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Im still making huge profits from slicing... The Truth about Slicing


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In this thread... lots of people that seem to think Slicing has no mats to gather... just credits...



Compare the cheapest quickest missions across all gathering skills with nodes and you will find that the worth of items gained is generally less or about even with the cost of sending the mission.

Obviously there are exceptions... such as Rich or Bountiful yields, for example. However, those same exceptions apply equally to slicing as well. Gaining the schematics, for example, is equivalent to gaining extra/higher quality stuff in the other crew skill missions.



What you are absolutely failing all over the place on in this thread, is trying to whine about a justified nerf that put slicing back in line with the rest of the node professions, by comparing lockbox missions to crafting material missions.

How anyone manages to convince someone else this is a fair comparison is beyond me... since the comparison would be with AUGMENTS versus crafting materials.


Yes, did you forget the actual purpose of slicing? Augments?

Sounds like most of you do not even know what Augments are or what they are used for.

There were maybe 3 or 4 people in this thread that talked about them, but everyone else ignored them.




If you want money from slicing, gather nodes like every other node crew skill.

If you want materials, send your companions to actually GET materials...

Just ridiculous how much all of you are whining about this... and I HAVE slicing...


The majority of the people whining about this slicing nerf are the ones that speed leveled a bunch of characters to get their 2 companions out so they could chain run lockboxe missions on all of their characters, exploiting the fact that many of the higher end low yield lockbox missions gave much more than the cost of the mission.

WAAAAAAH my exploits have been fixed, time to go whine on the forums with terrible facts.


How many augments have you bought? More than 0? Probably not.

You should also cross check what an exploit is.

You also show a great lack of reading comprehension, as it was mentioned that rich and bountiful boxes most often yield a loss.


Add to that your "slicing is now in line" and well... why am I even answering on such a post :D

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I am a lvl 27 with a 400 slicing and so far I have been focused on the lockboxes.




because I don't have friggin room in my storage for all the augments or any other result from any other crew skill!!


Mabey if I sat on the Republic Base all day and sold stuff it's cool - but not for me!!


I spent several days on Tarsis doing quests and trust me your storage fills up fast - and I have bought 2 storage upgrades already - sell the useless stuff, look for my key box when I can - but it's a bother to run back to main base every few hours.


My goal was credits to buy what I want when I want - I am not interested in crafting game play - not saying that is bad, just not for me.


So why do I make sometimes $150 credits, and sometimes lose $150 credits and once in a blue moon win a mission/augment etc that sells for $3k or $4k.


Yes I agree that regular payments of $3k to $5k was high for a slicing mission that cost me $1k to $2k - but down to mabey a hundred credits is going to far.


Slicing should pay more like $200 to $500 credits compared to crafting where you can make a few thousand per item - but then you spend more time doing it - then you have income balance.


My vote is it's still not balanced - now it's gone to low.

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If SWTOR is planning to make the cost of living so high that I have spend every waking hour farming, doing daily quests or working the AH then I have a suggestion ......... make the next Sith class THE PANDA!!! :mad:



This, Well said.

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So let me get this right... People flood the forums whining about slicing, so they do something about it so people whine twice as hard? LMFAO THIS IS A VIDEO GAME GET OVER IT! IMO slicing should have been taken out to begin with and this would never have been an issue..



People are just pissed cuz everyone who had early access is sitting on a gold mine (760k here) and they didnt get a chance to exploit it... I dont know what ppl are talking about negative returns, you are doing it wrong... Im still making huge profit, just about 30% less then before... Put the effort into figuring out the skill rather then crying about it, and you would still be making a ton of money for doing almost nothing...


Take slicing out completely IMO, save everyone the tears! Slicing makes no sense.. If you want money for not crafting go farm like in every other MMo, go play the auction house.. Spoiled *** little kids....


To all the ppl still slicing and doing it right, keep the secret, we will laugh all the way to the bank!


So says the guy already sitting on a fortune he made pre-nerf. Let's look at what he really said here if you look between the lines:


"I made a crap ton of money before the nerf - so now let me say that you can still make a ton of money and that I don't care about the nerf (because I'm already rich and it's to my benefit for other players to now NOT be able to quickly get money like I already have.) I'll post about how it's ridiculous for people to complain about the nerf, to take away credit from the idea that at some point they should increase slicing rewards again (because I'm already rich and don't want all those other players to get rich too!)"


