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Merge 'The Bastion' with some other server.

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They should just merge servers and make empire and republic together and call it a day ... all servers are empire dominated republic is almost non existant... makes sense story wise aswell to just merge them together, one big fleet


I absolutely hated and continue to hate the fact that they separate them. SWG was imp, rebel, and neutral. And everyone of the 3 were on the same instances together. I hated this at launch and I hate it now. Should have never been put in this game in the first place.

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Crazy, common. Stop, just stop. There is no "legal case" for a refund. Stop this mild subtle troll bit your playing. The TOS is clear that by playing this game you have zero, naddda, zip legal right for anything. They cover their azzes very well in the TOS. Now stop trying to justify the actions of a company who clearly is on some sort of a kamikaze mission with this game. There is a reason why this disgusting company is not server merging/ mega server this game. And getting sued is not one of them.


Laws are more powerful than a game's ToS. If Bioware, EA or Disney break the law, they can't say it was in their ToS and not get punished.


Funny, I'm usually the one getting accused of bending over and letting Bioware or EA do what they want, but I never thought I'd see someone like you defending their right to treat you any way you want. :rolleyes:

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Hello community !


I just came back from a 4 months break I took from the game. The last time I played (February 2016) there was an average of 100/150 people online (on Fleet) in the rush hour (mostly on weekends / saturday night).


I knew that the population was dropping, but I never thought that it will be that lower as I saw last night.


So, last night, (saturday night) when always was the critical time of being online, with 100/150 people online on fleet, with pop of WZ, FP every 5 minutes, 3 or 4 groups looking for people to do an ops and more...




Only 10/15 people on fleet (which 3 were bots spammers) :(



So, I was thinking (and ASKING) to Bioware/EA (and the people who still plays in 'The Bastion) to merge this server with another one for more population (for example 'The Harbringer').


It's just an idea and I would like to know what you guys (people who still plays in the server) think. I really hope you agree with me and make it happen.



More post about this topic:


Petition: Cross Server Queue/Server Merge must happen, & not Server Transfer of 90cc. - by JE-BLAZAR-

Did The Bastion die? - by OPRaider

The Bastion Status as a Server - by apinson

Possible Server Merge? - by TimesChampion





Thanks for reading!

Yup! Something needs to be done because it's unfair to ask players like you to fork our $10 PER toon to move. I wish you luck in your request.

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If the pvp community within these pvp servers want the population to increase I suggest they start obeying the rules of conduct more often. For instance, stop trolling players that favor the Republic a lot. There's a reason why you rarely see any commandos on the bastion for example. Stop boasting how unstoppable the empire is. Stop acting like a big shot. Stop outnumbering the republic with your numbers in open world. Stop grieving other players like a bunch of sadistic bastards. The more the pvp community does this, the less republic players they are going to see in open world and warzones on your servers. If the last thing they would say lines up with the phrase "We don't care," then that's all on them.


In addition, stop coming to the pve servers and trying to persuade players to head to pvp servers if they want open world action by grieving even more. We don't need to head to a pvp server for open world pvp action. It can be done in a pve server if players are willing to.

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They need to merge "some" servers. It's time. :(


1 US west, 1 US east, 1 Euro.


After hundreds of threads addressing this issue 3 would be the logical server setup. However, there is some kind of limitation they are not telling us so we can only speculate why the server consolidations didn't progress at the rate of their depopulation. Now that solo heroics have been nerfed into the ground the people who enjoyed roaming a dead server soloing heroics have probably been silenced (that would've been choice D).


It's either:


A. Hero Engine deficiency

B. Guildships can't be moved

C. Cost Effectiveness not worth it due to game end date in 1.5 years

Edited by HuaRya
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Total BS peter and you know it. you had 10 months to change servers at just 90cc plus one free transfer week and then yet I extra week on top of that at 90cc. You get more than enough CC per month as a sub to move. You can start on an other server free, you don't even have to transfer and more to the point you seem more than happy to force other to move who don't want to.


I am just about sick to death of you. Just as well I can ignore you from now on with the touch on a single button. After almost 4 year of been on here you're the first..


