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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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I've not tried romancing any of my companions, I'm a male playing as a female agent, but feel it was be too far for me to romance with a male ingame. How ever Vector is a boring character, and his obsession for the Hive is tiresome.
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I think someone either had Vector confused with Malavai Quinn or blew the Cortess thing way out of proportion. :rolleyes: I wouldn't even consider that a real betrayal since



he will fight with you, if that is what you chose.


No. Not confused. Just intolerant of betrayal.


He pretends to help you on Alderaan while the hivemind plans their invasion of House Cortess. When they all show up to "assimilate" House Cortess he both signals his intention to help the bugs and denies ever having betrayed the Agent. He only agrees to side with the Agent if the Agent puts his/her foot down and forces a choice between Hive and Empire-- and that's because you are going to be forced to accept him as a companion.


He's a traitor, he gets caught at it, and we're forced to accept him anyway. If he hadn't been forced onto the ship, my Agent would have shot him in the face.


Quinn's betrayal I can understand-- it's a Sith thing, supplanting your superiors, and I'd have been disappointed if he hadn't tried.


Vector's treason comes from outside the Empire, betraying it for an alien hivemind. He is placed on the Agent's ship as a distraction while the events of Chapter Two were being set up.

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No. Not confused. Just intolerant of betrayal.


He pretends to help you on Alderaan while the hivemind plans their invasion of House Cortess. When they all show up to "assimilate" House Cortess he both signals his intention to help the bugs and denies ever having betrayed the Agent. He only agrees to side with the Agent if the Agent puts his/her foot down and forces a choice between Hive and Empire-- and that's because you are going to be forced to accept him as a companion.


He's a traitor, he gets caught at it, and we're forced to accept him anyway. If he hadn't been forced onto the ship, my Agent would have shot him in the face.


Quinn's betrayal I can understand-- it's a Sith thing, supplanting your superiors, and I'd have been disappointed if he hadn't tried.


Vector's treason comes from outside the Empire, betraying it for an alien hivemind. He is placed on the Agent's ship as a distraction while the events of Chapter Two were being set up.

More a double agent. And since in the end he choose to stay with the agent, and kill the bugs inside house cortess if you choose so, it seems he have more loyalty to the empire than the kiliks.


Anyway, back to topic, the romance is really bad. Didn't make it, wish there is same gender romance to choose Kalyio (even if I'm playing lightside IA). And when I turned him down, I still had him talking like we were together. And even then, when I turned him down AGAIN, he keep sending me mail....

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He pretends to help you on Alderaan while the hivemind plans their invasion of House Cortess. When they all show up to "assimilate" House Cortess he both signals his intention to help the bugs and denies ever having betrayed the Agent. He only agrees to side with the Agent if the Agent puts his/her foot down and forces a choice between Hive and Empire-- and that's because you are going to be forced to accept him as a companion.


I didn't quite see it this way. He does legitimately help you achieve your mission on Alderaan, so it's not a ruse. The only thing he's guilty of here is not telling you in advance what he hoped to get in return. You get the chance to call him on it and he tells you "fine" and that his first loyalty is to the Empire.


I interpreted the real betrayal to be:



against the Killiks. I found it a lot more shocking when I told him "no" and he just said, "ok," and then turned on the Killiks and began slaughtering them all! :eek: And then when I asked him about it later he was just like, "Oh they don't understand the concept of betrayal." Errrr...ok.


That kind of zealous loyalty to the Empire is a bit scary. My agent then spent the next half of Act II fearing that Vector would turn her in as soon as Arden Kothe made her do something blatantly traitorous.



Story-wise though, I felt it made for a compelling plot and really emphasized the paranoia and trust issues that characterize the agent storyline.


I don't think my agent decided that Vector could be trusted until:



She had that little breakdown on the ship and was found unconscious by her companions. They all seemed genuinely concerned about her and now the cat was out of the bag that something nefarious was going on. Vector was too smart a guy to not take all evidence into consideration, especially now that he knew she was not herself.



P.S. Just saw erei's post and I think the "double agent" interpretation is another good way of looking at it. When you first meet Vector, you can get him to tell you a little bit about why he became a joiner and it's apparent that he did it solely for diplomatic reasons. "It was necessary" he says.

Edited by CloudCastle
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Update on my thoughts on the Vector romance...


Just did the "One People" quest last night. They got this one so very right. :D Actually, the last few quests with him have improved, so that it feels like my agent and Vector are supporting and being respectful to each other. Much better.


What ever happened to the OP of this thread I wonder? Did she get this far? I find it hard to imagine not being moved by last night's quest. It was powerful. Yes, this was the one where he asks you to clear the ship so you can be alone.


And. That. Voice. Oh. My.


Just wrap him up and I'll take him home, thanks.


Current verdict - Vector is not for the faint of heart, but the patient will be rewarded.


One question though:



I still haven't technically finished it because I keep escaping out. :o Are there any consequences of having him remain unlinked or telling him to go back to being a joiner? I mean in later quests. I kind of wanted a response that was inbetween "I don't want to share you" and "Trust me with who you are."


