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Stop the Imperial domination in PvP - The Harbinger


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Odessen Warzone Rules --


1) Count the number of players on your team that are from the Republic. If 3 or more, you probably should leave the WZ before it begins. It's practically pointless.


2) When you see a Republic player grab a mod, you must assume they don't know what it does. So, feel free to tell them what to do. Beg them not to use the red buff when they are in the zone you have under control. Don't be surprised when they use it and cancel your own control point, then scream about how they don't like PvP and don't know what they do, and somehow it's your fault.


3) NEVER pass a mod buff to a Republic player, as per rule #2, they have no clue what to do with it.


4) NEVER waste time asking for a Republic player to pass you the buff. They don't know how.


5) Copy/paste Birdguano's message that killing players isn't how to win the game.


Good luck.


That a load of rubbish if you play on Harbinger. It's the Complete opposite in just about everything you mentioned, so you must be talking about another server.


This is my experience playing about 8 hours a day on both rep and imp.


More reps = win because they know how to play objectives


More imps = usually a loss because they death match all over the place.


There are just as many imps and reps who don't know how to use mods. Stupidity or inexperience is not faction based.


That other player should be ignored in 90% of matches, especially if they are abusive.


If you want to win in Odessen, discuss it before it starts. Find out who knows what and you might possibly get a feel for who to pass to or not. Don't base it on faction.

Also don't quite if you see more reps or imps, you can never know how good they'll be till it starts. I will only leave a match before it starts if I know 100% that those "actual" individuals will only death match all game. Knowing who the death match guilds are is a good way to judge.


I think your sweeping comments about how bad reps play are not helpful, especially when they aren't true.


Personally I'm a mod star. I get one every round and use it where it's supposed to be used and more importantly, when it should be used. It doesn't matter if I'm on a rep or imp toon. I basically don't trust anyone to do it.

Had an imp today set off a red mod on our node :( while the other team had 2. I carried the team to a win by getting 3 green mods in the next 3 rounds. The only people who came to help me guard were other reps. The imps always ran out of the square to chase people, even if they were the last in it.

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You're very negative against the reps. If someone is trying to ofer advice, then they obviously care enough to try and improve the situation. So I don't see how it's irrelevant. You need to stop being a negative nancy ;)


Also I hope that "80% you quoted" is based on population percentage and not actual number of players because there are nearly the same percentage of serious rep players based on population vs imp players based on their population.

I'm not being negative here, I'm being a realist, from my own experience and from others, I know that Imps win most. I pvp on both TRE and Harbinger Pub side, it's the same. Imps win almost everything.

If most if not all good players play on one team, you can't expect the lesser team to get on their level. Because they will either get demotivated and quit, or join the other team.

If it were close, then sure they might improve, but the difference right now in pvp between Imps and Reps is huge. You can't fix that by good advice, as good an intention that is. I do support it. It's just not enough.

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you know that guy is the reason ppl complain about jerks in pvp, right? if you're doing good, he congratulates his teammates. if you're losing, he berates his teammates. he always goes to guard the natural node and then literally berates his team if they don't cap. he doesn't call numbers. he just yells in caps help <node>. and in one CW, he actually gave away the cap. someone challenged him and what was his excuse? "I was placing my PW." admittedly, i thought it was hysterical and lol'd irl. by pub standard (on harb), his game play is superior, but I think we can both agree that's setting the bar extremely low. anyway, that's the dude you say something nice about? heh. I think we've identified the problem.


Honestly Birdguano is terrible. He is a sage so I will tunnel him into the ground. I will literally stand on the bridge in voidstar and knock him off over and over so he can never advance to help his teammates. I will knock him off any ledge I can find in oddesson and will push, pull, stun him in fire and acid. I will literally stop playing whatever it is to make him my object in any warzone along with any other person who attempts to play sage or sorc because they think being fotm = skill. Sorry I will hunt you down because if I dont you will most like off heal everyone in the warzone. I will rally my teammates to gank a sorc until they rage quit. I want people to know that they can't be a God in pvp. The extra focus will cause them to play something else that isnt a healer. Sometimes I even do this to juggs, granted it takes a lot longer to kill them, but knocking them off the ledge is just as effective.