Hey man, not everybody only plays this game. I stopped playing for a year because I found other games that were fun. I recently decided to subscribed again and discovered my server is dead. After i discovered that they had the 99cc transfer deal and everybody left for harbinger. This isn't fair because BW pretty much incentivised everyone to leave the sever leaving it dead and anyone left behind is basically screwed.

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Hey man, not everybody only plays this game. I stopped playing for a year because I found other games that were fun. I recently decided to subscribed again and discovered my server is dead. After i discovered that they had the 99cc transfer deal and everybody left for harbinger. This isn't fair because BW pretty much incentivised everyone to leave the sever leaving it dead and anyone left behind is basically screwed.


New and returning players are basically fracked right now. Half of the NA servers are either on life support or dead and 3 of the other 4 could use more people to make the hm/sm/pvp-ranked/gsf qs work. We need merges or x-server ASAP. On Saturday night two weeks ago I was on the #2 US server (TEH) q'd as DPS for just under 3 hours and got 0 SM Ops pops. Meanwhile in Wow (I've been playing that lately for the first time in 5 years) I was getting everything including random guild invites from people on -other- servers (x-server guild tech is NOW).

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I think the important point right now is this " People do not sit idle on the fleet anymore!


There may be some on Odessen, some on Zakuul, wild space, doing heroics, guild ships (not sure if they show up on the fleet or not) but the point is, anyone who sits idle on the fleet is going to get GOLD SPAMMED I have seen more than 40 on Tython with similar numbers on Korriban at the same time. I have seen more than 50 in a guild online at once as well. Though, I strongly suspect many are altoholics like me, but anyway...


I do agree that the server pop is significantly lower than before however, I have had to que in a line of 3 people waiting to kill a guy on a heroic. I've done heroics where there were 4 or 5 others doing the same ones. This has been less than a week ago! Usually, I do not see anyone. That said, I'm in Australia so my prime time is well after LAX prime time. Any other Aussies on the Bastion? Sorry PST people, we weren't enough to keep our APAC servers so we share yours now.

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On a sidenote, anyone remember when the APAC servers merged to West Coast? I have characters on both the Bastion and the Harbinger because of it. I remember there being a que for the Harbinger and we'd have to wait for 10-20 mins for someone to log out in order to log in. I know that's why people say megaservers, but would we all fit onto a megaserver? All three of the servers?
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They need to merge all the existing servers together and call it a day. There's not enough pop to support multiple servers any longer. They can call it a "megaserver" so they don't have to lose too much face.


The are two problems with a megaserver at this point is the names. They would need to tack on the end of the name which server that character came from, people will be renaming plenty of their characters. I, personally, have used the same name for certain classes on more than one server. Not including they look the same. I wouldn't want 3 of the same character on one server.


How many characters slots are we going to be allowed and how many open will be open if they merge all servers? I have 19 characters on The Shadowlands, 5 on The Bastion, 4 on Harbinger, 1 or 2 on others, forget which one because none are past level 20.


I know there are people with a bunch more than I have.


Those are the two issues I see with a complete server merge to a megaserver at this point.

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Hey man, not everybody only plays this game. I stopped playing for a year because I found other games that were fun. I recently decided to subscribed again and discovered my server is dead. After i discovered that they had the 99cc transfer deal and everybody left for harbinger. This isn't fair because BW pretty much incentivised everyone to leave the sever leaving it dead and anyone left behind is basically screwed.


You must have left right before the 90cc on transfers went live. I was on The Bastion at that time and the drop was very noticeable a few weeks after the 90cc transfers went live. I left for The Shadowlands around a year ago.

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New and returning players are basically fracked right now.


1) it is incredibly easy to snatch up a free transfer. Click someones referral link.


2) once you have a free transfer.. load up one character with credits and items and transfer. It moves your legacy with you and with the fast pace of levling now days... you will be up and running with a new stable of characters quickly.


3) Any intelligent new player would roll on a few different servers before setting in and spend a few hours getting to know the server in terms of player counts, community, economy, etc.


