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Hopefully they're going to mitigate the main of the issues:

  • Too many knockbacks and stuns (edited)
  • A bit too much of the same mobs.
  • Not group play friendly
  • Only fun the first time as linear.


But IF it's exactly the same issues then guess I'm going to do it once then move to another game, again.

Edited by Deewe
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Hopefully they're going to mitigate the main of the issues:

  • Too many stuns
  • A bit too much of the same mobs.
  • Not group play friendly
  • Only fun the first time as linear.


But IF it's exactly the same issues then guess I'm going to do it once then move to another game, again.


You don't want to stay around for Knights of the Endless Troopers?

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Hopefully they're going to mitigate the main of the issues:

  • Too many stuns
  • A bit too much of the same mobs.
  • Not group play friendly
  • Only fun the first time as linear.


But IF it's exactly the same issues then guess I'm going to do it once then move to another game, again.


If they addressed even some of those points, it would be a marked improvement (the more the better)... especially as it relates to replayability - imho. Fingers crossed! :eek:




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Hopefully they're going to mitigate the main of the issues:

  • Too many stuns
  • A bit too much of the same mobs.
  • Not group play friendly
  • Only fun the first time as linear.


But IF it's exactly the same issues then guess I'm going to do it once then move to another game, again.


Agree on points 2,3, and 4. Way too linear, and there arent even many quests that lead you off the path. It's like THIS CHAPTER YOU GO HERE! YOU DONE NOW.


But....its an RPG, I wanted to explore :(




...okay :(

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You don't want to stay around for Knights of the Endless Troopers?


Ugggghh... and I just played through Anarchy in Paradise again just last night. That whole chapter can die in one of Kaliyo's fires. I really don't want to ever run another character through that mess until they fix it.

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If there's one thing the debbie downer gang is sorely lacking, it's organizational skills. Maybe at your next hate rally convention you guys can agree on just a handful of threads on the exact same topic instead the hundred or so the same gang members keep making up.
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Ugggghh... and I just played through Anarchy in Paradise again just last night. That whole chapter can die in one of Kaliyo's fires. I really don't want to ever run another character through that mess until they fix it.


Anarchy in Paradise is, both in mechanics and story, the worst of the chapters.

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I actually resubbed due to thinking about, and reflecting on, the bonus chapter.


Yes, I'm interested in exactly what is going next.

No, I don't like the scripted-cannot-avoid-any-mob-at-all-must-always-fight-what-we-want-you-to-fight bits, but I am curious as to where the story goes.


That, and I like my lightsabers/lightening/pebbles. Mainly the first part of that (which is why I really like my kin shadows and sorc assassins). And my DPS sorcs. Mainly the kin shadows and assassins.

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The only good thing in it gets undone by the end of the season - you think you're finally rid of Koth, then he comes back with superpowers.


I'm still of the mindset that he had force abilities all along. He was in command of a warship/etc., and the Zakuul culture is all about rewarding force sensitives at every level of government (even the unofficial powerbases in the underworld). I have a few other reasons, too, but it just seems to me it was "obvious to a Zakuulian, not to an outsider" type of understanding.

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My only wish is that I do not have to take any toons through this content to get to whatever the next expansion is after all this solo only stuff. If this is your kinda thing, great. But I do not like the idea of having to run all of my toons through the same single player story to get to the next expansion zone.
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If there's one thing the debbie downer gang is sorely lacking, it's organizational skills. Maybe at your next hate rally convention you guys can agree on just a handful of threads on the exact same topic instead the hundred or so the same gang members keep making up.


By debbie downer gang, do you mean over 80% of the games populations? Because that's why you mainly see posts about KotFE and everyone hating it/ wanting something different.

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Anarchy in Paradise is, both in mechanics and story, the worst of the chapters.


Disavowed must be a damn close second.


Ran that and it has almost the exact same mobs that ambush you even if you're stealthed. And better yet? The "nope-out" ability stealths have to "nope out" of combat doesn't even work. They'll still keep following and attacking you. Had a knight knock me off the platform where I landed right in front of one of the objectives, so I was like, "Woo, nice!", and noped out, only for the knight to STILL keep after me, not letting me touch the objective until I killed it, so I had to sit and wait for like a minute and a half while it ran all over the map down to find me.


Oh yeah, and mounts don't work, despite it taking place outside, making it a even more tedious slog. The devs should be ashamed of this kind of cheap garbage.

