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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

June Producer Livestream Wrap-up (6/30)


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I was really looking forward to this perk to until I saw the cost. It would be fair if it was a legacy unlock, but not as a character unlock. If I buy the perk then I can't afford enough gifts to make it worthwhile. It reminds me of the fable of the girl who sold her hair to buy her boyfriend a gold pocket watch chain while he sold his pocket watch to buy her a fancy brush. :d_mad:


You've read the classics AND are a Honor Harrington fan? I like you already :) (It's a short story by O Henry called Gift of the Magi)


The game desperately needs credit sinks right now, this is one of them. I question them putting them in at the same time as massively crushing the primary income source, though.

Edited by IanArgent
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I was really looking forward to this perk to until I saw the cost. It would be fair if it was a legacy unlock, but not as a character unlock. If I buy the perk then I can't afford enough gifts to make it worthwhile. It reminds me of the fable of the girl who sold her hair to buy her boyfriend a gold pocket watch chain while he sold his pocket watch to buy her a fancy brush. :d_mad:


Odd way of putting it....but correct non the less.

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What would really help with this event is if they brought back the old fleet vendors. Yea I am one of those players that want them brought back. They were taken out for a BS reason and if my memory serves me without previous notice, which is ironic because in the stream they talk about not informing players of the reduction of the credit rewards from Heroics and they said they would fix that. Quite honestly BW all you need to do is either a) redo the stats on the items, or b) you bring them back as shells like you did with the class specific armors. Though I honestly doubt that BW will make any informed decision on this given their track record from at least 3.0


You mean the orange shells from all the planetary vendors? Yes they need to return these. And they did not give any heads up about removing them. They did however give a heads up about removing the ops gear, so they were ok on that....but not on the other vendors. (Though if I am wrong, please someone show me :p)

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I'm literally not even waiting for new Ops anymore. I'm waiting for new people to be in your jobs.


The sad thing is that as soon as the current staff will have managed to run the game into the ground, EA will more likely just close down the game.

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Thanks for a good stream. Can't wait to see the new content.


To the rest of you complainers: shame on you!! You all sound like a bunch of ungrateful spoiled brats. Grow up!


I am a grateful spoiled brat thank you very much! :p And I have the mental age of 12, so....I cant grow up sorrys.:D

Also....I will complain because I want to like this game, been here since late 2012 (missed that stinking jawa balloon by 2 weeks and wish it would come back as a reward for something, I don't care what (just not ranked pvp.) just anyway please.


As for a lot of things I was upset with, they have been smoothed over with some (not all) of things they talked about, the heroics being reset.....at this point....after all the talking and trying to understand it....to be honest either way is ok with me. The real problem I see is the rarity drop rate of items, and not just cartel items, there were lots of items that used to random drop before 4.0, that NEVER do now, they need to be reverted.


I am still upset how they handled the EC speed run (even though I did not do it because I still don't even have the achievement for it.) and all the bugs this past patch. So hopefully the fixes they have incoming next week will help.

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Ok....I know this is completely random....but when did the devs remove the GSI satellite on Makeb? Because that means you can NEVER get the codex "GSI Satellite Support" ever again. (Its under the "Lore" tab) I do not remember in any patch notes for the last 7 months them removing it. So the question I have for Eric is....anyway you can find out if we can still get it from another source? Or was it removed completely from the game so no one get it ever again? I know this will probably end up covered up by other questions, but asking because Eric you said in the livestream you will look over this forum. Hopefully it can get answered. :)
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Ok....I know this is completely random....but when did the devs remove the GSI satellite on Makeb? Because that means you can NEVER get the codex "GSI Satellite Support" ever again. (Its under the "Lore" tab) I do not remember in any patch notes for the last 7 months them removing it. So the question I have for Eric is....anyway you can find out if we can still get it from another source? Or was it removed completely from the game so no one get it ever again? I know this will probably end up covered up by other questions, but asking because Eric you said in the livestream you will look over this forum. Hopefully it can get answered. :)


4.0, or an early 4.x patch - the mechanical buff was presumably considered no longer necessary what with the rapid levelling, higher level cap, and level sync.


I'd forgotten there was a lore entry associated.

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Some small part of me had held out hope that this joke of an 'event' would be cancelled, even though I knew EAWare would never listen to their player base.


It was a mistake to continue subscribing to this game after EA took it over, and that's a mistake I'm correcting now.


Ignore the event. There you go, it's cancelled for you. Meanwhile those of us who are enjoying the event can continue doing so. Cancelling the event would provide nothing to you that you don't get from simply ignoring it, so why such a selfish demand?

Edited by ZavienUK
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Ignore the event. There you go, it's cancelled for you. Meanwhile those of us who are enjoying the event can continue doing so. Cancelling the event would provide nothing to you that you don't get from simply ignoring it, so why such a selfish demand?