Yeah buddy, the chance that you would have made this post if you WEREN'T already set with a fortune - 0%

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I would like go go on record saying this was a terrible idea.


Slicing was fine the way it was. It fit well within SW cannon. Slicing should give a good return of credits, that should be its primary feature. Larger returns on higher level missions.


If - IF - a correction was needed, then perhaps they could have corrected mission success chance based on companion affection / skill level / mission difficulty.


This nerf makes slicing totally unattractive for me any longer, at lvl 25, 380 slicing.


I was a person who frequently placed auctions of green items at significantly below their worth, now i just sell them for whatever minor credits I can get at vendors.


I used to auction missions gained through slicing, now i just vendor trash them as well.


I tried to purchase mats from the auction house, there weren't many available, and they were expensive (1,000 for 1 Silk?) so without the credits slicing gives me, I will no longer be putting money into the player economy of the game.




Good job Bioware. I give you :sy_title:Ruiner of Economies for your Sith like work in this area.


10,000 ::sy_darkside: for draining some of the fun out of your game for thousands of players.

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I would say players who are lvl 50 and have a skill lvl of 400 will have the best perspective. If you are still lvling your toon and your skills then youre prob not the best source of information.


There are a lot of complaints everywhere and my guess is that most are not lvl 50... or even close.


^ This

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I am lvl 50, I have 400 slicing. Before the nerf, which I could sense coming, I sent all 5 companions on any rich lockbox quest I had available and was able to make roughly 3 million credits. Clearly, a nerf was needed.


Yesterday I spent 22 crew hours and yielded roughly 11k in profits from missions. I've yet to see anything over 2k credits from a lvl 6 mission. I wholeheartedly agree that a nerf was needed, I just think it was pushed a little too far in the opposite direction.

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I am lvl 50, I have 400 slicing. Before the nerf, which I could sense coming, I sent all 5 companions on any rich lockbox quest I had available and was able to make roughly 3 million credits. Clearly, a nerf was needed.


Yesterday I spent 22 crew hours and yielded roughly 11k in profits from missions. I've yet to see anything over 2k credits from a lvl 6 mission. I wholeheartedly agree that a nerf was needed, I just think it was pushed a little too far in the opposite direction.


I believe we are more susceptible to the RNG now. Yesterday I chained misions with 3 companions all day and basically broke even (probably up a few k). Doing the same thing today but adjusting my strategy as to which missions to take, I amd seeing substantially better gains, although nowhere near the old levels.

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This nerf makes slicing totally unattractive for me any longer, at lvl 25, 380 slicing.


I was a person who frequently placed auctions of green items at significantly below their worth, now i just sell them for whatever minor credits I can get at vendors.


I used to auction missions gained through slicing, now i just vendor trash them as well.


I tried to purchase mats from the auction house, there weren't many available, and they were expensive (1,000 for 1 Silk?) so without the credits slicing gives me, I will no longer be putting money into the player economy of the game.



Good job Bioware. I give you :sy_title:Ruiner of Economies for your Sith like work in this area.


10,000 ::sy_darkside: for draining some of the fun out of your game for thousands of players.




By the light of a thousand stars, this.



Very poor decision Bioware.


I had higher hopes from you.

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I dunno...to me it seems pretty simple.


you take a slicing mission. basic mission. your net return is negative. lets say 2500 for a mission, and it nets 2k, so your in the hole 500cred.


now, your friend the gatherer does a gathering mission for the same price (2500), and he nets some mats. yipeededooda. so he has mats, but he's 2500 in the hole for those mats. the slicer has no mats, but he's in the hole 500.


So slicer is ahead of gatherer by 2k


Gatherer is ahead of slicer by "X" mats.


The real question is...can the Gatherer sell those mats to make up the 2k? if in reality he can, then they break even. If he can sell for more, then slicing is UP. If he can't sell for more, then slicing is still ahead, even though it feels like a net loss on the mission.


Doesn't have to get more complicated then that. I know for a fact that I can spend about 180 cred on a low level mission and get 2-3 crystals that sell on my server for around 5 for a hundred cred. a lockbox off of a similar mission nets me about 90 cred. so my slicer is down 90 cred, my archeologist is down 260 cred (he has to do 2 missions to get enough crystals to sell for the 100c)


So, in all honesty, yes it "Feels" like your losing money on slicing missions, but ill bet that on average, a gatherer is losing more...even if he sells the mats. you can't look at JUST the mission results from the slicing mission. you have to compare it to the net loss of a similar skill given sale prices of mats. talking pure mats of course.


