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Truth to rumors?


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So for the second time in a week I've been hearing rumors in GC that the new expansion later next month will include expanding the weapons used by characters (i.e. Hunters will learn to use rifles, agents will learn to use pistols) has anyone else heard about this?


No official word, and a quick scan on Reddit doesn't suggest unofficial word to that effect. It sounds like people letting their imaginations get away with them or really, really, really, wishfully thinking since people had been asking for Agents/Troopers to have blasters and BH's to have rifles for years.

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wishful thinking or trolling most likely.


It would require them to redo almost all animations, which I seriously doubt they'd do.


Though would they have to redo almost all the animations since I'd assume they'd just unlock the existing animations for a wider class base? Then again, I know next to nothing about coding and something like this would break a ton of things in the database.

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Though would they have to redo almost all the animations since I'd assume they'd just unlock the existing animations for a wider class base? Then again, I know next to nothing about coding and something like this would break a ton of things in the database.


Well, what they could do is give mirror classes the other's abilities, but that is the only way it'll work.


And the obvious issue here becomes that the abilities each class has are a part of their identities, it makes them unique and recognizeable. I doubt they'll give them up.



While it could be done, it would have a lot of weirdness.


Not to mention would probably screw with cutscenes pretty hard.

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Well, they haven't deleted this topic for posting discussions of datamined content yet, so probably not true.


We're not discussing the unmentionables, we're discussing rumors from GenChat, and as far as I could read, all responses were answering in terms of official sources.


Well, except mine that brushed along a potential, but not quite, hot spot.

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We're not discussing the unmentionables, we're discussing rumors from GenChat, and as far as I could read, all responses were answering in terms of official sources.

More my point is that I've seen similar topics that asked about...things, and simply asking got those topics to disappear, and rather quickly at that.

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Well, what they could do is give mirror classes the other's abilities, but that is the only way it'll work.


And the obvious issue here becomes that the abilities each class has are a part of their identities, it makes them unique and recognizeable. I doubt they'll give them up.



While it could be done, it would have a lot of weirdness.


Not to mention would probably screw with cutscenes pretty hard.

Poor Corso and Arics cutscenes are waaay messed up.

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wishful thinking or trolling most likely.


It would require them to redo almost all animations, which I seriously doubt they'd do.

They wouldn't need to redo any animations.


If the devs wanted to allow players a bit of diversity of weapon choice there's nothing major stopping them other than a very early (and in my opinion misguided) decision that a character needs to be quickly identified in PvP as to what AC they are (let's forget that it's really the Discipline that will make the most difference and whether they've decided to take the PvP utilities). It was the same excuse rolled out for the very limited array of armour options at launch. You need to know what you are fighting in PvP.


All of the animations are in the game and some of the Classes that share abilities between Advanced Classes show that it is little more than a line of code at most.

Trooper Commando gets StockStrike but can use an Assault Cannon or Blast Rifle. Depending on the weapon equipped the animation that plays alters.


At the extreme end of the situation is the Powertech Pyro, generally speaking when I play I never use their main hand attack it's all rockets and flame throwers and railshots. If i'm not paying attention and am really having an off day I may spam basic attack a couple of times to get heat under control. They could be holding anything in their mainhand as it never gets used. Also true for my many Sorcerers that never use the glowbat they are forced to hold (for those rare times they actually deflect something just have them dodge instead or deflect with open hand, like DV in tESB).


Or, the devs go the way of the Punch attacks that sit in the legacy unlock tab.

Four attacks that scale with level and require the character to have no mainhand weapon equipped.

This could be developed for all the weapon types. Unlock the skill (credit sink) and equip the weapon to use.


But at no time through this have any new animations needed to be made.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Though would they have to redo almost all the animations since I'd assume they'd just unlock the existing animations for a wider class base? Then again, I know next to nothing about coding and something like this would break a ton of things in the database.

Hmm. So where is the existing animation for a blaster (pistol) firing the Gunnery Commando's Boltstream? Who has that?


They wouldn't have to *redo* any animations, but they would need to create some new ones.

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And the obvious issue here becomes that the abilities each class has are a part of their identities, it makes them unique and recognizeable. I doubt they'll give them up.


You mean the identities that were lost already when most gear became adaptive?


Unless lightsaber users get guns or vice versa, I don't think there's much to lose in the class indentities.

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So for the second time in a week I've been hearing rumors in GC that the new expansion later next month will include expanding the weapons used by characters (i.e. Hunters will learn to use rifles, agents will learn to use pistols) has anyone else heard about this?


I'd seriously doubt that. Be careful using GC as source for rumored things. Contrary to popular opinion, the jawas are not making their own movies

Edited by Jamtas
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Well, using general chat in game as an unimpeachable source of anything is kind of fool hardy IMO.


As to the rumor.. who knows.. particularly since the sources are hidden behind a vague statement about someone heard something in general chat.


Time will tell. People have time, but little patience though I suspect. :)

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Well, using general chat in game as an unimpeachable source of anything is kind of fool hardy IMO.


As to the rumor.. who knows.. particularly since the sources are hidden behind a vague statement about someone heard something in general chat.


Time will tell. People have time, but little patience though I suspect. :)

Two aspects to the OP.


1) Is anything said on General Chat legit?

Wild speculation only, OP could just have easily gone and put the idea forward on the suggestion board. Any answer to confirm, if true, would be a no-no with regards data-mined information.


2) Would allowing a little weapon variation for characters be a bad thing?

Personally I think it would be a good thing, although what form it could take could be open to discussion.

Unlikely to be a full scale rejig for each AC/Disciplines ability rotation. More likely to be a generic attack of each weapon type similar to the unarmed attacks unlocked in the Legacy panel. Just a little variation out there for the roleplayers and folk that like running through solo PvE.


I wouldn't mind having an invisible mainhand for Powertechs and Sorcerers either. They never use their mainhand, or at least very, very rarely.

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Honestly, finally being able to roll a Bounty Hunter that uses a bowcaster would be super-legit, but I'm not holding my breath.


This may sound odd but I've had a lot of fun levelling up characters for the DvL event.

I've not focused on the story for XP at all but rather PvP and the H2s.

This means the actual Class story is a non-issue and it's more important how I dress them.


I have a gunslinger that I dressed up as a Bounty Hunter (I suppose essentially a mercenary) with two pistols that uses those pistols for pretty much all of their attacks. No abundance of rockets, just the occasional groin kick and dart.


I have an assassin that I dressed up more like a Mandolorian using a basic electrostaff, the lightning is a static discharge from the power generator on their back.


It's a shame that I can't really delve into the story missions without stepping all over this :)

Maybe the chosen story should never have been linked to a class and ability package.

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