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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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and more of my dirty mind finding reasons hes a keeper: with his memory databank connections, he can get all the tips and tricks you could imagine, even acessing the memories and details of female bodies and what works best, or the memories of legendary male rogues. kinks from countless alien races.

theres big perks to be had from the hive mind. :D


so RP in mind, i'm going to have him supress that first night, just a pure moment of intimacy. When things get crazy latter on, my char will probably want that again for times when she needs emotional comfort. Then on most days, it will just be crazy, zero G, wild bug love.


edit- and while were on the topic of crazy wild bug love...theres a reason my char is studying biochem. mad-crazy stims to make things that much more interesting. ;)

Edited by Crezelle
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I think if I remember it right I didn't get any affection with him on Quesh, but I am not sure if he was with me on Quesh or not. I did everything with

Ensign Temple

after Hoth! She's like my little sister ^^


Mine and Vector's romance started when I was max level so I'm sorry but I don't know when the kiss happens progress-wise!



He asked for my hand even if I only chose one or two flirt alternatives in the end, and I felt like a cold hearted ***** when I turned him down :< I'm waiting for being able to romance Saganu!



You couldn't! Saying "yes" to Vector was one of the quickest clicks of my life xD but I actually liked him from the beginning... "There's something compelling about you, Vector" (doesn't remind you of other game? I loved when Liara says that to Shepard in ME1 *_*) and I wasn't wrong!!! And well, I haven't flirt with anyone beyond a drink so far and I'm not planning to cheat on my husband even if he understands that's part of my job, and I was already on something with Vector when Saganu appeared so I skipped that little romance, and for the sake of my mental sanity, it might have been the best; the mind trap was enough stress to me aswell!


The only bad point in all of this is, my sniper is my first char, as I wanted so badly to play an agent before going to my permanent allegiance, sorry there guys, but I'm a republican at heart and I guess it's not enough just to spare civilians and do the best for the Empire even if it's not the best for me, but it's killing me at the same time! Vector is a loyal imperialist and seeks the greater good and thinks the Empire is the right choice and bitters me that I have to leave him behind to play with the other faction, the one we are trying to defeat, how can this fantastic man be so wrong?! There's something about the Empire you're not telling me? Please do it now, as I've been loyal to it as a dog as many here too. I can already hear him in my head knowing the time will come, when I'll have to leave... "Agent?" (as when his health is running low, it almost makes me bash all the buttons at once to kill everything fast so he won't get defeated, that tone just tears me apart!)




For the ones not reading the spoilers: laughed too at the OP posts too and many others through the whole topic, but sorry, I ABSolutely love Vector! His killik side, his human side, the story, the romance, everything!


And for the girls, or boys playing as femme agent (or the ones waiting for same sex romance, it's the same, all of you), not giving a chance to him... more of him for me!!! haha, naah, I guess Bioware just wanted to put in practice "don't judge people by their appearance" thingy, if that doesn't make you give it a try, then your loss if you ask me =P

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You couldn't! Saying "yes" to Vector was one of the quickest clicks of my life xD but I actually liked him from the beginning... "There's something compelling about you, Vector" (doesn't remind you of other game? I loved when Liara says that to Shepard in ME1 *_*) and I wasn't wrong!!! And well, I haven't flirt with anyone beyond a drink so far and I'm not planning to cheat on my husband even if he understands that's part of my job, and I was already on something with Vector when Saganu appeared so I skipped that little romance, and for the sake of my mental sanity, it might have been the best; the mind trap was enough stress to me aswell!


The only bad point in all of this is, my sniper is my first char, as I wanted so badly to play an agent before going to my permanent allegiance, sorry there guys, but I'm a republican at heart and I guess it's not enough just to spare civilians and do the best for the Empire even if it's not the best for me, but it's killing me at the same time! Vector is a loyal imperialist and seeks the greater good and thinks the Empire is the right choice and bitters me that I have to leave him behind to play with the other faction, the one we are trying to defeat, how can this fantastic man be so wrong?! There's something about the Empire you're not telling me? Please do it now, as I've been loyal to it as a dog as many here too. I can already hear him in my head knowing the time will come, when I'll have to leave... "Agent?" (as when his health is running low, it almost makes me bash all the buttons at once to kill everything fast so he won't get defeated, that tone just tears me apart!)




