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SW:Rebels Season III


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In today's preview Rex has a Vietnam Flashback and shouts "Cody!"


~ Eudoxia


Hmm, I so do want us to post links to our findings . . . sound interesting this tho . . .



Looks like H-A-L gone rouge . . . Edited by t-darko
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so it's not likely to be an intentional nod to Kalikori Village in SWTOR.


~ Eudoxia


That's not how I interpreted it. I could imagine that Filoni said to himself, hey, lets throw out a nod to the old republic again. What might be the lore connection, if we had to ask Leland?

It's not inconceivable that a tradition involving a family heirloom started with something 3000 years before. We know from in game lore that the Twi'lek pilgrims were seeking freedom of religion, with the matriarch leading them to Tython. It was a new beginning for these pilgrims, and maybe that's where the tradition came from to have this heirloom, which, coincidentally, is in the shape of a T, the first letter of the planet that Kalikori village was on. It's not in the shape of an R, for Ryloth, the Twi'lek homeworld. An heirloom whose intent is to help you remember your roots, your heritage, your family's beginning, might just have some connection to a place where Twi'lek pilgrims made their "beginning."


Look, if someone can retcon 12 parsecs to make sense, am I really making that much of a stretch?

Edited by phalczen
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I see we're back to positing the middle-of-the-road "grey" side of the Force as a desirable third option. Can't say it isn't making me more curious about this Bendu monk, though.


Ya, seems to be a more "natural" type of state of the Force if you will.


Bendu's "perhaps they'll find balance. Or perhaps they will be eaten, such is the way of things" (paraphrased) kinda wraps up his philosophy. Everything acting according to its nature, without hostility.


Considering how strongly GL pushed the dichotomy, will be really interesting where Filoni goes with this.

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Dunno what to say about the latest episode, a bit disappointing . . . gonna watch it 1 more time . . .

Yeah, I genuinely liked a lot of the ideas underlying the episode: that both the droids and Rex couldn't quite leave the Clone Wars behind, with the Droids wanting one more battle to 'win' it and Rex finding that in his own way he was still fighting it too; that in the end they realize both their sides had lost the Clone Wars while the Empire had won, which motivated a team-up against the Empire; and, heck, just seeing B-1s, Destroyer Droids and Kalani again. That was all pretty neat.


But the execution of those ideas... yeah, I was a little underwhelmed, although for most of the places where it was lacking I can kind of understand why.


For me, Rex's parallel to the droids didn't quite land - it felt a bit rushed and a bit heavy-handed at times. But I understand it would be hard to play something like that out with enough nuance when you've only got 22 minutes to tell the story and you need to cram in both the fight against the droids and the fight against the Empire in it. Given the target audience, I suppose some things that could have been left as subtext in a more 'adult' show also may need to be explicitly spelled out here.


Also, the actual scene where Ezra convinced the sides to work together (and especially the way Kanan and Rex lauded him for it at the very end), just felt a little too saccharine for my tastes. Here too, I understand the show is targeted primarily at younger kids, so it makes sense that some things need to be a little 'on the nose, but I've seen 'kids shows' that have pulled off equally complex ideas with a bit more... finesse. So even though I can kind of understand their predicament, I'm not going to give the episode a full pass on this aspect being so clunky.


I think I would have liked the episode a lot more if the Droids had joined the Rebellion at the end, it would have been an interesting twist to throw old enemies onto the same side for more than half and episode, and Kalani could have been a character that Thrawn could later on trounce to show off Thrawn's brilliance (especially because the "let them go" endings they gave Thrawn in all his episodes so far will get really old really fast if they keep that up).


If Kalani and his droids become reoccurring sometimes-friends-sometimes-foes characters (like Hondo), then it might retroactively improve my opinion of this episode. But if this is the last we see of them, then I think this one will just be a pretty forgettable one for me - which would be a shame, since an affectionate coda to the Clone Wars series deserves better.

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I'm treating this episode much like I did many of the fillers from last season. Not really anything interesting happening, but kind of a nice flashback to the clone wars.


Looks like the next one is going to be a mandalorian/Sabine episode, which should be interesting.

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I'm treating this episode much like I did many of the fillers from last season. Not really anything interesting happening, but kind of a nice flashback to the clone wars.


Looks like the next one is going to be a mandalorian/Sabine episode, which should be interesting.


Honestly, I half expected Ezra to try and recruit the Super Tactical... But I doubt that this is the last we have seen of him. If this leads to a whole thing with Separatist hold outs... :D :D :D

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It was a filler alright, i'm agreeing with what you all saying on that subject, and ad to that Ezra being somewhat precocious.

