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What I expect from the NYCC-announcement


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To be honest, they know that a decent chunk of the raiding community is going to leave if they don't hear something official that they really like (Q&A rumors won't suffice). If they don't address this clearly and in an official and public manner, then they don't care either because 1) they're taking the game in a different direction and don't want to miss out on your $$ while they sting you along, or 2) they're banking on the fact that when they get around to developing new raiding content, you'll re-sub (my guess is that if it's #2 then they're waiting till Legion is old-news).



Don't bother making demands - it won't matter. They know how the raiding community (what's left) feels. The ball will be in your court after October 7th.


For me it's not about demands. There is no threat but a simple reality. I need more than this game offers right now to resub. I already unsubbed, that's done. What they will announce on the 7th is already set. It's too late to change anything significant now. It's not like they'll suddenly make an ops next week if they hadn't planned it so far.


No I have unsubbed because the game at the moment doesn't meet my needs anymore. If that changes in KotET then great. If not I just won't resub and will do other things.


I doubt that they will still bring out ops if they aren't going to do it now and just a new operation will also not be enough to get me back into the game anyway. Other than story the game hasn't had proper content updates for a long time. There are a lot of holes that need to be filled. Just a bit of this or a bit of that just won't do it anymore.


I am someone who always subs and I bought lots of stuff in the CM. That's stopped entirely. But that won't kill the game. If a lot of people stopped doing that it would, but I am not calling for an uprising. Everybody needs to decide for themselves what they want to do. I also don't wish for SWTOR to crash and burn.


I just won't resub until I feel it's worth it. If KotET doesn't convince me, that's me gone for at least a year though I may come back for a couple of weeks for the story though I might just watch it on youtube. I didn't think about that before. I'll see.


There's some other games I'm playing now and ME: Andromeda is getting closer. I won't be bored. It just seems more worthwhile to buy somer RPGs than stay subbed in SWTOR. That's all.

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So, my question after reading this thread. When exactly are the self important L33T that are subscribers, acting as if they are shareholders actually going to leave the game? The one constant on these forums from the beginning has been, If Bio ware doesn't do x, I'm gone. They didn't do x and you folks are still here. Only this time it's I really really mean it, if they don't do x I'm telling you I quit. So at what point do we take you folks seriously?


October 27th.

No new Ops announced on the 7th = I play SWTOR uber casually, maybe sub after a significant amount of story has dropped. I will focus my gaming energy on ESO and catch up on The Blacklist, & Marvel Agents of Shield.


I don't claim to be part of the SWTOR L33T or be a shareholder, but I don't like the single player focused direction that SWTOR is transitioning into. I enjoy Multiplayer game play and I want multiplayer content that isn't somewhere between 5 and 2 years old. I want fresh and exciting game content, not a rehash of the SoS (same old S), Different Patch. Rag on those asking for Ops and real content all you want one day the shoe may be on the other foot.

I don't like PvP, but I will fight for their content, and I like SWTOR's story and single player content, but it's stale and overdone. They need something new and inventive to breath new life into the game.

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So, my question after reading this thread. When exactly are the self important L33T that are subscribers, acting as if they are shareholders actually going to leave the game? The one constant on these forums from the beginning has been, If Bio ware doesn't do x, I'm gone. They didn't do x and you folks are still here. Only this time it's I really really mean it, if they don't do x I'm telling you I quit. So at what point do we take you folks seriously?

Plenty of people have quit...hell, MORE than plenty. We went from 214+ servers to basically 3.

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Plenty of people have quit...hell, MORE than plenty. We went from 214+ servers to basically 3.


Good job not addressing his comment what so ever. No said anything about people in the past quitting. The poster was calling out the gang for constantly threatening and demanding action (or else!) yet never following through.

Edited by Bruticis
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October 27th.

No new Ops announced on the 7th = I play SWTOR uber casually, maybe sub after a significant amount of story has dropped. I will focus my gaming energy on ESO and catch up on The Blacklist, & Marvel Agents of Shield.


I don't claim to be part of the SWTOR L33T or be a shareholder, but I don't like the single player focused direction that SWTOR is transitioning into. I enjoy Multiplayer game play and I want multiplayer content that isn't somewhere between 5 and 2 years old. I want fresh and exciting game content, not a rehash of the SoS (same old S), Different Patch. Rag on those asking for Ops and real content all you want one day the shoe may be on the other foot.