Bioware has effectively ruined pvp for me with all the sage/guardian combos running amuck. It isn't fun to fight 3 healers 2 tanks. So anytime I can I will make sure those classes suffer in anyway possible. Voidstar is my favorite warzone because I can stand on the bridge as a sin tank, knock off, pull then knock off any healer or tank combo. I have literally knocked the same person off the bridge 10 times in one warzone before. Some may consider this griefing, but it is pvp and I think people who que up as a premade of 2 heals 2 tanks are the biggest griefers and a smack in the face to any player who wants to actually have fun in a warzone.


Even then I will still attempt to win a warzone but if it is a massive heal tank combo where our team cant compete against I will make sure one player isn't having any fun on their team. =)


I don't know about the rest of you, but pvping to win and pvping to have fun are a HUGE difference. I love close battles, I love long fights where people actually die and its a back and forth battle where you never know who will score or plant a bomb. I like close games, but heal tank combos are no fun for everyone when there are more than one of each. And the way it is now, one sage healer and one guardian tank is almost to much for someone to handle anyways. I have taken on groups of 6 dps as a tank/healer combo and won, and at the very most...survive forever.


Honestly when I que as heals I really do not want another healer on the team. I always have other healers go "Yesss another healer!" Why? Because they want to ensure its just an easy win. Easy win = boring. Yes winning is better than losing...but the only difference is losing is frustrating and winning isn't...but both are boring when you are doing the stomping or being stomped. I like close battles...I like the challenge...apparently winning is all that matters to most people.

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sage healers are OP (too many focus breaks; roaming mend don't even have to pick their heal targets). but...uh...sages themselves are not a problem. admittedly, I mostly play mando/merc, jugg/guard and PT/VG, but sorc dps is not remotely intimidating on any of those. the fact that they have PW when they really really didn't need it is a frustration with BW more than the AC or discipline.


but dude, someone playing a sorc dps doesn't prevent you from playing any other dps in the game. the same cannot be said of sorc heals. sorc heals more or less invalidates other heal ACs. big difference. and in WZs, a lone sorc healer is not at all a problem. 2 or 3 of them (while you have none) or 2 + a tank while you have a lone healer or no heals is incredibly frustrating. but that's matchmaking, not the class.


in fact, the only really aggravating thing in regs that I blame players for is choosing to heal with a merc. there are very good merc healers in regs, but there are sooooo many more who are complete turds, and I find that I have to unclench my teeth or stop grinding them when I see our lone healer is a merc while the other team has 2 sorcs.


edit: sorry. got side tracked. stop tunneling sorcs just because they're sorcs. do it to sins and ops. they're the ones that troll you at the node when you wipe the other team but stealth guy can sit there delaying the cap until gates open, etc.

Edited by foxmob
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A lot of that is horrible advice actually. It sounds great depending on the class. The only viable classes that can tank as dps or heal as dps are veng juggs and sorcs. (A poison op could off heal with roll a little just because instant cast but not really helpful since they need it for themselves.) There are unique situations where you can save a teammate from a focus but to expect someone to literally play a role during an entire fight that doesn't match their actual spec is horrible advice. Focus targeting is probably thee most important thing in pvp to kill off players. Most the reason why people lose or get wiped as a team is the healer isnt focused or people are all chasing targets at max health and ignoring those almost dead. I have had warzones where my sniper had 1% life and I sniped for over 2 minutes without dying and I was easily in range of 2+ ranged classes that had plenty of opportunity to use one attack on me.


I mean I understand where you are getting at. I walk up and see someone getting ganked by a couple players and is almost dead I might switch stances to save them but only if I have a few teammates with me to ensure I wont die with them. Im not going to gimp my spec. The only way doing what you say is viable is if you have the advantage in numbers.