Trying to redefine the math to make it look bad does not pan out. my slicer in my extremely low level example above lost 90 creds, but could still buy 5 crystals and be ahead of the gatherer at the days end.


and that is why they nerfed slicing. ironically, i have a lvl 13 right now that I have slicing on, and im making money. but im doing no missions, collecting world boxes only. just like im harvesting crystals only, no missions. and im making money on both. go figure.


To me, the balance needs to be where the net result is even across all the basic gathering skills (arch, scavenging, etc.) so a gatherer selling his mats will break even with a slicer who is just running a mission. that will be hard to do though...the market determines the cost of mats. they could nerf slicing now, and find out 3 months down the road that no one is taking it anymore because mats are selling for insane prices.


Slicing is an interesting idea, but it will be hard to balance effectively. perhaps they should just take it out and work in a percentage chance in all crafting skills (small chance) to get the slicing rewards.

Edited by Elyx
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I'm running a 100 mission spreadsheet to see what my balance is just based off splicing missions. It'll take me a few days to a week to complete but I will publish it when I am done. Keeping track of mission name, quality, rank, item bonuses, yield, and cost.


So far after a dozen or so missions its at around +2000 credits. We will see where it is after 100. Only a few missions have ran at a loss, I am a sith inquisitor so there is no massive bonus for me on the missions.


edit: My slicing is maxed as well.


Bravo to you!

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I dunno...to me it seems pretty simple.


you take a slicing mission. basic mission. your net return is negative. lets say 2500 for a mission, and it nets 2k, so your in the hole 500cred.


now, your friend the gatherer does a gathering mission for the same price (2500), and he nets some mats. yipeededooda. so he has mats, but he's 2500 in the hole for those mats. the slicer has no mats, but he's in the hole 500.


So slicer is ahead of gatherer by 2k


Gatherer is ahead of slicer by "X" mats.




Situation is null and void. An intelligent crafter doesn't need to run missions to level their Crafting skill. It's useless to make blues and purples at low levels. Just grind green gear from trainer schematics and gather the mats you need.

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I'm running a 100 mission spreadsheet to see what my balance is just based off splicing missions. It'll take me a few days to a week to complete but I will publish it when I am done. Keeping track of mission name, quality, rank, item bonuses, yield, and cost.


So far after a dozen or so missions its at around +2000 credits. We will see where it is after 100. Only a few missions have ran at a loss, I am a sith inquisitor so there is no massive bonus for me on the missions.


edit: My slicing is maxed as well.


Oh god its Bob. He brought his spreadsheets here too. :(


(Belesarius from WoT, VPG)

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Oh, well that's just dandy!


Hey, everyone: This random guy with no evidence or numbers to prove his claims says that slicing is fine so long as you don't use it to its fullest capabilities.


That's just fine! Thanks Bioware, and thank you oh noble scholar for pointing this out. No more crying for me.


I dont have numbers other then i bought 110k worth of stuff And still have 190k more credits in my bank since yesterday... Take this crap out of the game...


Let the trolls find the next thing to whine about....


Im still making money off it so i have no complaints.. Did you really think making 15k per half hour wasnt going to get nerfed? Spend less time whining and more time playing IMO... Pick up another skill... I just lvled scav and cybertech and make even more then slicing now..


It could also depend on your server, maybe mine just spends more money? Either way, whining in a sea of whiners isnt going to change much... Im sure they will un nerf it a little bit as a way of handing everyone their tissues anyway..


It didnt get nerfed cuz ppl complained, it got nerfed cuz it made no sense and had no place in the game to begin with.. If you want to make money you have to work for it. The reason everyone had it is the same reason so many ppl are on welfare, how can you turn down free money for doing nothing? Who pays? Everyone!


To everyone else still making huge sums, keep it up!

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I am lvl 50, I have 400 slicing. Before the nerf, which I could sense coming, I sent all 5 companions on any rich lockbox quest I had available and was able to make roughly 3 million credits. Clearly, a nerf was needed.


