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Pvp Being hacked?


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Now maybe I am the only one who is noticing that me being in full 208 gear that people just don't die. So i am asking if anyone else has noticed that as well.


GSF has ships that can shoot farther than they are supposed to be able to shoot. ships warp 30k away in a flash and much more.


Standard pvp is also having its moments of incredible feets.


So i am not going to make to many statements on this but instead i am asking for others inputs.

thanks and i hope others comment here also

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Now maybe I am the only one who is noticing that me being in full 208 gear that people just don't die. So i am asking if anyone else has noticed that as well.


GSF has ships that can shoot farther than they are supposed to be able to shoot. ships warp 30k away in a flash and much more.


Standard pvp is also having its moments of incredible feets.


So i am not going to make to many statements on this but instead i am asking for others inputs.

thanks and i hope others comment here also


Can you give us specific examples. Your post is very vague and could be game mechanics or abilities you aren't aware of. It could also be a hack, cheating, exploiting or lag switching. But without a lot more specific information, it is impossible for us to identify what you are actually experiencing.

Im happy to advise on the normal WZ/arena PVP and class/game mechanics, but someone else will need to advise on GSF as I dont play it.

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Can you give us specific examples. Your post is very vague and could be game mechanics or abilities you aren't aware of. It could also be a hack, cheating, exploiting or lag switching. But without a lot more specific information, it is impossible for us to identify what you are actually experiencing.

Im happy to advise on the normal WZ/arena PVP and class/game mechanics, but someone else will need to advise on GSF as I dont play it.


My post is the way it is on purpose, i am an experienced pvper and have full 208 gear on 4 toons. It is not an all of the time thing and for the most part it only happens when certain people are in pvp. they are immortal and i want others opinions on this.

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My post is the way it is on purpose, i am an experienced pvper and have full 208 gear on 4 toons. It is not an all of the time thing and for the most part it only happens when certain people are in pvp. they are immortal and i want others opinions on this.


Cheaters and scums in real life. There's your fact. They are butt hurt in real life and try to take it out on republic fans in warzones/pvp. The wicked will never understand the meaning of serenity after death.

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My post is the way it is on purpose, i am an experienced pvper and have full 208 gear on 4 toons. It is not an all of the time thing and for the most part it only happens when certain people are in pvp. they are immortal and i want others opinions on this.


Not sure why you only want to give us generalised information, instead of specifics, but I'll try to answer for you. I am going to put aside what you said about GSF because I know nothing about it.

What you have described about people not dying could easily be mistaken as abilities or group buffs. I'm not saying that's what it was, but from my experience 90% of people can't tell the difference between a real hack and an ability.

Before we go on, I'm not saying you are one of those 90%, just pointing out that without more info about what was happening, ie what class were you fighting, what class were you on, what other team mates did they have around them, it is impossible to discuss hacks or cheating.

I've seen it before where the discussions become a polarised argument with people throwing insults back and forth and people denying that cheating actually happens.

If you look up some of my other threads and also ones from my partner, you'll see that hacking is indeed going on in the game at the moment. But I've not come across any hacks in my research that prevent people from dying.


Most of the cheating at the moment revolves around floating, teleporting, stealthing when it's not available and the good old lag switch.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Now maybe I am the only one who is noticing that me being in full 208 gear that people just don't die. So i am asking if anyone else has noticed that as well.


GSF has ships that can shoot farther than they are supposed to be able to shoot. ships warp 30k away in a flash and much more.


Standard pvp is also having its moments of incredible feets.


So i am not going to make to many statements on this but instead i am asking for others inputs.

thanks and i hope others comment here also

can you give details your explanation is kinda shallow

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Being so vague doesn't really help to understand what you mean? Sure hacking happens, but so does teams that work well together (no, not all are premades either)


For example, some time ago I had a match like that, no one would seem to die!