I don't like PvP, but I will fight for their content, and I like SWTOR's story and single player content, but it's stale and overdone. They need something new and inventive to breath new life into the game.


I didn't rag on anyone. I simply asked an honest question and I appreciate honest answers like yours. The shoe will never be on the other foot because my time and money are valuable. If I get to the point where this game no longer meets my entertainment needs, I will move on. I will not stay and demand it meet my personal need and bend itself to my vision for what I'd like.

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I am not expecting much from the NYCC cantina. I am one who wants new ops really badly, because I love doing ops with my guildies. And really love progression raiding. I'll sub as long as I have any ops team going, whether more casual and social or more progression oriented, I don't mind. Yes, I would love to have 100% on ops (currently at 81%), but having fun with other people in ops is more important to me.

My imp side ops team crumbled, lots of people unsubbed, and more are unsubbing due to the lack of more group content. Some people are waiting for the new cantina before unsubbing and moving to another game (like FF or WoW). Some are already trying other games, to see what they like and what not.


All the points the OP made are totally valid. Playing one chapter per month with one alliance mission is starting to get boring. There is so much lore and so many things they could do, if they wanted. My opinion is they want to kill the game, and then just say "look we tried, we did KOTFE and KOTET..."


WoW did something similar and lost a lot of players, and now, it is gaining ground again, as they produced a new expansion with new ops [with 3 difficulty levels], and other group content. SWTOR should take notice of how they're currently doing things in WoW. [Notice: never played WoW but considering it if everything falls apart with next expansion in SWTOR]


But really, I don't expect anything form the NYCC cantina. I am hoping they might surprise us, but I am not going to be surprised if they go KOTET story this, KOTET story that, maybe a bit of uprisings (which sound like SF v2.0 to me) and silence about everything else.

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I fully expect something along the lines of:


"We are proud to announce we are only 6 weeks away from the announcement concerning the upcoming expansion. Keep checking the forum for Eric's upcoming announcement that he will be announcing the date of the announcement."


If you are expecting more than this,....

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I fully expect something along the lines of:


"We are proud to announce we are only 6 weeks away from the announcement concerning the upcoming expansion. Keep checking the forum for Eric's upcoming announcement that he will be announcing the date of the announcement."


If you are expecting more than this,....


OMG?! I'm expecting? When did this happen?!

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My prediction:


We will see a cutscene from the end of Chapter 16, where Valk says "You are ready", then it cuts to the same picture of KoTET that we have seen. Then they will tell us the date of release. My guess is early December.


That is all. Further details will be released in the ensuing weeks through developer blogs.

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Well again, it is a cantina and not a stream. So not the length nor presentation that one provides. It will be shorter and much vaguer than those. ( :D )


They'll re-state the name, give a quick teaser of a cutscene maybe and a hint of somethings to come but again very vague leaving with lots of questions that won't get answered until the announced livestream they have in Nov and Dec

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My prediction:


We will see a cutscene from the end of Chapter 16, where Valk says "You are ready", then it cuts to the same picture of KoTET that we have seen. Then they will tell us the date of release. My guess is early December.


That is all. Further details will be released in the ensuing weeks through developer blogs.


If they learned anything from SoR, it is not to release anything in December. Nothing will be fixed until January or February if they do so. The forums, Twitter, Facebook, everything will explode as things go unfixed and/or exploited.


November at earliest, Early 2017 is my guess.

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If they learned anything from SoR, it is not to release anything in December. Nothing will be fixed until January or February if they do so. The forums, Twitter, Facebook, everything will explode as things go unfixed and/or exploited.


November at earliest, Early 2017 is my guess.


Yes, but it's a tradition :)

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hello again,




the problem with the forums i have is that the support sends us to it, even if they knew,

that nobody cares. if they let them open, they should support them. remember when the

servers needed a bit longer. you got entertained by eric. he really did a great job, nice guy.

the german forums didn't got any information, that the servers will need some more time,

during you grabbed some nice ingame-codes. i don't want something for free, but an information

for everyone would be nice. otherwise close the german forums.



i don't want them to answer these question live at the cantina-tour,

but i want them to answer them during this time.

and yes, it is my opinion, that it is their duty to do so.

i just want a clear and honest answer. will there be any new content,

what are their plans, if they have some, or declare, why this is very

difficult and why we should wait and go on supporting this game.



