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Stop the Imperial domination in PvP - The Harbinger


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Never thought this post will get so much attention. I see what you mean guys about Imperials just being brute force. It's nice to read what the veteran pvpers have to say.


I wear full exampler fitting on my Scoundrel healer, and it feels like all this work went to nothing. I now main as a sniper when it comes to PvP, and I am doing much better.


But it doesn't remove the core issue in PvP. Sheer number of imperials in PvP. I am not asking a rework of classes. I am just asking mixed factions in PvP.

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Im just laughing when persons are actually saying "imps are better then reps" in a serious tone, are you really that naive? Or maybe im too old and have no roleplaying feeling but it just depends if pvp players are playing on their imp characters or reb characters and if people actually understand that in wz's its about teamwork,timing in cc's,right time to burst,tunnel healers,using taunts(they cost NO FORCE) etc etc. Just silly to see this posts all the time...
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Not sure what point you're trying to make. Most PvPers i know of do not care about the lore other than "Cool. Star Wars!" and it seems a vast majority would love for all warzones to be mixed. It would actually encourage me to play a couple of my pubs that i like the animations or character better on. But no; I'm sure its all the players fault for doing what they can for faster queue pops when the devs response for cross server has been a big fat "no."

How can you not get the point I'm trying to make, like really? My point is, pvp right now is horribly imbalanced, Imps win most matches. If this continues, we'll end up with everything being mixed.

Whatever gave you the idea that most people want everything mixed? I loathe Odessen, not only because I hate the map but also because I don't want to play with the other faction. Odessen is by far the worst map as far as 'people leaving before it started' goes.

Just go reread what I have written really.

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Im just laughing when persons are actually saying "imps are better then reps" in a serious tone, are you really that naive? Or maybe im too old and have no roleplaying feeling but it just depends if pvp players are playing on their imp characters or reb characters and if people actually understand that in wz's its about teamwork,timing in cc's,right time to burst,tunnel healers,using taunts(they cost NO FORCE) etc etc. Just silly to see this posts all the time...

You must mostly be playing Imp, try pugging Rep, on any server, see if you can get a positive win ratio. You won't on the 2 biggest servers anyway.

It has nothing to do with people knowing what to do in whatever warzone, it has everything to do with the fact that almost all good pvp'ers go Imp.

I could have a group of Reps knowing every tactic in the book, against better Imps, that will mean crap.

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How can you not get the point I'm trying to make, like really? My point is, pvp right now is horribly imbalanced, Imps win most matches. If this continues, we'll end up with everything being mixed.

Whatever gave you the idea that most people want everything mixed? I loathe Odessen, not only because I hate the map but also because I don't want to play with the other faction. Odessen is by far the worst map as far as 'people leaving before it started' goes.

Just go reread what I have written really.


I get what you are saying and if you pay attention around here; you would see the majority of people would like "mixed" or in other words "cross faction" war zones. All of them not just Odessen. And they do not leave Odessen because it's "mixed." They leave it because they either don't understand the rules or just don't like it. I think you'd be in the minority there.


Personally; I am a bit of a pragmatist. I'd rather have function of better matches than worry about playing with the other faction. I play with the other faction all the time; even in my single player RPG they give me now. I don't get how you can complain that all the good players are playing imp yet don't want cross faction. It's pretty much saying you want everyone else to come your way rather than just give up what amounts to be just a fictional faction.


"We need to get more good pvpers to play with pubs!"

*gets put into a warzone with possibly good pvpers*

"No! Not like that! I don't want to play with imps! I want them to play pubs!"