But, it was simply because the teams were very evenly matched and both teams had the most excellent healers and tanks who actually kept people off healers. It felt like forever, but at the same time very intense :D


Also, proudest time of my short lived healer career was someone accusing our team of hacking because we wouldn't take damage... when in reality, we did take and a lot of damage, but we got two healers, other one keeping bubbles up and other one healing while their poor healer spent most of the match dead.

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1) no clip not give you any advantages in combat


2) ho clip create problems because if you are trying jump ur auto lose target


3) no clip you lag and easy can die because of some one push you


4) no clip maximum useful on acid but it no skill it noob.


5) it is no skill and never was. What normal person go play pvp to enjoy game if he use this *cheats*


6) or you have fun with hacks or your play to increase ur skill pvp lvl please choose between 2


And here I thought you weren't JeeZee ;) You sure know a lot of how it works and wether it helps or not. I guess I was right. I knew it wouldn't be long before you really gave yourself away.


To the OP, JeeZee is the biggest hacker in the game. This is one of his multiple alias accounts. But don't listen to what he's saying. He is just trying to to tell you that the hacks dont help the hackers, when we know they do.

JeeZee is very big on trying to tell everyone that hacks are harmless fun and everyone should do it. Apparently he never means to upset anyone, except Bioware.. Or that's what he posted on his other account 2 months ago when he promoted himself and his hacks all over the forums. :mad:

I just wish people like him would leave the game for good, we don't need people promoting hacking.

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And here I thought you weren't JeeZee ;) You sure know a lot of how it works and wether it helps or not. I guess I was right. I knew it wouldn't be long before you really gave yourself away.


To the OP, JeeZee is the biggest hacker in the game. This is one of his multiple alias accounts. But don't listen to what he's saying. He is just trying to to tell you that the hacks dont help the hackers, when we know they do.

JeeZee is very big on trying to tell everyone that hacks are harmless fun and everyone should do it. Apparently he never means to upset anyone, except Bioware.. Or that's what he posted on his other account 2 months ago when he promoted himself and his hacks all over the forums. :mad:

I just wish people like him would leave the game for good, we don't need people promoting hacking.



Edited by wefoundlove
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Ofc i know him he from my guild lol... Also if you check video you can see just sorc who doing nothing.. It is Star Wars Ranked or MARIO 3 BACK JUMPFORLYFAVOIDACID. Thats why. Ofc any cheats is sad. Also i never seen this guys you talking about promoted something. Show me where??? Please don't need ashame anyone in this game. You even don't know who is real cheat and who just using his name.


Why do you keep denying it? We all know it's you :rolleyes:

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Ok so how guy you speak about playing wz right now with me xD.


lol, if you're telling the truth, then it's just another example of Bio doing nothing about hackers in this game lmao.

But I'm still pretty sure it's you. I have plenty of screen shots of JeeZees posts from the past and I've compared the English syntax, sentence structure and the way you play around with fonts, colours and special characters in your posts. They're nearly identical ;)

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lol, if you're telling the truth, then it's just another example of Bio doing nothing about hackers in this game lmao.

But I'm still pretty sure it's you. I have plenty of screen shots of JeeZees posts from the past and I've compared the English syntax, sentence structure and the way you play around with fonts, colours and special characters in your posts. They're nearly identical ;)



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ah he is doing it because of people like you. No you , no him. Also if you have some problems with me. You can PM me anytime. If you feel confused please contact support@swtor.com. or Developers. Also video in your signature are suck. Because the known macro-user. Who completely don't have any skill. Have a robot. Who scanning COMBAT LOGS. And using * Right* rotation in different situation. All the people who watching this streams and know his guild on THE RED ECLIPSE. CAN CONFIRM . ABOUT MACRO. HUTTBALL MACRO. DROID MACRO. i feel really sad for you if you dont know. And shame on you if you know. Because this streamer who killing other people on his stream every if this people can confirm he have the same rotation all the time,,, depends on situation. all this clownfiesta totally no skill and honour and NO SKILL AT RANKED, everyone was globaled and tons of vids on youtube about it. They are garbage of this forum with their objectives. .Developers care about Stability and Subscribers. I can't go against them. I am too powerless in this life. I cant buy EA. Even if i can buy SWTOR no 1 will sell it to me. Just want to say. IT not all. IF you want go against me. Just try. Be tryhard .I have no quarter about things i say and doing. Because everyone of you have something to lose, I completely satisfied or almost completely. Anyway i am always open for good ideas :)


