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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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i'm intrigued by this handsome fellow-smurf. But i'm not going to be all " birds of a feather" ether. If my char wanted it that way, she would have stayed home.

So far my char likes ditching the " bad girl" act in front of Kaleiyo, now that shes buisy hunting for medical supplies and making stims for her. She can finally speak with a sense of logic and reason, and hopefully repair the reputation shes gotten herself for trying to get along with her last sidekick. Ether way, she will act what roles she has to, in order to accomidate those around her, as long as in the end her own morals are met.

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I really liked the timing of Vector's arrival on my ship. (Waiting until Alderaan for our second companion wasn't so great however).


It fit with the evolution of my Imperial Agent pretty well. I was making mostly (but not all) dark side options, much to Kaliyo's delight. So I was able to get chummy with her, have that conversation with her where she calls you out for being neutral, and then meet Vector. I thought it was interesting that one of the first way to earn major affection points with him involved a dark side option. It was the choice of what to do at the end of dealing with the nobles. I didn't even feel bad about about choosing it honestly. It was endearing when he seemed nervous about leaving the nest after his Joining.


Vector's subtle humor, kindness and bug talk is what drew me in. I'll be frank, when he went all Killicky about stuff, I was a little put off at first. It wasn't until I thought about how he sees the world differently through auras and songs that it started to make more sense.



I adored that moment after you finally regain control from the key word. He says your aura looks brighter and how he's glad to see you back. You can tell him you feel better than you have in a long time.


It was also cute how he asked Doctor Lokin for advice in persuasion.


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I really liked the timing of Vector's arrival on my ship. (Waiting until Alderaan for our second companion wasn't so great however).


It fit with the evolution of my Imperial Agent pretty well. I was making mostly (but not all) dark side options, much to Kaliyo's delight. So I was able to get chummy with her, have that conversation with her where she calls you out for being neutral, and then meet Vector. I thought it was interesting that one of the first way to earn major affection points with him involved a dark side option. It was the choice of what to do at the end of dealing with the nobles. I didn't even feel bad about about choosing it honestly. It was endearing when he seemed nervous about leaving the nest after his Joining.


Vector's subtle humor, kindness and bug talk is what drew me in. I'll be frank, when he went all Killicky about stuff, I was a little put off at first. It wasn't until I thought about how he sees the world differently through auras and songs that it started to make more sense.



I adored that moment after you finally regain control from the key word. He says your aura looks brighter and how he's glad to see you back. You can tell him you feel better than you have in a long time.


It was also cute how he asked Doctor Lokin for advice in persuasion.


awww man..i shoulda taken the dark side with house cortess.... but frankly couldn't stomache the idea.

anyone have a youtube of that option instead?

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Oh goodness... I almost shed tears of laughter reading that.


I do have a question though, please post any answers in spolier tags. Is Vector always a joiner even at the end of his quests?


he is, but

he declines the opertunity to be promoted to a never before seen, ultra uber killik position of universal dawn herald...as well youre more important :D



Im on scene 8 or 9...doing the non flirty, but still receptive approach, and hes even sweeter imo this route. I told him straight up that i've no husband or family ( instead of the flirt option where you tease him), and he was concerned about the isolation this job gives, and asks how i handle, and i had the option to flirt, and basically say we have to rely on each other. Also when asked about my feelings for him, i did a total friend zone and said " I care about you, thats all im saying for now" and he took it very well, and mentioned something that hinted at the fact killik don't feel romantic love like we do. ( that actually makes the whole " hive mind voyeurism" acceptable; it falls under my thoery that the killiks wouldn't conprehend what's going on, and merely find it odd that we were engaging in frequent mating behaviors, despite having no reproductive tendancies, and think not much else about it, other than maybe figureing it's a bonding ritual, and leave it at that)

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About the romance...



Vector made me a marriage proposal but I clearly said No. He was a bit diappointed but accepted my decision. Now I've just received the last companion mission with Vector and one of my dialog options is: "You're my husband". :confused: How's that possible if I declined his proposal?


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well finally finished act 2, and finished with him <3

We are victorious.


i decided to tell him to keep his hive mind on

just since i don't want him to think that that's the only time we can have fade-to-black time, when he can't survive multiple episodes of it. But i will always remember THOSE EYES :eek: that, and my previous explanation on how utterly detailed and vivid everything is to him, you know he'd find every single spot that would... make your aura quiver and flare, and have that smug smile on his face as he describes what he's perceiving :jawa_biggrin:



i wonder if he'd actually ever sing for me



i need to find money for a new cargo hold... i can't throw away any gifts he gives me now ; ;

i wish i could decorate my room with them. i wish he'd move into my room

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Girl gamer chiming in - there is literally nothing appealing about this guy. He is an ant. He only ever talks about ants, the hive or finding other hives, and if I leave his armor piercing combat stance on then he stands in the storeroom of my ship pumping out a nasty green pheromone cloud.


