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Stronghold Poll, What Would YOU Like To See?


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Hahaha, yeah I've seen those quite a lot recently, but hey, never can give up :p

Thank you everyone for your continuing feedback, and for the suggestion to delete the original link and replace it with the new version, I have done so already!

Let's keep those votes coming and be sure to share with your friends, the closing date will be October 1st to give other people a chance to vote before it ends.


We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

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I would think that Manaan would be a pretty popular candidate for the next stronghold.


Grant it, it is not a main planet in the storyline (though a core planet for SoR) I still feel an underwater stronghold, one that is on the small size, would be quite popular with the game population.

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Manaan does seem to be a popular want, going by forum talk. I can see why; the environment is gorgeous.


If there were to be a new one, I'm not sure what my first pick would be. I am a little taken by the Manaan idea, especially after seeing some fan's mockup, but I'm also not a huge fan of water, in general.


Hoth would be a strong pick for me. Apart from that, I'm not sure.

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What I would like to see:


New Strongholds, like Rishi, Rakata Prime and Odessen and Manaan.


For existing strongholds, I'd like:


-Smaller hooks layered on top of the centerpiece hooks, so we can put things on the centerpieces. Rather like there are small hooks on the large hooks.


-I'd like to see more hooks available to use in all strongholds.


-I'd like to see specifically more carpet hooks set down in a variety of locations so we can position rugs better. Same with lighting.


-I'd like more centerpiece hooks, because with all the great centerpieces, I don't like being limited to how many I can display.


-I'd like to be able to unlock additional levels to say, Dromund Kaas's stronghold, so I can decorate more there. I love DK but it's very small, and I really would like to do more there.


-I'd like to see more people, in more positions, like people sitting in chairs or sofas. I'd also like to see new dancers, different colours, clothing, species. I'd also like to get a band, or members of a band I can collect and put on a stage.


-Gammorean guards, cause I need bouncers. And a real live hutt on a platform.


-I'd also like to be able to put some rugs on wall hooks like the wampa rug.


And for the Stronghold Wall of Crazy:

Let us decide where we want to place the hooks.

Edited by Lunafox
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I want my own Imperial Dreadnaught ship big enough to house all 36+ of my companions thanks to 4.0 and beyond! it's really frustrating that we have to pick and choose who we place in our current Strongholds.


I worked hard to collect them all and I want to display them all dang it!


Make it so!

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I always wanted a ship or a small space station. Something with some great views. Maybe even a chance to change the views. When I saw the Gravestone I got sort of excited because a fixer upper goes well with the Star Wars mythos and there were lots of rooms to open etc.


Something like a smaller guild ship has always appealed to me so that is where my vote would lie.

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Rakata Prime: tropical beachfront? Yes please very much with space cherries on top.

2nd choice: Rishi Pirate Haven. Lots of water features (beaches, waterfalls, rapids) with a semi-tropical feel. I'd be willing to shell out some major credits (and maybe even CCs!) for a number of piratey decorations beyond an occasional cannon.

Manaan would be cool *if* you could really feel (i.e., see and maybe even move into) like you were under water instead of in just a big indoor thing like a space station or apartment.

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What I most want to see is greater availability of furnishings. Really, it's bad enough that most of the good stuff comes from CM gamble packs, but why doesn't BioWare leave the Stronghold packs on the Cartel Market? Do they not want my money?


I've only got one stronghold, and it's only half decorated, because I've given up.

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I would love a Rakata Prime stronghold, tropical beach, maybe some Rakatan Ruins along with ship debris to make like a mixture of ruins and crash ship places to decorate. I also LOVE the skybox in the Rakata Prime with the thunderstorm in the distance and the occasional lightning strike.


My second choice would be Rishi, a tropical pirate slum stronghold or a Rishii village stronghold would be cool, and the day, evening, and night skyboxes for Rishi are all really cool too.


Third choice would be Manaan would be fun to decorate an underwater stronghold and have some above water areas as well.


Last choice would be Odessan, makes some sense, and I like the forests and mountians, I think it's a bit prettier than Alderaan.

Edited by Kaprua
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There's already 150 threads about "what i want to see in game". Already 0 of these things happened.

But Good luck anyway :p


I strongly disagree with this sentiment. There have been quite a few player suggestions that ended up in the game over the life of this title.


Whether or not they were gleaned from the forum is another matter, but the fact remains.

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