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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Boss at Bioware, any hope for a change?


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I have always found it surprising BioWare is not capable of keeping their game website updated. Just sad. Very sad.




*slow clapping*




*gasps for breath*


Great job! I am sure everyone wants to go through news rather than well organized information about operations or story of the game. Oh wait.. UX = SUX.

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If I could make suggestions to the new management lead....


1) Return iconic attack animations


Animations were adjusted long ago to benefit PVP, in that the effect of attacks was placed at the beginning of the animation, not the end. This created a silly looking mechanic IMO, and detracts from the overall feel of combat in the game. I believe attack effects should trigger at the end of animations, as they were originally designed.


2) Consider revamp of Strongholds and Galactic Starfighter, add smaller strongholds to available options


Strongholds could use some large open area hooks and wall, ceiling and floor customizations. , allowing a bit more flexibility when personalizing the feature. Would be nice, IMO, to have some smaller stronghold options that have only a few rooms on some of the secondary planets in the game.


Also, Galactic Starfighter could use a single player mode and gamepad compatibility, or at least a single player extended tutorial to drum up interest. Also, Hangars should be redesigned so they act like Strongholds, allowing players to customize them as they see fit and use them as travel hubs. Would be nice to see group play ability added to the single player space combat feature as well....turret play and/or the ability to join the tube with other ships.

3) Add a repeatable method to earn small amounts of cartel coins in game, and a way to purchase coins with credits/use coins to purchase subscription time.


Perhaps have rotating cartel coin bonus events, where different parts of the game (PVP, GSF, Ops, etc) that are underutilized by the game's population receive small cartel coin payouts for participation.


4) Redesign personal starships to allow customization, and update all planetary takeoff and landing scenes to RofHC/SoR/KotFE quality.


The original design of personal starships was quite buggy, removing almost any possibility of customization inside or out it seems. That should be corrected. Also, the new landing sequences for the expansions were great, and I think all of the landing (and takeoff) sequences should be updated to match.


5) Add more customization options for player characters.


First, I think cyborg as a race should be removed, and the cyborg options should be rolled into all race options...or keep cyborg and add in other race skin colors and features to increase the variety.


I also think more tattoos and scars for all races should be added, Height options, iconic starter outfits for each class, as well as weapon appearance customization added to the character appearance UI system.


Ability effect appearance modifiers should be added as plugins, allowing dark side jedi/light side sith to change their ability animations to match their dark or light side alignment, and add credit options to the personal appearance kiosk.


Finally, add appearance customization options for ALL companions.


I think all of these changes would go a long way toward improving the gameplay experience and increase retention rates.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I have always found it surprising BioWare is not capable of keeping their game website updated. Just sad. Very sad.


Don;t forget the in game event page but it appears it's now been updated




Having said that, discussion about that page is what started all this when we were telling folks previously that they had to google and look at data mining sites to see what in game events were coming up.


As an aside, can any one provide a reference link to this Samantha Ryan person is? All I get is an *cough* adult entertainer and I would like to see what she's done before and who she is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hope springs eternal... The only reason the game is still here is because of people like you, who continue to hope LONG after you should know better...


My sub expires in 16 days, that is after the NY Canteena and after some details on KOTET, based on that i will resub, or end my hopes.

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I think the same nuts who claim SWTOR is in "maintance mode" are the ones claiming WOW is dead. And it doesn't matter how many expansions either comes out with, they'll keep spouting the same nonsense. Some people just have too much time on their hands.


WoW is alive and well, THANKS TO NEW RAIDS AND DUNGEONS!! So if swtor wants on that path the new boss should consider it as an example.

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1) an editorial opinion piece, with all your usual talking points =/= any facts, just your opinion. Nothing new either, from comparing it to your usual narrative.


2) what you linked was an organizational announcement, not a release to investors, so to think or even imply it's faulty for not providing sub numbers, etc, shows me how really out of touch with reality your views are.


