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PvP and PvE Gearing in Eternal Throne


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What will the PVP gear system look like in KotET? Will it tie into GC, or is it something new?


There is no pvp gear system in 5.0, they are removing expertise from the game. We will use PvE gear that is only obtainable by a RNG based grind.

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So true... I did finally get 1 toon to max out the ships and get the achievements for it... Playing GSF on that toon vs a new one is just a shocking difference.


I can see why people don't stick with it, GSF has a learning curve and a gearing grind that is straight up. You just have to get slaughtered over and over and over for a long time before you become competitive.


Of course, I said all that a long time ago, and of course got laughed at by a whole bunch of people... who aren't playing the game anymore of course, because of a lack of players... Who's laughing now?


I went back to give GSF another chance.. I found it is exactly as you described... I played 3 matches and gave up.. I havent been back since

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So is the purpose of 5.0 to destroy thee entire community and hopes that the diehards will stay and this will somehow create so new community out of bad rap and terrible planning ? Seriously I am asking as I have herd no good coming from 5.0 only the shooting of a lame horse in the its good leg. I have been a quiet member of the community but everything I am seeing here really makes me things its time to just let go of it.


The legacy die hards like myself will probably be the first to leave. Based on the released information in its current form and the slow response to a lot of what I would call easy questions, a lot of us feel this is the last straw. We've stayed through all the bad changes in the past, but I think this will be what finally drives any legacy diehards from the game.

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A question I've asked in the pvp forum but I'll ask it here for more visibility. Will bolster be used in level 70 pvp to mitigate against the extreme variations in gear that will arise? Its used at max level now to account for players with a lack of expertise in their gear, given that this will not be an issue in 5.0 my assumption is that bolster will be completely scrapped for level 70 pvp but it would be great to get confirmation one way or the other.


I've also asked about bolster at lvl 70. No where have I seen an official statement saying it is being removed, but I'm seeing lots of people on the fleets, categorically saying it is being removed.

I got sick of saying to them it has not been addressed in any official communication. The arguments continue as I type.

Can we please have an official response.

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The gearing system in 4.X was absolutely crap and way too fast. You have usually 2 raids that drop the best gear not plenty of them. So for an average raidteam (like mine) it took weeks to progress to storymode, then hardmode....then the first boss of nightmare:) ..until our whole team was geared up.


But I agree, that it might be a pain in the *** to gear up new members..so what I would implement is, you have the galactic command thing running and 2 raids ( hopefully new ones but in this setup the newest ones/hardest ones) that drop no xp-points or whatever they call them but geartokens.


Think that would make a lot of the raiders happier....and the casuals too since they now have a way to get the really good gear: and things like hardmode fps etc have a purpose again. I like this stuff of group content , but there was just no reason do do it pre 5.0.


PS.: Sorry for my bad english

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I went back to give GSF another chance.. I found it is exactly as you described... I played 3 matches and gave up.. I havent been back since


I tend to do quite well on my main, I can win most matches with maxed out ships...


Tonight I was leveling one of my DvL toons, started at level 22, a few hours and switched off at level 41, the XP rate is "nice", but completely ruins the flow of the game. I miss the 1.x XP rates... you actually had to play the game...


I did 4 GSF matches tonight, managed to win 2, so got the daily and weekly done, along with the XP of the matches, gave me about 10 levels... That is the only reason to do them... :(


If they had made GSF legacy, I think it would have been a huge hit...

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So are these going to be like the old battlemaster bags? Just get stuff and hope to get the pieces you need


No, it's not that bad. The illiteracy here is just rampant. If we got 3 old battlemaster belts, we were screwed. Now if you get a 2nd belt, you can "disintegrate" (i assume similar to re-engineer) and get CXP refunded so that you're closer to earning the next crate, and so on. The extent to which this RNG is bad will depend on how much CXP we get for disintegrations, but ffs people, stop gnashing teeth over a system that is at least markedly better than the old PVP bags.

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I did not believe that I would see this day, when Bioware announces the implementation of cartel market rng system in the gear progression for pvp. Seriously, what are you guys smoking? I want that stuff too!

