of us is wrong.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


I think for you to care enough that you make a thread about it is creepy and says all that needs to be said about you.

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Ah, if you could only see my sith inquisitor. I'd make him my avatar on this site, but alas, the people who built this thread only allow you to use their avatars. Which completely sucks.


This is really odd, as the Dragon Age forums (same company) have the option of importing your face as a forum avatar.


As for gender choices, I don't care one way or the other. I first created a male smuggler and then a female inquisitor a week later. Ended up playing the inquisitor more simply because I found the story (and voice acting) more interesting.

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Spoken like a man who's never seen the absolute f'ing destruction a pissed off woman can unleash. ;)


Where as it's true that a woman can become a cloud of fury and destructive rage, it's also more show than anything.


Eventually, if angry enough, a woman steps over that line where she attacks your genitals or tries to wield a weapon and despite all the bluster and fury, one stiff hook is about all it takes to make all that bluster and fury get really quiet.


I've only had to hit a woman once in my life for swinging a knife at me, as despite that she looked terrifying when she was conscious, she was a lot less frightening once she was taking an enforced floor nap.

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I don't think it gets any creepier IMO than playing a girl character in an MMO when you are a guy in real life.


I have always thought that and always will.


Why? You do realize this is a role playing game?


You're wrong, it gets creepier when people with opinions such as yours start flirting with female avatars.

Edited by RThanues
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A female is awesome though. First character I played was a female smuggler. First of all, the voice acting is amazing, and second of all I just really like the contrast of it all. The smuggler is "supposed" to be a hot shot guy who has all the ladies falling over him. Okay, so lets take that, put a female there, and see what happens.


To me, it puts a whole other dynamic on it. Most of my toons are females because I love that relationship between what is supposed to be and what actually is. I think it's interesting.

Edited by RaynnMothman
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I don't think it gets any creepier IMO than playing a girl character in an MMO when you are a guy in real life.


I have always thought that and always will.


I'm guessing you hit on one and found out it was a guy? That's understandable but your own fault.




Where as I don't understand the "I'd rather look at a girl's butt" argument (they're polygons, they're of nil sexual value one way or the other), I couldn't care less if a dude wants to play a girl character.


Personally, when a create a character I want to be the largest most destructive looking force possible. I want to be as ugly as possible, I want to be disgusting and vile. Female models are never disgusting, ugly or vile enough.


All my characters in SWTOR are male body 4.


If you don't find the female form sexy, then that's fine. Personally I do, rather it be in the flesh, a statue, a drawing, or game model.. That's not why I create female characters however, but still I can't say I don't see the form they represent. I'd have to be blind.

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I don't think it gets any creepier IMO than playing a girl character in an MMO when you are a guy in real life.


I have always thought that and always will.

Because that clearly means we're here to find gay lover partners or something...?


I find nothing creepier than anyone who wants to hit on a female toon IG? Why would you? If that's what you want, go play SecondLife...

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They're as valid as any other pixels you find on the internet. I don't see why computer generated pixels should be an exception to anything. :p


I just find polygonal bodies about as sexy as I find polygonal food delicious.


It's not real, hence it's incapable of creating physical emotions in me.

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I don't think it gets any creepier IMO than playing a girl character in an MMO when you are a guy in real life.


I have always thought that and always will.


Using that logic, playing Metroid and Phantasmagoria is creepy. Reading Chuck Pallahniuk's (spelling?) "Diary" is creepy. Watching Alien, Monster, and any other movie with a female protagonist is creepy.


If you can't separate between RL and a bunch of pixels... Sorry mate but you're the one with the problem.


The only exception to this is if the guy playing the girl avatar is actually trying to pass off as a girl... Then yes I agree that's creepy.

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