Healer can be focused- I've seen more instances of idiots who have been healed all match forgetting about their healer and going after their kill despite other teammates handling them 'but the killing blow whining' while another person in the opposite team goes for me. Dead healer can't heal you, now has to return to match while I can't heal anyone till I get back. Maybe you're lucky and there's multiple healers on team but you can literally be the only healer for seven other people and you can't be responsible for how they perform or keeping every last one of them alive at all times or be everywhere across the map. I've been on Republic teams like well oiled machines and Imperial side, a group of babies who give up a few points down on Alderaan- winning the next warzone and when someone I recognized from that match who was one of the, I'll literally do nothing asked how we could win, I retaliated back that they could try. Teams fall apart and lose badly because of disunity and while a losing team can pull themselves back to victory- giving up, ignoring objectives and getting kill score points are the biggest contributors to a loss. Especially since you can run multiple warzone matches without a healer on your side and still win.


You have a point about those nearly dead... I can't remember how many times even as a squishy Marauder I've thought I was a goner when I've been simply ignored, allowing me to slink away and heal up out of combat.


One of my guildmates I frequently do World Bosses and other events with plays a healer so I already knew not to blame them for a wipe. And PvE lessons apply to making things easier, I will pop any and all abilities to take the burden off someone else and will do whatever role is necessary to win for the team, even if my character isn't suited for it. Several enemies, going after a node and I'm a lone healer waiting for my team to get back, I'll interrupt despite the fact my DPS numbers are always the lowest and I can't really hurt them, the best I can do is stall them which means using abilities usually unused. Flexibility is crucial in a warzone and you've go to be willing to fill whatever role your team needs and take a death if it'll help (with nodes I mean).


A teammate surrounded by wolves and about to die- quickest way to join them is to intervene unless you have teammates there to defuse the dangerous situation. Especially bad in any warzone where your death adds to the other team's score.


I absolutely get a kick out of taking my Scoundrel (healer) through pre-65- the teams are either fun or we win- pre-65 with the Operative mirror... the cringe has been unbelievable on Imperial side. 65 PvP, Imperials win more but were Republic side to keep half the players they have steamrolling those matches into 65 PvP, Imperials would be in a lot of trouble.

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sage healers are OP (too many focus breaks; roaming mend don't even have to pick their heal targets). but...uh...sages themselves are not a problem. admittedly, I mostly play mando/merc, jugg/guard and PT/VG, but sorc dps is not remotely intimidating on any of those. the fact that they have PW when they really really didn't need it is a frustration with BW more than the AC or discipline.


but dude, someone playing a sorc dps doesn't prevent you from playing any other dps in the game. the same cannot be said of sorc heals. sorc heals more or less invalidates other heal ACs. big difference. and in WZs, a lone sorc healer is not at all a problem. 2 or 3 of them (while you have none) or 2 + a tank while you have a lone healer or no heals is incredibly frustrating. but that's matchmaking, not the class.


in fact, the only really aggravating thing in regs that I blame players for is choosing to heal with a merc. there are very good merc healers in regs, but there are sooooo many more who are complete turds, and I find that I have to unclench my teeth or stop grinding them when I see our lone healer is a merc while the other team has 2 sorcs.


edit: sorry. got side tracked. stop tunneling sorcs just because they're sorcs. do it to sins and ops. they're the ones that troll you at the node when you wipe the other team but stealth guy can sit there delaying the cap until gates open, etc.


I get pissed at the trash that picked up operatives in 3.0. So I will tunnel ops to rage quit often. Most of the time all you have to do is lure them into a 1v1 and then destroy them. It's honestly quite easy to do that to 99% of the trash that play operatives. Then they get butt hurt and rage and try to tunnel you for about 5 minutes. Proceed to kill them a few more times and more often than not they will rage quit in my experience. There are some douche bag sin players too, but honestly the kind of garbage that picked up operatives in 3.0 is what has made me stop playing operative as much. I enjoy killing operatives on my sorc especially since the people who play them nowadays also hate sorcs but also seem to think that they are automatically dueling gods. So yeah, I spend plenty of warzones taking the trash (operatives post 3.0) out.


I still see some actual good operatives, but most of those already played the class before 3.0. I had always enjoyed my op through the glory days as well as the non glory days, but ever since utter rubbish started playing ops more I find more satisfaction in making that garbage realize playing an op doesn't make them good.


I especially love it when they whisper me afterwards raging and saying they could take me in a duel any time. I ask when and where only to get put on ignore. Lol.


