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Guys playing girl characters.


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I've never found it odd until this game. Most of the time, in MMOs, the sex of the character is irrelevant. However, in this game, where you get choices to flirt with the opposite sex, choosing to play as the opposite sex kind of makes it odd. If that's your thing, awesome, or if you are straight and it still doesn't bother you, awesome still, but if not, you're kind of limiting your dialog choices.



This limitation is based on the devs, they are going to implement same gender romance, thought it's not a priority.


So those playing female characters get to still flirt. (Even if it's just with their companions)

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Guys playing female toons is fine but It creeps me out when they try to make you believe they are girls especially when you find out they aren't. That said I am a male and only play male toons, just my preference.


If at any time someone appears to be hitting on me or way too nice I stop and let them know I'm a guy. Some are still really nice, some are like oh and they no longer want to run me through instances

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Guys playing female toons is fine but It creeps me out when they try to make you believe they are girls especially when you find out they aren't. That said I am a male and only play male toons, just my preference.


Yeah, now that is creepy. When I am playing my female alt, I make SURE to tell people that I am a guy playing a girl toon.


Because I have been hit on by guys thinking I was a girl playing that toon. Lol, so I started putting up the flag real quick these days... :)

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Well, since this is a role playing game, I try to take on the persona. I guess it's just hard for me to get into my character if I can't relate. Being a male, I obviously relate to males for than females and again, I like being able to choose the flirt option. I'm not a homophobe or anything like that, I would just rather relate to my characters choices as if I were that character.


I hear ya. I don't really role play though I do have sort of a running narrative in the back of my mind while I play. I have a personality and story in mind for my character.

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If at any time someone appears to be hitting on me or way too nice I stop and let them know I'm a guy. Some are still really nice, some are like oh and they no longer want to run me through instances


once had that happen to me. told this dude that i too am also a dude. fker didn't stop hitting on me anyway.

Edited by stuw
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I've played girl characters.. Actually my most successful and prominent WoW character was a girl. Why? Eh, truthfully, because I wanted to make a blood elf and thought the females looked better than the males. Conversely I went to make a female sith here and thought they looked kind of stupid so scrapped it. Likewise I wanted to make a smuggler with a "girl in every port" type thing so made a dude there. might make a female jedi, but only really as an homage to my WoW character.


I have no problems with dudes playing as chicks... And while I realize I can never know this, the only thing I would say is if dudes that do this (such as myself, even if on occasion), either be upfront that you are a dude, or at worst don't give any inclination to your gender (i.e. generic genderless replies). Because truth be told, if I was grouping with a female character who was acting super female-like and found out it was a dude, I'd be pissed and pretty grossed out... hence my guild knows I'm a straight male and just playing the female belf because I thought the male ones looked stupid.

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I choose flirt whenever I can as a girl, mainly because I want to see how the person I'm talking to reacts. Kinda the same thing I do when I'm playing my trooper, I'll pick the meanest things to say because I like the tone she has when saying them.


Again, awesome for you. I'm just not into it. Hence my choosing male characters. Plus, as others have stated, it's annoying to have to say "I'm a dude" to get other players not to be all flirty with you. I played a night elf priest in WOW once and that got really annoying.


It's also annoying when people get all offended when I refer to their character as a "she". If you're playing a female toon, you really don't have the right to get all mad and offended when I say "We're waiting for BLANK, she'll be right here.".

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I am with the OP that I try to make a bad*** looking character...the one you would avoid if you saw him on the streets....


but I can tell you, the most dangerous character in the universe is a woman who is focused on a particular goal, and will not stop until she achieves it.


Female IA FTW.

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Again, awesome for you. I'm just not into it. Hence my choosing male characters. Plus, as others have stated, it's annoying to have to say "I'm a dude" to get other players not to be all flirty with you. I played a night elf priest in WOW once and that got really annoying.


It's also annoying when people get all offended when I refer to their character as a "she". If you're playing a female toon, you really don't have the right to get all mad and offended when I say "We're waiting for BLANK, she'll be right here.".


I'm talking about the quest cut scenes, not flirting with other people in the game lol

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I play female characters in games because I don't get to play one in real life.


+1 awesome LOL


I am a guy and I play both. Most of the time I name the female toon after my wife. The only people to ever really have a problem with a male playing a female toon are guys that like to hit on females in game.


Play what you want and have fun.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss

Worn out subject, regularly trolled on all MMO forums .. says more about the person asking the question than those who answer it.

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Because there's this utterly stupid underlying idea that for a man to take the role of a woman is a step down, somehow degrading his masculine identity. That he's somehow less of a person if he isn't constantly reinforcing his masculinity through everything he does, which comes hand-in-hand with the very ugly idea that women are lesser people.

This also ties with how being a gay male is viewed as being more like a woman than a man, thus not a human of equal value.


Welcome to sexism, it damages everyone.


Wow you looked at that deep, I'm impressed.


I figure these threads are started by guys looking to get a real life date out of a game, spending their time in front of a computer instead of asking the girl sitting next to him in class (or in the bar) out for a movie.


And yes I know people that have met in game and are now couples, good for them (we play the P&P version of Star Wars together).


Personally I play both, and I wonder about men who actually enjoy looking at a guys *** for hours on end and then attack guy for playing a girl and wanting to watch that instead...huh? really?


Usually it is the person pointing the finger that is the most guilty in order to hide their own self-percieved inadquacies. So OP let us know when you go the rainbow themed bar in your neighborhood, I've never been to one and I'll admit I'm curious. :p

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


I read the OP and my first thought was of FemShep/BroShep.


To me, FemShep sounds like a person who will face down ancient horrors beyond mortal comprehension without flinching, who has the capacity for absolute ruthlessness while being compassionate and caring and possessed of a sly sense of humor.


To me, BroShep sounds like a high school football coach.



In any case, yes, female characters can be totally ******. Also, women are hot. Men are not.

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