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Disavowed must be a damn close second.


Ran that and it has almost the exact same mobs that ambush you even if you're stealthed. And better yet? The "nope-out" ability stealths have to "nope out" of combat doesn't even work. They'll still keep following and attacking you. Had a knight knock me off the platform where I landed right in front of one of the objectives, so I was like, "Woo, nice!", and noped out, only for the knight to STILL keep after me, not letting me touch the objective until I killed it, so I had to sit and wait for like a minute and a half while it ran all over the map down to find me.


Oh yeah, and mounts don't work, despite it taking place outside, making it a even more tedious slog. The devs should be ashamed of this kind of cheap garbage.


Oddly, I didn't really care about either of those issues in play, though I vaguely recall being annoyed about the random "unable to mount outdoors." I dont' think I noticed the stealth so much because I wasn't driven to avoid trash mobs by their ubiquity.


Perhaps also the good parts of Disavowed (the wire puzzle) and the higher quality of the story (at least for Pub classes - haven't run an imp through KotFE yet) made up for that.

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Disavowed must be a damn close second.


Ran that and it has almost the exact same mobs that ambush you even if you're stealthed. And better yet? The "nope-out" ability stealths have to "nope out" of combat doesn't even work. They'll still keep following and attacking you. Had a knight knock me off the platform where I landed right in front of one of the objectives, so I was like, "Woo, nice!", and noped out, only for the knight to STILL keep after me, not letting me touch the objective until I killed it, so I had to sit and wait for like a minute and a half while it ran all over the map down to find me.


Oh yeah, and mounts don't work, despite it taking place outside, making it a even more tedious slog. The devs should be ashamed of this kind of cheap garbage.


Oh you are so going to love the Mandalorian chapter. Map dotted with random stationary mobs, you have to go back and forth between each corner of the map, every bloody time killing the same set of mob again and again. Also I managed to aggro a turret in the left upper corner, didn't notice since everything there jumps at you immediately, and then it wouldn't let me enter the phase on the OTHER SIDE of the map because "you are in combat." Go back across the map, kill every mob again. Kill turret. Go back, kill every mob again. enter phase. come out of phase and you guessed it kill the same unavoidable stationary mobs again on the way back. I will never under any circumstances replay that lazy mess again.

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Oh you are so going to love the Mandalorian chapter. Map dotted with random stationary mobs, you have to go back and forth between each corner of the map, every bloody time killing the same set of mob again and again. Also I managed to aggro a turret in the left upper corner, didn't notice since everything there jumps at you immediately, and then it wouldn't let me enter the phase on the OTHER SIDE of the map because "you are in combat." Go back across the map, kill every mob again. Kill turret. Go back, kill every mob again. enter phase. come out of phase and you guessed it kill the same unavoidable stationary mobs again on the way back. I will never under any circumstances replay that lazy mess again.


That "aggro and forget" thing happened to me too many times to count in the original storyline as well. The also had the whole "criss-cross the open world to collect plot coupons" thing. Chapter 14 was the closest to the "original story" experience as any chapter was, being an open-world zone with instanced areas for quest goals. The only things it lacked to match a single planetary subzone was side quests and a heroic.

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Disavowed must be a damn close second.


Ran that and it has almost the exact same mobs that ambush you even if you're stealthed. And better yet? The "nope-out" ability stealths have to "nope out" of combat doesn't even work. They'll still keep following and attacking you. Had a knight knock me off the platform where I landed right in front of one of the objectives, so I was like, "Woo, nice!", and noped out, only for the knight to STILL keep after me, not letting me touch the objective until I killed it.


I really enjoyed the story chapters but I have to agree about this. My poor concealment Scoundrel can't use her most powerful skills because stealth is absolutely impossible. It's like trying to stealth through a line of mobs with a large cowbell around her neck...impossible. No stealth behind the mob to backstab...big handicap for that class. Please, please, please don't do this again.


It was ok to do this with my tank characters but ugly and NOT FUN with my Scoundrel and Agent characters.

Edited by Hoplop
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Agree on points 2,3, and 4. Way too linear, and there arent even many quests that lead you off the path. It's like THIS CHAPTER YOU GO HERE! YOU DONE NOW.


But....its an RPG, I wanted to explore :(




...okay :(


This so much. I could spend days to explore every inch of Alderaan (my fav planet), now it's like moving on a railway. No MMORPG should be like that. The again it's not like we pay for it.



Edited by jauvtus
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