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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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Question .1 Can you possibly discuss in short where our coms will be converted to? Having 60k coms, i really hope they are converted to something like CXP. :D


Question .2 With CXP being gained faster with "ranked pvp" How do you guys plan on managing the servers with rarely any ranked activity? Are we forced to transfer or could you possibly balance the CXP gained from Unranked so that we still gain a hefty amount. Otherwise the feature is useless for some servers.



I know the hoping behind this, is that the ranked population gets much bigger and more people do it, so that they can get the maximum CXP, but i just don't see it happening :(

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What happens when you are max level and you Disintegrate loot crate items?


Since you keep "leveling" after hitting the cap, essentially just re-filling the final level bar over and over again to unlock more crates, I guess that's what disintegrating at max rank will do as well.

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Priority Ops will no longer exist. They are sort of replaced in that Operations can be the daily bonus, which will award bonus CXP for doing them.




There is a cap. When you hit the cap you continue to earn CXP and fill your bar so that you "level." When this happens and you are at the cap you will get a Command Crate but not level up.


No effect below level 70.




Eric since pvp comms are being removed will we get any thing for those comes or will we just have to spend them?

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Sure you can do operations to get gear still... but only indirectly now, the tokens are gone.


I'm not saying that I am a fan of this particular change, but as far as I understand the new system, if all you want to do is raid, you will still get the best gear that way, and potentially still faster than someone only doing story/singleplayer content.


You get Random gear, which for a raider is total bs, we do specific raids for specific gear pieces and now you can't even control that anymore, these changes they are doing make no sence, we have to level ourselfs up with this Galactic Command thing, which is something that doesn't interest me anymore, i come into game i raid and go out but now i am pretty "forced" to play more which is something i first of all don't have the time for and second, already done all the non raiding content so it's not interesting anymore, and with all the New player influx its going to take you half a day to finish a HM flashpoint..

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I do hope Eric that you guys are realising that you are giving the finger to Raiders right? As there is no real reason to raid anymore only for achievements and some ****** Decorations..


Now we can't even do Operations to get gear anymore? It's all linked to this Galactic command stuff.. Personally i am not interested in doing PvP, Flashpoints, Conq etc.. Only thing i enjoy about swtor is raiding and now i can't even get gear from them...


Congrats in pushing raiders away.

They said in the livestream that raiders will get CXP faster than other types of content. So you're still getting the best gear at a good rate, it's just others can get it too without stepping into a raid (albeit slower).


How much slower or faster, I don't think has been specified.

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Couple questions:


1. Will the gear we receive be transferable to other toons? So lets say we have a merc and a commando, can I share the gear between the 2 so I don't have to grind forever? As that is what I do now via legacy gear. If it is not transferable, will we be able to rip the mods out and put in legacy gear to accomplish the same?

2. What is happening with augments? Are they going to continue being a thing?

3. Any chance you'll make implants/earpieces/relics legacy bound as well? Would be nice not to have to get those for both sides as well...

4. Gear saver: could you please make it so we can save gear setups (and for that matter, general ui setups?) Some of us respec a lot, and being able to press a button to respec/regear would be really really nice. Making PVE and PVP gear the same is a good first step, but we'll still need to have 2 sets of gears for our tank/dps and heal/dps classes.

5. Any chance you'll move absorb/shield back to secondary stat, instead of defense being everywhere? Pretty sure that all the shadow/vanguard tanks out there will appreciate it...

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They said in the livestream that raiders will get CXP faster than other types of content. So you're still getting the best gear at a good rate, it's just others can get it too without stepping into a raid (albeit slower).


How much slower or faster, I don't think has been specified.


Well lets see then, just have my thoughts but going to keep them at that, first see how it is then we can argue about it.


We will see.

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Hey Eric, I know your favourite colour is purple and we're BFF's so I'd like some answers.


So first off I'd like to thank Eric and Co for the stream tonight.


We have some questions.


First of all, are you saying that end game gearing is now solo play based? So we play solo to get the BiS gear with no need for operations?


Is there any server merge / cross server planned after the initial flood - has this been discussed at all or is it a non topic?


Is expertise now a dead stat for PvP?


Where can we buy what you're smoking?


If you're free for another interview, well, that would be neat but I know you're a busy guy and I had one recently. It's just, this, this, this. Wow. It's just leading in to more questions. To be honest the main question I personally have is "has the person who had these ideas been sectioned recently".


Much love.




Why would you remove pvp gear? pve gear isn't the same as pvp gear, are you going to remove accuracy as well ? since we don't need it in pvp how am i going to min max stats? this is a joke right?

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To everyone complaining about non-subs being unable to do Galactic Command get the best gear - hello, non-subs can't do ops either now, without an ops pass. So it's the same difference for non-subs. Perhaps there will be weekly passes for GC in CM too, who knows?
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Hello Eric,,

Is there a timeline of how long it should take a hardcore player to reach 224 equivalent of gear in 5.0? Currently, if a raid team know what they are doing they could easily gear the whole team within 6-8 weeks. Also is min-maxing still possible since you seemingly cannot farm drops for mods and ehnacements?

