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Are we ever go back to empire vs republic story?


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I too would love to know what has been going on with the Empire and Republic all this time… :rak_03:




Yeah. It would've been great if you had given us an impression about what's going on in 95% of the galaxy when you did the time skip. Your refusal to do so has kinda f'd over RPers trying to keep their characters and stories going, to the point where we're building a house of cards made of head-canon in order to do what we enjoy most about this game.


So you'll understand if I don't find your flippant joke on the concept quite so amusing. Next time, less mystery about things that should be common knowledge to an average person in the galaxy, if ya don't mind.

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At this point it's pretty moot. Many old guilds have left the game because the single player "experience" is just that... single player...


This storyline pretty much sucked the last bit of life out of the game.


I miss the old open world pvp battles we used to have.

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One thing was mentioned here I've thought about now for quite a while; the few character stories I've played do seem to fight mostly civilians and not so much the opposing faction (Imperial vs. Republic). That approach does enlarge the scope of the genre beyond the same ole Republic versus Empire theme, but too much I believe. Another issue mentioned here, the 100% solo nature of the Knights story is entirely contradictive to the group direction (Isolate the players they lose a big part of what they liked in the game). I would like to see a return back to the original SWTOR themes with player level extensions (beyond the story ending 65 cap) where each player class branches off into their own direction and not sharing missions from time to time (why would a Darth be doing the same things as a Smuggler or others)? A back door out of the Knights story would be nice for some although after 65, what else is there to do? 65-130 Tier 2.
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It's my big fantasy that an xpac will come out one day that revamps faction into 3 groups instead of the current two:



Sith (one class with melee/ranged AoE/heal subclasses)


New: Stormtrooper (equivalent to Trooper)



Jedi (one class with melee/ranged AoE/heal subclasses)


New: SIS-class similar to Agent




Bounty Hunter

New: Dancer (Like SWG) or Researcher (like Imperial Reclamation Service) or Czerka Corporate Employee


Where not only the Underworld story line moves in and out of the Empire and Republic territories, but the Underworld faction is basically neutral and those characters can travel to either at will, plus have an underworld planet to themselves (Nar Shadaa?)

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Is that not the core of the Star Wars story though, the seemingly eternal struggle between Empire and Republic? I am sure that there will always be a thread of that running through this game and I too hope that we see some content rekindling this canonical angle.


I have to say though on the flipside; I do applaud the dev's for not being lazy and saying...."here you go another content update, Empire vs Republic in this slightly different scenario" as I think they would have rapidly run out of ideas lol.


I think that letting the award winning story tellers at Bioware loose on totally new angles in this universe has been an exceptionally good idea. I for one loved the addition of the stories of Arcann and Thexan and Emperor Valkorian etc.


Who knows with so little yet to be revealed about the new content peeking over the horizon in the form of Knights of the Eternal Throne, perhaps this will see the old animosity and vitriol between the Empire and Republic re-emerge and with the throne featuring in the title, could a power vacuum be created that the respective old adversaries will try to exploit for themselves?


I am sure we shall see in the coming weeks!

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Is that not the core of the Star Wars story though, the seemingly eternal struggle between Empire and Republic? I am sure that there will always be a thread of that running through this game and I too hope that we see some content rekindling this canonical angle.


I have to say though on the flipside; I do applaud the dev's for not being lazy and saying...."here you go another content update, Empire vs Republic in this slightly different scenario" as I think they would have rapidly run out of ideas lol.


I think that letting the award winning story tellers at Bioware loose on totally new angles in this universe has been an exceptionally good idea. I for one loved the addition of the stories of Arcann and Thexan and Emperor Valkorian etc.


Who knows with so little yet to be revealed about the new content peeking over the horizon in the form of Knights of the Eternal Throne, perhaps this will see the old animosity and vitriol between the Empire and Republic re-emerge and with the throne featuring in the title, could a power vacuum be created that the respective old adversaries will try to exploit for themselves?


I am sure we shall see in the coming weeks!


Currently it's Alliance vs Empire; just not the players we're used to on either side, and you only get to play on one side.

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I too would love to know what has been going on with the Empire and Republic all this time… :rak_03:




I don't.


What the Empire or Republic are up to is the last thing on my mind when it comes to KOTFE.

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As long as story is good overall, i don`t care at all. I would actually love for things to be shaken up a lot, but i really don`t want another KOTFE where both Republic and Empire were suddenly defeated - it needs to be slower paced and there can`t be deus ex machina 3rd party solution. It works brilliantly in KOTFE, but i don`t want dramatic change like that again. I want different kind of dramatic change. Maybe Empire and Zakuul uniting and defeating republic. Lot of Republicans grown tired of weak Republic are happy to join the Empire. While even some Imperials prefer to join Alliance. War rages on, but maybe Alliance could win. But as people are grown tired of war, they blame those who they see a lot: force users. Lots of Imperial officers hate the Sith, and they hate Jedi as they are fighting against Empire. It is extremely easy for average people of Empire to see both Jedi and Sith as something they want to get rid of. So it could evolve into battle between Pro-Force and anti-Force.