3) the linked announcement has absolutely nothing to do with your personal vendetta for more and better communications, which frankly is itself a ruse IMO. If they did communicate, you would attempt to crucify them over every comment and how it does not meet your personal definition of what SWTOR should be. .


OP I disagree with every opinion you stated and the above t is basically what i got out of it this post as well. Not original in any sense just your same old rant ...

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Changes in senior leadership that aren't done for the benefit of the people in senior leadership are unicorns as it is. If anything, I'd bet whoever she's replacing was deemed to be too customer-oriented, and don't see any reason why we should assume this change will be a positive one.
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...have to open up PTS launchers with software to provide data mining info.


We have to watch news to see which team goes where in EA, whether the OPS team is moved to Mass Effect or PVP team to whereever else.


We have to analyze EA stocks, share holder information in order to see if swtor is doing well financialy or not.


Once ever few years Bioware shows meaningless statistics about how many Sentinels have been created in the game and how many chose light and dark side for their toons.


There is no information on subscriber numbers (ok yeah that would be too much), even server capacities have been removed.


We have no idea how the game is doing


These are some good observations. Unfortunately the reasons behind the state of the game is due to Lucas-era holdover game "The Old Republic" not being the highest priority at EA. What is obviously high priority at EA is the new Disney-era Star Wars games in development.


The staff which is left on The Old Republic is a small team which handles customer service, bug fixes, maintenance, and when they have the time - developing monthly lottery packs and expansion chapters.


I recognize the state of the game and plan to go down with the ship.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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If I could make suggestions to the new management lead....


1) Return iconic attack animations


Animations were adjusted long ago to benefit PVP, in that the effect of attacks was placed at the beginning of the animation, not the end. This created a silly looking mechanic IMO, and detracts from the overall feel of combat in the game. I believe attack effects should trigger at the end of animations, as they were originally designed.


2) Consider revamp of Strongholds and Galactic Starfighter, add smaller strongholds to available options


Strongholds could use some large open area hooks and wall, ceiling and floor customizations. , allowing a bit more flexibility when personalizing the feature. Would be nice, IMO, to have some smaller stronghold options that have only a few rooms on some of the secondary planets in the game.


Also, Galactic Starfighter could use a single player mode and gamepad compatibility, or at least a single player extended tutorial to drum up interest. Also, Hangars should be redesigned so they act like Strongholds, allowing players to customize them as they see fit and use them as travel hubs. Would be nice to see group play ability added to the single player space combat feature as well....turret play and/or the ability to join the tube with other ships.

3) Add a repeatable method to earn small amounts of cartel coins in game, and a way to purchase coins with credits/use coins to purchase subscription time.


Perhaps have rotating cartel coin bonus events, where different parts of the game (PVP, GSF, Ops, etc) that are underutilized by the game's population receive small cartel coin payouts for participation.


4) Redesign personal starships to allow customization, and update all planetary takeoff and landing scenes to RofHC/SoR/KotFE quality.


The original design of personal starships was quite buggy, removing almost any possibility of customization inside or out it seems. That should be corrected. Also, the new landing sequences for the expansions were great, and I think all of the landing (and takeoff) sequences should be updated to match.


5) Add more customization options for player characters.


First, I think cyborg as a race should be removed, and the cyborg options should be rolled into all race options...or keep cyborg and add in other race skin colors and features to increase the variety.


I also think more tattoos and scars for all races should be added, Height options, iconic starter outfits for each class, as well as weapon appearance customization added to the character appearance UI system.


Ability effect appearance modifiers should be added as plugins, allowing dark side jedi/light side sith to change their ability animations to match their dark or light side alignment, and add credit options to the personal appearance kiosk.


Finally, add appearance customization options for ALL companions.


I think all of these changes would go a long way toward improving the gameplay experience and increase retention rates.

I see you still have hope the game will become better.


I wonder how many players are still there just bound with hope to SWTOR.

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