For the ones not reading the spoilers: laughed too at the OP posts too and many others through the whole topic, but sorry, I ABSolutely love Vector! His killik side, his human side, the story, the romance, everything!


And for the girls, or boys playing as femme agent (or the ones waiting for same sex romance, it's the same, all of you), not giving a chance to him... more of him for me!!! haha, naah, I guess Bioware just wanted to put in practice "don't judge people by their appearance" thingy, if that doesn't make you give it a try, then your loss if you ask me =P


In reference to your spoiler, and after seeing what both sides are capable of, I don't like the empire or the republic much anymore. I can't wait for the 'batman' ending.

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Vector? Granted, the whole bug thing is kind of creepy. But he actually meshes well with the way I play my IA. I rarely get negative affection when questing with him.


I may play a female IA when I roll operative, just to see how this "Worst Romance Ever" is...

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I was extremely intrigued by this companion when I got him. I found his state of existence fascinating, as did my Operative (a phenomenally talented doctor, but also a giant science nerd who specializes in bioanalysis and biochemistry). I found that I really liked him, mechanically, and thus my Operative (pure med spec) used him and only him to level. This opened up a lot of interesting dialogue, watching Vector's reactions and interactions with a variety of different missions.


I decided, considering my Operative's personality (morally gray diplomatic doctor/spy), that Vector was someone she would find genuine interest in, and her growing affection for him (through supporting him during the Killik treaty negotiations and such) was responded to positively by him. Personally, I found the romance extremely interesting and unique. Vector's behavior and speech patterns (he has a tendency to emphasize the wrong syllables when speaking) make him really interesting to watch and listen to.


He is naturally analytical and logical, much removed from emotion, but the more you pursue him romantically, the more it becomes clear that he isn't inhuman at all, and becomes very attached and dedicated to your Agent in his own ways.






The fact that he gives up a promotion within the Hive Hierarchy (an enormous one, beyond anything any one Killik could hope for or expect) for his love of the Agent who romances him speaks volumes for his retained individuality and dedication to the Agent. I'm very curious to see what's going to occur with him in the future; in this decision, he clearly puts the Agent before the Hive, a very unusual and otherwise unknown occurrence amongst Killiks.


As I am certain that romanced companions will get further story with expansions, I'm curious to see if this will become a conflict, or if the Killiks believe that Vector chose rightly to their benefit, even if it was in his own interests.

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Girl gamer chiming in - there is literally nothing appealing about this guy. He is an ant. He only ever talks about ants, the hive or finding other hives, and if I leave his armor piercing combat stance on then he stands in the storeroom of my ship pumping out a nasty green pheromone cloud.


Whoever wrote this particular romance - why is the only option for a female Imperial Agent a dehumanized bugman? The flirt options are so ridiculously contrived, he sits there nattering away about his ants and all of a sudden I come out with "HOW ABOUT SOME ALONE TIME WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" and he's all "that would be nice, also THE HIVE IS CALLING ME I HEAR THE SONG OF THE UNIVERSE!"


The whole point of a good romance subplot is the object of your character's affections is meant to have some likable qualities. This dude is repellent, it's like trying to flirt with a rock. A rock covered in ants. I'm keeping up with the romance sub-plot purely because I keep thinking "There's GOT to be something that saves this from being completely awful...right?" and like a car accident, I just can't quite look away.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying romance sub-plots should be lovey-dovey cuddlefests, but this guy kind of makes me throw up in my mouth a bit.


They're *all* bad romance choices for an Agent. Kaliyo's horrible, like a parody of angry 90s punks, and Ensign Temple is a wide-eyed child with daddy issues. I just stick to my character banging whatever questgiver the game lets him schtupp, and wish they'd let me try to romance SCORPIO, because at least that would be *interesting*.


(edit) Wait, you can't romance Doctor Jekyll?