Whoever wrote this particular romance - why is the only option for a female Imperial Agent a dehumanized bugman? The flirt options are so ridiculously contrived, he sits there nattering away about his ants and all of a sudden I come out with "HOW ABOUT SOME ALONE TIME WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" and he's all "that would be nice, also THE HIVE IS CALLING ME I HEAR THE SONG OF THE UNIVERSE!"


The whole point of a good romance subplot is the object of your character's affections is meant to have some likable qualities. This dude is repellent, it's like trying to flirt with a rock. A rock covered in ants. I'm keeping up with the romance sub-plot purely because I keep thinking "There's GOT to be something that saves this from being completely awful...right?" and like a car accident, I just can't quite look away.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying romance sub-plots should be lovey-dovey cuddlefests, but this guy kind of makes me throw up in my mouth a bit.



I love to hate my agent. And I LOL'd SO HARD. Kudos to the OP tyvm for the laughfest haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

All you guys and girls who crave same sex relationships in the game...

It IS a roleplaying game.... It has to do with Pretend.....


Since I am a guys guy, I simply created a female toon and used as much masculine fetures as I could get in the character creator, gave it a drag queen name, and voila! What I have is a feminine man having a relationship with a male :) I had to try to ignore my in game voice... but hey, it is a roleplaying game after all.


Same goes for girl on girl action, but, you know, reverse...


My boyfriend also plays this game, and we rolled a couple of dudes just to go to Nar Shaddaa to dance on the tables in out briefs.... and below us there are a couple of guys cheering on... How gay is that? :p


Anyway.... bugman is OK. Look forward to more options though.... :rolleyes:

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All you guys and girls who crave same sex relationships in the game...

It IS a roleplaying game.... It has to do with Pretend.....


Since I am a guys guy, I simply created a female toon and used as much masculine fetures as I could get in the character creator, gave it a drag queen name, and voila! What I have is a feminine man having a relationship with a male :) I had to try to ignore my in game voice... but hey, it is a roleplaying game after all.


Same goes for girl on girl action, but, you know, reverse...


My boyfriend also plays this game, and we rolled a couple of dudes just to go to Nar Shaddaa to dance on the tables in out briefs.... and below us there are a couple of guys cheering on... How gay is that? :p


Anyway.... bugman is OK. Look forward to more options though.... :rolleyes:





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I was sort of annoyed by the lack of romance options for female agents, too. It's not just Vector (who I sort of liked - although I agree that him going on about bugs, you flirting, then him looking confused and going back to bugs - is pretty hilarious. It is a lot like trying to flirt with a rock.)

Oh, and that moment when he goes back to your room...just to later find out that nothing happened? Priceless...

It's also that there are, I am fairly sure, less than 1/3 the one night stand options for female agents as male and 1/3 the flirt options.

And don't get me started on how male agents tend to have fun with their one night stands, while 2 out of 3 for the female end with her looking ashamed, hurt, or disgusted by what she just chose to do.




I really, really feel like certain classes were written with one gender in mind, then shoddily had the second inserted. (And agent was certainly written for a male agent.) It's annoying, because it makes me think that the writers secretly couldn't fathom the idea of someone playing a female agent. (Or, I suppose, a male Jedi Counselor, which I've heard plays opposite, although I don't have much experience with the class.)


To a certain extent, yeah, I get that it's hard to take into account every gender, every species, etc. But I did feel like the agent storyline could have used a bit more thought in modifying it for female players. (Like, maybe making Lokin a romance option. Or throwing in a few more one night stands/flirts/

patching how weird the entire Hunter ending is if you're crazy enough to flirt with him/her.)


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All you guys and girls who crave same sex relationships in the game...

It IS a roleplaying game.... It has to do with Pretend.....


Since I am a guys guy, I simply created a female toon and used as much masculine fetures as I could get in the character creator, gave it a drag queen name, and voila! What I have is a feminine man having a relationship with a male :) I had to try to ignore my in game voice... but hey, it is a roleplaying game after all.




I already pretend, trust me XD


What do you honestly think happens when FemAgent and Kaliyo go 'out for drinks'? It's too hot for Star Wars, so the game just doesn't show it.



I really, really feel like certain classes were written with one gender in mind, then shoddily had the second inserted. (And agent was certainly written for a male agent.) It's annoying, because it makes me think that the writers secretly couldn't fathom the idea of someone playing a female agent.