Yesterday I spent 22 crew hours and yielded roughly 11k in profits from missions. I've yet to see anything over 2k credits from a lvl 6 mission. I wholeheartedly agree that a nerf was needed, I just think it was pushed a little too far in the opposite direction.


How do you know which are "rich" lockbox quests

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10 missions, 6 hours crew time


spent 14850 creds


gained 20324


net 5474 credits


gained 1 49 kuat yards ship blaster schematic


gained 1 340 scavenging mission


too bad i didn't measure before nerf!


Ppl dont know *** is up... Numbers from rank 6 missions dont mean crap, even before the nerf u didnt make crap from them... In 6 hours you can do 20 and make a crapload.... Less money 20 times > less money for 10 times

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Is there something I am missing in slicing, it is not letting me click lockboxes in teh open world, they show up on my map I go to them and they wont let me click em, any suggestions?


Gathering nodes are bugged since beta. They said they fixed it but other than shiny animation added, the nodes are still bugged.


Well, the bug is now change, before bug, I can't hover over the node, now I can hover the node and the node change to highlightable colour but guess what, I still can't harvest it.

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I dunno...to me it seems pretty simple.


you take a slicing mission. basic mission. your net return is negative. lets say 2500 for a mission, and it nets 2k, so your in the hole 500cred.


now, your friend the gatherer does a gathering mission for the same price (2500), and he nets some mats. yipeededooda. so he has mats, but he's 2500 in the hole for those mats. the slicer has no mats, but he's in the hole 500.


So slicer is ahead of gatherer by 2k


Gatherer is ahead of slicer by "X" mats.


The real question is...can the Gatherer sell those mats to make up the 2k? if in reality he can, then they break even. If he can sell for more, then slicing is UP. If he can't sell for more, then slicing is still ahead, even though it feels like a net loss on the mission.


Doesn't have to get more complicated then that. I know for a fact that I can spend about 180 cred on a low level mission and get 2-3 crystals that sell on my server for around 5 for a hundred cred. a lockbox off of a similar mission nets me about 90 cred. so my slicer is down 90 cred, my archeologist is down 260 cred (he has to do 2 missions to get enough crystals to sell for the 100c)


So, in all honesty, yes it "Feels" like your losing money on slicing missions, but ill bet that on average, a gatherer is losing more...even if he sells the mats. you can't look at JUST the mission results from the slicing mission. you have to compare it to the net loss of a similar skill given sale prices of mats. talking pure mats of course.


Trying to redefine the math to make it look bad does not pan out. my slicer in my extremely low level example above lost 90 creds, but could still buy 5 crystals and be ahead of the gatherer at the days end.


and that is why they nerfed slicing. ironically, i have a lvl 13 right now that I have slicing on, and im making money. but im doing no missions, collecting world boxes only. just like im harvesting crystals only, no missions. and im making money on both. go figure.


To me, the balance needs to be where the net result is even across all the basic gathering skills (arch, scavenging, etc.) so a gatherer selling his mats will break even with a slicer who is just running a mission. that will be hard to do though...the market determines the cost of mats. they could nerf slicing now, and find out 3 months down the road that no one is taking it anymore because mats are selling for insane prices.


Slicing is an interesting idea, but it will be hard to balance effectively. perhaps they should just take it out and work in a percentage chance in all crafting skills (small chance) to get the slicing rewards.


You're forgetting something though.


The guy doing the crafting will use those mats to skill up his profession which in turn will allow him to make some big ticket items later on down the road. The slicer on the other hand will in the end, just have... less money.


This is how I viewed slicing before the nerf.

You could A) Pick up slicing and make some decent money now, but in the end just have a decent amount of money. Or B) Pick up a craft and lose money now but in the end make loads of money selling epic items on the GTN.


What people had forgot when crying for a slicing nerf was that the people that were making super amounts of money were people that were sending out their companions through out the entire day. Where as people that weren't obsessed over it and sending their crew members out before work and maybe another 3 or 4 times at night were just making 10-15k a day.


Oh well, it's changed now and isn't going back. I myself am just going to ignore all crafting till I reach max level. Where as before I would make some money on my slicing alt and level up a craft on my main guy.

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Gathering nodes are bugged since beta. They said they fixed it but other than shiny animation added, the nodes are still bugged.


Well, the bug is now change, before bug, I can't hover over the node, now I can hover the node and the node change to highlightable colour but guess what, I still can't harvest it.


Thank you

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