i'm a sub from the beginning on. i spend a lot of euros at the cartelmarket,

just to support this game a bit more, sometimes for some little cosmetics,

but at the moment my patience is over. swtor is a nice game, very versatile

for a mmo, but if there is nothing new and you have seen everything hundred

of times, it gets boring.

so this NYCC is my personal mark to decide, if i resub in 45 days, or if i leave.

i won't play unsubed.


with this cantina-tour, they need to organise a lot and everybody comes together,

and this is why i say, this is the best point to present their plans for the future.


i don't need a operation with the start of kotet, if they say, that there will be a

new operation during winter, or early spring. but if they go on with their pr

and say nothing about that, i'm away.


my words are not law, so it is just my personal view on this. many other players

already left. i just want bioware to keep that in mind. the situation in our guild is,

that many players are awaiting the announcments. if there will be nothing new,

they won't come back. there are a lot of other nice games, we all know. i would

like to go on playing, but not under these circumstances.

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If they learned anything from SoR, it is not to release anything in December. Nothing will be fixed until January or February if they do so. The forums, Twitter, Facebook, everything will explode as things go unfixed and/or exploited.


November at earliest, Early 2017 is my guess.


I'd like to think they learned not to release things in December and have such a long wait to fix things but they also cannot wait till January 2017.


However, we lost our last raid group last night because of the massive amount of stagnation at end game SWTOR has for players that have actually been playing. They cannot wait till January for new content. Things are drying up now and have been for a months and there are currently more interesting games out there with newer content.


November is pretty bad but doable if they pepper gamers with enough interesting information come October to carrot on a stick them just a bit longer. A month and a half might be achievable without much more loss.


IF they pull that garbage in Oct of highlighting what they will talk about at another date in the future God help them as I doubt many gamers will.


Waiting till the new year seems like a really bad business move for the state SWTOR is currently in.

Edited by Quraswren
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I'd like to think they learned not to release things in December and have such a long wait to fix things but they also cannot wait till January 2017.


However, we lost our last raid group last night because of the massive amount of stagnation at end game SWTOR has for players that have actually been playing. They cannot wait till January for new content. Things are drying up now and have been for a months and there are currently more interesting games out there with newer content.


November is pretty bad but doable if they pepper gamers with enough interesting information come October to carrot on a stick them just a bit longer. A month and a half might be achievable without much more loss.


IF they pull that garbage in Oct of highlighting what they will talk about at another date in the future God help them as I doubt many gamers will.


Waiting till the new year seems like a really bad business move for the state SWTOR is currently in.


That's true as well, but I really doubt a number of people are willing to give up holiday time to work and fix bugs that are enraging a community of mere gamers who do this silly subscribing and purchasing Cartel Coins thing, let alone buying Warzone/FP/Operations passes or even that thing about running through Operations.


Sarcasm aside, I'd rather that they learned the same lesson as you hope, but somehow I suspect they had not.

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That's true as well, but I really doubt a number of people are willing to give up holiday time to work and fix bugs that are enraging a community of mere gamers who do this silly subscribing and purchasing Cartel Coins thing, let alone buying Warzone/FP/Operations passes or even that thing about running through Operations.


I do agree with that holiday thing which is why I'd advocate the new expansion coming first of November. Get a couple weeks in and get past Thanksgiving and get a decent list of bugs. Then you have 2-3 weeks to fix those bugs before the X-mas and New Years holidays.


Waiting till January for anything new doesn't scream intelligent to me.


Sarcasm aside, I'd rather that they learned the same lesson as you hope, but somehow I suspect they had not.


One can only hope.

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I still think it's most likely that KotET will launch in December but i don't think it will be such a big deal as was SoR. For the most part apart from the chapters, which there is no possible way to break, i just don't expect there will be anything worth doing to break. :)
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Good job not addressing his comment what so ever. No said anything about people in the past quitting. The poster was calling out the gang for constantly threatening and demanding action (or else!) yet never following through.

What "gang"? We've had literally MILLIONS of players "follow through" and quit, plenty of them gave notice too...but I can see how their absence is unnoticed by you, since they're not part of your imaginary "gang".

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I still think it's most likely that KotET will launch in December but i don't think it will be such a big deal as was SoR. For the most part apart from the chapters, which there is no possible way to break, i just don't expect there will be anything worth doing to break. :)

I'm banking on late October some time...they tend to take the month of Thanksgiving and month of Christmas off, to spend time with their families and such...then of course we have the month of New Years, but that's not until next year so...

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