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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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I didn't know it was possible to call our characters with ' '

Usually they say I cannot use characters like - +* / ' in the name of our characters.


Do you think that Saganu was created to look like Thrawn (white uniform, classy, Chiss...)?


I just got Doc. Lokin and tried him in a fight, because everyone was saying he was the best companion in a fight because he heals, but... it was a disaster... ok he heals me but the fight takes forever because I'm the only one to hurt the mobs!


So I took Vector again. We make a good duo and we kill ennemies really quicker.

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I do see your reluctance to delve more into the Vector romance, since Saganu was just that damn good! Prior to meeting him though, I had pursued a lot of depth with Vector and he's always been there and supportive. If the game gave me the option to just run off with Saganu and 'retire' Kylania in her new happy place I would have taken it and switched to Thelianna my Powertech as my main, despite how much I love playing agent. If Saganu returns later in expansions, things may get a bit complicated though.


Our views on the violation don't deviate very much, despite my apparently greater anger than anything else. Kylania felt hurt, betrayed, frightened, confused, and angry all at once. The mention of brain damage seriously had me worried too, but after forever sealing off the ability for someone to ever control me again, it seems her faculties are all there, but the scars from this travesty will remain. She will strive to maintain her originally idealistic view and keep to making the lightside choices as much as possible. She will rise above all this and strive to make the empire better for all which was her goal at the onset. Keeper chastised me some for this at the end of Hutta since I was pure light at that time, but Kylania is strong with a good heart and will persevere.


When I was done on Quesh with the shadow arsenal and the new Keeper called me on the ship, I did spout off about betrayal from the empire due to the brainwashing since she could finally say something about it and the Keeper's almost deadpan reply that I was "upset" didn't help much. I then confronted the minister. When Kylania stated that "I gave everything to the empire, and this is how you repay my loyalty?!"the whole thing really hit home. I get the distinct impression that the minister is really on our side though and that he was left with no choice, especially when he tells me that he will not tell anyone that I am free. From a character perspective I think death would actually be preferable to this horrendous mental violation, but from a continuing MMO perspective that obviously wouldn't work well.


Part of the reason I rolled agent as my main was to be imperial without having to deal with the Sith so often, but it seems to not be in the cards since they won't leave us alone to just our jobs. The main reasons I went agent of course are that chiss women are so beautiful (especially the blue skin which is my favorite, with purple, green, and red close behind), the class and story are excellent if downright disturbing at times, and the voice actress is brilliant.



Ah, I think that made the difference! I didn't really talk so much to Vector after he joined me as the whole bug thing kinda made me creeped out. But if I ever dare play agent again I think I will do things differently and have him as my comfort when act two happens. I do really think that is one of the most horrible parts about the mind control, not being able to tell anyone about it. I remember after I woke up on the ship after that horrible hallucination, and I wanted to say "I'm being brainwashed" but al that came out was just "I'm fine" accompanied by losing affection with all my crew :<


I remember Watcher 2's response to me after the shadow arsenal was also like "Your pulse is high, you're flustered, but the mission was a success, why are you feeling like this?". But I really couldn't be angry with her since that response made it clear that she didn't know anything about the mind control. I think Yvi'i saw a sort of father figure in Keeper from the start, so when she found out that he had ok'ed the whole control thingy, she felt so betrayed by him. But his answers when I confronted him did sort of imply that he had thought I'd break it somehow all along, and that he had to do it to protect me. That kinda took the edge off my feelings, but still, I think like you that I'd rather have been murdered than been subject to that.


Yvi'i started as more or less anti-sith and pro-empire, but as the story unfolded she is kinda more and more missing her Chiss people, I think she feels very out of place now that she was betrayed by both sides. If there is a chance given to sometime play for the Chiss I think Yvi'i would take it. If only to hopefully see Saganu again! That would be such a romantic tale to play, I do hope they make it happen!


I think I felt kinda the same about agent, I really wanted to play an imperial and not a sith. But they just cna't help but meddle :< It kinda made the last planets quite unbearable for all other quests than the class quests since I was like "I don't want to do this for this sith lord, it's not right!" But I had to so that I could level and continue my class quest. That part of the experience clashes a bit with how I see my Yvi'i reacting to things. I had to force myself to think it was just to maintain my cover!