4) Nobody is "fraked" by this that has been gone for years. They chose to abandon a game and missed a long running discount. Tough cookies... but that is what happens to deserters in MMOs.... they fall behind and lose out on things.

Edited by Andryah
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2) once you have a free transfer.. load up one character with credits and items and transfer. It moves your legacy with you and with the fast pace of levling now days... you will be up and running with a new stable of characters quickly.


Really...your work around to this is basically start over almost everything you have accomplished in this game?


4) Nobody is "fraked" by this that has been gone for years. They chose to abandon a game and missed a long running discount. Tough cookies... but that is what happens to deserters in MMOs.... they fall behind and lose out on things.


Theirs a difference between missing out on some rewards like HK-55, and being able to play half the game or like the entire MMO portion.


Transfers off the Bastion should be free if their not going to manually merge them their selves.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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4) Nobody is "fraked" by this that has been gone for years. They chose to abandon a game and missed a long running discount. Tough cookies... but that is what happens to deserters in MMOs.... they fall behind and lose out on things.


Really, a 'deserter'? That implies that players are in service to the game and owe some sort of continual loyalty to playing constantly. I'd say it's what happens when you don't play and you can't expect to get all the specials if you're not prepared to at least log in but taking a break or quitting this or any other game doesn't make you a deserter.

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1) it is incredibly easy to snatch up a free transfer. Click someones referral link.


2) once you have a free transfer.. load up one character with credits and items and transfer. It moves your legacy with you and with the fast pace of levling now days... you will be up and running with a new stable of characters quickly.


3) Any intelligent new player would roll on a few different servers before setting in and spend a few hours getting to know the server in terms of player counts, community, economy, etc.


4) Nobody is "fraked" by this that has been gone for years. They chose to abandon a game and missed a long running discount. Tough cookies... but that is what happens to deserters in MMOs.... they fall behind and lose out on things.


Most players, especially new ones, don't read game forums. They shouldn't have to. Agree/disagree? Most threads on this board have a couple thousand views at most - that's a small percentage of players. For many people this can be their first/only mmo, right?


Without reading forums and fan sites players aren't going to know about transfers, referrals or that some servers are much much better than others. Even fan sites like Dulfy don't spell out things like server situations or varieties or transfer options unless you know what you're looking for. I personally wouldn't mind playing in a game where everyone was just like me but there aren't enough ppl like me out there to keep a game like this funded enough to keep it in the black and comfortably churning out well budgeted xpacs. That is why I say: don't make finding and getting into the right server any sort of puzzle. Don't leave servers out there that are traps. Dedicated players will always find a way but first you have to turn new and returning players into dedicated ones. Dead servers do not inspire faith or dedication. I can't tell you how many games I've left shortly after starting because I got a bad first impression. If I had just started this game yesterday and I picked one of the 4 low pop servers to start on I can almost guarantee that I would be back doing whatever I was doing 2 days ago within a month. Clicking on gimmicks like referral buttons is not something I ever do.

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Most players, especially new ones, don't read game forums. They shouldn't have to. Agree/disagree? Most threads on this board have a couple thousand views at most. For many people this can be their first/only mmo, right?




Nor do you need to read forums or fan sites to find out which server best suits your personal needs. All you have to do is roll new characters and spend a few hours on each server to find which one suits your needs. It takes at most a day or two and it's time well invested for one's playing enjoyment.


Reading opinons on forums and fan sites is probably one of the poorest ways to find the right server, precisely because not everyone wants the same things in an MMO server. And by they way... not all players want crowded servers, and random PuG OP and WZs 7/24.

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Really, a 'deserter'? That implies that players are in service to the game and owe some sort of continual loyalty to playing constantly. I'd say it's what happens when you don't play and you can't expect to get all the specials if you're not prepared to at least log in but taking a break or quitting this or any other game doesn't make you a deserter.


Ah yes... when not in sync with an opinion expressed.... attack the choice of words. :rolleyes: Defensive much?


If you would prefer the term "quitter" by all means enjoy. Or perhaps "abandoned". Or do we need to use the "Hello Kitty" version of terminology.. and say they took a "vacation" or a "time out" for the last year or more???