Why the hell is it a good idea to make pvp gearing or gearing in general to be based on rng? This is the same situation as pvp bags at launch.... I can already see it. I play dps classes and when I will force myself to grind few ranks, I will be given boxes and when I open them, I will receive tank stuff. Who cares that you can turn the crap into gc points and advance the rank further? Jesus christ do you even think about the creative decisions in this game?


Because advancing the rank further gets you to the next piece of gear. Whereas when we got a bad piece of battlemaster, we had to start from scratch.


No wonder Eric stopped answering us in this thread, 90% of it is making false equivalencies. Questioning whether we'll get enough cxp points out of unneeded gear is valid; a straight comparison to 1.0 pvp gear is not.


How many times have i gone on raids trying to get a set bonus piece and either lost the roll or had some lazy-eyed degenerate ninja it and log out? Now every single raid I go on gets me gear (good RNG) or much closer to the next gear (bad RNG converted into CXP points). It may be more or less of a grind than the old system. But it's not the same situation as pvp at launch, and if I were a dev i wouldn't waste my time answering people who've proven they can't read.

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No, it's not that bad. The illiteracy here is just rampant. If we got 3 old battlemaster belts, we were screwed. Now if you get a 2nd belt, you can "disintegrate" (i assume similar to re-engineer) and get CXP refunded so that you're closer to earning the next crate, and so on. The extent to which this RNG is bad will depend on how much CXP we get for disintegrations, but ffs people, stop gnashing teeth over a system that is at least markedly better than the old PVP bags.

A system that is slightly better than terrible is still terrible, and now we're debating the degree of how terrible this system will be. It's still going to be bad, we just don't know how bad. Pvp gearing in 4.x was the best they have ever had. Now they are taking it back to something akin to the worst gearing system this game has ever seen. We're going from awesome to definitely not awesome, possibly terrible. Am I supposed to be happy about this?


How many times have i gone on raids trying to get a set bonus piece and either lost the roll or had some lazy-eyed degenerate ninja it and log out? Now every single raid I go on gets me gear (good RNG) or much closer to the next gear (bad RNG converted into CXP points). It may be more or less of a grind than the old system. But it's not the same situation as pvp at launch, and if I were a dev i wouldn't waste my time answering people who've proven they can't read.

Join a guild and that becomes a non-issue. I've never bothered to run a PUG raid for that reason. I'm not a masochist haha. Not just gear, but people refusing to follow mechanics. Just a waste of time and energy.

Edited by teclado
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You realise how ironic your post is, right? Currently people with a full set of Expertise gear destroy everyone else regardless of class or skill.


I think perhaps you've taken the post out of context when you consider the gearing changes for 5.0. Currently top tier PvP gear (with expertise) is iLevel 208. Currently top tier PvE gear (without expertise) is 224. Bolster takes into account gear rating currently, and if PvE centric gear (no expertise) is above iLevel 190 (blues) it lowers the damage output / healing etc of that player to bring those players into line with the stats on PvP centric gear.


Essentially it is a failsafe to stop players with 224 PvE gear coming into PvP and destroying the players who only play PvP and can only get 208 PvP gear due to stat imbalances between the gear. When 5.0 is introduced, expertise is being removed from the game and all gear that currently has expertise will essentially be defunct as far as we can tell.


That means the previous scenario of players who have 224 PvE centric gear will be able to destroy those PvP players who have the current top tier PvP gear (iLevel 208) due to stat imbalances. That was the context of the post, and the question about how that scenario is going to be mitigated.


Even if the simple solution, of having a vendor to swap 208 PvP shells for 224 gear is in place, that would eliminate the problem for the majority of players who currently only PvP. It puts players on a level playing field going forward through 5.0 for all players of all types due to having access to the same top tier gear through playing the game normally as they would (assuming they are eligible for GC content).


So no, no irony in my post is intended, I think you may just have taken the conversation out of context. Hopefully that helps to clarify? :cool:

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I think perhaps you've taken the post out of context when you consider the gearing changes for 5.0. Currently top tier PvP gear (with expertise) is iLevel 208. Currently top tier PvE gear (without expertise) is 224. Bolster takes into account gear rating currently, and if PvE centric gear (no expertise) is above iLevel 190 (blues) it lowers the damage output / healing etc of that player to bring those players into line with the stats on PvP centric gear.


