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You all better go lightside...


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Yeah, the event sucks. We don't know hardly anything about the companions but I do know one thing: The light side choice is a CHISS jedi. That alone is incredible! :D:D:D


I'd hope you'd all rather have that than some boring super duper original zabrak assassin :p


Seriously if they go through with a story on these new companions, wouldn't you rather see the one about the Chiss Jedi? That's actually cool. So, in order to help this cause, simply spam lightside choices and tell your guildmates to do the same. :cool:

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We all need DARK V and LIGHT V to get all the objectives.

As far as the companion... I agree, and everyone I have talked to agrees. So I don't see it being a huge issue.

However, make it public knowledge, and trolls will go outta their way to ruin it all XD

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We all need DARK V and LIGHT V to get all the objectives.

As far as the companion... I agree, and everyone I have talked to agrees. So I don't see it being a huge issue.

However, make it public knowledge, and trolls will go outta their way to ruin it all XD


Oh, that's right some people will be going both dark and light to get all the objectives and just cancelling out their "vote". I guess it'll be up to us only doing partial objectives and just sticking with one side. :|

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Oh, that's right some people will be going both dark and light to get all the objectives and just cancelling out their "vote". I guess it'll be up to us only doing partial objectives and just sticking with one side. :|


I found that requirement very cruel.

The plus side is you only "wash" out your choices once. Then you can go all out in light or dark after that.

The "washout" was a very cruel addition to these requirements.

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There is no way I am going for Legendary, though I am aiming to get the companion! Legendary is a ton of effort compared to the previous tiers, so there should be plenty of people that don't "cancel out their vote". :)


As it happens, my event characters will be like 90% lightside, and I do like the Chiss a bit better than the Zabrak, as it is much more unique and we have no Chiss companions. That said . . . I won't be too excited about the prospect of getting either of them unless/until we find out that we can change their outfits. My excitement for getting new companions plummeted as soon as I realized that Nico Okarr's lack of armor slots was the new norm. :(

Edited by Gwena
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Oh, that's right some people will be going both dark and light to get all the objectives and just cancelling out their "vote". I guess it'll be up to us only doing partial objectives and just sticking with one side. :|


Legendary requires 8 new characters. Only one has to be dark v and one has to be light v. Not too many people that will make 4 light sides and 4 dark sides.


As for the topic, I'm going dark side, it's what I do.

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I'm a light side 5 chick anyway, I only have 3 out of 34 toons currently who are dark V. The other 31 toons are all light I thru light V. I just can't do dark like some people. Plus, I really want a Chiss Jedi. She'll go perfectly with MY Chiss Jedi Knight, who is my Agent and Vector's daughter. =D
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I'm a light side 5 chick anyway, I only have 3 out of 34 toons currently who are dark V. The other 31 toons are all light I thru light V. I just can't do dark like some people. Plus, I really want a Chiss Jedi. She'll go perfectly with MY Chiss Jedi Knight, who is my Agent and Vector's daughter. =D


Time to detrail the thread... and risk going out to the barn.


So... uh... how does Vector's hive mind thing go with children. Is it... uh... genetically inherited by any chance... or ... uh... details plox.

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Time to detrail the thread... and risk going out to the barn.


So... uh... how does Vector's hive mind thing go with children. Is it... uh... genetically inherited by any chance... or ... uh... details plox.


Well, in my mind at least, cause I've no idea about joiners or dawn heralds...he's still human. Yeah, he's a joiner and has the pheromones or whatever, but it didn't get passed down, just his human genes. He fathered her as a human/joiner, saying We and talking about his insect friends, but my Chiss Jedi Knight is just a half human/half Chiss chick...who married Doc and has three children with him. lol


Edited to add:


Here's mom, my agent: My Agent


Here's my Chiss Jedi Knight (who's dad is Vector): My Jedi Knight

Edited by Eanelinea
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I found that requirement very cruel.

The plus side is you only "wash" out your choices once. Then you can go all out in light or dark after that.

The "washout" was a very cruel addition to these requirements.


Far more likely it was a massively incompetent addition.

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What I wonder if we do get the chiss jedi, since she appears to be a sent, is: Will she be as buggy as Ashara? Ashara used to be one of my favorite comps to use, but since 4.0 hit I can't stand the way she appears to stand next to me dancing around while she's supposed to be fighting as a distance from me. Nadia and Jaesa have this problem as well, but Ashara is the worst.
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Hmm I kind of want to play a full Dark Side Jedi Consular... Not sure how that is since I only played that class through past level 30 once... Every other class I have done at least 3 times through.


But going dark side might at least spice that bore fest a bit.

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Has there actually been confirmation that the Chiss Jedi and Zabrak Sith are Master Ranos and Darth Hexid or could they just be random models for the advertisement to represent light side and dark side?


I think the answer is fairly obvious, don't overthink it...

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I'm sure we'll get more details on the 28th about the companions and the event.


Honestly, I'm not super amazed by either companion. Hopefully they'll give them a little backstory and lore or something to make them more than generic Jedi of an 'odd race' #47.

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