But to pretend that someone who abandoned a game somehow deserves back-credit for missed content, discounts, sales, etc..... is crazy. Just as crazy at the guy who missed the discount sale on his favorite automobile in real life and wants the dealer to honor a expired discount or put it back on sale just for them. It's absurd.

Edited by Andryah
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I think the important point right now is this " People do not sit idle on the fleet anymore!


There may be some on Odessen, some on Zakuul, wild space, doing heroics, guild ships (not sure if they show up on the fleet or not) but the point is, anyone who sits idle on the fleet is going to get GOLD SPAMMED I have seen more than 40 on Tython with similar numbers on Korriban at the same time. I have seen more than 50 in a guild online at once as well. Though, I strongly suspect many are altoholics like me, but anyway...


I do agree that the server pop is significantly lower than before however, I have had to que in a line of 3 people waiting to kill a guy on a heroic. I've done heroics where there were 4 or 5 others doing the same ones. This has been less than a week ago! Usually, I do not see anyone. That said, I'm in Australia so my prime time is well after LAX prime time. Any other Aussies on the Bastion? Sorry PST people, we weren't enough to keep our APAC servers so we share yours now.




Fleet population at a given moment in time is hardly an accurate sampling of server population anymore. People just don't hang out on Fleet the way they once did. Most players are on Odessen, in their various strongholds, or wherever else. Personally, I only go to Fleet if I absolutely have to, and I don't stay there an instant longer than necessary. My SH has everything I need in it, and I can go there for free anytime with no CD, and return to the spot I was just standing on whatever planet when I'm done.


I'm actually a little bit surprised that we still get people thinking; "Oh, there's only 12 people on Fleet, this server must be dead." That correlation hasn't been valid for a long time.

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Fleet population at a given moment in time is hardly an accurate sampling of server population anymore. People just don't hang out on Fleet the way they once did. Most players are on Odessen, in their various strongholds, or wherever else.


Very true.... and still ignored as fact by a lot of players. They want a one shot meme they can toss around to prove their opinion = fact.


That said... server populations are down... and have been since about March. But this is actually fairly normal these days for MMOs.. where an expac draws a surge in play, followed by a notable attrition curve until the next expac. Thing is.. that does not mean there are necessarily fewer subs, just that players are playing less each day/week/month. This too is fairly normal for MMOs these days. Only the studio knows what sub-retention rates they have in this MMO. All we as players can see is how active players are, not how many are actively subbed to the game.


IMO, it is pointless to do anything about server populations until well after 5.0 releases.. as the studio can assess what their likely active retention is. Doing it now would likely result in servers with queues at log in when 5.0 drops and for several months afterwards.

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Nor do you need to read forums or fan sites to find out which server best suits your personal needs. All you have to do is roll new characters and spend a few hours on each server to find which one suits your needs. It takes at most a day or two and it's time well invested for one's playing enjoyment.


Reading opinons on forums and fan sites is probably one of the poorest ways to find the right server, precisely because not everyone wants the same things in an MMO server. And by they way... not all players want crowded servers, and random PuG OP and WZs 7/24.


I disagree that there should be a big difference in playstyles or q activity in this game moving from server to server. And without trying them all (silly - how do you find out about endgame pve populations by playing on every server for a few hours - you could very easily run into any number of atypical people on starter planets) the only way a player can learn about different server pops and dead servers is from the forums or Reddit. Even torstatus can't tell the difference between most of the servers anymore.


Most people want other people to run into in their mmos. They want qs that work - they leave servers that don't have them. I've seen this happen on many servers (pvp or otherwise) in this game. The people that like having servers all to themselves are not enough to float a game. On JM a couple weeks ago, prime time, 25% of the 65s playing (the 65s population was in the low 30s) were shadows on Y4, most characters were in the 1-40 level range (probably newbs) and 0 fps or pvp or raids were being used. If JM had a sign on it when I started there saying "If you like isolation and solo pve only, come here" that would be one thing. But the JM I was transferred to when the other server I started on (that had login qs and was full when I started) got merged to it was called a Megaserver and it had as many people on during prime time as TEH does now.

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