Feel the need to add that it wasn't that good either, in fact, after the beginning episodes this filler sticks out as one of the worst, is it so we should feel that the coming mandalorian/Sabine episode is gonna be greater, dunno!?


In my second viewing I, feel as Dymond expressed, even with the target audience in mind the execution could be better and having Rex crying out "Cody" was a bit over the top and did in the preview raise the expectations too far . . .


My suspicions on Kallus being the new Fulcrum does however still remain . . .

Edited by t-darko
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after the beginning episodes this filler sticks out as one of the worst, is it so we should feel that the coming mandalorian/Sabine episode is gonna be greater, dunno!?

If they confirm my pet theory that she's Bo-Katan's daughter then I'll probably like the episode regardless. :p


My suspicions on Kallus being the new Fulcrum does however still remain . . .

Yeah, at this point I think it's one of three scenarios, in descending order of likelihood:

  1. Kallus has genuinely switched sides and is Fulcrum.
  2. Kallus is Fulcrum, but as a mole really working for the Empire still (either as his own plan or under Thrawn's orders)
  3. Fulcrum is a double-agent working for Thrawn, but by the time s/he is outed Kallus will be ready to switch sides and will become a genuine Fulcrum for the Rebels.

Edited by DarthDymond
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If they confirm my pet theory that she's Bo-Katan's daughter then I'll probably like the episode regardless. :p



Yeah, at this point I think it's one of three scenarios, in descending order of likelihood:

  1. Kallus has genuinely switched sides and is Fulcrum.
  2. Kallus is Fulcrum, but as a mole really working for the Empire still (either as his own plan or under Thrawn's orders)
  3. Fulcrum is a double-agent working for Thrawn, but by the time s/he is outed Kallus will be ready to switch sides and will become a genuine Fulcrum for the Rebels.


Bo-Katan does seem like the most likely one personally.


It should also be noted that the new Fulcrum's vocal mannerisms (what little we hear) are compatible with Kallus's, just like Ahsoka's were for the original Fulcrum. We should hear more of him as we go along and we'll see if those match up as well.

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If Kalani and his droids become reoccurring sometimes-friends-sometimes-foes characters (like Hondo), then it might retroactively improve my opinion of this episode. But if this is the last we see of them, then I think this one will just be a pretty forgettable one for me - which would be a shame, since an affectionate coda to the Clone Wars series deserves better.


I half expect them to go find more droids and reactivate them. Would be cool to have an episode where the Rebels are trapped by Thrawn, only for Kalani to return with a bunch of separatist ships or something like that and Thrawn annihilates them, which allows the Rebel fleet to escape.


Would be a nice homage to Outbound Flight too, they could do the scene where he tricks the Vulture droids into going outside their transmission radius and shutting down. He did it in the book by finding the separatist command signal through a series of repetetive feints and then overpowering the separatist signal using the same transmission code from his own warship.


Would be pretty easy to write in. Kalani could have kept track of the rebels via a built-in homing beacon or something on the separatist shuttle they ran off with at the end.


Also, Mandolorian Supercommando Teaser:



~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Agent Kallus may be operating as Fulcrum with Thrawn's suspicions that he has sympathies for some of the Rebels, which he chooses to exploit. That would be a classic master strategy on Thrawn's part where he gets here he wants to be in undermining the rebellion irrespective of Kallus' divided loyalties. At the least it would make for a better stroke than Thrawn choosing to allow the Ghost crew to get away three more times before the season ends.


I don't have high expectations for the Supercommando's motives or beliefs in the Mandalorian context for this upcoming episode. After reading most of the canon novels that have been published so far, I am of the mind that while the post-Lucas lore has decided to introduce shades of grey and ambiguity to the mystery of the Force it's almost completely jettisoned the complexity and maturity that a lot of the old Legends authors brought to the Galactic Empire. Thrawn's quote about the Empire being a government that clothes and feeds billions on thousands of worlds without need of intimidation is entirely overwritten. It's as simple as Empire bad, Rebellion good, and the dialogue between characters in the new books practically ridicules any alternative perspective of nuanced ambivalence that may have existed before. The tone is just one note less obvious than publishing an article on starwarsdotcom calling out Empire fans to their face.

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I don't like Maul, having read the Plagueis novel. He was supposed to be weak in the force, and good at single-target assassination (hence why he separates Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon). Instead he's an OP beast in the Clone Wars, who gets defeated by a half-trained Padawan in Rebels.


He should have stayed dead in Episode I.