And yes you can indeed have ' in your names! It makes it a lot more fun I think! I'm the other way, I'm Yvi'i Stray. It's almost eerie how much the last name fits her development, I chose it at the end of act 1 before I knew anything what would happen.

Edited by Yayatroll
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hoo boy

after reading all this, my poor agent is in for a wild ride. She has been raised to trust authority, in the idea they have a much better idea of "the big picture" and everything they do, is in the good for thier people. She does, however, know the blight of the sith, and while she is polite to them out of fear, will openly voice her distate behind thier backs to people she trusts. She is taken aback by kaleiyo's selfish, and hedonistic ways, but from what i've read in the spoilers, she is being taught a VERY valueble lession in fighting tooth and nail for your own individualism and feedom, and she does admire that in her. Hell she back talked watcher and keeper a few times now, but again that is her changing her role to better bond with kaleiyo, and when she is not around, is back to being civil, and efficient.

I have no info on doc or the other companions, but i feel kaleiyo and vector will be fundimental in my agent discovering who she is, and what she wants to be; Kaleiyo is teaching her the need to put your freedom above all else, while Vector will be someone you can relate to, on the level of being compromised in the mind, due to the hive. For now she is loyal as a dog, she went all light, but still got told she uses violence with a good ballance, not as a crutch. Who knows how this will effect her, she understands personal sacrafice for the greater cause, and understands that measures must be taken, even when it comes to one's privacy. She can tell you she can be trusted, and she can be, but she knows she can only give words. She might end up accepting the mind control as neccsary safety measure on the empire's behalf, depending on how it plays.





by the way, how does watcher X play out if you let him live? my first play i just got past killing him on my bf's account, but i saw a youtube of him talking to you in your head latter on?





man, my fat bottomed smurfette is going to have a wild ride.



back to vector and the main topic, as i said above, him and kaleiyo seem interesting compliments as

kaleiyo is all about personal freedom and individuality at all costs, while vector has also had his entire mind saccraficed for "the greater good". They are almost the yin and the yang of IA in that regard.



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I am very happy to see this thread still going and I am managing to avoid the temptation to hit some of those spoiler buttons.


I don't think I am doing this companion thing very well. I have given them all like 5 gifts total amongst all of them... So bad.


My thoughts:


Kaliyo: I really don't like her. She is obnoxious, ugly and horrifying as a person. I try to stay frosty and professional and she is trying to sell out her friends. But, since I played with her for *so* long, she is my most "affectionate" companion at 4100 or so.


Vector: The bug man thing skeeves me out. I have not geared him, nor played him much. He goes on a lot of "fetch" missions for me. Affection: Maybe 400?


Dr. Lokin: Oh, Doc. Not having to stop after each mob to recuperate? You changed my life and for that I will always be grateful. Plus, on Belsavis, I think, I found this delightful Morgan Freeman looking custom for you. You are just so wonderful. Maybe 1100 affection? (and rising)


Raina Temple: I found a nice custom for her too; now she is super cute. (Not that she wasn't before... But now: Pony tail! Short hair is not a girl's friend.) I am actually playing her alot. We really burn through mobs even though I have to recuperate more than with the Doc. I use her always except on Golds and up, when I bust out the Doc. Just got her, she's at 400 or so. (Side note: her Green pistols are fully 4 moddable? Glad I did not toss them...) I wish Raina was my romance option. She's so nice and cute...


Also, why not Thana as a companion? She's crazy in a good way and I loved fighting with her. Much fun as a tank.



Obviously, I let Thana live.


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I don't think I am doing this companion thing very well. I have given them all like 5 gifts total amongst all of them... So bad.


Also, why not Thana as a companion? She's crazy in a good way and I loved fighting with her. Much fun as a tank.


It shouldn't be too hard to pick up really good deals from the GTN. There are routinely people who put rank 5 purples up at base price or less. Not to mention at such low affection rate you can simply grab all the rank 1 greens off GTN and still get decent gains.


Higher affection = more conversations and quests. It will help you to understand the companions more, and it doesn't hurt that they do the crew missions better too.



I would prefer Thana over Kaliyo, although I noticed that non-Force sensitive classes do not get Force wielders as companions. Temple is probably one of the few exceptions, but even then her power with the Force is weak at best.



Sounds like you'll find the last companion off Belsavis creepy.