Edited by Technohic
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I get what you are saying and if you pay attention around here; you would see the majority of people would like "mixed" or in other words "cross faction" war zones. All of them not just Odessen. And they do not leave Odessen because it's "mixed." They leave it because they either don't understand the rules or just don't like it. I think you'd be in the minority there.


yep. on most servers at 65, I pray for arenas when I'm pub side (the smaller faction). for starters, you will usually get a full grp if it's only 4v4. secondly, there's a good chance it will be same faction, so the chance of derps is fairly equal for both sides. lastly, even if the teams are imbalanced and I'm going to get roflstomped, arenas are mercifully quick.


but when arenas and same faction aren't a reality pub side, odessen is my next great hope. I hate the place b/c it's really frustrating if you're not on the same page with teammates or very lucky about where you are on the map. but I'm very likely to remain in the game once I port into it if I'm on my pub toon b/c of the fact that it's a mixed faction team. so I'm not guaranteed the same derp teammates every time. it's still often very frustrating b/c the map itself requires things that the average pug lacks, but my point is the mixed faction aspect is the only thing that makes it appealing.

Edited by foxmob
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You must mostly be playing Imp, try pugging Rep, on any server, see if you can get a positive win ratio. You won't on the 2 biggest servers anyway.

It has nothing to do with people knowing what to do in whatever warzone, it has everything to do with the fact that almost all good pvp'ers go Imp.

I could have a group of Reps knowing every tactic in the book, against better Imps, that will mean crap.


Play Pub on Ebon Hawk...win ratio over the past week has been 6 wins for every 1 loss. And I solo que.


Primary problem on BOTH factions are the dps players that get tunnel vision and ignore their other abilities. Do you have an instant cast HoT? Then USE IT on allies at half health. Can you shield other people? Then do so, constantly. Can you taunt? Taunt every chance it is available in combat on someone not targeting you. Have a healer that seems to get targeted constantly? Swap stances and put guard on them during the next big engagement.

PvP is about the team, not you posting amazing dsp numbers or having a great kill/death ratio. I always vote MVP on whoever has the most protection, as it is the easiest thing to do yet so few ever do it. That and tanks are just as unapretiated in PvP as they are in PvE.

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play pub on ebon hawk...win ratio over the past week has been 6 wins for every 1 loss. And i solo que.


Primary problem on both factions are the dps players that get tunnel vision and ignore their other abilities. Do you have an instant cast hot? Then use it on allies at half health. Can you shield other people? Then do so, constantly. Can you taunt? Taunt every chance it is available in combat on someone not targeting you. Have a healer that seems to get targeted constantly? Swap stances and put guard on them during the next big engagement.

Pvp is about the team, not you posting amazing dsp numbers or having a great kill/death ratio. I always vote mvp on whoever has the most protection, as it is the easiest thing to do yet so few ever do it. That and tanks are just as unapretiated in pvp as they are in pve.


Encouraging skank tanking? Blasphemy!

Edited by RACATW
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Encouraging skank tanking? Blasphemy!


I encourage anything that pulls a team together to keep people standing and contributing. If a tank isn't available and your healer keeps taking dirt naps, swappign stances and throwing up guard can help keep the healer alive long enough to make a difference.

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Encouraging skank tanking? Blasphemy!


the only problem with skank tanking is solo ranked because the one good thing about solo ranked is that it role-balances the teams. so if one team has someone capable of effectively skank tanking and another does not, you've just defeating the one good thing about the queue.


if someone wants to skank tank regs, who cares? the teams aren't role balanced anyway. the other team could have two tanks and 2 healers while you have none and one. if someone wants to skank tank in grp ranked, that's also fine, because each team has complete control of their team's composition. but skank tanks, gimp guards, etc. really do break the one queue that's predicated on role-balancing.


TL;DR: the major problem with skanks and gimp guard is a matchmaking issue. not that someone gimp guards in a random reg WZ or a premade grp ranked arena.

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So you presumably want us to primarily play our Pubs, or just start sucking against Pubs?


Both, because I see imp die hard fans trying to trade win against the republic faction. They would come in with their characters with no expertise gear and either stand around near our spawn point or just quit while they were defending a node and let the empire faction take over it. They cheat to win. Don't even get me started with their hacks when comes to planting their bombs in void star and that one "lag spike" moment when they close to our goal by the acid pit in quesh huttball. At the end, they are just a bunch of cowards that want to stay behind with their butt friends.

