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Oct 7 full trailer is out


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Yeah it was just to late. Senya will be killed by Vaylin and its her fault you are the strongest knight of zaakul at that time second only to the emperor and you waited that long its on you. All those deaths are on Senya. Edited by adormitul
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Somehow, this trailer doesn't make me feel "like a hero" --- need a big boost to MY story to get me interested again --

trailer was lovely, just wished we'd seen a small tidbit of The Outlander this time around --- afterall. we are supposed to be the savior of the galaxy, right ? Or is it Arcaan ?

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Guess abandonment could mean trying to take her from there I think.


Alas, I've seen child abuse before and have a feeling that it's more of a "you let Dad institutionalize me in the first place!" thing.


Vaylin was 5 years old. She accidentally killed several soldiers loyal to her family. Senya was at a loss, her daughter had just committed manslaughter and those Knights may have actually been under Senya's command. Nothing like your 5 year old committing manslaughter of the men and women under your command.


Now Valkorrion is the linchpin of Zakuul society, he's the founder and political, economic, religious leader. An absolute monarch (who has practice with this from being the absolute monarch of the Sith Empire). Senya may be the mother of his children, but she is far from his equal. She's essentially a secret service agent sleeping with the president, he has all the power in the relationship.


So distraught and unable to do much, she lets him take her daughter away to a the Sanitarium (from hell). Vaylin has her powers suppressed by her father and the resultant damage to her personality sounds like someone who has been either forced onto a potent drug regiment, or had an involuntary prefrontal lobotomy.


That's a great way to treat someone who's accidentally killed loyal servants of her family at age 5! Cut her brain up!



For those of you who wonder, I don't think there's anything morally ambiguous about Valkorrion. He's a monster who enjoys playing family. Every scene he's in, I keep seeing him as the Trinity killer from Dexter. Same kind of "family" man.



So, after her Father takes her away from her mother, does *things to her mind*, has her beaten by his loyal soldiers, presumably blames herself for her torture because she accidentally killed those soldiers, is convinced her mother abandoned her, is convinced her mother doesn't love her because she killed mommy's subordinates... a year later Senya comes to save her.


And what happens? Well, maybe Vaylin hated her mother for letting this happen. Maybe she blamed her mother for the dead Knights - Senya was overseeing the sparring match. Maybe she hates herself and believes she deserves the torture from hell she's being forced through.


Maybe her father promised he'd undue the damage he did to her personality if she stayed - the way the Emperor of everyone in the trailer just appeared meant that he could have stopped that whole fight if he'd chosen.

This is the man she chose to stay with, the guy who let his ex-lover kill some of his zealots so he could prove a point. That the children were his, not hers. That they'd chosen father over mother.



Trust me, anyone who lets their men die to prove a point to their ex-spouse is nothing less than a monster.



So by the time we meet Vaylin in Chapter 1: The Hunt, she's had her power limiters broken for less than a year (her codex entry says that it was the event on Yavin 4 that broke the mental blocks).


Vaylin has been abused and psychologically manipulated from a sweet little girl into a homicidal mass murdering sadist who is convinced her mother abandoned her.


The "Betrayed" in the trailer title is 'Mother! Why did you let Father do all those terrible things to me!?! I was only 5 years old! Why Mother!?!'


And it breaks my heart to know that we're probably going to have to kill her.


Screw You Valkorrion.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Is it just my own impression :rak_02: or Valkoryon reminds us of Sir Anthony Hopkins and young Senya -in the "Betrayed" Cinematic Trailer- strongly reminds us of Liv Tyler?!?


What about Arcan and Thexan then? What about Empress Vaylin and Vaylin as a child?

Edited by cunctatorg
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According to the trailer, Senya pretty much let Valkorian have his way with Vaylin, only doing something about it after the damage had been done to her mind. So yeah, Vaylin is justified in her anger.




The trailer is called "Betrayed" and it ain't Senya who's been betrayed.


Mommy Senya let Daddy Valk abuse their daughter.


Child abuse is not a laughing matter (except on Family Guy).

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The trailer is called "Betrayed" and it ain't Senya who's been betrayed.


Mommy Senya let Daddy Valk abuse their daughter.


Child abuse is not a laughing matter (except on Family Guy).


Yeah, I sort of hope we can join forces with Vaylin. because honestly, that trailer made me view Senya and Vaylin in an entire different light.

Edited by cool-dude
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That is pretty much the case. We are there to have some minor influence over the story and help it play out. Though, I really do like this story. The family aspect is great - very Star Warsey - and I look forward to seeing what happens next. I do have one issue, though, and that is that the replay value is very lacking. After I did the last story with a light and dark character, it gets a little old. The class choices don't ever seem to change much besides play style. Edited by DarthGuru
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I agree.