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I think I messed up with the Legacy thing. Suddenly out of nowhere they asked me to give a name to my "legacy", I didn't even know what it was, I gave it a random name I liked, but obviously it's not the one I would have chosen if I knew it would be used as the last name of my character!


Or is it something else? is the last name of the character unlocked after that?

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Ah, I think that made the difference! I didn't really talk so much to Vector after he joined me as the whole bug thing kinda made me creeped out. But if I ever dare play agent again I think I will do things differently and have him as my comfort when act two happens. I do really think that is one of the most horrible parts about the mind control, not being able to tell anyone about it. I remember after I woke up on the ship after that horrible hallucination, and I wanted to say "I'm being brainwashed" but al that came out was just "I'm fine" accompanied by losing affection with all my crew :<


I remember Watcher 2's response to me after the shadow arsenal was also like "Your pulse is high, you're flustered, but the mission was a success, why are you feeling like this?". But I really couldn't be angry with her since that response made it clear that she didn't know anything about the mind control. I think Yvi'i saw a sort of father figure in Keeper from the start, so when she found out that he had ok'ed the whole control thingy, she felt so betrayed by him. But his answers when I confronted him did sort of imply that he had thought I'd break it somehow all along, and that he had to do it to protect me. That kinda took the edge off my feelings, but still, I think like you that I'd rather have been murdered than been subject to that.


Yvi'i started as more or less anti-sith and pro-empire, but as the story unfolded she is kinda more and more missing her Chiss people, I think she feels very out of place now that she was betrayed by both sides. If there is a chance given to sometime play for the Chiss I think Yvi'i would take it. If only to hopefully see Saganu again! That would be such a romantic tale to play, I do hope they make it happen!


I think I felt kinda the same about agent, I really wanted to play an imperial and not a sith. But they just cna't help but meddle :< It kinda made the last planets quite unbearable for all other quests than the class quests since I was like "I don't want to do this for this sith lord, it's not right!" But I had to so that I could level and continue my class quest. That part of the experience clashes a bit with how I see my Yvi'i reacting to things. I had to force myself to think it was just to maintain my cover!



And yes you can indeed have ' in your names! It makes it a lot more fun I think! I'm the other way, I'm Yvi'i Stray. It's almost eerie how much the last name fits her development, I chose it at the end of act 1 before I knew anything what would happen.



I pondered your thoughts on Watcher 2/Keeper and I believe that she actually did know about the brainwashing being done to us, but not that the SIS would have access to the code. She was adamant that Watcher X died to the point of obssession. At the time I thought that it was simply that he had so much information. But in retrospect, I believe that she wanted him dead so badly because he installed the implants in our back that allowed the brainwashing and knew all about it as his conversation with us as we fall into the hell of the mind control demonstrates. She wanted us to stay ignorant of what was done to us because of those hated implants.


The part that irks me the most about this was the whole "plot hammer" with the implants in the first place. I never trusted Watcher X. He's creepy and his situation is disturbing, especially if one thinks like I did: "This could be anyone from intelligence...even me!" I avoided his injection for the Cyclone since I really don't want anything injected in me as it was, and of course got Kaliyo points for that, but there was no way to avoid the implants no matter what we choose. I was able to get 40 Kaliyo points for having her watch over me while he installed them, but that was the only bright spot. Why would anyone let a semi-lunatic living in such unsanitary conditions operate on them in the first place? The whole thing was one of the few spots in the story where the writing was actually very poor and broadcasted that these implants were ominous and we would regret an unavoidable event far too obviously. Watcher X was an intel savant not a surgeon.


I did kill him although I didn't want to. I was confused as to why killing him was light while letting the poor wretch go was dark and I was still pure light back then. He did make my hair stand on end and I did not trust him at all, but I did feel sorry for his predicament. If I do get my operative through the story I will eat the darkside points and let him go on Arianna.


Back to Saganu. I loved when he called me on the ship and declared Kylania as the personification of what a Chiss woman should be: cunning, disciplined, and intelligent. All that and she's gorgeous to boot! :p


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I pondered your thoughts on Watcher 2/Keeper and I believe that she actually did know about the brainwashing being done to us, but not that the SIS would have access to the code. She was adamant that Watcher X died to the point of obssession. At the time I thought that it was simply that he had so much information. But in retrospect, I believe that she wanted him dead so badly because he installed the implants in our back that allowed the brainwashing and knew all about it as his conversation with us as we fall into the hell of the mind control demonstrates. She wanted us to stay ignorant of what was done to us because of those hated implants.


