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Chapter 16 spoiler Amazing


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About possible deaths...


It depends on your choices, none of your old companions die,


but senya/Arcann can depending the choices.

also about possible death


arcana and seyna can die that surprise considering the teaser pic for next expansion. going to my dark side character


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also about possible death


arcana and seyna can die that surprise considering the teaser pic for next expansion. going to my dark side character


I'm quite confident that they can not. I think the person you were quoting just saw the choice, and picked something else, then just assumed what it said actually happens. I had the kill option appear twice, selected it both times, and they still get away. Even got a mail message about it, basically saying they were never found, so they're probably still out there.

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I'm quite confident that they can not. I think the person you were quoting just saw the choice, and picked something else, then just assumed what it said actually happens. I had the kill option appear twice, selected it both times, and they still get away. Even got a mail message about it, basically saying they were never found, so they're probably still out there.


Yeah I did originally... funny... I was getting all fired up to actually make a dark sided toon to see the outcomes and nothing really matters.

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Yeah I did originally... funny... I was getting all fired up to actually make a dark sided toon to see the outcomes and nothing really matters.


Yea...you should know by now not to get excited about anything KoTFE. When they say "Choice matters", there must be some small print right after it that says "Even less than ever before.", and when they say they are putting an emphasis on Story, it really says "Story that you can see coming from 127 miles away, that we sometimes spoil ourselves, and often either has no development whatsoever, or we undo any developments a couple chapters later."

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I think it would have been amazing if they would have put a old space combat style fight in for the escape or even the boarding part of it..

i know those are old and boring now.. but just imaging if it would have loading into that and you had to fight your way in/out


it would have been epic..

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1. rat through maze zone again. BORING

2. seemingly unimportant mini boss fights that while new of course honestly just served as the usual filler slow down NPC kill content.

3. utter joke mechanics easily done in ranked pvp gear no augments.

4. the usual boring chit chat talking content which seemed like i have heard it over and over and over in each chapter.

5. why exactly did i need to wast almost all of the time building an alliance when for the most part no one really was super important. could have been the cook of my personal house for all it matter to do stuff for me and hear it on comlink. "hey buddy took care of that thing you wanted me to turn off and guess what i have a fantastic stew on the stove for when we are done with this boring story"

6. Last fight was OMG underwhelming but given i had very little hope it would be anything but just the you guessed it attack mechanic to slow it down and pad time onto the clock for the chapter.

7. UM really that ending was not an ending it was chapter 16 and i should another chapter 17 coming in 4 weeks time because it was BS.



Honestly the story is just not star wars any more its BW very poorly trying to make the game anything but star wars. I get it they were asked why we got no more class story and this is well a failed attempted at it because it is the cheaper of the two roads to travel. but they need to drop the eternal zakuul stuff and get back to what star wars truly is about light vs dark, sith vs jedi. NOT this horrible written supermarket cheese novelette junk.

Edited by BrotherJohn
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For me this was some of the worst story telling this game could muster.



the fighting was pretty bad with the ole stand by stuns, knock downs and whatever they can do to just not let you fight.

The ending was nothing but terrible with nothing you do mattering. 16 chapters and nothing gets completed. You are once again robbed of doing what you want. You are along for the ride and it's not a good one. It's a pot hole filled dirt road in the back woods as you are driven down the only road there is. You have no choice.


What a disappointment and to hang with the game this long and get an ending that was so bad you wish you hasn't played it at all. Any imaginary ending you thought up would be better and all your shown is wait for a few months so they can try again in another attempt.

"But promise me that if it becomes necessary to eliminate her, you won't hesitate."


I tried and BW made sure I couldn't. Couldn't do much of anything really. Such a terrible waste of time for 16 chapters.




It's almost unbelievable it could turn out this bad.

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I enjoyed the romantic bits at the start, thought that was lovely. I do have to say at the end though I was left feeling pretty empty.


I not only didn't get to kill Arkan, I didn't get to kill Arkan or Senya...they got to escape.


I didn't get the upper hand on Scorpio and she's teamed up with Vaylin.


Vaylin is now Empress and has the fleet still.


Idiot Koth stole the stupid Gravedigger.


I never got back a meaningful companion.


And to top it all off, I was left with the feeling that Theron is angry with me, because I chose to waste Senya and Arkan. There was nothing after to that to make it feel like we made up or anything. I feel almost like I've been silently broken up with.


