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I screwed up big, guys. [Story Spoilers]


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A while back, on my main guy -- the guy I do everything one -- the guy that I have everything unlocked on, that I have been playing since day 1, I made a huge mistake.


I let Kaliyo do the bad thing, and Koth walked out. Koth was my only level 50 companion at the time and I had always done things to keep his approval high. As many of you likely know with the release of the most recent story, if you've lost Koth in the past, he returns.


Only he screws me over.


I'm sorry Koth. I'm so sorry. Can't we be friends? I fired Kaliyo, it was totally a mistake to bring her around. Can't we be friends again? Please bring my Gravestone back.




Will he ever return?

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If and when Koth ever returns, I'd better get the chance to kill him. And I mean really kill him, not this crud they pulled several times where we choose to kill someone and they just walk away.





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If and when Koth ever returns, I'd better get the chance to kill him. And I mean really kill him, not this crud they pulled several times where we choose to kill someone and they just walk away.




Agreed! He has the worst attitude reminds me of a cliche bad kid in a Disney XD sitcom...

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Oooo ouch, I have a feeling my agent is going to piss him off. Too bad we can't kill him, BW is unfortunately restrained by time and creative options for that (costs more time and money for extra splits, then there are the crybabies that will QQ about 'missing' content)
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Oooo ouch, I have a feeling my agent is going to piss him off. Too bad we can't kill him, BW is unfortunately restrained by time and creative options for that (costs more time and money for extra splits, then there are the crybabies that will QQ about 'missing' content)

Well, except that some of the returning companions can be told to take a long walk off a short pier, to never darken my door again, to not let the door hit them on the (...) as they leave, etc.


And some can be just plain killed in one way or another.

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Well, except that some of the returning companions can be told to take a long walk off a short pier, to never darken my door again, to not let the door hit them on the (...) as they leave, etc.


And some can be just plain killed in one way or another.


I suspect they contracted the Voice Actors of the story characters for the two seasons, so keeping Koth, Arcann, Senya, etc alive, is how they save on money.

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A while back, on my main guy -- the guy I do everything one -- the guy that I have everything unlocked on, that I have been playing since day 1, I made a huge mistake.


I let Kaliyo do the bad thing, and Koth walked out. Koth was my only level 50 companion at the time and I had always done things to keep his approval high. As many of you likely know with the release of the most recent story, if you've lost Koth in the past, he returns.


Only he screws me over.


I'm sorry Koth. I'm so sorry. Can't we be friends? I fired Kaliyo, it was totally a mistake to bring her around. Can't we be friends again? Please bring my Gravestone back.




Will he ever return?


well, you and Kliyo killed a lot of his compatriots. This isn't something simple "I'm sorry" could repair.

In KOTET Koth could be in a committee sentencing you to death for this.

Take a look at Battlestar Galactica season 3

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well, you and Kliyo killed a lot of his compatriots. This isn't something simple "I'm sorry" could repair.

In KOTET Koth could be in a committee sentencing you to death for this.

Take a look at Battlestar Galactica season 3


Koth as a character is a pathetic mess of contradictions, clearly written by about 5 different people. This so-called "people's hero" led a slew of fighters through the centre of a city for over 10 minutes while they fired countless shots killing untold numbers of civilians, yet has the gall to reproach YOU for not risking your's and Lana's life to try to fix the damage caused by Valyn. He's the one that goes on and on about Senya being a traitor because she was hunting him down for actually being a traitor. He's the one that completely ignores the billions killed by Valkorian because, "hey, my planet was doing great". Koth is nothing more than a tool used by the writers (badly) to try to impose some kind of forced morality into already forced dilemmas. He's a sorry excuse for a plot device, not a character. In KoTET he's just as likely to be pinning a medal on you if that's what the writers need.

