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Heroic payout nerf


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It certainly does increase the likelihood that people will consider buying the farmed credits. The 15.3 and 18.5K payouts for level 65 heroics was a great discentive to buy farmed credits because it was easy to make money without putting one's banking and credit information at risk with a gold seller.
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it certainly does increase the likelihood that people will consider buying the farmed credits. The 15.3 and 18.5k payouts for level 65 heroics was a great discentive to buy farmed credits because it was easy to make money without putting one's banking and credit information at risk with a gold seller.



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That's disappointing; especially such a wide swing. I'm not terribly surprised, all things considered, but halving payout? Even if that was the goal, maybe do it over a longer period of time instead of yanking around the economy.
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Although this isn't how I farmed credits (thankfully), this is only going to make the in-game economy far worse... even I think the inflation on the GTN is nuts already, and I use the GTN to make money.


~ Eudoxia


If you play the GTN to make credits.. then you know full well that the vast majority of items listed on the GTN have gone down in price over the last year. It is only the select super rare items that are running at high prices, and that is sellers playing on buyers cravings and inability to not spend if the price is high.


Many many items, both CM and non CM, that used to sell at X are now selling at x/5 or worse. In other words.. the market does not appear inflated per se.. it appears to be market driven. The only solution to high prices on super rare and highly desirable items would be for the studio to simply make the items bronze and silver drop and make them less user appealing as well. Then the market would be in serious disinflation.. and credits sit in peoples wallets unused forever.


Note: my comment has nothing to do with the reduction in credits on the Heroics for level 65s. The question on that is.. did they nerf them all the way up and down the leveling curve, or just at level cap? And if so.. yes.. we deserve an answer as to why.

Edited by Andryah
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