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Lets make our voices heard - Boss fights and level sync


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I am not speaking for anyone but myself although I hope that a few of you do agree with me.


Please Bioware adjust the end chapter boss fights back up to their relevant level.

I want my Sith Warriors to fight a dangerous level 50 Baras not a level 12.


As these fights are all in their own instance it should be very easy to separate them from the level sync of the planet they are on.


Who agrees?

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Who agrees?

I would say that pretty much everyone agrees. Of course even in a level 50 instance, they wouldn't be *hard* fights (ref: my experience as a trooper, where the final fight is on Corellia itself, so the foe is level 50 (I think) and the trooper is probably clipped down to 52(1)), but they'd be less facerollish than they are at the moment.


(1) But maybe not, given the number of players having difficulties because they have been doing literally just the class story, and reach Tatooine at level 20 or Quesh at level 30.(2)


(2) Level 30 characters cannot go down to the surface of Quesh by any normal means. The shuttle requires you to have at least begun the planetary arc, and the arc-giver won't give it to a level 30 character. This is the voice of witness speaking, after I met someone in just this predicament.

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lol yeah, sure why not.


Just wanted to say that most ppl dont even get there, since lvling is so easy you can stop before you go to alderran. By then you have lvl 34 and can just spam fps, warzones and heroics to lvl 50, where you can go to DP and just keep wiping on the adds till 65.

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lol yeah, sure why not.


Just wanted to say that most ppl dont even get there, since lvling is so easy you can stop before you go to alderran. By then you have lvl 34 and can just spam fps, warzones and heroics to lvl 50, where you can go to DP and just keep wiping on the adds till 65.


I think you are wrong, KotFE proved that story is alive and this game has great character stories, I would say most people play the story.

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I think you are wrong, KotFE proved that story is alive and this game has great character stories, I would say most people play the story.


Based on what exactly? Opinions? I have those too, doesn't make mine right or wrong, definitely doesn't make other peoples opinions right or wrong either.


I ran 9 characters through DvL, only one of them bothered with SoR / Ziost / KotFE. The rest? First two planets for the ship, that was it. Class stories are okay, SoR is actually pretty good, Ziost has some interesting choices, especially at the end. KotFE? Doesn't live up to it's potential (although I did enjoy the Mandalorian chapter more than any of the others).


So I would say people play this game in their own way, story certainly isn't the be all and end of this game. To say so either way is pure speculation.

Edited by Transcendent
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I think you are wrong, KotFE proved that story is alive and this game has great character stories, I would say most people play the story.


Oh man i have writen this so many times already, but here it goes. FIRST of all, Swtor main class stories are great, no doubt about it. Next, you know how you can tell that KOTFE wasnt succesful? Well you can tell by the way everything was linked with KOTFE or Eternal Championship.


You see, they made the chapters 1-9 then ppl did them once and nothing, so they made them an requirement for the Eternal Champion, so people made them again, 7 times since there is an achievment to do EC with all classes, so an achievment hunter would do KOTFE 8 times minimum. Even if i didnt want to do the 8 class achievment most ppl wanted Sprint Champion, but the class u did KOTFE with might not do well in Sprint run so you had to do KOTFE again for that. Then they made KOTFE part of the LvsD event, so you had to again, do KOTFE at least once (and all other stories). Now, there are new weapons being dropped by Eternal Championship, why? Cause people dont do it and they need to show good statistics.


Its all about the numbers, ppl dont like it so they are searching for easy ways to make ppl do the content. But overall, not many ppl seem to have enjoyed it, they were forced into it.

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Yeah by the time i meet Barass my warrior is already 65 lvl and good geared so i just one shot him and i dont use companions during my journey because even without companions enemies are weak... PLS BIOWARE MAKE NPC ENEMIES which we meet during class stories STRONG
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just fought the level 12 Eagle yesterday. Dropped him in 2 seconds. Not that it woulda been much longer if he was higher. Same thing with baras, thanaton, etc. As long as companions remain as they are, nothing in this game will be even remotely challenging in the solo content world.
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I like it the way it is.


The "challenging" content shouldn't be the story...and it isn't. Do HM FPs, PvP, or Ops for your "challenge"...leave the story as it is. If you really want the story to be more difficult, set your companion to passive.

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I like it the way it is.


The "challenging" content shouldn't be the story...and it isn't. Do HM FPs, PvP, or Ops for your "challenge"...leave the story as it is. If you really want the story to be more difficult, set your companion to passive.

I think there's a difference between "challenging" and making sense story and game wise. They don't have to be challenging. They simply have to be made at the same level as a Corellian champion.


Baras and Thanaton simply aren't in line with that stage of the game. It's rather anticlimactic.

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I think there's a difference between "challenging" and making sense story and game wise. They don't have to be challenging. They simply have to be made at the same level as a Corellian champion.


Baras and Thanaton simply aren't in line with that stage of the game. It's rather anticlimactic.


The story isn't not only not challenging as it is, it's insulting. Does Bioware really think we're so bad at the game we need to be able to have our companion literally solo the entire thing for us? The current game is not just easy mode, it's LAZY mode. You can NOT lose.