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I didn't quite see it this way. He does legitimately help you achieve your mission on Alderaan, so it's not a ruse. The only thing he's guilty of here is not telling you in advance what he hoped to get in return. You get the chance to call him on it and he tells you "fine" and that his first loyalty is to the Empire.


I interpreted the real betrayal to be:



against the Killiks. I found it a lot more shocking when I told him "no" and he just said, "ok," and then turned on the Killiks and began slaughtering them all! :eek: And then when I asked him about it later he was just like, "Oh they don't understand the concept of betrayal."


Yeah, I saw it more this way too. Later on in his quests he seems to have "learned" from this (actually, regardless of what decision you make there on Alderaan). I never question Vector's loyalty to the Empire. I honestly trust him more than anyone else on the ship at this point.

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He pretends to help you on Alderaan while the hivemind plans their invasion of House Cortess. When they all show up to "assimilate" House Cortess he both signals his intention to help the bugs and denies ever having betrayed the Agent. He only agrees to side with the Agent if the Agent puts his/her foot down and forces a choice between Hive and Empire-- and that's because you are going to be forced to accept him as a companion.


He's a traitor, he gets caught at it, and we're forced to accept him anyway. If he hadn't been forced onto the ship, my Agent would have shot him in the face.


But this assumes that denying House Cortess to the Killiks is the only possible reasonable choice. Based on feedback here and on the cutscenes uploaded to YouTube, this seems to be overwhelmingly the choice most players pick, even the otherwise dark-side players.


My Agent is light-sided, but when presented with the same choice it was a no-brainer to me. The Killiks offered their help in achieving my goal, an objective that I could not have achieved without that help. In return they asked for a price. I granted that price. My Agent looked at Vector (his heart went pit-a-pat because he couldn't say "no" to Vector over anything) then I said to the Killik Queen "Sure thing, it's all yours" turned and walked away. No fight, no fuss. I've never regretted it.


What I do regret is that the phasing in the game doesn't reflect my choice. I'd like to return to Alderaan, cruise past what once was House Cortess and see a fresh hive there where mansions once stood.

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I am currently playing a Sith Marauder with a male friend who plays a Sniper... I am all kinds of jealous of him having Vector and I get Quinn. :( So far watching the IA storyline I enjoy it very much and am secretly lvling up an IA so I can have the Vector romance. Of course my feelings towards Quinn maybe because I know how his storyline runs later on.
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Go sith warrior, Quinn is dreamy


Okay, yes. Capital Y-E-S, I thank'ya. For a pixel man, he has pretty sexy lips. He is a little bit of a dutiful stick in the mud, nothing like Andronikos in that regard, but compared to creepy, gas bag, bug man, I am much more inclined to overlook that.


Anyway, yeah, I am a girl gamer and I dig that there are female romance options in the game. I come from an RP background and the more immersive the gaming world is the more I personally enjoy it, but I do wish nearly all of the companions were romanceable (whether you are a male or female character). I would love to get my hands on Talos Drellik - I don't care if he looks twenty years older than my Inquisitor, he's dorky cute and super funny.


I also dig that sort of Matthew McConaughey vibe I get from Corso Riggs.

Edited by Dolcia
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Where do we learn about the unlinking causing strain? I'm thinking that I just didn't take that conversation path at some point with him. Vids?


And its not something I would ask him to do except on very special occasions (like our first time together since he even seemed to want the privacy). Most of the time my agent loves him just as he is.


I'm partial to dark hair and blue eyes myself. That's why I LOVE the mod for Corso where you can give him that appearance. <3


But for Vector, he's lovely the way he is originally. I looked at mods for him, but didn't find any of them better than his natural state. ;)


Vector is the only companion that I didn't change his appearance. He's really quite perfect the way he is and it's a great match for the voice. They didn't put cheesy facial hair or weird tattoos or idiotic bieber hair or a "politically correct" (ugly) face on him :)


I miss him now that I'm 50..... wow that's sad :o I hope they don't disappoint in the future expansions.

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if you opt to FTB with him unjoined, and ask " back to being a joiner?" instead of saying you love him too.


i dont know any vids on YT, i did some esc snooping around on that scene

and yeah, i looked at mods, and i prefer him au naturel too

i might wanna get jorgan a proper mane if they have a mod for that tho, i have a bit of a hair fetish and bald don't do it for me >:3


I wish there were vids to see that part of the conversation. Is there a transcript anyone has datamined?

The "I love you" response was just too right for my agent. Vector's the only person she feels she can truly be herself around. So she's more real and even a bit bubbly with him. Its cute to see her like that rather than so serious all of the time. :)


And yes about Jorgan. I keep looking at all the mod vendors for a proper mane for him. Haven't found one yet.

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I wish there were vids to see that part of the conversation. Is there a transcript anyone has datamined?

