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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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i highly doubt it, even tho i missed out on tons of affection points for reassuring him it was only for the mission, and then latter turning phi-ton down ( max level anyways, meh, and i had to tease him :D) i got no affection downs at all, or any comment from him afterwards, and usually if you do end something with a spouse in this game, you have to make a blatant choice to.


...still keeping my eye on my speeder collection in case he tries to run off with half of it >.>


if anything, i'll be able to make him dance while i partybomb the fleet. i want to see blizz and khem val dance sooooo bad, or lokin in his rak form.


Well, even if the patch did somehow count the Voss marriage, I doubt Vector would care... he didn't seem to care the tons of OTHER times I flirted with other guys in front of him :D

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Well, even if the patch did somehow count the Voss marriage, I doubt Vector would care... he didn't seem to care the tons of OTHER times I flirted with other guys in front of him :D


only one he cared about.. was hunter rofl XD

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Gotta admit that Hunter as a "rival romance" would have been insanely hot...



...if they had kept him a guy. T_T



Vector knows this. /nodnod


if he was confused lokin smelled 100% human, im suprised he couldn't smell hunter's real gender.

meh plot holes.

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Got him now on my agent, and i have to say, i really like him. Till now hes someone who agrees with my lightside agent, much nicer than Kaliyo. who hates everything nice & fair.


A very well-designed character, that gives some interesting pointers about Killik life. I find it facinating.

Edited by Kheldras
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I haven't leveled any characters for enough for romance options. I'm not interested in them anyway. But I can't say I'm surprised that the females get dorky options. We gals can't have TOO MUCH FUN. No way.


Inquisitors get Andronikus (yummy space pirate). Warriors get Quinn (who, regardless of the fact that every time he heals me, I think "Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman," is a pretty cool guy, if you like being able to relentlessly tease people). Bounty Hunters get Torian (blonde Mandalorian, I thought he was kind of dumb, but then I've never really liked Madalorians and he's cute enough it doesn't really matter much).


Male characters are really the ones that get horrible romances (Ashara wants to still be a Jedi, so it kind of limits your dark side options if you want in good with her, Mako and Vette are both practically kids, and dark side Jaesa and Kaliyo are psychotic whores).

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Vector is actually a pretty interesting story arc, you'll see later on when he does something unexpected.

What makes him interesting to me is my female agent isn't just talking to some guy but to an entire race of beings (including other humans and aliens that agreed to be 'joined' with the hive mind) that span the galaxy and perhaps even further than that.

Weird but interesting concept.

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Inquisitors get Andronikus (yummy space pirate). Warriors get Quinn (who, regardless of the fact that every time he heals me, I think "Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman," is a pretty cool guy, if you like being able to relentlessly tease people). Bounty Hunters get Torian (blonde Mandalorian, I thought he was kind of dumb, but then I've never really liked Madalorians and he's cute enough it doesn't really matter much).


Male characters are really the ones that get horrible romances (Ashara wants to still be a Jedi, so it kind of limits your dark side options if you want in good with her, Mako and Vette are both practically kids, and dark side Jaesa and Kaliyo are psychotic whores).


Actually Torian is also a kid. What killed that romance possibility for me was that my BH kept calling him 'Kid' even in flirts. Got very 'cougarish' So I ended up fixing him up with Mako. :p


And Vette technically isn't a kid, she's in her 20's. She's the same age as Risha. Though its easy to see why people might think that. And Kira is awesome for the male Jedi out there.


But I must agree completely about Ashara, Dark Jaesa and Kaliyo. Vector seems wonderful in comparison.

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Actually Torian is also a kid. What killed that romance possibility for me was that my BH kept calling him 'Kid' even in flirts. Got very 'cougarish' So I ended up fixing him up with Mako. :p


And Vette technically isn't a kid, she's in her 20's. She's the same age as Risha. Though its easy to see why people might think that. And Kira is awesome for the male Jedi out there.


But I must agree completely about Ashara, Dark Jaesa and Kaliyo. Vector seems wonderful in comparison.


I thought Torian was supposed to be around 29. Mako is also meant to be in her mid 20's I think.


My favorite so far is Andronikos. He's the only one happy to just be with the pc and not shackle them to a picket fence to start breeding. I'm trying to rule the galaxy with an iron fist gosh darn it! I don't have time for weddings and rugrats!


I really like vector too, in fact the only male LI I just can't take is Doc on the republic side. I listened to his inane prattle for I think 2 cut scenes then deleted the toon.


I honestly think the female player characters got punked in this game. Most of the female LIs come across a little too... psycho... for my tastes.