Edited by Clone_Enforcer
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Play Pub on Ebon Hawk...win ratio over the past week has been 6 wins for every 1 loss. And I solo que.


Primary problem on BOTH factions are the dps players that get tunnel vision and ignore their other abilities. Do you have an instant cast HoT? Then USE IT on allies at half health. Can you shield other people? Then do so, constantly. Can you taunt? Taunt every chance it is available in combat on someone not targeting you. Have a healer that seems to get targeted constantly? Swap stances and put guard on them during the next big engagement.

PvP is about the team, not you posting amazing dsp numbers or having a great kill/death ratio. I always vote MVP on whoever has the most protection, as it is the easiest thing to do yet so few ever do it. That and tanks are just as unapretiated in PvP as they are in PvE.


Never trust this quote coming from an RP server and a PVP server. You will get steam rolled for ever there and get harassed by a bundle of sticks. And again, you will get harassed by cowards that tell you that you suck and either don't back it up or just pick on people that aren't in the mood or don't even want to generate strife. And then you got the ones that would prefer to face players that aren't experts on all classes instead of facing somebody else with the same skill level as they are.:rolleyes:

Edited by Clone_Enforcer
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Never trust this quote coming from an RP server and a PVP server. You will get steam rolled for ever there and get harassed by a bundle of sticks. And again, you will get harassed by cowards that tell you that you suck and either don't back it up or just pick on people that aren't in the mood or don't even want to generate strife. And then you got the ones that would prefer to face players that aren't experts on all classes instead of facing somebody else with the same skill level as they are.:rolleyes:


I actually find RP servers to be the least offensive/toxic when it comes to that kind of stuff. solo ranked got salty around weeks 3-5 (everyone in the US who wanted to roll pub seemed to come over, and higher population always raises the sodium content). but iunno. that's about the time I stopped queuing. so who knows what's going on now? does solo pop anywhere? i know harby imp fleet is full of the same 3 ppl begging others to queue. I don't even see that in the EH fleets. (although there's always someone trying to get GSF pops...)

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I actually find RP servers to be the least offensive/toxic when it comes to that kind of stuff. solo ranked got salty around weeks 3-5 (everyone in the US who wanted to roll pub seemed to come over, and higher population always raises the sodium content). but iunno. that's about the time I stopped queuing. so who knows what's going on now? does solo pop anywhere? i know harby imp fleet is full of the same 3 ppl begging others to queue. I don't even see that in the EH fleets. (although there's always someone trying to get GSF pops...)


I came to TEH for GSF, stayed for the PvP. Both seem to pop decently, although GSF is slower than TRE or Harb.


Also, I agree TEH's community is much nicer than other servers.

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I came to TEH for GSF, stayed for the PvP. Both seem to pop decently, although GSF is slower than TRE or Harb.


Also, I agree TEH's community is much nicer than other servers.



Both BC and TEH have nice environments for pvp. They may not pop as much as Harb but if you want to take a break from sh*tposting I recommend either one. TEH has a larger population and is better for Pub side in my experience.


Hell, even GSF pops.

Edited by Ruhun
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Play Pub on Ebon Hawk...win ratio over the past week has been 6 wins for every 1 loss. And I solo que.


Primary problem on BOTH factions are the dps players that get tunnel vision and ignore their other abilities. Do you have an instant cast HoT? Then USE IT on allies at half health. Can you shield other people? Then do so, constantly. Can you taunt? Taunt every chance it is available in combat on someone not targeting you. Have a healer that seems to get targeted constantly? Swap stances and put guard on them during the next big engagement.

PvP is about the team, not you posting amazing dsp numbers or having a great kill/death ratio. I always vote MVP on whoever has the most protection, as it is the easiest thing to do yet so few ever do it. That and tanks are just as unapretiated in PvP as they are in PvE.