But as much as I like destroying operatives nothing give me more pleasure than making a sorc rage quit by tunneling it. Winning is fun and all, but it is much more fun trolling sorcs. Because the trash that picked sorcs up in the last couple updates put even the garbage that picked up operatives to shame. Knocking sorcs off bridges never gets old. Dancing next to them while they are in barrier is also fun. Or taunting them with emotes. Tunneling them till they rage and scream in /say or /gen or /whisper is bliss. Those sorcs also whisper afterwards usually screaming about hacks or something stupid and then put me on ignore. That is when I know that I have been productive that day in swtor.

Edited by Saikochoro
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I get pissed at the trash that picked up operatives in 3.0. So I will tunnel ops to rage quit often. Most of the time all you have to do is lure them into a 1v1 and then destroy them. It's honestly quite easy to do that to 99% of the trash that play operatives. Then they get butt hurt and rage and try to tunnel you for about 5 minutes. Proceed to kill them a few more times and more often than not they will rage quit in my experience. There are some douche bag sin players too, but honestly the kind of garbage that picked up operatives in 3.0 is what has made me stop playing operative as much. I enjoy killing operatives on my sorc especially since the people who play them nowadays also hate sorcs but also seem to think that they are automatically dueling gods. So yeah, I spend plenty of warzones taking the trash (operatives post 3.0) out.


I still see some actual good operatives, but most of those already played the class before 3.0. I had always enjoyed my op through the glory days as well as the non glory days, but ever since utter rubbish started playing ops more I find more satisfaction in making that garbage realize playing an op doesn't make them good.


I especially love it when they whisper me afterwards raging and saying they could take me in a duel any time. I ask when and where only to get put on ignore. Lol.


But as much as I like destroying operatives nothing give me more pleasure than making a sorc rage quit by tunneling it. Winning is fun and all, but it is much more fun trolling sorcs. Because the trash that picked sorcs up in the last couple updates put even the garbage that picked up operatives to shame. Knocking sorcs off bridges never gets old. Dancing next to them while they are in barrier is also fun. Or taunting them with emotes. Tunneling them till they rage and scream in /say or /gen or /whisper is bliss. Those sorcs also whisper afterwards usually screaming about hacks or something stupid and then put me on ignore. That is when I know that I have been productive that day in swtor.


LOL It was the healing operatives bandwagoners that annoyed me. The not so good ones more than the really good ones. I still remember one posting about how they thought they were being harassed because they were being focused; then showed a video of them just trying to cap Voidstar right in the middle of a fight and still only died 2 or 3 times as others carried their ***. It really triggered me.


I've played operative and their damage is not great right now so I generally do not focus them down first. I actually prefer to peel them off their target with a good KB then ignore them while they are stuck to attack someone for a global; then turn back and root them again; then attack something else again. Snare them and move away and keep focusing on my other target. Stun them... Kb again. LOL You get the idea. I just know how frustrating it can be to be root and snared to death.

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I get pissed at the trash that picked up operatives in 3.0. So I will tunnel ops to rage quit often. <snip>


well...I suppose I'm traumatized a bit which influences my decision. but it's more practical realities for me. I'm not going to kill an op 1v1. I'm not terribly worried about the op killing me 1v1, but there's literally nothing I (know how to) can do to solo a remotely competent op. too much of my dmg is white and/or requires time (channel & cast). the second I do dmg to him, my crappy root breaks. so I would rather pick them off quickly while they cannot spend their time 1v1 trolling lolroll, evasion and los/cc heal-to-fulling me. :o

Edited by foxmob
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well...I suppose I'm traumatized a bit which influences my decision. but it's more practical realities for me. I'm not going to kill an op 1v1. I'm not terribly worried about the op killing me 1v1, but there's literally nothing I (know how to) can do to solo a remotely competent op. too much of my dmg is white and/or requires time (channel & cast). the second I do dmg to him, my crappy root breaks. so I would rather pick them off quickly while they cannot spend their time 1v1 trolling lolroll, evasion and los/cc heal-to-fulling me. :o


See that's the thing though. When I actually come across a remotely competent operative it gives me a little faith in the class I used to love so much. If an op can give me a hard time on any class, then they get a thumbs up from me. Most of the time the only time I see an op is when I'm at 20% and am fighting someone else. The pop out and bring me to 10%, but end up rolling away when I start attacking them. If an op opens up on me when I'm at full health, forces me to use my cooldowns, and maybe even kills me or makes me run away I feel happy. The mass majority of them do not do this. They look for people at sub 20% and then stealth out like little pansies.


