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Why Macros belong in TOR.


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This whole debate reminds me of history

When ignorant illiterate people use to burn books because they were perceived as evil

Like the people against macros they show little understanding of macros

I put this down to not being able to write macro themselves so

They don't want anyone to have them because if they knew how to write them

And how they function they would understand that there's nothing to fear

Edited by denpic
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I am sorry to post here about this, but I have not seen anything in the 'upcoming changes' which reflects the addition of macro's to the game system.


I was just wondering why you are chosing not to add them? There are simply too many buttons atm when tanking ect, your spamming a heap of buttons waiting on cooldowns generally between 2 buttons for each skillset (sunder/normal hit) (a couple big hitters) being able to join just those two alone would save on effort so I can bring the other buttons down the keybinding list and easier to use reactive moves.


I understand the hardcores and purists will shout this down as I am a noob ect, but in my old age and after 6 or so years of wow macro's, they are a convinence much like dungeon finder I would find quite enjoyable.


Thank you


On my guardian I use a hardware macro for slice and sunder

It will sunder then slice until sunder c/d is up

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Keep the cast sequence, mouse over, focus , etc macros out. Chat macros wouldn't hurt.


Keep them with the addons, the cross server LFG tool, and all the other crap that people think they need in every MMO just because WOW is the only one they've ever played and are used to... Out of this game.


Go play Rift if you want a wow clone with a different skin, the last game that was ruined by all the jonny-come-latelies that cried and cried until they got their "features"...


BW, go ask Trion how that all worked out. They drove off the players that were enjoying the uniqueness to cater to people who ended up leaving for the next WOW expansion anyways...

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This whole debate reminds me of history

When ignorant illiterate people use to burn books because they were perceived as evil

Like the people against macros they show little understanding of macros

I put this down to not being able to write macro themselves so

They don't want anyone to have them because if they knew how to write them

And how they function they would understand that there's nothing to fear


I write more code in a day than most have probably written in their lives...


I don't want macros...



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This whole debate reminds me of history

When ignorant illiterate people use to burn books because they were perceived as evil

Like the people against macros they show little understanding of macros

I put this down to not being able to write macro themselves so

They don't want anyone to have them because if they knew how to write them

And how they function they would understand that there's nothing to fear


I had never used macros before I played this game. I have a key pad and mouse that are both fully programmable with macros. It took me 10 mins to learn the basics of macros and about another 5 to implement them. In the end I only use 3, and all the involve ctrl+1 to ensure that my comp goes for the same target as my juggernaut otherwise he draws a lot of threat.


All i can see macros doing is stopping the high level characters from getting ripped apart from lower levels in PVP. It's not about being fair it's about winning at any cost.

Macros are the SWTOR equivilent of camping in COD.

They're not cheating, but they are cheap.

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Bottom line, macros, particularly in a PvP scenario and particularly in concert with focus, should be supported and available to those who wish to utilize them.




It gives too much of advantage to people with entirely too much time on their hands.

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I had never used macros before I played this game. I have a key pad and mouse that are both fully programmable with macros. It took me 10 mins to learn the basics of macros and about another 5 to implement them. In the end I only use 3, and all the involve ctrl+1 to ensure that my comp goes for the same target as my juggernaut otherwise he draws a lot of threat.


All i can see macros doing is stopping the high level characters from getting ripped apart from lower levels in PVP. It's not about being fair it's about winning at any cost.

Macros are the SWTOR equivilent of camping in COD.

They're not cheating, but they are cheap.


So if I'm using adrenals and reusable medipacks

"to win at all costs" that's perfectly fine its accepted practice in game not everyone uses them but it sure puts me at a greater advantage then somebody who doesn't


Whats the diff with macros


I have yet to see anyone give a decent reason as to them not being in game

Also by not allowing macros its limiting to the players and can only be bad for the game in the long run

Edited by denpic
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TLDR. but i blindly agree.


my argument is... got 35 keybinds.

half of which do similar things.

macros would fix that somewhat.


simple macros like:


if target is hostile cast X, if target is friendly cast Y.

or if skill X on cooldown, cast skill Y.

mouseover would also help a lot.


Edited by Apollonel
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It gives too much of advantage to people with entirely too much time on their hands.


Kind of like gear? Progression shouldn't be allowed either, amirite?


OT: I'd really love mouse-over functionality.


I'd also love a non-awful UI, but at least they're working on that.

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THis logic is terrible. It isn't cheating if the IU allows it. In WoW, macros are allowed, with rules. One example of such a rule is that there cannot be delays in macros. Another is that moves the reset the GCD can't be coupled into a single key stroke. These rules are enforced, simply, by not allowing the functionality in the UI. It's hardly cheating to make full use of a UI.