A lot of that is horrible advice actually. It sounds great depending on the class. The only viable classes that can tank as dps or heal as dps are veng juggs and sorcs. (A poison op could off heal with roll a little just because instant cast but not really helpful since they need it for themselves.) There are unique situations where you can save a teammate from a focus but to expect someone to literally play a role during an entire fight that doesn't match their actual spec is horrible advice. Focus targeting is probably thee most important thing in pvp to kill off players. Most the reason why people lose or get wiped as a team is the healer isnt focused or people are all chasing targets at max health and ignoring those almost dead. I have had warzones where my sniper had 1% life and I sniped for over 2 minutes without dying and I was easily in range of 2+ ranged classes that had plenty of opportunity to use one attack on me.


I mean I understand where you are getting at. I walk up and see someone getting ganked by a couple players and is almost dead I might switch stances to save them but only if I have a few teammates with me to ensure I wont die with them. Im not going to gimp my spec. The only way doing what you say is viable is if you have the advantage in numbers.

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here is the funny part about this whole thing: imps are really that good. Sure that they tend to dominate the 8v8 scene, but that is only because their competition has throw in the towel and has become comfortable in their badness.


you want to stop imp domination, then make pubs players accountable for their ****.

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Odessen Warzone Rules --


1) Count the number of players on your team that are from the Republic. If 3 or more, you probably should leave the WZ before it begins. It's practically pointless.


2) When you see a Republic player grab a mod, you must assume they don't know what it does. So, feel free to tell them what to do. Beg them not to use the red buff when they are in the zone you have under control. Don't be surprised when they use it and cancel your own control point, then scream about how they don't like PvP and don't know what they do, and somehow it's your fault.


3) NEVER pass a mod buff to a Republic player, as per rule #2, they have no clue what to do with it.


4) NEVER waste time asking for a Republic player to pass you the buff. They don't know how.


5) Copy/paste Birdguano's message that killing players isn't how to win the game.


Good luck.


Okay, so I see this got a lot of attention. Remember, this thread it titled " Stop the Imperial domination in PvP", and based upon my experience on this particular server, it is spot on.


I play Imperial, and of course on Odessen is the chance to play with the mix. I swear, out of almost every WZ there seems to be at least 1, usually 2 Republic players who cancel our own control point with a red buff. I desperately try to stop them in chat, but noooooo, they gonna use that damn red buff no matter what! So, you can see my frustration time after time, and it almost exclusively is done by Republic players. When the WZ first came out, you'd see both sides doing it, but after two weeks, it's now MOSTLY (but not exclusively) Republic players.


Then you try to "teach" them, since that was another common reply to my post. "Why don't you teach people" or whatever. Well duh, I tried. I'd say "Don't use the red buff on our own control point" and then they'd scream at you about how they hate PvP and to shut up they will do what they want. It didn't happen just once, but often enough that you basically didn't bother "teaching" anyone anymore about the buffs. All you could hope for is to scream in chat "DONT USE THE RED BUFF HERE" and hope they were aware enough. I probably stopped 30% of players from using it, but 70% did it anyway.


It's not just the red buff that I see republic players use in the wrong situation, but they also use the speed-up or double-point buff incorrectly. Too often they use it near the very end of the control session. Every time they did it, I'd ask "Why did you not save it for the next round?" and of course most didn't reply, but the one's that did ALWAYS said "I didn't know the round was going to be over." Okay, so the ticking aspect of the control map apparently is also confusing. The only person I've seen try to use a green buff in an already controlled point was also Republic. He asked why it wasn't working....


So, the pop-up abilities might be confusing, but perhaps take a game to figure it out or go read about it? For whatever reason, my vast personal PvP experience led me to see firsthand that in general, while most players do this, of the people who don't tend to be Republic players, and when you try to tell them in game they scream.


Why do you think Birdgano has that "Don't focus on kills" macro? Because people don't know.