Essentially it is a failsafe to stop players with 224 PvE gear coming into PvP and destroying the players who only play PvP and can only get 208 PvP gear due to stat imbalances between the gear. When 5.0 is introduced, expertise is being removed from the game and all gear that currently has expertise will essentially be defunct as far as we can tell.


That means the previous scenario of players who have 224 PvE centric gear will be able to destroy those PvP players who have the current top tier PvP gear (iLevel 208) due to stat imbalances. That was the context of the post, and the question about how that scenario is going to be mitigated.


Even if the simple solution, of having a vendor to swap 208 PvP shells for 224 gear is in place, that would eliminate the problem for the majority of players who currently only PvP. It puts players on a level playing field going forward through 5.0 for all players of all types due to having access to the same top tier gear through playing the game normally as they would (assuming they are eligible for GC content).


So no, no irony in my post is intended, I think you may just have taken the conversation out of context. Hopefully that helps to clarify? :cool:


Yeah this is a temporary problem if you do zero PvE and level through PvP entirely. I can see PvP folks not wanting to get rolled by "raiders" left in the game while they level and gear a bit...


I am actually curious what their plans are for possibly converting the Expertise stat or something...


I might actually burn all those crystals on a PvE set just to have it for the 5.0 launch...I PvP and PvE both regularly but don't raid really...once in a great while.

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Hey folks,


As we talked about a bit on the stream, there are some gearing changes happening with Knights of the Eternal Throne. For starters, I recommend you read this thread where I have provided more detail on the changes. The purpose of this thread is to go over how these changes will impact PvE and PvP gearing. Here are some more of those details:

  • Expertise is being removed from the game.
  • Any color crystals which have Expertise on them will be converted to a new type of color crystal – Mastery.
  • There is no longer an Expertise requirement to get into Ranked Warzones, this will be replaced with a Valor requirement.
  • PvE and PvP will share the same gear in Eternal Throne.
  • Crystals and Warzone Commendations will also be phased out in Eternal Throne, we will have more details on our conversion plans in the coming weeks.

That covers an overview of how the changes will impact PvP and PvE gear in Eternal Throne. Please let me know of any questions you may have and I will work with the team to get you answers.




I have a seriouse question - iam a pvp player and i hate pve and ranked pvp fights, i see that this game treats pve much better than pvp (just check how pve guilds through pve activity get much more conquest points even on PVE planets) so, won't pve players have an opportunity to get the best gear through pve than pvp player through pvp? I don't want to be killed on warzones by pve players just because pve activity gives more crates with best gear! I hope you will treat pvp and pve activity equal? So both pve and pvp players coould get the best gear approximately during same period and wont force pvp players to do pve for best gear...because conquest system is a total fail and pve gives much more points than pvp even on pvp planets....

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Join a guild and that becomes a non-issue. I've never bothered to run a PUG raid for that reason. I'm not a masochist haha. Not just gear, but people refusing to follow mechanics. Just a waste of time and energy.


Why in the name of Warwick Davis's itchy fur suit should I have to join a progression raiding guild to get geared up to do the hardest content I am capable of doing? I'm just not that interested in progression raiding, and I like my casual social guild.


I'm not even talking NiM-level gear - right now I'm at the mercy of gear rolls to get story-mode gear. Why is my fun depending on the ability to talk 7 other people into letting me have the rewards, or dicing off against them.

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They're going to have to "touch" every piece of PvP-statted gear to remove the Expertise anyway, just like they did when they collapsed Crit and Surge and all primary stats into mastery. I expect that when 5.0 drops, everyone will log in and find that their PvP gear is statistically identical to SM (PvP 204) or HM (PvP 208) PvE gear. All through the magic of back-end database changes.
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I'm not even talking NiM-level gear - right now I'm at the mercy of gear rolls to get story-mode gear. Why is my fun depending on the ability to talk 7 other people into letting me have the rewards, or dicing off against them.