Wow, you have some nerve accusing Snave of cheating and having not skill. All this from a known hacker who just writes jibberish all over the forums, Learn to speak English or get yourself a translator, you know Google have one for free and it would make more sense than what you write.

Also if Snaves rotations are the same or similar, it's because he knows how to use them. Maybe learn to play before you criticise someone who could wipe the floor with you and your hacks.

Not everyone needs to use Macros or hacks to be good, but I guess you wouldn't know that. To you, everyone who is good must hack because you can't play without cheating.

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I know I shouldn't even bother, but....


- In PVP, there are numerous reasons for people not dying. For instance, Powertechs ahve an inate 30% dmg reduction when stunned. If you stun them while they have shield up, that's 45%, if they have an adrenal up, that's like 60%, of course it will look like they are not dying. Sages/Sorcs have barrier, which makes them immune. Juggs have reflect, and enraged defence which actually heals them up. They will also use Enure (temporary health buff) to kill you efore dying themselves. Sentinels have a 99% damage reduction utility. And thenthere are good healers + guard, and a whole lotta other stuff.

- GSF is a very complex gamemode, I am saying this as a person who has flown since the very day preferred players got access to it. You really cannot tell what a ship is running in most circumstances, but let me explain: many ships have range caacitors, which increase the range of their primary weapons. This can give them the impression of shooting beyond what htey should be...stock. Secondly, good gunships will like to be in cover with another GS or raildrone, which can give the impression of being shot at by a given gunship....while you're actually being hit by someone else. Additionally, Barrel Roll and a lot of other nifty escape techniques exist. So yes, there may be people aimbotting and l33t haxxing, but c'mon, there's a lot of legitimate ways to encounter the situations you are describing. Your lack of willingness to provide video evidence really doesn't make your case any stronger.

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I see that somebody is talking to Jeezee in Russian via whisper on one of his videos( video is called "swtor REVENGE FOR TOFN " @ 00:20) The guy is asking who's team he is on in team ranked. That’s funny. Because it always seemed to me that Jeezee is rather mocking poor English than actually speaking poor English. If he’s a Russian-speaker, the mistakes he makes are not usual for a Russian speaker. But whatever. He’s a troll with rather original language style, I have to admit that.


So it is kind of an evidence that some people do not mind him cheating as long as he is on their team. That is sad.

As for Jeezee, I guess he'll be around as long as the game exists.

Edited by zhezvya
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please just stop

we know you are jeezee I saw you on fleet spamming rubbish into the chat about tofn and caramel

you were also in a guiled called jeezee galaxy ranked police (although you seem to change guild every day)

your terrible English and random tofn ranting match that of jeezee...strange eh.

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My post is the way it is on purpose, i am an experienced pvper and have full 208 gear on 4 toons. It is not an all of the time thing and for the most part it only happens when certain people are in pvp. they are immortal and i want others opinions on this.

That tells us nothing about your issue. This is just another "scrub getting owned then whines to forum" thread for all we know.

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I almost thought this threads title was a rhetorical question because the cheating has been so obvious lately. I'm sure it's related to the DvsL event because it seems to have gotten really bad right around the start of the event. (This was also the case on a few of the servers back when the character transfers got so cheap) As far as I'm concerned the exploiting/hacking has made warzones nearly unplayable recently.