The rewards are so terribad that nobody should have them? (I'm enjoying the event myself, so I'm glad they didn't cancel)

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Since some players have already done all eight class stories, as well as many other aspects of the game, it's only right and fair to do it all again as a celebration of the upcoming fifth year.


No matter how I reword it, that doesn't make sense.



Like you me you mean? Yet I'm fine with the event, I don't mind an excuse to go back and play some of the content again. And it's to try and keep people engaged during the downtime between content so makes perfect sense to me, not sure why your struggling to comprehend that. If It doesn't interest you/you don't want to repeat content, that's understandable, just ignore the event.

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They were sold to us as RARE items.


It's ok. People have been saying it's a rubbish event and there is no way they will be repeating everything, so they will continue to be rare, right?


If they want to make them available again I have no problem with that - put the packs they came in back on the CM, don't hand them out for nothing in the faces of paying CM customers.


Don't worry they are not being handed out for nothing - they are only available as event rewards.

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As expected Bioware believes its doing the right thing about screwing the veteran players who have to go over all the things again that they already did tons of time.


Umm I'm a 'veteran' player (although I hate that phrase) and I don't feel screwed. It's an event to encourage people to go replay stuff during the downtime between content - don't understand why everybody is having such a hard time with that. If your not interested, ignore it.

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The rewards are so terribad that nobody should have them? (I'm enjoying the event myself, so I'm glad they didn't cancel)


Of course they were never gonna cancel, It's a way to get/keep some people engaged during the content downtime without having to divert significant resource to create/set the event up. I think it a cracking idea for what it is (reusing existing content).

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I am a grateful spoiled brat thank you very much! :p And I have the mental age of 12, so....I cant grow up sorrys.:D

Also....I will complain because I want to like this game, been here since late 2012 (missed that stinking jawa balloon by 2 weeks and wish it would come back as a reward for something, I don't care what (just not ranked pvp.) just anyway please.


As for a lot of things I was upset with, they have been smoothed over with some (not all) of things they talked about, the heroics being reset.....at this point....after all the talking and trying to understand it....to be honest either way is ok with me. The real problem I see is the rarity drop rate of items, and not just cartel items, there were lots of items that used to random drop before 4.0, that NEVER do now, they need to be reverted.


I am still upset how they handled the EC speed run (even though I did not do it because I still don't even have the achievement for it.) and all the bugs this past patch. So hopefully the fixes they have incoming next week will help.


Hey, I'm a child at heart too. But I have the decency to not complain about the smallest things in this game. Quite frankly, people seem to not understand, that the best way for a game to be shut down, is customer dissatisfaction. If people keep screaming up about the tiniyest details. It won't be because people are leaving the game that makes it shut down, it's because there seems to be no ending to the anti-game behavior going on. And for me, it seems more and more likely, that people keep complaining, without really having tried what they complain about, just in order to complain.


So I thank you guys who complain continuously (should be read as a sarcastic note)Because it will in the end be your fault that the game shuts down. Because you don't appreciate what comes into the game and are willing to dismiss its new implementations, even before it comes about. The launch of DvL was a clear evidence of that. At some point EA will say we don't care anymore and close the game down. Many people complained about Galaxies too, and ever since launch of SWTOR, I've heard people wishing for the same structure as SWG. How about enjoying the game as long as we have it, complain only about the larger issues of the game or leave it to those players who actually enjoys it. Noone's forcing you to stay.

Edited by Elvija
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[*]Group Content - We have stated before that right now, there is no new group content coming in the short term roadmap. However, we do want to let you know that the team is working on group content as we speak. It is our plan to reveal more details later this year. Just to set some expectations, this isn't confirming any specific type of content (Ops, Wzs, FPs), but group content is in the works.


Translation: We finally got it through the skulls of our corporate overlords that we've alienated a lot of formerly loyal players with the huge dearth of group content. We want to try to keep from hemorrhaging more players (especially with people unsubbing over the new Grind vs. Grind non-event), so we're going to try to get people's hopes up by making vague promises of there being more group content of some type maybe someday if we can manage that we might tell them about later this year, and that we might not, who knows? We can't say what kind of content it will be because we actually haven't worked on any group content at all yet, and we want to keep as many people on the waiting game hook as possible!

Edited by AscendingSky
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Hey, I'm a child at heart too. But I have the decency to not complain about the smallest things in this game. Quite frankly, people seem to not understand, that the best way for a game to be shut down, is customer dissatisfaction. If people keep screaming up about the tiniyest details. It won't be because people are leaving the game that makes it shut down, it's because there seems to be no ending to the anti-game behavior going on. And for me, it seems more and more likely, that people keep complaining, without really having tried what they complain about, just in order to complain.