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Koth as a character is a pathetic mess of contradictions, clearly written by about 5 different people. This so-called "people's hero" led a slew of fighters through the centre of a city for over 10 minutes while they fired countless shots killing untold numbers of civilians, yet has the gall to reproach YOU for not risking your's and Lana's life to try to fix the damage caused by Valyn. He's the one that goes on and on about Senya being a traitor because she was hunting him down for actually being a traitor. He's the one that completely ignores the billions killed by Valkorian because, "hey, my planet was doing great". Koth is nothing more than a tool used by the writers (badly) to try to impose some kind of forced morality into already forced dilemmas. He's a sorry excuse for a plot device, not a character. In KoTET he's just as likely to be pinning a medal on you if that's what the writers need.


this exactly

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Koth as a character is a pathetic mess of contradictions, clearly written by about 5 different people. This so-called "people's hero" led a slew of fighters through the centre of a city for over 10 minutes while they fired countless shots killing untold numbers of civilians, yet has the gall to reproach YOU for not risking your's and Lana's life to try to fix the damage caused by Valyn. He's the one that goes on and on about Senya being a traitor because she was hunting him down for actually being a traitor. He's the one that completely ignores the billions killed by Valkorian because, "hey, my planet was doing great". Koth is nothing more than a tool used by the writers (badly) to try to impose some kind of forced morality into already forced dilemmas. He's a sorry excuse for a plot device, not a character. In KoTET he's just as likely to be pinning a medal on you if that's what the writers need.


Interesting take. I look at Koth as more of a he's in the same isolated bubble the rest of the Zakuulians are. Granted, he's a notch above most with breaking away from Arcann's regime, but despite that he's still clinging to the same status quo blinders the rest of the Zakuulians are. We're given repeated commentary reminders of how the Zakuulians have been sheltered from consequences, and how they exist in a comfortable bubble where everything's been provided for them to where they secretly crave anything that isn't soft and safe. We see this reflected in Koth's dialog of how he keeps clinging to everything being better when Valkorian was around, how he's not comfortable with the concept of civilians joining the fight, or even keeping the excess from the Gilded Star heist. No matter how many times our characters, Lana and Theron have told him otherwise, to his perspective it's only Arcann and Vaylin who are the problem to be dealt with as everything was better under Valkorian because from what he's seen everything started going south once they stepped into power. Koth simply hasn't been through the same crucible our characters have been of being betrayed by figures of power that were supposed to be better than what they turned out to be.


Essentially Koth needs to go through that same sort of crucible to wake up to the truth and it'll either completely break him or he'll finally realize that the Zakuulian shiny happy times he's clinging to was just a pretty facade that hid a core of rot underneath.

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Koth as a character is a pathetic mess of contradictions, clearly written by about 5 different people. This so-called "people's hero" led a slew of fighters through the centre of a city for over 10 minutes while they fired countless shots killing untold numbers of civilians, yet has the gall to reproach YOU for not risking your's and Lana's life to try to fix the damage caused by Valyn. He's the one that goes on and on about Senya being a traitor because she was hunting him down for actually being a traitor. He's the one that completely ignores the billions killed by Valkorian because, "hey, my planet was doing great". Koth is nothing more than a tool used by the writers (badly) to try to impose some kind of forced morality into already forced dilemmas. He's a sorry excuse for a plot device, not a character. In KoTET he's just as likely to be pinning a medal on you if that's what the writers need.

This was my biggest issue with him, too. His hypocritical views on Zakuul, and war in general. I honestly feel that when we first meet him, he's thinking of the Outlander as a hero for ZAKUUL, to save them from Arcaan. He's not thinking of them as being a stranger from a galaxy that Zakuul has conquered and basically enslaved. He and Senya's world views extend only as far as Zakuul does. They couldn't care less about the other planets.


He went into other worlds, blew up cities and helped to kill and dominate millions, and he treats that like it's just a side-note that's quickly put aside and not at all relevant. But when you do too many things he doesn't agree with, he throws a hissy fit and eventually succeeds in stealing the best weapon that exists against the people he actually wants to fight. When you say that Valkorian killed millions of people, his response isn't "I can't believe our benevolent emperor would do that- you must be mistaken," but is instead "He was always good to Zakuul." That basically sums up he and Senya's entire mindset about this war. As long as Zakuul is safe, every other world out there can go to hell.


I long for a conversation option when you can look at one or both of them and say "Just so you know, Zakuul is not the center of the universe," and also call them out on their stupid, backwards logic and how detached they are from the rest of the galaxy.


If you like Koth or Senya, good for you, but I cannot wait for the chance to backhand him across his stupid face.

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