The part that irks me the most about this was the whole "plot hammer" with the implants in the first place. I never trusted Watcher X. He's creepy and his situation is disturbing, especially if one thinks like I did: "This could be anyone from intelligence...even me!" I avoided his injection for the Cyclone since I really don't want anything injected in me as it was, and of course got Kaliyo points for that, but there was no way to avoid the implants no matter what we choose. I was able to get 40 Kaliyo points for having her watch over me while he installed them, but that was the only bright spot. Why would anyone let a semi-lunatic living in such unsanitary conditions operate on them in the first place? The whole thing was one of the few spots in the story where the writing was actually very poor and broadcasted that these implants were ominous and we would regret an unavoidable event far too obviously. Watcher X was an intel savant not a surgeon.


I did kill him although I didn't want to. I was confused as to why killing him was light while letting the poor wretch go was dark and I was still pure light back then. He did make my hair stand on end and I did not trust him at all, but I did feel sorry for his predicament. If I do get my operative through the story I will eat the darkside points and let him go on Arianna.


Back to Saganu. I loved when he called me on the ship and declared Kylania as the personification of what a Chiss woman should be: cunning, disciplined, and intelligent. All that and she's gorgeous to boot! :p



Oh, I had actually never thought about it that way! I thought that the implants were just his way of contacting me after the toxin had been injected into me, I didn't actually realize that part was what made it happen! That kinda changes everything and I feel gullible and cheated having let him go and just seeing him as my guardian angel for telling me how to free myself. I just wonder, how does it make sense for him to install something into us that lets the empire control us when he really hates the empire and explicitly tells you that what he wants is to do anything to harm the empire? Was he being controlled too at the time he did it since I think he mentioned something about himself having some kinda of "conditioning" that makes him have to do certain things?


I let him operate on me but I told him that "There's no way you're knocking me out" so I basically did it without anaesthesia and Kaliyo loved me for it. But it did send shivers up my spine! And since I'm gullible I let him inject me with the fake cyclone. It makes me sick to my stomach that they'd use me like that :< But still I let him go since I think Yvi'i was playing rebellious teen and being all "I'll just do the things that my parents (watcher 2 and keeper) don't like!" I think there was a way to let him go without getting darkside points or so, though I did have 50 mystery darkside points that didn't come from killing the Sith on Tatooine.


But I do like watcher x as a character, I did feel really sorry for him, but maybe that's just because I was gullible and just believed all his lies? Poor Yvi'i!


And about the last thing: You go girl! ^^ He used the same phrase on me, I felt special then, like whatever happens to me, at least I've known love once in my life.


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Oh, I had actually never thought about it that way! I thought that the implants were just his way of contacting me after the toxin had been injected into me, I didn't actually realize that part was what made it happen! That kinda changes everything and I feel gullible and cheated having let him go and just seeing him as my guardian angel for telling me how to free myself. I just wonder, how does it make sense for him to install something into us that lets the empire control us when he really hates the empire and explicitly tells you that what he wants is to do anything to harm the empire? Was he being controlled too at the time he did it since I think he mentioned something about himself having some kinda of "conditioning" that makes him have to do certain things?


I let him operate on me but I told him that "There's no way you're knocking me out" so I basically did it without anaesthesia and Kaliyo loved me for it. But it did send shivers up my spine! And since I'm gullible I let him inject me with the fake cyclone. It makes me sick to my stomach that they'd use me like that :< But still I let him go since I think Yvi'i was playing rebellious teen and being all "I'll just do the things that my parents (watcher 2 and keeper) don't like!" I think there was a way to let him go without getting darkside points or so, though I did have 50 mystery darkside points that didn't come from killing the Sith on Tatooine.


But I do like watcher x as a character, I did feel really sorry for him, but maybe that's just because I was gullible and just believed all his lies? Poor Yvi'i!


And about the last thing: You go girl! ^^ He used the same phrase on me, I felt special then, like whatever happens to me, at least I've known love once in my life.