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Actually Torian is also a kid. What killed that romance possibility for me was that my BH kept calling him 'Kid' even in flirts. Got very 'cougarish' So I ended up fixing him up with Mako. :p


You can make your Trooper look like she/he's a teenager, middle-aged, or older, and Gearbox will still call them "Kid" regardless. :p


I'd ballpark most of the LIs being between 20 and 30, Quinn and maybe Doc/Jorgan in their early-mid 30s. Pity that only the Agent's codex entries give companion ages.

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I thought Torian was supposed to be around 29. Mako is also meant to be in her mid 20's I think.


My favorite so far is Andronikos. He's the only one happy to just be with the pc and not shackle them to a picket fence to start breeding. I'm trying to rule the galaxy with an iron fist gosh darn it! I don't have time for weddings and rugrats!


I really like vector too, in fact the only male LI I just can't take is Doc on the republic side. I listened to his inane prattle for I think 2 cut scenes then deleted the toon.


I honestly think the female player characters got punked in this game. Most of the female LIs come across a little too... psycho... for my tastes.


When you first call Torian 'Kid' non-seriously, he gets all hurt and says some line like "Mandalorians are judged by their deeds, not physical years!" Which was so defensive it pretty much confirmed he was a kid in my mind. The Ichigo voice didn't help that assessment any. :D


My Hunter was a little sad Gault wasn't romancable, even though that devil kept using Flirt lines on her. Tease.


Agreed on Andronikos. He's great, and I'm not just saying that because he's a pirate. Well okay, mostly for that.

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I really like vector too, in fact the only male LI I just can't take is Doc on the republic side. I listened to his inane prattle for I think 2 cut scenes then deleted the toon.


I don't know much about Doc, but I can't take that ugly stache seriously. Ew. Just ew. I don't think I'd roll a Jedi Knight, but if I ever did, I really hope there's a customization that gets rid of the damn thing.

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Go sith warrior, Quinn is dreamy



He was dreamy, right up until he stabs you in the back before Coreilla. Like seriously, if my boyfriend did that to me irl, I'll drop him so fast like a hotrock. On top of that, Instead of welcoming him back to the team (regardless of whether I force choke him or not), I would just leave him at the space station. Even if I were to forgive him later on, at least he should put in some real efforts to "woo" me back or something. There should be more of a struggle if Quinn was confronting the female sith warrior that he's in a relationship with when she asks him "I thought you loved me". Instead of saying what he did, why not show some real difficulty like struggling to go through but then must kill them etc etc because maybe Baras is threatening the life of some military unit that he's close with etc. And later on you leave him at the space station yet he maybe trails you along and take a bullet for you or almost die for you etc etc and doesn't ask for your forgiveness but you consider forgiving him then anyways etc. (OR AT LEAST WITH THE BREAK UP OPTION MAKE HIM CHASE U BACK, STUPID 10K AFFECTION WASTED)!


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He was dreamy, right up until he stabs you in the back before Coreilla. Like seriously, if my boyfriend did that to me irl, I'll drop him so fast like a hotrock. On top of that, Instead of welcoming him back to the team (regardless of whether I force choke him or not), I would just leave him at the space station. Even if I were to forgive him later on, at least he should put in some real efforts to "woo" me back or something. There should be more of a struggle if Quinn was confronting the female sith warrior that he's in a relationship with when she asks him "I thought you loved me". Instead of saying what he did, why not show some real difficulty like struggling to go through but then must kill them etc etc because maybe Baras is threatening the life of some military unit that he's close with etc. And later on you leave him at the space station yet he maybe trails you along and take a bullet for you or almost die for you etc etc and doesn't ask for your forgiveness but you consider forgiving him then anyways etc. (OR AT LEAST WITH THE BREAK UP OPTION MAKE HIM CHASE U BACK, STUPID 10K AFFECTION WASTED)!


yeah...i was on the quinn train too...but i saw what he did on my bf's jug, so yeah

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yeah...i was on the quinn train too...but i saw what he did on my bf's jug, so yeah


You gotta admit the man's got a sexy body though =p. I was talking off his gears to switch to another one and decided to see what he looks like, man, those abs /drool:cool:

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You gotta admit the man's got a sexy body though =p. I was talking off his gears to switch to another one and decided to see what he looks like, man, those abs /drool:cool:


sad thing is, if you do the same to lokin, hes just as ripped :eek:

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sad thing is, if you do the same to lokin, hes just as ripped :eek:



Yeah, but Quinn was so hilarious to tease in Balmorra and later in his companion affection quests. The other thing I really don't like was his letters. I get that he's dense and all, trust me, I do. But at least 1/3 of the in game letters he sent you should be more romantic or at least more "awwww" even if it was written without being cheesy. Like Andronikos' mail, the one where he talks about even if someday he leaves etc or you leave him, he'll just come back with a bigger fleet etc. It's not lovey dovey but it's more romantic.


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