Bioware can make it sound better than that. But i would love if you could actually have your other characters as your companions. For example your Jedi knight would accompany your Jedi Consular, and you could switch between the 2 and your companions at any point just like in Dragon Age Inquisition. With story i wrote above, it would be awesome to have 1 faction of force users, Jedi knights and Sith, against non force user characters like Smuggler, Imperial Agent, Trooper and Bounty Hunter. Or at least system where you can swap between your companions and you like in Dragon Age Inquisition.


There are looooots of opportunities.

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What the Empire or Republic are up to is the last thing on my mind when it comes to KOTFE.


Besides, we already know that if my memory does not betray me Lana was telling me that both the Empire and the Republic where bending down before Arcann and taking it deep.....with the tributes. :D

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Besides, we already know that if my memory does not betray me Lana was telling me that both the Empire and the Republic where bending down before Arcann and taking it deep.....with the tributes. :D


Mongols thought that about the Rus who were barely hanging on by their fingernails on the edge of a swamp, once. Heck, those tribunes were safely well behind both the Blue and Golden Horde front-lines.


You know that town by the name of "Moscow" and those Rus by the nom de guerre of "The Russian Empire" shortly thereafter.

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Sort of pointing out that it is not just rebellion leaders who fought in battle, but actual kings as well.


Ah, OK. I was picking relatively modern examples, but the legendary and historical examples of leaders of men who are also leaders of states apply.

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Having just re-done Ch 16, I'll note that at the end of it, you've rescued a couple of candidates for the "Mon Mothma" role in the anti-EE Alliance. Perhaps you'll get "promoted" to "general of the armies" or whatever and one of them takes over the political side.
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Mongols thought that about the Rus who were barely hanging on by their fingernails on the edge of a swamp, once. Heck, those tribunes were safely well behind both the Blue and Golden Horde front-lines.


You know that town by the name of "Moscow" and those Rus by the nom de guerre of "The Russian Empire" shortly thereafter.


Not quite the same thing since again according to Lana both sides are still waging war against each (she said something down the line of both sides trying to take advantage of the weakend state of the other blabla) other despite the greater threat being the "Eternal Empire".

I could be wrong but i don't remember the Russians ever waging a two or three front war when already facing a superior foe the only one i remember being dumb enough in the not too far past to do that was Hitler.


Having just re-done Ch 16, I'll note that at the end of it, you've rescued a couple of candidates for the "Mon Mothma" role in the anti-EE Alliance. Perhaps you'll get "promoted" to "general of the armies" or whatever and one of them takes over the political side.


I don't think that my Darth bla, Slayer of bla, Wrath of bla, Destroyer of bla, OutlanderCommanderSuperSoloEternalChampionshipSkytrooperGenoicde dude needs any more titles or promotions. :D

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I don't think that my Darth bla, Slayer of bla, Wrath of bla, Destroyer of bla, OutlanderCommanderSuperSoloEternalChampionshipSkytrooperGenoicde dude needs any more titles or promotions. :D


The air-quotes around promotion was intentional - the Alliance sends the PC back to what they're good at (killing people and breaking things) while someone who has actual political/management experience takes over running the alliance

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The air-quotes around promotion was intentional - the Alliance sends the PC back to what they're good at (killing people and breaking things) while someone who has actual political/management experience takes over running the alliance


But i want to RULE the Galaxy! with the companion of my choice, and not be some SWTOR version Hillary Clintons lackey. :p



I love this lol!!! :D


Glad you like it. :D

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Time to get your Big Darth Pants on and start your plotting to eliminate them and seize control of THE GALAXY!!!!


I am trying....trust me....i am trying....if Bioware would just let me.... :(


They really need a better story writer i mean how my main ("slave race" even) character went from Apprentice to Lord to Darth to Wrath of the Emporer (which basically gives you a free pass to do whatever you please within the Empire probably even butchering the sith council) then you butcher Malgus, almost blow up Makeb, give "Revan" the spanking of his life, oppose the "Emperor", so far everything is fine your character makes progress, becomes stronger "ranks up" and all but then.......KOTFE starts.........and you take orders and run errands for some random punks you didn't even know 10 minutes ago....

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I think that with the Introduction of KOTFE, and Zakuul it would be great to not only bring back R vs. E story but bring in Zakuulans; an entirely new playable faction :D and hence a third party that can tip the balance of wars/pvp/rp/etc


Or have a Pub/Imp Vs. Zak PvP instance

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