First off, I've been playing since early release. I've got 5 characters in maxxed out PvP gear with purple 40 augs in every single piece of gear. I have a crafter of every kind except Armortech and keep my toons in on level gear (but only blue quality) until I hit level 65 by which time I usually have enough warzone comms to deck them out in 208 gear. I am no "pawnzer" PvP'er. I'm a fairly casual MMO'er but I have about 12 years of MMO-PvP under my belt including several years playing Dark Age of Camelot PvP pretty extensively. (loved my scout). I don't think I've ever posted on the forums and actually came here to do some digging on exploiting to see if more people thought there was a problem.


To answer a few of the questions in this thread, all just my honest opinion of course:

(To put it as short as possible on each account so this doesn't turn into a novel)


YES, I do believe there is a damage reduction exploit of some kind. I have seen it with my own eyes, 1 person soloing 3 other players in a warzone because their health simply stopped reflecting any damage at around 60% health. There is damage reduction/popping adrenals and then there is ceasing to take any damage for an extended period of time. I have personally seen a few toons that simply stop taking damage and not only did they not take damage from other players but they have been stunned while standing in Huttball slime/fire and took ZERO damage from it. So IMHO, the answer is YES, there is a damage reduction exploit out there.


People are using "coordinate" exploits. I have seen people teleport through solid floors/walls to get to places that they couldn't have reached through legitimate means. (like force leap or being pulled, etc)


Speed hacks. I don't think there is any doubt about this one. I was in a warzone where we got outnumbered by 3 and the warzone got cancelled after about 20 seconds with us the victor. An IMP toon beat me and another sorc (yes we used force speed) to the middle node and capped it (Novar Coast) before we even got close enough to see it happen lol. The warzone just cancelled out of no where and we were awarded a win. The other sorc says she assumes a CSR was watching and caught this person exploiting and awarded us the win. I tend to agree that's the most likely scenario.


Crit damage and damage chance: NOT SURE. I say not sure because I'm not sure if that's what they are doing or if they are using some kind of lag inducing technique (called window dragging in DAoC) to dump excessive amounts of damage off in a very short window of time. All I know is that there are some particular toons that are doing some excessive amounts of damage (like 3 shotting an on level geared sorc with Force Barrier just refreshed). I say 3 shotting because it's happening in a matter of 3-4 seconds or less and with a LEGITIMATE GCD that's only enough time to get off 3 to 4 abilities, even if they are instant activation. This is solo vs solo, you can't really get paranoid about getting thrashed down quickly in a bit chaotic fight because the damage can be coming from other players as well. It's only solo vs solo that should raise an eyebrow.


Window dragging/lag switching whatever you want to call it. YES, this is definitely occurring. You can see toons CONVENIENTLY lagging away their way out of danger on a consistent and perfectly timed basis. Sometimes you see people that are just plain old lagging and then other times you see people that are lagging only at opportune moments. Again having a sorc myself I know what abilities people I have, I know what these abilities look like when used and I know what kind of cool downs they are on. I might not could pass a comprehensive test on all the abilities and their cool downs and attributes in SWtOR but having a full geared lvl 65 sorc myself II know that a sorc class shouldn't disappear and reappear out of harms way 5 or six consecutive times in a window of 30 seconds or less.


Same as above paragraph and possibly the source of the one before that, the lag induced damage dump. People are either offloading a bunch of damage client side while under intentional lag and then blowing it all at once when the server catches up or they are using an outright damage exploit like the abnoxious crit damage and % chance exploit or either they have found a way to totally go around the GCD and activation time on their abilities. I'm inclined to believe that using lag is the most likely because it's probably the most easily exploitable. HOWEVER, I have seen evidence and agreed with some others who have experienced what seemed like players bypassing the GCD. I don't know if it's possible but it has certainly appeared that way before.