The letter Theron sent was pretty cold...just telling me about stupid Vaylin's coronation...nothing at all about how he was glad I was safe, or that I made it, or anything. So yeah, feeling pretty empty here and disappointed.


Had they allowed a romantic part after everything was said and done, I might have felt a bit better about things...I'd like to think Theron might have consoled my girl after that so called victory.


I just have this sad feeling that dark side choices are always going to get 'punished'. I don't really think shooting traitors out of the sky is a bad thing... <.<

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I enjoyed this Chapter!


I liked that I got to have a little moment with Theron before it went down.


I liked how they broke up the fighting to the bridge with cut scenes so it didn't feel like a grind.


I was a little confused about the shield mechanic with Arcann in the last fight, but I still beat him on the first try. If nothing else, it looked epic when I used the shield.


I wasn't surprised about Senya at all. He's still her son. It makes sense to me.


Koth is going to die painfully.


What I didn't like.



Arcann escaping by things falling around him.. again.. So unsatisfying to see that happen just like the last time we met. Also, I picked to kill him and Senya...... and I missed. *** I am Sith. I do not miss. Felt a little cheap that Arcann is still not dead. We have a new villain in Vaylin/Scorpio, we don't need him alive.


Edited by Ralei
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Quit reading spoilers. Its a good way to get miss lead.


Did anyone watch the credits all the way through and see the message about SWTOR2? I was like "ZOMG! I can't believe its actually true!"


Music was REAL good though.


Saw no such message though I did see David Hayter was male voice of the jedi knight

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Arcann escaping by things falling around him.. again.. So unsatisfying to see that happen just like the last time we met. Also, I picked to kill him and Senya...... and I missed. *** I am Sith. I do not miss. Felt a little cheap that Arcann is still not dead. We have a new villain in Vaylin/Scorpio, we don't need him alive.



That's okay, I'm Jedi...albeit about as dark as you can get...I don't miss either. I agree about it feeling cheap to allow Arkan to live. :/

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I just have this sad feeling that dark side choices are always going to get 'punished'. I don't really think shooting traitors out of the sky is a bad thing... <.<


Theron is always going to punish you for dark side choices. But I think that's ok. I like that there's one reason for my Sith not to be a complete psycho allll the time.


I did choose to shoot them down, he'll get over that. That makes up for the time I did not flirt with his mom, so he should be happy about that. :rak_02:

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I enjoyed the romantic bits at the start, thought that was lovely. I do have to say at the end though I was left feeling pretty empty.


I not only didn't get to kill Arkan, I didn't get to kill Arkan or Senya...they got to escape.


I didn't get the upper hand on Scorpio and she's teamed up with Vaylin.


Vaylin is now Empress and has the fleet still.


Idiot Koth stole the stupid Gravedigger.


I never got back a meaningful companion.


And to top it all off, I was left with the feeling that Theron is angry with me, because I chose to waste Senya and Arkan. There was nothing after to that to make it feel like we made up or anything. I feel almost like I've been silently broken up with.


The letter Theron sent was pretty cold...just telling me about stupid Vaylin's coronation...nothing at all about how he was glad I was safe, or that I made it, or anything. So yeah, feeling pretty empty here and disappointed.


Had they allowed a romantic part after everything was said and done, I might have felt a bit better about things...I'd like to think Theron might have consoled my girl after that so called victory.


I just have this sad feeling that dark side choices are always going to get 'punished'. I don't really think shooting traitors out of the sky is a bad thing... <.<


This makes me dislike KOTFE more, you lose the Lana romance 100% if you don't go with the romance lock in chapter 9, and that dialog starts with THERON.

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It's not "allow", you don't get the kill even if you choose to kill, THAT, really sucks.


I know...I was there, and I wanted to kill them both. I wanted to kill Koth too. And Scorpio. And before I wanted to kill Satele.


It never lets me do what I want. :mad:

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I know...I was there, and I wanted to kill them both. I wanted to kill Koth too. And Scorpio. And before I wanted to kill Satele.


It never lets me do what I want. :mad:


Yes, if I don't get to do what you want, why should I even sub and play the game since I can watch dulfy's video?


It's not like Arcann is a good character either, his character is nothing more than a cartoonishly evil villain to let you strike down and feel good, and Bioware didn't let you to.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Koth is going to die painfully.