I'm assuming that Story Mode raids will still have bolster so that whatever the 5.0 equivalent of 190 crystal gear will be "good enough". If that's not the case... that would be hilariously bad.

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I'm assuming that Story Mode raids will still have bolster so that whatever the 5.0 equivalent of 190 crystal gear will be "good enough". If that's not the case... that would be hilariously bad.


Yes, that was confirmed by musco

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I'm assuming that Story Mode raids will still have bolster so that whatever the 5.0 equivalent of 190 crystal gear will be "good enough". If that's not the case... that would be hilariously bad.


I'm not going to repeat my rants about the inaccessibility of set bonus gear to solo players. Even more relevant now that they are adding difficulty modes to pure-solo content, and that TEC (and to a lesser extent HSF) exist.

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We did get a little bit of good news in yesterday's stream. Apparently, they really do read our comments. Instead of total RNG for the gear crates, based only on advanced class, causing dps to get tank gear, they are changing it to give gear based on your toon's current spec.


That's a good thing. And it happened only because the player base pointed out a huge flaw. We'll done, folks!


We also got confirmation that the armorings will be removable, making gearing mirror classes the same as it is now. Earpiece, implants, and relics excluded, as soon as one toon is geared, your other mirror toons will be as well, provided you have legacy main and off hands available.


I don't believe they will scrub the idea of RNG packs. Those things, as much as we all hate them, will happen. They have, however, demonstrated the ability to listen. What else should they listen about?


I wouldn't be opposed to command ranking being legacy bound, instead of per character.


I have lots and lots of toons. Lots. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the prospect of gearing them all.


I'm a pvp'er. The way gearing works for me now is pretty awesome. The moment I ding 65 on a new toon, I send myself ~30k warzone Comms, and ~3mill credits. Instant 208 fully augmented. It's a great world for an alt loving maniac, such as myself.


If command rank was legacy, instead of per toon, I wouldn't be able to gear as fast as above, but I'd not have to slog through however many levels of command ranks they end up settling on. The first time, yes. But not a couple dozen times. I'd still be slowly gaining set bonus gear, but at least it'd be the good stuff.


Since we can't even gain command xp with toons below 70, I believe this would be a wise and welcome qol change. This will make alt playing pvp'ers a bit more comfortable, and would also help the raiding community, allowing them to hop on a different toon, to fill a needed slot in a raid.



Love and respect,

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How are BioWare going to stop the hardcore PvE players coming into normal PvP and simply rofl stomping players due to better gear? Is Bolster going to adjust all players to the same level? Or are you just going to let this happen (it's one of the reasons why we have Expertise after all, to stop end-game raiders simply destroying PvP orientated players due to gear differences).


Has this issue been addressed? If so how has it been addressed?


Wait, i thought the hardcore PvPers said it was skill, not gear that really mattered. Are you saying the hardcore PvEr has more skill than the hardcore PvPer?

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Why in the name of Warwick Davis's itchy fur suit should I have to join a progression raiding guild to get geared up to do the hardest content I am capable of doing? I'm just not that interested in progression raiding, and I like my casual social guild.


I'm not even talking NiM-level gear - right now I'm at the mercy of gear rolls to get story-mode gear. Why is my fun depending on the ability to talk 7 other people into letting me have the rewards, or dicing off against them.


This guy gets it. I'm mostly a pug, because the amount of help i kept being asked for vs the amount of help i need in return was getting ridiculous. I don't want to have to join your awful guild.

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A system that is slightly better than terrible is still terrible, and now we're debating the degree of how terrible this system will be. It's still going to be bad, we just don't know how bad.


So now we find out that we can move mods from the dropped gear and that it'll be spec-specific. News keeps getting better all the time. Tell us more about all the terrible things that you don't actually know to be true yet.


We should be less about whining and more about calm feedback.

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So now we find out that we can move mods from the dropped gear and that it'll be spec-specific. News keeps getting better all the time. Tell us more about all the terrible things that you don't actually know to be true yet.


We should be less about whining and more about calm feedback.

And you conveniently overlook the fact that the gear dropping based on discipline instead of advanced class happened BECAUSE of people talking about it here on the forums



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