A game is not a game when you cannot lose. And to suggest "just do HMs if you want a challenge." More than 5% of the game should be challenging in an MMO.

Edited by Chiltonium
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The story isn't not only not challenging as it is, it's insulting. Does Bioware really think we're so bad at the game we need to be able to have our companion literally solo the entire thing for us? The current game is not just easy mode, it's LAZY mode. You can NOT lose.


A game is not a game when you cannot lose. And to suggest "just do HMs if you want a challenge." More than 5% of the game should be challenging in an MMO.

That's beside the point. And as I've said before, the only purpose is to get players through content as quickly as they can so that they can get to the content that is locked behind a subscription. I know even that is laughably easy but again beside the point.

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I like it the way it is.


The "challenging" content shouldn't be the story...and it isn't. Do HM FPs, PvP, or Ops for your "challenge"...leave the story as it is. If you really want the story to be more difficult, set your companion to passive.


SWTOR wasn't very challenging before the 4.0 changes.


Let's pretend there are difficulty modes:

1- Story

2- Novice

3- Normal

4- Hard

5- Impossible


In the post-4.0 world, the game is currently set to 0.5.



The story isn't not only not challenging as it is, it's insulting. Does Bioware really think we're so bad at the game we need to be able to have our companion literally solo the entire thing for us? The current game is not just easy mode, it's LAZY mode. You can NOT lose.


A game is not a game when you cannot lose. And to suggest "just do HMs if you want a challenge." More than 5% of the game should be challenging in an MMO.


I suspect EAware wanted the game to "reach a larger target audience." Thus the game has been dumbed down for 8 year olds.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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It wasn't challenging before. It was "normal mode" I guess?


Let's pretend there are difficulty modes:

1- Story

2- Novice

3- Normal

4- Hard

5- Impossible


Currently the game set to 0.5.





I suspect EAware wanted the game to "reach a larger target audience." Thus the game has been dumbed down for 8 year olds.

You can't seriously be suggesting the game is easier now than it was...are you? Since level sync, everything can be 'challenging'. Prior to 4.0, you could out level a boss by 40+ levels, making them impossibly easy. You literally could NOT die prior to 4.0...because they couldn't even touch you. I've one shot bosses, including world bosses before level sync.


The story portion of this game has absolutely NEVER been challenging. If you found that it was...wow lol.

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I haven't noticed much difference between level sync and pre-4.0. Go to Tython and pull 5 mobs simultaneously. You won't break a sweat.


At-Level content used to be gear dependent and no bolster, so yes, it was more challenging than the current at-level content difficulty.. Of course, back then you didn't have god-companions either.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I think you are wrong, KotFE proved that story is alive and this game has great character stories, I would say most people play the story.


Class story may be alive, but once you have completed all 8 core class story arcs, it really does not matter if you run the chapters out on a new/different character or not. So I really don't see the studio stepping in to redesign the climatic events in class stories so they exclude level sync.


Personally, when running a class story, I was very interested in the story, but not artificially high degrees of difficulty (inserted originally by the studio to offer challenge at initial launch). I simply did not run the climax points until I was 4-5 levels above the boss anyway so what we have today is really no different, except for the fact that I don't have to wait to do the story climax anymore. But class story is old news to me now days.. so I never run them anymore. Yes, I understand some people want "launch era nostalgia" in story combat, but some others do not.

Edited by Andryah
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I agree with you OP. I remember a time, you'd almost need to take a friend with you to fight Baras and Thanaton, especially Baras with his Emperor's Voice skill...you'd basically get one shot if you failed to time your interrupts properly. It was more exciting. The fight would probably take a good five to ten minutes...plus the cutscenes. Now it's over in like...two minutes.


Seeing as those are instanced, why is it synced? I see the syncing for the heroics, but not for this. It's a shame really. Earning Darth should be tougher...back to what it was before.

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I've grown deaf to most pleas for making aspects of any MMO more "challenging" ... perhaps because, in my experience, there is always some segment of the player population making such pleas in every MMO I've played. But, in this limited instance, I agree. Boss fights ought to feel like Boss fights. I'm not saying ratchet up the hurt factor such that stupid, new, or poorly prepared players ... much less players who are stupid, new, and poorly prepared ... can't overcome the obstacle. I accept that every MMO must calibrate to the lowest skill level of its players. But the next time I fight that guy who does that thing in the last part of the Consular class missions, I wouldn't mind if he lasted long enough to do that thing in that cave at least once before I smite him.
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You can't seriously be suggesting the game is easier now than it was...are you? Since level sync, everything can be 'challenging'. Prior to 4.0, you could out level a boss by 40+ levels, making them impossibly easy. You literally could NOT die prior to 4.0...because they couldn't even touch you. I've one shot bosses, including world bosses before level sync.


The story portion of this game has absolutely NEVER been challenging. If you found that it was...wow lol.


For those of us who did not over-level for story content, yes, the game is easier now than before. I don't think anyone is arguing that the game went from challenging to easy, but that it went from easy with a few more challenging bright spots to being easier than easy with the formerly more challenging bright spots being reduced to the easiest of easier than easy.

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