Thanks for answering question Musco

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I don't know how these crates will work exactly but it sounds like RNG and I fear that it if you're unlucky you may take a while to get a complete set of gear together before being able to run HM ops for example. So you get left behind while other guildies who were more lucky are able to do HM content while I sit grinding whatever.


Can you say something about being able to reliably get a set of gear together that allows you to do HM content or will we get people shut out because they have bad luck?

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Well lets see then, just have my thoughts but going to keep them at that, first see how it is then we can argue about it.


We will see.

I hear you. I've got a number of concerns lurking in my subconscious. I'm curious to see what it will look like with more details.

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You get Random gear, which for a raider is total bs, we do specific raids for specific gear pieces and now you can't even control that anymore, these changes they are doing make no sence, we have to level ourselfs up with this Galactic Command thing, which is something that doesn't interest me anymore, i come into game i raid and go out but now i am pretty "forced" to play more which is something i first of all don't have the time for and second, already done all the non raiding content so it's not interesting anymore, and with all the New player influx its going to take you half a day to finish a HM flashpoint..


True, that is a valid point... they indeed took out the option to plan the gear progression.

I understand your frustration with this point completely, while on the other myself being happy to hear that I will eventually have the same kind of gear that up until now only at least semi-progress raid guilds could get... the reason for me liking that change is simple: I have a very dynamic schedule and simply cannot join a hard mode/NiM raid group that has fixed raid days... and without such a raid group it was so far pretty much impossible for me to just hop in spontaneously for a HM OP, let alone NiM, because even if those guilds were looking for an external DD, they immediately rejected me pretty much always just cause I wasn't 100% 224 equipped.


With the new system, even with my schedule, I will eventually have BiS gear and hopefully will have a better chance to finally do some NiM runs again (still would kill to finally get the Wings!).

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also, what happens to all current commendations? do they turn into points or just rendered worthless?


Current Commendations will be going away, we will have more details in the coming weeks on their conversion.


First of, are these random drops, that is to say that if I'm extremely unlucky I can't get the best earpiece for my char at all?

Secondly, are you saying that if a player grinds H2's for long enough he can get Nightmare gear?


  • Yup, the drops will be random. The item type is determined by your Advanced Class and the item rating is determined by your Command Rank (higher rank = higher item rating). Keep in mind that you can always earn more Crates and that you can disintegrate any duplicate or unwanted items into CXP to get your next Crate faster.
  • Yes. All end-game gear (level 70+) can be earned by doing almost any activity. However, someone doing Nightmare (Master) level Operations, as an example, will get there substantially faster than someone doing easy/solo content.

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Subbing apparently. It seems whole end-game gearing is now completly sub-exclusive, no work-arounds whatsoever


I wonder if their metrics were showing that a lot of players were playing as preferred status. So, this will either pull them back in as subs or drive them away forever?

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Hey folks,


One of the things we talked a bit about on the stream is that there are gearing changes happening with Knights of the Eternal Throne. This thread is meant to give you a few more details on some of the things that will be happening in KOTET, along with being a place that I can address questions or concerns you have with these changes. First, here are the details on how gearing will work at level 70:

  • Once you hit level 70, the source of end-game gear will be Command Crates from Galactic Command.
  • Most activities in the game will earn Command Experience Points (CXP), which will earn you Command Ranks. Each time your Command Rank increases, you earn a Command Crate.
  • The higher your Command Rank, the better gear that will drop from your Command Crates.
  • The highest difficulty Operations and Uprisings, along with Ranked Warzones are intended to be the fastest ways to earn CXP. This means they are the fastest way to get the best gear.
  • Both PvP and PvE gear will come from Command Crates. Their gear is now shared as Expertise is being removed (head to this thread to discuss PvP/PvE itemization specifically).
  • Gear will no longer drop from bosses as all gear will come from Command Crates. All cosmetic/unique drops will still remain on those bosses (Stronghold Decorations, Wings of the Architect, etc.).
  • Players will be able to craft comparable item level gear without set bonuses.

That should cover most of the basic changes coming to itemization in KOTET. I know this is a lot to take in, so please ask any questions you may have in this thread and I will work to answer what I can!






Musco what is with my Ranked Season 6 Tokens? I mean, with 5.0 rip pvp comms right? So what now?

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Hey Eric, I know your favourite colour is purple and we're BFF's so I'd like some answers.


So first off I'd like to thank Eric and Co for the stream tonight.


We have some questions.


First of all, are you saying that end game gearing is now solo play based? So we play solo to get the BiS gear with no need for operations?


Is there any server merge / cross server planned after the initial flood - has this been discussed at all or is it a non topic?


Is expertise now a dead stat for PvP?


Where can we buy what you're smoking?


If you're free for another interview, well, that would be neat but I know you're a busy guy and I had one recently. It's just, this, this, this. Wow. It's just leading in to more questions. To be honest the main question I personally have is "has the person who had these ideas been sectioned recently".


Much love.





I am completely shocked about this. This has got to be the worst thing i have seen you come out with todate. In my 5 years i have NEVER been so disgusted with upcoming updates such as this. You have just commited MMO suicide. Good job.

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Current Commendations will be going away, we will have more details in the coming weeks on their conversion.


What is happening to Warzone medpacks? Are those going away as well? How will they be bought? Same with color crystals and other non-gear items on the generic PvP vendor.

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