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Guys playing girl characters.


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I think the females look better in this game than the males. I played male chars (undead) in WoW and I'm a female, but I play females in this game because I think they look better (base model, in gear, animations, etc). I just play whatever is aesthetically pleasing to my eyes, I think that goes for most people.
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I play both men and women. I can do this for many reasons, aesthetics, storyline, character, voice actor (YAY Kath Soucie!).


I can understand people preferring to play the same sex, there's many reasons for that too.


Though I don't really get people who are actively against it and try to abuse and insult those who play opposite sex. About the only reason I can think for them is that they want relationships and/or ERP and just might have once found out they actually did it... WITH ANOTHER DUDE!!!! :eek:

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I honestly don't understand why it bothers people what gender they play in RPG story-driven games.


It's kinda odd because no other games does this pop up.


Guys play and buy Tomb Raider games right? I've never seen a guy that says "I can't play no game where I'm a chick." they buy it, play it.


When you are playing Street Fighter has there ever been someone who refuses to pick Chun-Li? Or any fighting game, I've never played against someone who only picks male characters.


It seems to only be a MMO thing.

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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


So you enjoy looking at a mans bottom for 200+ hours? Okay.

Edited by karcyon
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What are your thoughts on this... Personally, when I play an MMO i want to make the most bad *** character possible.. and a female character just doesn't fit that role for me. /Discuss


Trust me, females can be really bad ***... I have a RL friend who's a sprinter and kickboxer, and even though she's not built heavily she can kick the crap out of most guys I know - and run faster than all but one :eek:


More on-topic... I tend to roll female characters if their models and animations look better, not to mention the voice acting for TOR. And some classes just feel more fitting for females for whatever reason. My intended mains though are almost always male like me, simply because I can relate to the character more, and actually "be" the character much easier than if it was female.

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To be honest i play a female character and am a guy apart from i like the voice better then the male one i would rather sit and watch a female butt while playing than a males one :)


I dont see the problem with guys playing female characters

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I am a guy. I do NOT RP. I mostly play Female toons cause 90% of the time male avatars are not as nice looking as Female. I simply dont enjoy watching any of the male avatars I have been able to make and play in any MMO ever. And you spend hours on end looking at the same toon you want it too be nice looking. Well i do anyway.




Now in this game I have 7 char made. Of them all but 2 are female and the only reason those 2 are not is because of the names. My trooper Landfill not a female name. And my Smuggle Kiethstone. Again not a female name.




The only thing I have issue with people playing other gender toons then themselves is when they Role Play. On both sides of the fence if your going to RP play your own sex.

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My female trooper is gorgous and because I am a crap I get forgiven by all the men ....muwaahaha if only they knew I am 30 stone, (360lbs / 163KG ) sweat more than a Sumo wrestlers crotch, have skin as pale as snow and BO that would make a camels breath seem sweet.


Love ya boys....

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I usually tend to play what I like to look at for hours and hours, usually human males are boring in every game, so I'm often playing funny races like gnomes, lurikeen or hot red headed females; here on TOR I've got a beautiful red head sith juggernaut and an awesome dark fat mustached oriental Mercenary.
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Ah the good ol 'butt' remark- may I ask WHY you are staring at your characters butt AT ALL?

WHY?! Its a digital butt! It has no appeal! REALLY?!


Its a game bro, we know its not real :)

Its like asking why people change the background on their computers desktop... nobody sits there and stares at that either :p

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All of the female characters I'm playing in SWTOR is because to me they fit the story better to me. It's just a feeling I had and went with to make the story better in my eyes. Female Sith Inquisitor, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular and Trooper.


I will admit though the biggest factor in making a Female Trooper is the actress Jennifer Hale's voice. I have since the beginning of Mass Effect had a Femshep and have always felt that was what made the story for me in the game. And I have not been disappointed with her voice in SWTOR either.

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I play both, I really don't care.


I just want to add...the Female Smuggler is the best...funny comments...cool voice...lotta fun.

This ^


I have both male and female though this is the first MMO where my main is a female (currently a level 38 Gunslinger).

Edited by TheGuyver
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My main's a female character, just because the backstory I have in my head for her fits the role of a female character and much less that of a male character. Easy as that.


Then again, I would never give myself out for an actual female in this game, I'm pretty sure everyone that has played with me know I'm a guy.

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