Also related, bypassing ability activation times. There are complimentary skills that can significantly reduce activation times for certain abilities. However I have seen instances of sorcs for example running wide open and then stopping for a fraction of a second and dumping off a whirlwind ability waaaaaay to fast. Even considering the sorc has a decent alacrity ability/etc, it was just way to fast. On that same token I've seen some healers casting abilities while stunned (they were even thrashing around on screen from a stun while their activation bar filled up two or three times and healed themselves). Now one might consider this was simply an illusion created by lag but there was no other indication of lag. When the stun was up on it's usual expiration the player began running around from that very spot with no indication of server/client misconduct. They just simply stood there stunned activating abilities under the effects of a stun.


Node/objective insta capping exploit. NO BRAINER HERE YES! How many times as anyone who even just casually PvPs seen this? I've seen it right before my eyes, I've seen the same player do it over and over, I've seen players cap objectives while being blasted with damage and I've seen them win warzones by disappearing and capturing the final objective in Voidstar when they haven't even made it across the bridge yet lol. Again YES this cheat exists.


In short, some people just seem to have permanently full resolve bars even though their icon shows none. You have to be careful with this one because there's been alot of new abilities added to the game that give certain classes practically or technically immunity to CC when in certain stances or when using certain abilities. However sometimes the immunity seems to be waaaaay excessive (and on certain toons of the wrong class) and makes me wonder if there is an exploit for resolve.


MACROS. Yeah. I'm gonna say this is one of my more definitive affirmations of exploiting and it's reactive macros that make it so bad. As a sorc I have a few escape tactics the simplest of which is getting the heck out of dodge with force speed. I have force stunned people only to hit my force speed key and be stuck in place, like literally they supposedly activated their version of a "purge" and then root/snare/stun before my force speed animation could get started on my own client side machine. I literally didn't even get a step off. I've also had some spells interrupted before my activation bar even full displayed on screen. As an ex college athlete and career athletic trainer I have seen some pretty impressive reflexes in my days. However the truth is 99.99999% of the population has a reaction time that is within just a few ms of the human average, for visual cues it's about .25 seconds. With internet lag, input lag, server processing time on client and host server, video load and lag etc that's pretty impossible. Ok not pretty, it IS impossible. If it happens legitimately it's not because someone was fast enough it's one of those instances where plain old luck and coincidental timing created an unlikely result. A reactive macro can pull this off because it over rides a few of the most time consuming processes in this scenario. the PC picks up a packet from the server that indicates your target is casting a spell and instantly triggers an interrupt packet back to the server. In doing so it completely bypasses your video cards processing time, your visual cue time (.25 seconds) to recognize the event, then whatever time it takes for your physical self to initiate a response, then the input lag of whatever you're using (mouse, keyboard, game pad, etc). Totaled up that is quite a timing saving work around and is the only logical reason for CONSISTENT occurrences of what I described.


I imagine there's a few other things I can think of that I've seen that is definitely exploiting but that's a pretty big list already. NOTE: Just because some of these exploits are available doesn't mean someone is unquestionably cheating if you see something suspicious. If I "suspect" a cheater it's because I've seen that one person do suspicious things over MANY warzones and their suspicious activity has covered 2 or more of these propose exploits.


If you do PvP enough you will definitely start to notice patterns in these peoples play style. I've noticed that the people I suspect are most often compulsive bunny hoppers. They are constantly jumping in circles, jumping while attacking, etc. It's just jump jump jump all the time. You'll also notice someones character never seems to move right, it's almost like watching someone run through a slower than normal strobe light, like watching a film that has 1 out of 5 frames chopped out or something.


Anyways, that's my current experience with PvP over the last few weeks. There is a lot of false accusations going around in warzones about cheating no doubt. However that is kind of an expected result of there being so much legitimate cheating occurring. Eventually when the source for the unexplainable is proven to be cheating then ALL of the unexplainable starts to look like cheating.

Edited by Siadki
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Now maybe I am the only one who is noticing that me being in full 208 gear that people just don't die. So i am asking if anyone else has noticed that as well.


My Jedi Knight hasn't died for 4 consecutive warzones...trustorybra


When in doubt, just roll a FotM class.

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