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What Direction We as a Community Want for SWTOR


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I am neither, I am simply Queen of the Internet. Oh wait, actually I am a developer, hmmm...maybe I'm a lawyer too? I should get myself checked out if so. Would my GP be able to diagnose me as such? I wonder how she'd treat me if I were also a lawyer? I mean it's bad enough being a developer, but a lawyer to boot? I would be a shameful disgrace to humanity.


well played

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I am neither, I am simply Queen of the Internet. Oh wait, actually I am a developer, hmmm...maybe I'm a lawyer too? I should get myself checked out if so. Would my GP be able to diagnose me as such? I wonder how she'd treat me if I were also a lawyer? I mean it's bad enough being a developer, but a lawyer to boot? I would be a shameful disgrace to humanity.
I assume said shame would result from being a developer. I'm not a developer, and have never pretended to be one. Never thought I knew how best to make pixels dance to the tune I want to play. I have ideas ... sometimes ... about changes I'd like to see made to the game. I share those ideas ... sometimes. Not once have I believed I could map out how to get from idea to execution. I can't even find the Power button on my desk top if not for the Post-It note that reads "Power" (my tech guy affixed that so I'd stop calling him).
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Do they?


No idea who the lead story developer is - but I'd bet my last £1 that any random fan from the forums could do a better job.


If he/she is working their butt off just to attain the current level of story mediocrity and disjointedness then I suggest the "higher ups" start advertising the position for a replacement PDQ.


Heck, I've had better short stories (not Star Wars) than this published for crying out loud.


All The Best


The devs and the talent is there and they do indeed do their job but just like every other creative venture it takes direction. Something Bioware is sorely lacking at this time.

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I am neither, I am simply Queen of the Internet. Oh wait, actually I am a developer, hmmm...maybe I'm a lawyer too? I should get myself checked out if so. Would my GP be able to diagnose me as such? I wonder how she'd treat me if I were also a lawyer? I mean it's bad enough being a developer, but a lawyer to boot? I would be a shameful disgrace to humanity.

Oh God no...just stick to being Queen of the Internet.


Nobody dislikes the Queen. Nobody wishes the Queen would develop more rules and restrictions. And who wouldn't want to see where the Queen lives? Who wouldn't want to have tea with the Queen? But...a lawyer? Not only would I be expected to pick up the tab, I'd probably be billed for his time (plus travel)...and a Dev? No thank you...I can take a nap on my own time watching the Golf Channel. ;)

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Oh God no...just stick to being Queen of the Internet.


Nobody dislikes the Queen. Nobody wishes the Queen would develop more rules and restrictions. And who wouldn't want to see where the Queen lives? Who wouldn't want to have tea with the Queen? But...a lawyer? Not only would I be expected to pick up the tab, I'd probably be billed for his time (plus travel)...and a Dev? No thank you...I can take a nap on my own time watching the Golf Channel. ;)


Wait a minute, how'd you know I use the Golf Channel to take naps to?


I assume said shame would result from being a developer. I'm not a developer, and have never pretended to be one. Never thought I knew how best to make pixels dance to the tune I want to play. I have ideas ... sometimes ... about changes I'd like to see made to the game. I share those ideas ... sometimes. Not once have I believed I could map out how to get from idea to execution. I can't even find the Power button on my desk top if not for the Post-It note that reads "Power" (my tech guy affixed that so I'd stop calling him).


It is decidedly so. Not only would I shame humanity, but lawyering as well. About all I could do is yell 'I object!' That's my full extent of lawyercising.

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Well... there's "I'd like to request a recess"


*drops mic and runs top speed to swing set

Well done...all I have is "Overruled!!!" (said in a loud booming voice and a heavy handed gavel swing at the end)!

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Well, if I could summarize the various concerns that have been presented, they'd be:

-discussions about server populations and whether they are sufficient or sustainable, that increasing the number of players is needed

-that group activity such as flashpoints and operations are not getting sufficient attention and development, that more multiplayer is called for

-that in the storyline, players are shoehorned into playing roles that are outside what is appropriate for the character's story, that players should feel like they can play their character in the role they envisioned

-that the on rails approach to storytelling has so divorced the player from any agency that it is now more a television series, when it needs to feel more like a game


So I think the only thing that would really satisfy the critics would be if SWTOR were transformed into something else, some kind of massive multiplayer role playing game, though I don't know whether such an online game would be feasible.

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I'll be honest, despite being a "mmo" .. I've played this as a single player game for 2 years now.. I can count on 2 hands the number of times I grouped... 99.9% of everything I do in this game could've been in a single player game.. other players around me might as well not even exist, I don't even pay attention to them... I play for the story, because there isn't much in the way of star wars themed games around that have a story.


Kotfe felt like it was built exactly for what I wanted out of the game... a decent sized chunk of single player content with lots of story and dialogue... that's 100% of what I wanted. Zero interest in pvp, raids, group content etc.... the MMO aspect of this game is the thing I like least about it, so the more they ignore it, the happier I am.


I certainly understand that the MMO-oriented players want group content, raids, pvp etc.. but I'll never touch / buy / subscribe for that content.. so on a purely selfish level, I hope they make more content like kotfe, because I will put down money to play more story content.. but I won't subscribe / buy any content that is intended for groups or pvp only.

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I like the story content best. I hope they continue to focus on that while making some improvements such as having more interactions with companions and more class-specific dialogue/actions to make the story feel like it is more focused toward the pc.


If they make more flashpoints, I hope that they also allow the option to do them solo (with companion and droid or multiple companions) in addition to having the option of doing them with a group.


If they add more content for large groups, I hope they do not make it mandatory for the story (and especially not be the ending of the story).

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I am happy how it is (storywise). Sure I would have no objection if BW did more Op's, PvP for players who want it even if that means a short brake form story, even if it won't be played by me Otherwise I personally am looking forward to next season very much. Would like to know cost ASAP though.


Like a few others I too would like changes but know its never going to happen. Would like level sync removed, would like customizations for all companions added. also would like companions returned to pre 4.0 as in each companion having different skill sets. Personally I don't think any of these changes made post 4.0 have had any benefit to the game. Yes would like it very much but as said not going to happen.


We can all write our wish list, I don't think at the end of the day these sort of threads help in any way. In-fact overall I think it does more harm than good.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Couldn't agree more. The reason why I play swtor is a Star Wars story. I wouldn't pay for more raiding, PvP etc. because WoW (& other mmos) do everything way better it's the star wars story that keep me playing swtor... but they need to increase the quality of the story (choices matter, different storys for imp/rep (or even classes would be a dream)) etc etc.


And of course : The story content is too less.. 30-45 min story / month is not enough too keep some1 playing.

So they need : more story content or other content like raiding etc as a bonus.


I too play this game for the story content. The original story line was amazing, and there were different story arcs for each character class. I was quite disappointed with RoTHC, and Revan becasue they were so short. I have just reached KotFE and I am encouraged by the amount of chapters. I just hope it's content lives up to the hype. I would love to see a return to the original way of doing things with the release of KotET this fall. Story arcs for each individual character class, as well as story tied FPs and Ops.

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