Why's everyone gotta hate on my bro Koth? I went back and did the chapter on my main, and yep, sure enough, if you're not the sort of colossally evil bastard that drives him off in the first place, then you don't face any nasty consequences for it. But y'all just couldn't resist the allure of a few DS points, could ya?


Arcann escaping by things falling around him.. again.. So unsatisfying to see that happen just like the last time we met. Also, I picked to kill him and Senya...... and I missed. *** I am Sith. I do not miss. Felt a little cheap that Arcann is still not dead. We have a new villain in Vaylin/Scorpio, we don't need him alive.

To be fair, and I say this being a little disappointed in that, too...


Senya also has the Force. And a better ship. Her getting away isn't completely unfathomable, even if it a little frustrating.


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My problem, and at this point it's just me venting in multiple places which I apologize for, was the pacing of the chapter. It felt overly rushed (not in a development sense but in a story telling sense).


I keep going back to prior Bioware games (mainly Mass Effect trilogy). ME 1 had the race to the citidel to really amp you up and get you going. ME2 had the suicide mission, ME3 had many different heart pumping conclusions (my favorite being Tuchanka) and culminates with a crazy mad dash to the beam. The point being that all these things had a "build up" of sorts to the climax of each story...and the climax was deep enough to make you feel something. You got a cut scene on your ship with Liara or Ashley, you talked with your crew who effectively set the foreboding mood of a near impossible mission staring at them in the face. So you went in with a certain mindset that was beautifully created by the actual story telling. The build up and climax situations didn't try to get you in and out of the door without proper time spent within the most important portion of the situation. Quite possibly, this is caused by the piecemeal approach of monthly chapters. Too much was lost in trying to release something every month instead of all at once?


With chapter 16, it was just rushed. Arcann's fleet being on the way to Odessen? Perfect time to do the same build up. Talk to your love interest if they are there, talk to the main people in your entourage. Set the tone. Then, the plan gets laid out and you're like man ok dire mission here. Let's get started..the fleet has arrived. Take star wars for instance...almost every story was put up against some sort of time barrier that made you feel the stress of the situation. What happened though? Arcann's fleet is on the way to Odessen, OH HEY LOOK THEY'RE ALREADY HERE...no build up. Then, they set up a suicide mission scenario pretty much on this large scale. You selected two teams...to defend Odessen and to try to cut the head off the snake But, instead of putting this team you took with you or left to defend Odessen in the mix, they give you a dialogue option, and they vanish and say welp got it done I'mma eat some ice cream now see ya later! Having Vette or Gault shut down shields or guns would have been a great time to parallel ME2's suicide mission atmosphere with a companion in the vents and you clearing the way to the shield batteries or gun controls. Oh you need to hold them off so you have a clear path to Arcann? Man hold the line from ME2 set up perfectly! But, what'd we get? "Oh we ran into some trouble, meh no biggie". Omnicannon needs time to fire? Oh man perfect set up for a signal interruptor to stall the fleet from firing at you to give you the time you need to reach Arcann. Escape? Perfect time for a count down timer to run like the wind to get off that ship! Or even they could have taken a different approach in going "oh arcann is on the way? we have to intercept them" then have the build up be virtually identical to ME2 with small wrinkles like your star fortress people could have commanded ships and assets much like ME3, and they went with you to intercept Arcann along with the resources you saved from Gemini (they did say the republic/ emipire/zakuul people had a resistance of their own after all). Too much comes into focus, then immediately fades down to the background never to see the light of day again with Kotfe.


It was a bundle of complete missed opportunities to really engage the player in something that should have felt epic. Instead, it was all surface fluff that just didn't have depth.


The nonchalance of everything removed the feeling of epicness to the situation...you know a situation where an entire fleet is aiming to blow you and Arcann away in mere minutes. Well, the fleet conveniently just waited for you to dilly dally your way to Arcann.


It just left me totally in neutral...waiting for this big thing...but never really got there.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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Theron is always going to punish you for dark side choices. But I think that's ok. I like that there's one reason for my Sith not to be a complete psycho allll the time.


I did choose to shoot them down, he'll get over that. That makes up for the time I did not flirt with his mom, so he should be happy about that. :rak_02:


What does Theron do? I chose the opposite so it was only Koth having a temper tantrum

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