The purpose of macros is to maximize quickslot space. There are so many abilities that keeping them all efficiently arrayed across the available quickslot space is difficult at best. It's not such a big issue in PvE where mobs remain stationary. In PvP, where targets are constantly running around, the lack of macros is a killer.


In all honesty, I love TOR so far. That being said, I will definitely return to WoW and cancel my TOR sub if macros aren't implemented. Since all 3 other members of my family play together, I can't afford to pay for both games. I am primarily a PvP player and, without macros in TOR, WoW becomes by far the more entertaining game.



U are honoring ur nickname

I am not going to miss u

Have fun in WOW with ur little unicorns


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The game already is easy mode (gear based), if you need even more assistance than gear to beat somebody that's better than you....find a new game.


Not trying to be rude, but come on it's easy enough as it is.

Edited by Brimmer
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The game already is easy mode (gear based), if you need even more assistance than gear to beat somebody that's better than you....find a new game.


Not trying to be rude, but come on it's easy enough as it is.


I have 2 high level characters: jugg and sorcerer. I must say, the level of difficulty to play a jugg in pvp is far beyond the level of "faceroll" of a sorcerer because you have to manage many short cds. I was successful with my jugg in pvp but I abandoned my jugg simply because I did not feel like looking at my THREE FULL ABILITY BARS 1/2 OF THE TIME!!! I had to constantly look down at my bars to see what abilities are on cd or I would be mashing attacks on cd all day. I played a sorcerer alt and I couldn't believe how much more fun it was to be able to keep my eyes on the action. Macros would be great for the warrior to manage the plethora of abilities it has compared to a sorcerer (I have 1 1/2 bars filled and only about 7 pertinent abilities).

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The game already is easy mode (gear based), if you need even more assistance than gear to beat somebody that's better than you....find a new game.


Not trying to be rude, but come on it's easy enough as it is.


What the does this even mean easy mode gear?

So your perfect pvp would be based on gear that offered no stat increase

And you would never see any increase in output at max level

Sounds really boring


Also macros provide no advantage Over players that don't use them


For Example My hardware macro combines slice

With sunder it take 5 key Strokes to fully reset

Or after 5 seconds where's the advantage?

Edited by denpic
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macros would be nice, so i can have more control


or i can buy a 80$ mouse and do the same thing i suppose. and all of the macros i used in wow were simple ones, most of which were just targeting macros for pve.

Edited by Ryotknife
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macros would be nice, so i can have more control


or i can buy a 80$ mouse and do the same thing i suppose. and all of the macros i used in wow were simple ones, most of which were just targeting macros for pve.


i didnt know that the npc's could be so elusive

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The point isn't simply should macros be available it's what they actually mean. Give me 20mins and I'll write several Macros for my juggernaut that will run rotations depending on situations that will mean my basic 5 attacks are at least down to one button.


I'm no experienced MMO player, but you are asking for the one thing tht will kill a game aimed at the more casual player, the chance to ensure that newer players and those without the knowledge already can't beat you. As a Juggernaut and a Vanguard I have had no problems when it comes to PVP without macros, and so it seems do a lot of people. SO why do you need them? If it's just to make life easy, then what's the point, games are about being challenged and not about winning. When you figure that out you'll understand why macros aren't needed.

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The only macros I support in competitive play are Shift, Ctrl, and Alt modifiers that allow you to compact your abilities into more easily reachable keys.


Any other kind of macro creates an environment where you must use macros in order to be competitive (essentially, playing without them would be like playing without any gear on. If it becomes available, then it also becomes mandatory).

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The only macros I support in competitive play are Shift, Ctrl, and Alt modifiers that allow you to compact your abilities into more easily reachable keys.

Those are not macros, they are keyboard shortcuts redefined from the silly default ones. :)


I never play a game with the default 123... scheme for main abilities, that's hugely inconvenient.



shift+ qertfgzxcvbn

ctrl+ qertfgzxcvbn


There, that's 36 extremely reachable keyboard shortcuts, redefine those as your main three quickbar keys. I tend to redefine the 1234... and shift+ 1234... if there are more quickbars and use those for non-combat non-time-critical stuff like ports, crafting, longterm buffs, et cetera.

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Those are not macros, they are keyboard shortcuts redefined from the silly default ones. :)


I never play a game with the default 123... scheme for main abilities, that's hugely inconvenient.



shift+ qertfgzxcvbn

ctrl+ qertfgzxcvbn


There, that's 36 extremely reachable keyboard shortcuts, redefine those as your main three quickbar keys. I tend to redefine the 1234... and shift+ 1234... if there are more quickbars and use those for non-combat non-time-critical stuff like ports, crafting, longterm buffs, et cetera.


In TOR, they have keybinds (though I would prefer the ability to bind specific abilities instead slot locations).


In other games they do not have the same degree of binding options and thus you require macros to achieve the same result.

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