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,,Good'' old days


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I remember 1-3 years ago , i bought a hypercrate for 5 milion on the gtn...

Yesterday i bought one for 34 milion Credits ...

.....why So much much????i Know that you can make a profit, but 2 years ago you with 34 milion Credits you van buy 7 hypercrats....

How we can bring back the good old hypercrate days??:)

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No, the basic issue with all MMOs caused it, inflation due to credits gained being greater than credit sinks

1 year in relatively few have huge amounts of credits, but with almost no credits sinks and game changes removing most, skill training costs, many travel costs etc, 4 years further on everyone has credits to burn


Anyone that plays can make 20million credits in short order today, not boting, not cheating, and almost no grinding, hence the GTN prices

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Yep, inflation on the GTN has gone sky high over the last year or so. As others have already mentioned, prices have only been on the rise since 4.0.


Like the OP, I can remember when most (especially current) packs would only sell in the 150-350k range on average. Nowadays however, the lowest I've been seeing them for is about 700k - most with an asking price of a million or more.


About the only bright-side to this catastrophic inflation, is you're more likely to sell items for a higher price - which somehow balances everything-out. Well, that's what I tell myself to help justify this ordeal. :p


Whatever the case may be, I just sold a White Color Crystal within 20 minutes for a whopping 8 million. Sure, I probably could've made an extra 2-5 million on that deal, had I held-out a bit longer.


After browsing the GTN these last few days, I'm fairly appalled at what many of these sellers are asking. Seriously, $990 million for a Hypercrate of 'Wild Space Packs'? Umm, yeah...:confused:

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2 weeks ago the price of a relic was 200-250k. The end of the last week, relic prices shot up to 4 million. Dyes are generally 90-250k with exception of black/black and white/white ones. End of last week you could get pepto bismal pink for 90k, many others were in the several million range with the black/purple one that I wanted and had previously bought for 150k was now 12.9 million.


I don't think that credits being accessible has anything to do with it. I'm one of the strange few who rarely has more than 1 mil and I won't spend that on stupid stuff. I think it's down to greedy bastards who spend most of their time not selling anything. I say that as I got all excited about having top level gifts to sell. I tried to sell them for 150k - 200k. I mean the nice, dark blue ones that yield some 2068 affection or whatever. I sold nothing. None of them. Worked out well though as the gifts then went to my alt. I'm an altoholic. I do not have credits to spare. :rolleyes:

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No, the basic issue with all MMOs caused it, inflation due to credits gained being greater than credit sinks

Anyone that plays can make 20million credits in short order today, not boting, not cheating, and almost no grinding, hence the GTN prices


Yup. Made >4M in 2 weeks on a brand new toon on new server, starting from level 1. - Just doing PvP GSF, class story and occasional H2s. - Didn't even take slicing or Treasure hunting. No lucky drops or turning CCs into credits. - Only spend was transportation and repairs.


And I wasn't even trying to make credits.


There have been several loopholes over the years which have been exploited and put millions if not billions of credits into the economy. - And with little or nothing to syphon it off, it just makes matters worse. - There wasn't even a nightlife event this year to separate credits from characters.

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Yup. Made >4M in 2 weeks on a brand new toon on new server, starting from level 1. - Just doing PvP GSF, class story and occasional H2s. - Didn't even take slicing or Treasure hunting. No lucky drops or turning CCs into credits. - Only spend was transportation and repairs.


And I wasn't even trying to make credits.


There have been several loopholes over the years which have been exploited and put millions if not billions of credits into the economy. - And with little or nothing to syphon it off, it just makes matters worse. - There wasn't even a nightlife event this year to separate credits from characters.


I know this is a dumb question but what is GSF?

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Yeah those times when i was selling Hypercrats for 8 mil at best. Well the game had a very bad year, there were a few very bad credit exploits which brought a lot of money into the game. Now we have easy heroics, there is nothing else i can see people doing on the fleet chat than LF ppl for heroics!! You have lvl sync, so you dont need gear and the money gain is incredible.


Also the crew skill bots, yes thats a very good way to make tons of credits, but Bioware does ban them, question is how fast they recover and start over, also how well they ban the accounts and the accounts where they send the stuff. Since Bioware cant provide proper maintanance, content and bug free game i doubt they are doing a good enough job at stopping the botting.

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Supply and demand. There used to be a far greater number of Hypercrates for sale, which drove prices down. Today, there are far fewer people actually buying the crates to sell them, which drives prices up.


I'm pretty sure this accounts for a lot of it. For example, on my server there often used to be two or three pages of "Rename: Character Name" (or Legacy Name) on the GTN, priced at 1.5 or 2 million. Now you might see only half a page of them, priced at 10 million and up.

Edited by Trynitris
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And I wish I were 25 again, with no arthritis, could drink like a fish and party with the rockstars and still make it to work the next day. Sadly that time has passed.


As to the issue, there are quite a few of us that have been playing from the beginning who don't really spend our credits too often. We have built up quite a reserve of credits and have learned how to make money on the GTN, so yeah, it goes without saying, plenty of people with lots of credits can drive up prices fairly quickly. With nothing else to spend them on? It gets expensive for low end items simply because we find the expediency of GTN buying faster than running missions sometimes, and there are those of us who know this and use it to our advantage.

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