As for well-developed, Palpatine or Thrawn is still the most well-developed Villain in the Franchise other than Vader, probably followed by Jacen Solo or Darth Bane. The EU may not be canon but it is still part of the franchise.


~ Eudoxia


Digging up older posts to chatter xD


Maul's curse was predetermination. He 'should have' died in PM as a limited side-role character who outlived his purpose, but was intriguing, so he got to live on.

He's been constantly being scapegoated so main characters could fulfill their role. Finally in Rebels he seems to be a fully-fledged character - not a puppet.


As much as I like Vader, Maul has much better and more intense background story...and imo personality. Vader is predetermined main character that bears the mantra of savior and thus was given more power.. Thrawn has no force yet many admire him and want to see more. Vader has been overmilked as market hype also.


Some things about Vader also strike me as cliche and until the last moment turning point he was for all his power just emperor's puppet. Maul no longer plays that role, but on other hand Maul's a bit too obsessed with Kenobi for my taste (not free enough yet from crude urges), but that's Geroge's story and his call.

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Digging up older posts to chatter xD


Maul's curse was predetermination. He 'should have' died in PM as a limited side-role character who outlived his purpose, but was intriguing, so he got to live on.

He's been constantly being scapegoated so main characters could fulfill their role. Finally in Rebels he seems to be a fully-fledged character - not a puppet.


As much as I like Vader, Maul has much better and more intense background story...and imo personality. Vader is predetermined main character that bears the mantra of savior and thus was given more power.. Thrawn has no force yet many admire him and want to see more. Vader has been overmilked as market hype also.


Some things about Vader also strike me as cliche and until the last moment turning point he was for all his power just emperor's puppet. Maul no longer plays that role, but on other hand Maul's a bit too obsessed with Kenobi for my taste (not free enough yet from crude urges), but that's Geroge's story and his call.


Personally I think it's a generation thing, depending on who of the two you first got acquainted with, I don't say that it has to be that way, but I believe it most often to be the case. also the fact that Lucas had a nack for not seeing which side character that would become the fans favorite, and just miss in his own intention on who that should be, Boba Fett being the first and Jar-Jar being the latter, kinda mirror the rift between Lucas and the Star Wars fan's, were R2 D2 is the exception to that rule.


I can agree that Vader in most part of being a villain is a chliché, and I think that it has to be that way, The depth of Vader/Anakin as a Star Wars character is, as Lucas many times has pointed out, The Star Wars Saga, played out over the Six movies(OT & PT) and ultimately by the completion of TCW.


Maul was a Character that the fans by the time of the PT's, after some odd 17 or so years of exploring the Expanded Universe, knew there had to be a back story to, and as a EU fan I think it was inevitable to ask the questions about Darth Maul, who he was from the start, his origin, his fall to the Dark side and so on.


The big difference between the two tho seems to be that Maul embraces the Dark and cultivate it while Vader is misguided and seduced in his intentions to use the Dark side as a tool.


Side Note:If we gonna get a Boba Fett stand alone it's gonna be real interesting to see the retcon on that one!!

Edited by t-darko
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Would say that "commandos" was a return of the storytelling we've been getting used to. Back to a visual language and not only a dialogue progression of the story. It was clearly Sabines episode, seeing her ableness in hand to hand combat against a heavier more robust opponent portrayed in a, I think, believable way, brought more depth to the character. Our role as viewers of this episode was much the role of Ezra, tagging along to get to know the Mandalorians of the OT period some more, a kind of Mandalorian political check.


Not all that we've seen in the seasons trailers was there so we know that there's more to come, no doubt tho about the heritage that Sabine carries, there's gonna be more great stuff to come, that's obvious.


To me personally that have the main interest in the fate of the Jedi and the nature of the Force as a focus point, these kind of episodes more acts like a expanded view of the Star Wars universe and as such a kind of filler, but, however a good one.



up next Edited by t-darko
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It feels like it is all a build up to a season finale with Thron

Thron isn't just testing the rebels and studying their reactions but how his imperial commanders react and adjust to the rebel terrorist tactics.


That is what the rebellion is. Terrorist trying to undermine the Empire through hit and run tactics. Thron is the latest Commander put in charge to counter the rebels and end the suffering against Empire interests.amd allies :p

Edited by Liquor
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Gotta be honest... Iron Squadron really sucked. Those kids where just so annoying. "We are the Iron Squadron" at the the end was funny though.


Anyways they stuck around, hope they don't get too much screen time


They'll probably show up a couple more times but not very much.


I think seeing a real star destroyer was somewhat of a humbling experience for them though, probably won't be as annoying in the future.

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