The "I love you" response was just too right for my agent. Vector's the only person she feels she can truly be herself around. So she's more real and even a bit bubbly with him. Its cute to see her like that rather than so serious all of the time. :)


And yes about Jorgan. I keep looking at all the mod vendors for a proper mane for him. Haven't found one yet.


aperantly theres a way to get him to say he loves you while joined, but you gotta freak out at him first, and say you're creeped out, and he gets flustered and changes back, and you basically tell him you love him as he is.



and yes.... even if it entails furryness... cathar males with those manes..... *drool*

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I always wonder if the male Cathar have barbed genitalia like actual cats do.... <.<


let's not go there :D


(sadly knows too much about animal reproductive biomechanics, and the reasoning-functions of that aspect in felines and forced ovulators)



...maybe thats why trooper had the option to order him to bring his armor along....? crap. i went there.


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For those who think Vecrtor betrays you on Alderaan...I just ran through that quest line again.


If you try to reason with you he explains why the hive must take over the house.


"The actions of one is the same as the whole." To the Killicks the actions of the baroness seemed to be the desire of the barron as well. If you continue to try to reason with him Vector explains that the killicks will fight you. You then will get an option to ask Vector "and what about you Vector will you oppose my choice as well." Vector shows his true loyalty to you when he says he would not fight you but with you, his loyalty lies with you and the empire.


After hearing that my agent gave the house to the killicks saying "I just needed to know where your loyalties trully stood."

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let's not go there :D


(sadly knows too much about animal reproductive biomechanics, and the reasoning-functions of that aspect in felines and forced ovulators)



...maybe thats why trooper had the option to order him to bring his armor along....? crap. i went there.


Aww, well there goes any plans I had to romance Aric Jorgan. ;) Damn, I adore Timothy Omundson's voice.

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I recorded a few different versions of the "One People" quest the other night, and I just uploaded my first few videos on You Tube!




This is the "Agent freaks out" version. Unfortunately it's incomplete. I believe it ends in the same way as the other joiner versions do. I also did not chose the conversation option to get the "We love you" part. It was getting pretty late and I was tired by this point!


This is one of the versions where the agent prefers to keep him as a joiner. In this version she asks if he is human enough for some "alone time" and he assures her that he is. :D


This is a non-joiner version, where instead of saying "I love you", the agent asks him if he can stay in his non-joiner form.



There are a LOT of varying conversation paths on this quest! I can't imagine trying to capture them all. I did try to get some of the lesser chosen versions captured though so people can see those.

Edited by CloudCastle
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I recorded a few different versions of the "One People" quest the other night, and I just uploaded my first few videos on You Tube!




This is the "Agent freaks out" version. Unfortunately it's incomplete. I believe it ends in the same way as the other joiner versions do. I also did not chose the conversation option to get the "We love you" part. It was getting pretty late and I was tired by this point!


This is one of the versions where the agent prefers to keep him as a joiner. In this version she asks if he is human enough for some "alone time" and he assures her that he is. :D


This is a non-joiner version, where instead of saying "I love you", the agent asks him if he can stay in his non-joiner form.



There are a LOT of varying conversation paths on this quest! I can't imagine trying to capture them all. I did try to get some of the lesser chosen versions captured though so people can see those.


Hmm, it is interesting to see. I still don't know how I feel about dating a bug, haha, but interesting nonetheless. Thanks for posting it.

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I recorded a few different versions of the "One People" quest the other night, and I just uploaded my first few videos on You Tube!




This is the "Agent freaks out" version. Unfortunately it's incomplete. I believe it ends in the same way as the other joiner versions do. I also did not chose the conversation option to get the "We love you" part. It was getting pretty late and I was tired by this point!


This is one of the versions where the agent prefers to keep him as a joiner. In this version she asks if he is human enough for some "alone time" and he assures her that he is. :D


This is a non-joiner version, where instead of saying "I love you", the agent asks him if he can stay in his non-joiner form.



There are a LOT of varying conversation paths on this quest! I can't imagine trying to capture them all. I did try to get some of the lesser chosen versions captured though so people can see those.



awesome sauce!

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For those who think Vecrtor betrays you on Alderaan...I just ran through that quest line again.


If you try to reason with you he explains why the hive must take over the house.


"The actions of one is the same as the whole." To the Killicks the actions of the baroness seemed to be the desire of the barron as well. If you continue to try to reason with him Vector explains that the killicks will fight you. You then will get an option to ask Vector "and what about you Vector will you oppose my choice as well." Vector shows his true loyalty to you when he says he would not fight you but with you, his loyalty lies with you and the empire.


After hearing that my agent gave the house to the killicks saying "I just needed to know where your loyalties trully stood."


Of course that important quote, "The actions of one is the same as the whole," condemns Vector for his dishonest betrayal as well, since he and the hivemind string you along while they prepare their sneak attack on House Cortess.


Funny that.

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Expect the censorhammer. I got hit with it when I wondered the same thing a while back.


Oh really....haha.


We'll see...wouldn't be the first time I've been censored here :D Though I really don't think there's anything about that comment that should be censored, it's nothing you won't see mentioned on Discovery channel.

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