So I thank you guys who complain continuously (should be read as a sarcastic note)Because it will in the end be your fault that the game shuts down. Because you don't appreciate what comes into the game and are willing to dismiss its new implementations, even before it comes about. The launch of DvL was a clear evidence of that. At some point EA will say we don't care anymore and close the game down. Many people complained about Galaxies too, and ever since launch of SWTOR, I've heard people wishing for the same structure as SWG. How about enjoying the game as long as we have it, complain only about the larger issues of the game or leave it to those players who actually enjoys it. Noone's forcing you to stay.


So basically you're painting every single person who complains as just being a whiner without any merit to their complaints, and trying to accuse them of getting the game shut down in advance of that even happening. Rather than, y'know... there being actual serious issues and legitimate problems people have with the game, and the forums are one of the main ways for players to have their voices heard.


How's building that strawman going for you?


EAWare is not going to shut this game down over posts on a forum. That doesn't make any kind of business sense. They will shut this game down when they decide the game is no longer cost effective for them to keep up (for whatever reason), simple as that. That's how businesses work.

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Dark Vs Light Event

  • Dark Vs Light Pack bind rules - The reason we chose to go with BoP over BoL for these items is Collections. Currently, BoL items do not work towards a Collection unlock. If we had the items be BoL then you could not have combined the event packs with any other items to complete a Collection set. We agree this is not optimal and we are working on ways to solve this moving forward.



I think the Packs should be BoL, even if the items inside are BoP


Please, think about all the veteran players who have already made at least one level 65 character of each class, and who are going to participate in this event only to get the rewards!

If these rewards are BoP, they are useless ^^

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So all questions answered, then why did you choose BoP for dyes, I got a white white dye, I do not want to sell it, I just want an alt to have it, why couldn't dyes be legacy bound, it's not like they are in collections, sadly.
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This wrap-up reads good to me, thank you.


That said, I - being a veteran (since beta, bla bla) - liked the event from the first announcement, understand the idea behind it, pitched it to my guild and the guild is now as active as it hasn't been in a year or more. We got at least a dozen of players enoying "starting all over". It's fun, we made up back stories for the chars and even add some RP.


And man, leveling is sooo easy and is done so fast these days. I left Coruscant being level 35, doing all missions on Ord Mantell and Coruscant + 2 x FP + 2 x WZ. Now I will do only class missions and will hit 50 easily before chapter 3 without having to do any more filler content. This sounds quite alright to me.

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I was wondering if you could please address the status of Cartel Certificates seeing as how they no longer drop in Cartel Packs and the drop rate via Contraband Slot Machines is very low. I have max reputation with all of the Cartel Reputation packs and no certificates to spend on the associated vendors. There's also several vendors that sell decorations exclusively for Certificates. Any update on this would be much appreciated.




Yes...what this person asked. Instead of chance cubes, putting these back in the packs would be a lot more useful.

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Here's a non-DvL question: with the first season of KOTFE ending, will we ever see a fix for legacy companion customizations so they can be acquired by characters of the opposite faction? Many companions being reintroduced have customizations that can still only be acquired by one faction despite the companions now being available to both. Can we see a fix for this in the future, be it by making them BoL, adding new vendors, updating legacy vendors, adding them to collections, or whatever else?
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Event Goals/Rewards


Eric, I have previously asked this in another post about the LvD event, but there was (obviously) no answer:


The current state of affairs is that the winning side companion will be introduced to the game, and that the losing side companion will not make it into the game per se. This reward does not take into account character allignment, correct?


Bearing that in mind: Is there any chance of this being handled like the Azeroth Chopper contest held by Blizzard Entertainment a few years ago? This would essentially see the winning companion be introduced as a mail reward for free, while the losing companion would be available for a hefty sum of credits from the contract vendor at the Cartel Bazar on the fleets.


I understand the overall idea behind this event, but I think that we are also in dire need of credit sinks. Something that takes a large sum of credits out of the system, and a feature that doesn't just re-distribute them (GTN).


We could argue about prices and other things, but is there a chance that this might be considered for the companion rewards?

Edited by Alssaran
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Eric, I have previously asked this in another post about the LvD event, but there was (obviously) no answer:


The current state of affairs is that the winning side companion will be introduced to the game, and that the losing side companion will not make it into the game per se. This reward does not take into account character allignment, correct?


Bearing that in mind: Is there any chance of this being handled like the Azeroth Chopper contest held by Blizzard Entertainment a few years ago? This would essentially see the winning companion be introduced as a mail reward for free, while the losing companion would be available for a hefty sum of credits from the contract vendor at the Cartel Bazar on the fleets.


I understand the overall idea behind this event, but I think that we are also in dire need of credit sinks. Something that takes a large sum of credits out of the system, and a feature that doesn't just re-distribute them (GTN).


We could argue about prices and other things, but is there a chance that this might be considered for the companion rewards?


you know, that is the best idea i've heard. another idea, give us the winning comp, and put the other comp in the cartel market? or perhaps the vendor requires you to have gotten the level in the event? something to keep it exclusive to those who participated in the event, thus keeping its label as an event companion. i like this idea very much.

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