I think it fits perfectly fine with a female.


It's not all about romance and jumping into people's pants.


Also, the FemAgent seems to have plenty of flirt options with males. I know because I actively try to avoid them. The male Agent has more flirts, sure, but it almost seems to make him into a ridiculous caricature instead of a legit agent. You do have a job to do and shouldn't be skirt/pants-chasing the entire time. I understand that there are times where the Agent has to use his/her 'charms' to complete the mission but there really aren't many cases where that holds up as it is now. Most casual sex opportunities have nothing to do with the mission and are just there for the hell of it.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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It's also that there are, I am fairly sure, less than 1/3 the one night stand options for female agents as male and 1/3 the flirt options.

And don't get me started on how male agents tend to have fun with their one night stands, while 2 out of 3 for the female end with her looking ashamed, hurt, or disgusted by what she just chose to do.



So much this.


Girls have needs too, you know. I was really looking forward to sleeping around with my female agent as I did with my male. Well, at least seeing what my options were.



While she does have the option to sleep with someone early on, she eventually just seems to have less options in the long run. And you're right, she's facepalming a lot of the time. Sleeping with someone is a last resort for her -- to get what she wants for her job -- rather than what she wants for herself.


Also, are there not more attractive people for her to flirt with? What's with all the fat and/or ugly guys?


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Hey, at least female agents have a couple of random options. My poor female bounty hunter has been awfully lonely all the way until Taris :(


This is true. BH in general don't get to sleep around in general. Certainly not as much as an agent does.



Edit for too many generals.

Edited by Hamchuck
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Also, are there not more attractive people for her to flirt with? What's with all the fat and/or ugly guys?



Very much so. I am still livid that the only hot flirtation options (Sanju, Saganu) are kiss only. Seriously, my lady deserved to be able to spend at least one night with them. (Esp. considering how many one night stands m!agent got.)


Also, while I sort of respect the Master Tlan encounter as I highly suspect that a real agent would be dealing with that kind of thing a lot...why did she have to look so freaking upset about her one night stand on Hutta? *sigh* I mean, I kind of get that maybe it was a "I just sold myself out for the price of a stick of bubble gum". But, honestly, it could also have been a "hey, he's cute, I'm bored!" kind of moment.



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My agent knows her " assets" are just another weapon in her toolbox :cool:

i'm sure they gave you plenty of mental training to deal with having to resort to that tactic.

and if it means sparing a life... well that guy better consider himself double lucky!


i was actually kinda sad when phi ton told me to forget him in the mail.... i hope vector didnt see the look of heartbreak on her face ;). other than the fact they're supposed to have bad breath, and the people remind me of designer sports runners, i coulda made myself at home in that family


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Interesting how a thread originally made in disgust of Vector has been taken over by fangirls. :p This thread is what made me make an agent just to romance him. I love that he's quirky and not just another "normal" guy. The game already has several of those to choose from.


Have any of you noticed that Vector has default clothes on rather than just boxer briefs like Malavai Quinn, etc? What's he hiding? (Yeah yeah, I peeked. Like that's any worse than the guys that make their female companions run around in slave girl costumes? Speaking of that, please make a slave boy costume, BW! :D)


For some reason this makes me picture Vector wearing footie pajamas that have a hood with plush Killik antennae. Come on, that would be adorable, wouldn't it? XD


I think I need to go hide from the people who would put me in a padded room right about now. :o

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Interesting how a thread originally made in disgust of Vector has been taken over by fangirls. :p This thread is what made me make an agent just to romance him. I love that he's quirky and not just another "normal" guy. The game already has several of those to choose from.


Have any of you noticed that Vector has default clothes on rather than just boxer briefs like Malavai Quinn, etc? What's he hiding? (Yeah yeah, I peeked. Like that's any worse than the guys that make their female companions run around in slave girl costumes? Speaking of that, please make a slave boy costume, BW! :D)


For some reason this makes me picture Vector wearing footie pajamas that have a hood with plush Killik antennae. Come on, that would be adorable, wouldn't it? XD


I think I need to go hide from the people who would put me in a padded room right about now. :o


it gets cold in alderaan. thats all i can think.

( i was gonna drag him behind me naked as punishment for bugging ( heh) my quest line for getting him before tattoo. and yes yes YES slave boy..or at least like chipendale dancer outfit... awww yeee

" Agent, why are you making us wear this in public? >.>" )

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Yeah, I was being goofy one night and stripped all my companions clothes off on my ship, only to find that Vector has a protective layer :(


kinda creepy how.... well maintained lokin's body is



i should put kaleiyo in slave gear now.... exept she WOULD kill me.

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