Edited by Thug-Ra
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Don't know if someone already mentioned (I don't want to read 29 pages)

I love my Vector and can't wait to get more romance from him. I'm 32 female gamer and just to think that he is 26 years old (base on codex) and an ENHANCE human it give a smile from ear to ear :D

But I have to be honest, every time he said "we" it used to creep me out, now all I think every time that we are intimate we have an audience.;)

Edited by Myafaye
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Vector? eh


My FemAgent would totally go for Kaliyo though XD


That relationship is just so interesting. Someone who supports 'the man' vs. an anarchist?


Yes plz.


I don't mind Vector being an option but why the heck can't I try to get with Kaliyo?


Nooooooo! Because they force me to play it 'straight'.

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Girl gamer chiming in - there is literally nothing appealing about this guy. He is an ant. He only ever talks about ants, the hive or finding other hives, and if I leave his armor piercing combat stance on then he stands in the storeroom of my ship pumping out a nasty green pheromone cloud.


Whoever wrote this particular romance - why is the only option for a female Imperial Agent a dehumanized bugman? The flirt options are so ridiculously contrived, he sits there nattering away about his ants and all of a sudden I come out with "HOW ABOUT SOME ALONE TIME WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" and he's all "that would be nice, also THE HIVE IS CALLING ME I HEAR THE SONG OF THE UNIVERSE!"


The whole point of a good romance subplot is the object of your character's affections is meant to have some likable qualities. This dude is repellent, it's like trying to flirt with a rock. A rock covered in ants. I'm keeping up with the romance sub-plot purely because I keep thinking "There's GOT to be something that saves this from being completely awful...right?" and like a car accident, I just can't quite look away.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying romance sub-plots should be lovey-dovey cuddlefests, but this guy kind of makes me throw up in my mouth a bit.


Cant romance Kaliyo or Temple? Or the dirty old man?

Edited by BlastTyrentt
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Females can't romance Kaliyo :(


I don't see why not she is a complete lesbian.


As a guy playing a girl character I was genuinely interested in the vector romance and found it actually...different, which is more than I can say for the romance option I had on my jedi guardian...that was just boring.


My point is they have to make them somewhat interesting/different otherwise what the hell is the point of romancing a companion, just to prove how loose you are?

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I don't see why not she is a complete lesbian.


Well, she might be but...females can't flirt with her. They force Fem!Agent to be straight or asexual :(



My point is they have to make them somewhat interesting/different otherwise what the hell is the point of romancing a companion, just to prove how loose you are?


I'm fine with different, I just want variety XD


My Agent digs the women but she has...nothing. I'm fine with Vector being an option but I wish I could attempt to pursue something with one of the ladies...even if it goes nowhere.

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Well, she might be but...females can't flirt with her. They force Fem!Agent to be straight or asexual :(




I'm fine with different, I just want variety XD


My Agent digs the women but she has...nothing. I'm fine with Vector being an option but I wish I could attempt to pursue something with one of the ladies...even if it goes nowhere.


Haha yah, honestly they should have just slapped the flirt option on all of the companions, even T7 for guardians because...why not?

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I like Vector and I like his characterization and story arc, but I can't possibly see him as a romantic option for my femagent. There's one simple explanation here--He's still connected to the Hive! Bang him and you're banging THE ENTIRE KILLIK HIVE MIND. That's just gross!


Beyond that, though? Really like him. It'd be nice if you could play matchmaker and hook him up with Daizanah.


Hopefully they either add in same-sex relations or add a new male companion with a personality similar to Watcher 2's. Watcher 2's about the only character in the story that I could see my femagent going for, except for the obvious limitation :p (For what it's worth, I think I'd rather have the second option. Not that I have anything against the same-sex option, just that I'm sure that when they do add the option you're going to see 90% of femagents taking the option. I don't like following the 90% crowd :p )

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I made a lot of progress with Vector over the weekend and got my first 'fade to black' scene with him Friday. He proposed to Kylania on Sunday and she accepted. I really hated the bug angle at first but he's just so good to Kylania through all of act 2 and beyond I can easily accept him. I do miss Saganu from act 2 and would have chose him first, but Vector really ended up being a great companion.