Since I rejected the injection (and had a simple fight due to it, I guess there is no fight if you take the injection?) and the only other time I had any internal meddling was the implants, I am virtually certain that that was how they altered our brain and since that was unavoidable no matter how much I tried to not get them implanted, it pretty much has to be the implants. The implants contained the damnable toxin and apparently a little extra from Watcher X in addition to the life-masking technology. He still helped me break the conditioning but he did mention me murdering him in the dialog during act II, and I winced a little from that, especially considering that I was never happy with it and he was still helping me break the mind control. He did change the subject abruptly when we mentioned the conditioning to him early at Nar Shadaa and that was foreboding as well, although more so in hindsight than I felt at the original conversation. Part of the twists of our story is we really just not 100% sure of what the truth is. Watcher X was likely at least partially controller/coerced and he did have that bomb in his head, but maybe he really did want to help us as best he could? Little Arianna (she’s only 4th level) is my 2nd Chiss agent that will be going operative and if she gets that far, she will let him go.


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Another girl gamer chiming in, Vector creeps me out too. I only have him out because I'm leveling with my BH friend whom I heal and Vec dps's in my stead.


I swear the romance parts were designed by male engineers without female input. At least that is how it feels to me. So, guys, get a clue, if you're gonna put in a "romance" that can be played by female players, get some input from the female population before you screw it up.


Bugboy will get no "romance'n" from this gal. :rolleyes:

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And here I was feeling sorry for my Consular who got dumped by her first potential love interest for a hologram (Theran). And for thinking that he was an annoying prat. Next time he yells out "Did I mention I'm a pacifist?" I'll just think about your Bug Beau and his green pheromone cloud and maybe I won't grit my teeth so much.


Haha, you and me both.

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Oh, I had actually never thought about it that way! I thought that the implants were just his way of contacting me after the toxin had been injected into me, I didn't actually realize that part was what made it happen! That kinda changes everything and I feel gullible and cheated having let him go and just seeing him as my guardian angel for telling me how to free myself. I just wonder, how does it make sense for him to install something into us that lets the empire control us when he really hates the empire and explicitly tells you that what he wants is to do anything to harm the empire? Was he being controlled too at the time he did it since I think he mentioned something about himself having some kinda of "conditioning" that makes him have to do certain things?


I let him operate on me but I told him that "There's no way you're knocking me out" so I basically did it without anaesthesia and Kaliyo loved me for it. But it did send shivers up my spine! And since I'm gullible I let him inject me with the fake cyclone. It makes me sick to my stomach that they'd use me like that :< But still I let him go since I think Yvi'i was playing rebellious teen and being all "I'll just do the things that my parents (watcher 2 and keeper) don't like!" I think there was a way to let him go without getting darkside points or so, though I did have 50 mystery darkside points that didn't come from killing the Sith on Tatooine.


But I do like watcher x as a character, I did feel really sorry for him, but maybe that's just because I was gullible and just believed all his lies? Poor Yvi'i!


And about the last thing: You go girl! ^^ He used the same phrase on me, I felt special then, like whatever happens to me, at least I've known love once in my life.



Oh damn...I never really thought of that either. I supposed it would make sense that he'd secretly put in some way of letting me break free of the mind control while being forced to install it if he really wanted to get revenge on Intelligence. I certainly can't explain his presence any other way, even though I left him alive. I never really believed he was actually contacting me. I hope that some of these things are revisited a little in the future. I'd like to see a return of Watcher X somehow, even though some people killed him in their stories :rolleyes:


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Why would Dr. Lokin make more sense? For one thing, he's a much older gentlemen....and while there's nothing wrong with that, probably the average person playing TOR would rather go with a younger guy. Also, if you don't know his story, he's not exactly "normal" either....


But I'd romance him ;)

Edited by chuixupu
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Girl gamer chiming in - there is literally nothing appealing about this guy. He is an ant. He only ever talks about ants, the hive or finding other hives, and if I leave his armor piercing combat stance on then he stands in the storeroom of my ship pumping out a nasty green pheromone cloud.


Whoever wrote this particular romance - why is the only option for a female Imperial Agent a dehumanized bugman? The flirt options are so ridiculously contrived, he sits there nattering away about his ants and all of a sudden I come out with "HOW ABOUT SOME ALONE TIME WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" and he's all "that would be nice, also THE HIVE IS CALLING ME I HEAR THE SONG OF THE UNIVERSE!"