Now, it's also mentioned that because of the higher Imperial population, we have more idiots. True enough, but I'd venture to suggest that our percentage of PvP idiots is far lower than that of the Republic. Is it because of the graphics? Who knows, but that isn't going to change. I re-rolled Repub and did baby-PvP for the DvL event, but nobody seems to talk in PvP on the Repub side. It's weird. I was like the only one talking about how the enemy was going to this objective, or that the bridge was down, or we needed help on one side of Voidstar. But man, Repub baby-PvP was just weird quiet otherwise. It's like you can't type and play PvP. I can't comment on 65-Repub PvP, as the baby-PvP was just too disheartening to continue.


So, if I had to put my finger on it, I'd say it's lack of humility and the fact that the PvE side of the game is so easy now. New players who go Republic are going to lack the sharp discipline a more difficult PvE challenge would have provided that the early part of this game initially (to some extent) provided. You can't really tell what you're doing wrong when every PvE mob drops almost instantly while you level. For the "raiders" that go Republic, they don't usually PvP anyway. Based upon my time on the Republic fleet chat, seems PvE is a much bigger focus, but I didn't spend enough time on Repub fleet to be sure of it.


If you want to be a better PvP player, when you're done with a match and you saw a player perform very well (or they beat your head in rather easily), you should message them and ask them for advice so you can be better. Damn, that's what I did on almost all of my characters. I don't think I ever encountered any PvP player tell me to "piss off" for asking, they usually gave me a few pointers, which is all I needed. Occasionally I get a message like that and I don't mind.


Anyway, best of luck to the Republic players in PvP. I much prefer facing my arch enemy than yet another combat simulation 49-Kresh.

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Why do you think Birdgano has that "Don't focus on kills" macro? Because people don't know.


you know that guy is the reason ppl complain about jerks in pvp, right? if you're doing good, he congratulates his teammates. if you're losing, he berates his teammates. he always goes to guard the natural node and then literally berates his team if they don't cap. he doesn't call numbers. he just yells in caps help <node>. and in one CW, he actually gave away the cap. someone challenged him and what was his excuse? "I was placing my PW." admittedly, i thought it was hysterical and lol'd irl. by pub standard (on harb), his game play is superior, but I think we can both agree that's setting the bar extremely low. anyway, that's the dude you say something nice about? heh. I think we've identified the problem.

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Sorry, this is all irrelevant. When about 80% of the serious pvp population is concentrated on one side, it's just irrelevant. I get what you're saying, all good advice, etc. Good advice is not gonna fix this.

It's like giving the baseball team of St. Kitts good advice on how to beat the US team. I know, that's a bit exaggerated, but just to get the point across.

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you know that guy is the reason ppl complain about jerks in pvp, right? if you're doing good, he congratulates his teammates. if you're losing, he berates his teammates. he always goes to guard the natural node and then literally berates his team if they don't cap. he doesn't call numbers. he just yells in caps help <node>. and in one CW, he actually gave away the cap. someone challenged him and what was his excuse? "I was placing my PW." admittedly, i thought it was hysterical and lol'd irl. by pub standard (on harb), his game play is superior, but I think we can both agree that's setting the bar extremely low. anyway, that's the dude you say something nice about? heh. I think we've identified the problem.


Agreed, seen him do this multiple times. He had a guild with the same name, he says their all not him, but I've never seen 2 of that guild in the same match and it's the same behaviour from any of the "members".

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Sorry, this is all irrelevant. When about 80% of the serious pvp population is concentrated on one side, it's just irrelevant. I get what you're saying, all good advice, etc. Good advice is not gonna fix this.

It's like giving the baseball team of St. Kitts good advice on how to beat the US team. I know, that's a bit exaggerated, but just to get the point across.


You're very negative against the reps. If someone is trying to ofer advice, then they obviously care enough to try and improve the situation. So I don't see how it's irrelevant. You need to stop being a negative nancy ;)


Also I hope that "80% you quoted" is based on population percentage and not actual number of players because there are nearly the same percentage of serious rep players based on population vs imp players based on their population.

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