Or the bold garbage can be lured into a 1v1 where they get taken out. Then they come back with 2 other operative buddies and still end up running away. That's the trash I hate. I enjoy fighting good operatives though. Heck I am ecstatic when one actually kills me in a legit 1v1 as I know not all hope is lost. I always whisper those people afterwards to thank them for knowing how to play. 100% of the time while we talk I find out they have been playing since before 2.0.


You generally like powertech and Merc right? Rocket punch root on Merc is just bad design IMO. Mercs should have gotten a ranged root. Then again the slow on blazing bolts is kind of annoying, but won't help you against an op. The op will get to you so I save my root for a burst hit. Since I know he is coming I will save a buffed up rail shot or heatseeker for that time. Rocket punch so they can't roll, burst, then rocket out. Blazing bolts to force roll or evasion and he will get to me eventually again. Knockback. Some more kiting and damage to force heals and rolls, but he will still get to me again. Stun to hopefully force breaker. At this point hopefully I can get off another heat seeker or rail shot. They should have a good amount of health gone unless they have been spamming kolto probe and in that case you should have most if not all of your health. Once they use break don't hit net yet as they will most likely roll unless you times it well enough that you know it's on cooldown. Once you know they don't have it up net and burst. That is usually how I kill ops on my Merc. Honestly I find it much harder on my powertech. Still a good competent op will still win. But mediocre to barely competent can get killed his way. You can face tank the trash operatives. IMO it's all about making sure to not waste heatseeker, rail shot, and net on roll and using rocket punch root offensively. Blazing bolts is good filler to force cooldowns and rolls...or just do damage if they are stupid.

Edited by Saikochoro
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See that's the thing though. When I actually come across a remotely competent operative it gives me a little faith in the class I used to love so much. If an op can give me a hard time on any class, then they get a thumbs up from me. Most of the time the only time I see an op is when I'm at 20% and am fighting someone else. The pop out and bring me to 10%, but end up rolling away when I start attacking them. If an op opens up on me when I'm at full health, forces me to use my cooldowns, and maybe even kills me or makes me run away I feel happy. The mass majority of them do not do this. They look for people at sub 20% and then stealth out like little pansies.


Or the bold garbage can be lured into a 1v1 where they get taken out. Then they come back with 2 other operative buddies and still end up running away. That's the trash I hate. I enjoy fighting good operatives though. Heck I am ecstatic when one actually kills me in a legit 1v1 as I know not all hope is lost. I always whisper those people afterwards to thank them for knowing how to play. 100% of the time while we talk I find out they have been playing since before 2.0.



Yup. I love good fights, close fights of have someone use a new tactic against me that caused me lose. Yet I find that happening, you completely lay waste to a really bad op or sin and I mean I never used a single dcd and still had 70% life. Then next thing you know you have them opening up on you at 15% life. Even the. They turn tail and run. Next scenario is 4 stealth open up on you and when you die they trash talk like somehow skill was involved. And I mean nice job if you moved quick and fast and took the node, but no its usually in a random spot unasscoiated with a win.


I once chased an op to all 4 corners of huttball he got all the medpacks and I still killed him. I was on my marauder at the time. (We were dominating in scores and he decided to try to open up on me while I was resting). The constant rolling was the only reason he made it to the medpacks haha

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I managed a couple solo kills in my first ever Odessan last night with my level 30ish Commando. Imps were trying to gank people running to objectives, which was me. I had literally no idea what I was doing, but we won handily, and I just patrolled objectives with a few others on my team. It was fun, but crazy.


One guy was asking to pass the green, didn't know what he was talking about until he was running away that I had a green icon on my head, whatever the heck it means I don't know, chased him down and passed it. I should probably youtube some vids of it, I wasn't even aware there was a new warzone.

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