The whole point of a good romance subplot is the object of your character's affections is meant to have some likable qualities. This dude is repellent, it's like trying to flirt with a rock. A rock covered in ants. I'm keeping up with the romance sub-plot purely because I keep thinking "There's GOT to be something that saves this from being completely awful...right?" and like a car accident, I just can't quite look away.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying romance sub-plots should be lovey-dovey cuddlefests, but this guy kind of makes me throw up in my mouth a bit.



I'm a woman with a penchant for rolling male toons. I made a male zabrak IA the other night and he is HAWT xD. I got secretly jealous when I made him flirt with Kaliyo. lol


After reading this I'm sorta glad I went ahead and made my agent male ROFL.....ants.....*snerk*....nasty green pheromone cloud....


I'm sorry, but... BWAHAHAHA that is wrong on so many levels about clouding up your ship with pheromones xD flirting with ant covered rocks...omg I totally needed that chuckle, thank you xD

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Since I rejected the injection (and had a simple fight due to it, I guess there is no fight if you take the injection?) and the only other time I had any internal meddling was the implants, I am virtually certain that that was how they altered our brain and since that was unavoidable no matter how much I tried to not get them implanted, it pretty much has to be the implants. The implants contained the damnable toxin and apparently a little extra from Watcher X in addition to the life-masking technology. He still helped me break the conditioning but he did mention me murdering him in the dialog during act II, and I winced a little from that, especially considering that I was never happy with it and he was still helping me break the mind control. He did change the subject abruptly when we mentioned the conditioning to him early at Nar Shadaa and that was foreboding as well, although more so in hindsight than I felt at the original conversation. Part of the twists of our story is we really just not 100% sure of what the truth is. Watcher X was likely at least partially controller/coerced and he did have that bomb in his head, but maybe he really did want to help us as best he could? Little Arianna (she’s only 4th level) is my 2nd Chiss agent that will be going operative and if she gets that far, she will let him go.



Ah yus! I didn't have to fight or so, I just thought it was a smart sollution to be injected with something to cover up so I didn't have to kill anyone. But if I'd known about act 2 I'd not have let him do it!


It does kinda feel creepy that I trusted him and even had a crush on him, maybe his own conditioning made him have to do the mind control injection on us or he'd die himself? Since I let him flee, him talking to me was less creepy and I secretly hoped he'd be my white knight and save me!


I did advance the romance with vector last night because I was curious about it, and he does really get a lot sweeter! I'm not chosing the flirt options since I want him to come out of his antyness and be a man and love me, but he did kiss me last night and it was cute! Not like Saganu, and this is just because I'm curious about the romance. Officially I'm not cheating! *blush*


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>>Yayatroll: I've read the spoiler... when does Vector's kiss happen? I have around 7600 affection with him and for a long time I don't have any new dialogue option. Do I have to wait until chapter 3 ? and when does chapter 3 begin?


I'm on Quesh right now. Next is Hoth, I guess.

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>>Yayatroll: I've read the spoiler... when does Vector's kiss happen? I have around 7600 affection with him and for a long time I don't have any new dialogue option. Do I have to wait until chapter 3 ? and when does chapter 3 begin?


I'm on Quesh right now. Next is Hoth, I guess.


Act 2 ends after Hoth.

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oh snap...i actually got to alderaan finally, and well i can see why people don't like his tag alongs..


the bug milk convo made me jawdrop irl tho. went along the lines of roughly" nothing wins over a lady like bug milk" " it's very true for killiks... but i don't think you want the details"

oh goodness XD

....im just gonna put these in the corner of my storage, and tell him i enjoyed them later...


then again, we do eat things that come out of a chicken's butt, and bovine ****** excretions...

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I find Dr. Lokin rather attractive... he may be older, and a wereghoul, but he's witty. I romanced Vector anyway, and he's not all that bad.



If he can keep disconnecting himself from the Hive whenever we're together, then who cares if he's a Joiner? A Killik alliance was a smart idea, when these things probably outnumber any other race.


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I have a question, I'm on Quesh and just downloaded the english voices (I had in french) and now I play in english.


I say that because maybe it's related to my problem?


Since I'm on Quesh and with these english voices, I never earn affection points with Vector (only with gifts) when I choose a light-side answer during the Quesh quests.


It's surprising because usually I earn affection with Vector every time I choose light side options when he's with me.



Is it normal, or did you do earn affection points with him during these Quesh quests?

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