One Problem with the story is that it is not a good story for a game... it would be a great movie. Family Drama makes for a good family movie. But in a video game, the PC needs to be at the center of everything, and the story needs to revolve around the the character we play. Which is weird, considering our character is wielding Valkorian's power, and is more powerful than even Vaylin at this point.

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Ugh. So sick of this story being about some NPCs rather than the player.


I can't believe this fantastic Star Wars saga has devolved into a story about a dysfunctional family of spoiled brats.


This is the best you guys have to offer?

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The trailer is called "Betrayed" and it ain't Senya who's been betrayed.


Mommy Senya let Daddy Valk abuse their daughter.


Child abuse is not a laughing matter (except on Family Guy).


For me it was not about Senya's betrayal of her daughter, it was mostly about Valcorion's betrayal of his daughter and wife.


How many kids have you encountered who never ever had a tantrum, or never cried or never promised to do something terrible then they have been annoyed, unhappy or angry? Same with Valyn. “Gay, innocent and heartless” - like all children are. And with a power to crush things and people by looking at them funny.


Remember that story about a guard that failed to catch a ball? I am sure that Valyn have not meant to cripple him and it was a result of her being a small child... But the guard have been hurt. Who knows how many other people suffered then Valyn had to eat healthy food. Or go to bed on time. Or could not play with mother, because mother have not been around.


I think that Senya had no idea how to deal with it, but she did try. She have not gave up. She tried to teach Valyn not to rely on Force so much, hence the “use your hands” scene and she managed to get some results – hence the reaction. But the reaction was more of the “mother is angry at me for using the Force” not the “mother do not like me using Force to kill left and right”.


Probably Senya was expressing her worries about her little sweet girl having this outbursts to her husband. Who else? Do not forget that man she knew and fell in love with have not been showing his Vitiate side on Zakuul. So, then her husband said something along the lines that their sweet little girl need to learn to control her emotions and he knows people who can teach her that... Is it such a surprise Senya believed him? I do not think Senya knew WHAT Valky had on his mind.


Then Senya starts having that visions. She rushes to find out if it's true, if her baby girl is suffering, if her husband really chose to “lobotomize” the problem child instead of finding a way to help, but it's too late. And of course Valyn is angry. And of course she blames her Mom.


P.S. I do care about Nathema armor more then about that family drama. And Valyn is just a Thana Vesh on steroids for me.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Betrayal here goes with a question mark, a bold one; it isn't clear who betrays who and perhaps there isn't any betrayal at all ... unless Vaylin -as a manifestation of the mankind- is betraying herself!



That said, I keep watching Vaylin's immense strength in the Force, and her obvious Hysteria (her hysteria is clearly interconnected with both the manifestation and the magnitude of her Force powers and also with her passion for life) as creative influences from the X-Men Saga and particularly the Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix character!


However there is more at this Galaxy far-far away and one of these extra elements is her interaction with her mother and her very father, particularly with her mother.

There isn't such a (Star-Warshy) element at Jean Grey's saga. Of course there is the father figure of Professor Xavier and the profound (though latent) love for Wolverine but there is neither the angle of view of one all powerful father (as Valcorion is) nor the interaction with her mother ... or another also strong female figure and particularly her very mother.


That also said, two more remarks...

The main female character of the SW:TOR;BotE webcomic is (or rather seems to also be) influenced from Jean Grey as Exal Kressh is another case and manifestation of hysteria though (imho) an extremely profound one.

Imho, this artistic treatment of the hysteric and lethally dangerous heroine is a recurrent topic in American (or more?) culture and it reflects (imho) a universal awe in front of the vast potential, both creative and destructive, of the woman (as an all-powerful mother and an all-mighty lover) and particularly of the woman in the state of an esoteric conflict; the focal point of this neurotic awe is the very liberation of the female potential and particularly the complete sexual liberation and absolute freedom of the woman, something that is a topic of dilemma and even fear and awe not only for men but also for women!! This topic is (and that's a revelation for me...) the antipodal and the very complement of the universal Oedipal complex!!


P.S. From this Freudian (or even object relations theory) perspective, Valcorion holds the status of a God, The Immortal Emperor, who makes use of a a dialectical playground or even of the cunning of reason in order to promote His visions while his very existence keeps the drives of the psychoanalytical playground at bay and it gives the spectator (or the player) the (star-warshy) comfort of a calm and quiet room and lots of hope and concerns! From this very view, Vaylin's saved head is her punishment for being a powerful but not caring and tender female power but it's also mankind's neurotic attempt to hold the taboo of female liberation at bay... Two more powerful symbols are the growing tattoo (as the symbol of the antithesis) and particularly the unfortunate, controversial and abandoned girlish plaything which perhaps symbolizes Senya's limited perspective and therefore the source of her tragedy... And last but not least: from the very same perspective, Valcorion's murder by his very son was a manifestation of "Mankind's Oedipal Destiny".

I like these connections!

Edited by cunctatorg
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