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What is you favorite advanced class to play combat wise?


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So after playing every advanced class for a long time I noticed I always had one favorite advanced class and i was wondering what other players favorite advanced class is as well.


For me ever since i played it as my 2nd character, i immediately fell in love with the Operative class.


I loved the feel of the style of up close and personal, going in and out of stealth messing with NPC's or other players in pvp. And like any other stealth class exploring the entire maps of planets without getting attacked by the majority of the mobs.


Personally my favorite spec for it is Concealment, slice and dice baby. The animations for this spec i always loved because of the knife play. Having knives at your disposal as a stealth class always brings me back to other games where i loved stabbing the heck out of players in first person shooters. Ever played republic commando? i used that vibro gauntlet all of the time. going in and out of stealth stabbing, stunning, and immobilizing are what i love from this advanced class. And annoying people in pvp.


Though the ruffian scoundrel mirror is the same, the punches and shank shotguns just don't do it for me as the knives do on an concealment operative.

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Sniper/ Gunslinger,



Cause I don't have to move and I can sit back and hit my 6 buttons in peace :D



But I'm not sure I have a favorite class combat wise, I don't enjoy Operatives and Sentinels so those wouldn't be considered. But the rest are pretty equal

Edited by Newyankalt
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First choice is guardian tanks. Second choice healing operatives. I too like a bit of an up close and personal style. But I suck at dps haha. So tanking is my main deal. I enjoy healing too though, all my toons that can tank or heal do. My gunslinger and sniper are like never used. Well unless some guildies want to have a laugh.
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I actually had to think about this for a second, but I think i'll have to go with IO Merc for combat/dps. I love the high range and mobility mixed with high dps + I like having a few heal abilities to self-heal in the heat of combat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I have to agree with you on the scoundrel/operative too tho, simply because it's so much fun to go in and out of stealth while CCing players xD


My favorite melee class is Mara/sentinel, simply because of the high dps + there's just something about having two lightsabers :csw_bluesaber: :csw_bluesaber:


I'm a PVP-er mixed with PVE :jawa_smile:

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I like the animations, the way the abilities actually work in game. The idea of the class itself.




I also like the IDEA of the Vanguard and Powertech. It's too bad the gameplay is so god damned boring.

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I must say of the classes I've played so far, I'm enjoying the Jedi Consular/Sage quite much, even though I had mixed feelings about the flood of Sage/Sith Sorcerer clones wherever I stepped :p. He's only in the 30s together with my Sith Juggernaut but feels during the level process smoother to play, whereas the mob killing feels like a drag with my Jugg (be it in Rage or Vengance). Maybe I put more motivation into my Sage because I want Nadia *lol*
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I have a few which are my favourites for different reasons:


Powertech/Vanguard for all-round fun (good animations) and versitility.


Jugg for tanking (harder PvE stuff) - it's indestructible if played right


Sorcerer for PvP - heals, bubble, pretty good ranged DPS and AoE and good at racking up medals


Operative/Scoundrel for a bit of sneaky/cheeky fun... very satisfying... (lots of) vibroknives/fists and scatterguns, can be devastating in single combat if played right.

Edited by ghescwa
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These are my favorite, in order.



Healing Operative,

Powertech Tank,

Madness Sorc DPS,



Lethality Operative DPS,

Assassin Tank,

Powertech AP DPS


Although I've tried every other advanced class I don't really enjoy them. Thats the great part about this game, is everyone can find a class that fits them the best.

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most effective to play for me, is jedi guardian, the most "F*** YEAH, YOLO!" is combat sentinel, i prefer sentinel rather than marauder just because the unique blade dance animation sents get is amazing.


And lately i've learned to love sniper, the aoe and single target burst in marksmanship are insane. xD


i hate using healers, and find tanks boring, that's why, like i said, jedi guardian as vigilance, or jugg vengeance are the best for me, my play style is "bulky offense", i can deal good damage and not die like a mosquito.

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Hatred Assassin. There is just something so satisfying about stealthing up to someone, spiking them and throwing some mean DoTs on them while they're stunned. Then you can watch their health keep dropping while yours goes up. Probably the same reason I loved the Warden in LOTRO so much too :)
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Sorc Heal and DPS . I just love being stationary . In every others games , that is why I pick a Mage .


I love all the others (Marauder drove me mad cose so squichy , took me forever to learn it) and I find Smuggler Gunslinger and Powertech a bit boring (have 2 of each though , cose love their stories) .


Tank Jugg or Jedi are good , but get tiresome for my playstyle . And they are a pain for farming , Sorc will always be Numero Uno for farming :D


and last commando and Smuggler heal and operator heal . In the right hand , they are Gods . (not in mine..I always end up healing the ennemy llol) .

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Annihilation Marauder and Watchman Sentinel. The animations are graceful, acrobatic and light on the feet. Your Sith being engulfed with red flames and blue flames for the Jedi. You're always rushing toward an enemy, buffing up yourself before you attack like a whirlwind. There's something really calming and methodical about it.


I play all specs in the game. But I realized I didn't really care for faceroll classes even if its prettier.

Edited by revkashepard
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most effective to play for me, is jedi guardian, the most "F*** YEAH, YOLO!" is combat sentinel, i prefer sentinel rather than marauder just because the unique blade dance animation sents get is amazing.

Sorry for the late response. Is that animation different to the one that Guardians have, where you turn around, stab the foe in the gonads (if it is bigger than you), then turn back and wind up into a big slash?

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