And when he commented that even without her aura that Kylania was lovely, I knew I made a good choice.

Edited by IronSalamander
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Haha yah, honestly they should have just slapped the flirt option on all of the companions, even T7 for guardians because...why not?


That could have been amusing XD


I'd want them to at least add it in for those females that do seem flirty with my Agent (Kaliyo and Watcher 2 for instance). Those two seem a hell of a lot more interested in my female Agent than Vector "mmmm...ants!" Hyllis.

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I know I mentioned being converted weeks ago, but I finally finshed my class story and got to 50 yesterday. Vector was my go-to companion for pretty much everything since he joined the crew and he's just ridiculously endearing. The letters you get after completing the relationship, his reactions to what you have to do for the class story on Voss ("You're awfully cute when you're upset...") are just too adorable for words.


Also, one of his more common phrases in combat: "We fight for you. We fight for the nest." has me thinking that towards the end of the game/story, it means more than just the Kilik nest. :3

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He's introspective, sweet, attentive, and appreciates it when you do the right thing--and he suppresses the hive when he wants the sexytiemz so that they don't need to know about it, so I for the life of me can't see what is squicking some of you so badly.


Of course, it may also just be cos he reminds me of somebody that I allowed to get away, ages ago. :p


My story too...


/wistful sigh

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Speaking from the perspective of a male: Vector Hyllis is the most uninteresting, least impactful, and most out of place character in any class story that I have experienced.


He has no character, no emotion, no loyalty to anyone outside of his hive, and serves more or less as being a constant, annoying, ant-spy on my ship. He's nothing but a craft skill slave for me, I refuse to pursue his story, refuse to gear him, and refuse to use him for anything other than gathering mats for my better, more interesting, and more useful companions to assemble in to something more wonderful than his impared ant-mind could.


He holds no loyalty to me, his mission and objectives are complete, why the annoying little grub has "chosen" to stay on my ship is beyond me, I wish his hive would call him home and I could be done with him.


The character has less appeal, less human emotion, and is in such a state of disconnection from humanity that I feel a closer link to Scorpio, who despite being robotic, is less droning and monotonous than Vector.


Add to this the fact that the story surrounding him was so poorly written, I wasn't even addressing him as if he had a personal thought left in his mind up until the cut scene that I miraculously divined that he had a name and began to use it. It was very disappointing how poorly thought out the story was surrounding this character, leaving aside how uninteresting and seemingly non-impactful "he" is.

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You have the option to have him keep his link to the hive open or closed. He'll show up with it suppressed, but if you tell him you prefer him as a full joiner, then hell turn it back on for you. You get a slightly different conversation after the smexy times depending on which you chose.


Personally, I greatly preferred the conversation you get when he suppresses the hive.



His voice when he's "supressed" is sweeter too. You can really hear the emotion in his voice and it's much softer. :o





I went with "be who you are now and don't suppress" option. Now am wishing I didn't. You got me curious, lol.



Edited to add: Oh wait ... I'm playing through the story again as an Op instead of Sniper, will choose accordingly then, heh.

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one little piece of regret i have with him... other guys on other classes will go on about how special you are, compared to the other women they've seen, and even tell you why they are drawn to you.

Vector seems to just bond with you as your the first female he's had near him outside the nest that accepts him. what makes me special other than being a "novelty" ?

i might chose less flirt option to try and make him man up and be more aggressive, maybe he can tell me why then.


i had my bf plow me thru alderaan so i did tatooine with him for the dialogue..only got one or 2 affection dings with him, but he did have dialogue. got 600 affection for doing the alderaan quest where you try and rescue that merchant's daughter with him too. at the last stage of act 1 and hes already like 2k

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I wasn't too keen on Vector to start with, especially since I tried a Smuggler and really liked Corso Riggs.





Vector has grown on me, in his own quiet, understated way. I'm not even finished with Chapter 2 yet, but I am really looking forward to seeing how it all will unfold with him and my agent.


I guess you can say it's always the quiet ones? :)

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