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Rate the Light Dark side event


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1/10 and that's being generous.


The first Rakghoul Pandemic event on Tatooine was awesome (and above ground at the wreck of the Stardream). The Chevin Grand Acquisitions Race on Nar Shaddaa was also good. Neither of these events have ever returned in their original format, despite being well received.


The Dark vs. Light event is pretty much the worst event in SWTOR history. For the first time, I'm considering the merit of my continuous subscription since day 1.


The event may be great for new players but does not recognise veteran players in the slightest. It's a shameless cash grab designed to stimulate sales of character slots and to pretend that recycling through old content is something new and exciting. Bioware is asking the community to run through EVERY piece of content in the game on a throw away character for "iconic rewards" which aren't really worth the grind.


I created a new character and levelled them up to level 25. I foolishly expected to get some of the Victorious Pioneer’s Armor set, thinking that the "amazing" Experience Boost would help me grind through the rest of the content. My reward was 5 packs of character bound items that I did not need. To get the event Helmet, Chest and Legs I need to grind through to level 50 and the full set only becomes available at Champion Level, which requires every flashpoint to be completed in solo or tactical. Worst still, it requires valor 5, so forces PVP upon people that don't want to do it (just like companion recruitment). Good job, Bioware !


In short, this event is a huge fail because of


- the need to level 8 more toons to unlock Legend, which is just crazy

- no concession to the achievements of current characters and their progression

- the grind through every piece of content in the game to unlock mediocre rewards

- the items from the Force-Bound Dark vs. Light packs are character bound

- the associated sharp increase in Cartel packs price (17%) for no good reason

- the associated stealth nerf of credits from Heroic farming (missed from patch notes, apparently :))

- the lack of any new content whatsoever in this new "event"


This event feels very much like the final death knell for SWTOR and the game is on "life support", trying to squeeze every last dollar out of the community before the servers are shut down for good.

Edited by Insidious
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It's a nice idea for completely new players, or players who only have a single character after starting after 4.0, but it's not really something that veterans can get really excited about. Legendary rank means that, objectively, you would have to replay the entire game from scratch. It's basically a bribe for people to play the old content again. If I wasn't meaning to play a female character to begin with, I'd probably not bother to be involved in any way. I wouldn't bother to buy a single unlock either. I think that fact is a detriment to customer/business relationship.


Just to clarify about a few points, and those are highly subjective, I think some constructive criticism is in order. This might sound like a rant at times, but keep in mind that I am only trying to put this event into relation with previous comments made by Bioware employees.


This event is not necessarily the attempt at creating something new for the players, or engage a large part of the community in new and exciting activities, but it is a very transparent attempt at selling CM items and making people stop thinking about the content as recycled for a few weeks.


I think not only is this event boring and too complex for promoting said old content, espescially when you consider the Legendary requirements, but it is a strict kick against a philosophy proposed in the run-up to Knights of the Fallen Empire. I would have to find the stream to point out specifically who said it, but I remember someone saying: "We want everything you do in 4.0 to feel like part of a continuing narrative and to fit within the narrative of Knights of the Fallen Empire." I think it was Charles who said that.


Now, I think even upping the heroics was kind of a step away from this philosophy, but the wasted potential in this event is the best example of it. The term Dark versus Light implicates a conflict between Jedi and Sith. While I know that other people might use the Force subconsciously, and they also fall within this narrow character description, the overall premise is of Jedi fighting the Sith. A light versus a dark doctrine. Not only does this event not contain a single fibre of that, but it doesn't even utilize KotFE beyond making you play the story.


Essentially, you are meant to play content that has absolutely nothing to do with KotFE. The first 60 levels are not in our current timeline, and they make up a huge portion of the event. Even leveling two characters to sixty-five is done through mostly old story, and then a four hour story in the current timeline. As you reach this part of the story, you completely eliminate the essence that is Light versus Dark - there is no such conflict. We hear about some issues in the Alliance, but the overall conflict at the heart of KotFE is Light and Dark versus the Knights of Zakuul.


Basically, this event doesn't utilize that much of the current narrative, and the only thing that is versus about this game is the Valor rank 5 requirement for the second tier. We have a step back from the previous statement of mostly utilizing new content that fits into a continuing story (which this event isn't utilizing to its full potential), and we have a conflict about what this event was supposed to be seen as to what it actually is - a recycling promotion.


This event could have easily been made accessible for both new and old players. The overall requirement for the tiers to include new characters didn't have to be retroactive, but the overall event could have included the requirement to play one new character. While this would still utilize the old content, it would give new players a sense of gaining an achievement for this specific event after 4.0, but it wouldn't stress the reliance on character slots and repeating the game so much. Of course, I can see how this event is supposed to maximize those sales, so I would essentially kill a business model here.


As continuing part of this event, you could have used planets which are naturally strong in the Force. Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Tython and Coruscant for new players. Yavin IV, Ilum, Ziost, Zakuul for high level players. There could be new NPCs on those worlds with specific quests for this event, involving either securing open world locations (Force Nexi) for this event, gathering open world resources in a competitive environment, and then offer Dark Force imbued and Light Force imbued crystals as a reward currency. All of this would be done under the story premise that both factions are trying to outplay the other while hiding from Zakuulan troops as they try to gather their strength. Some of the event bosses could not only include Jedi Masters and Sith Lords, but also open world and cross-faction Zakuulan bosses - Knights and Walkers included.


Add in different achievements that can be obtained by both old and new characters, and you would get an event that respects veteran and new players more than this current attempt at grabbing character slot sales.


In short: I understand what they are trying to do, but I don't really like it. To each his or her own, but I think this pointless promotion to recycle and redo all the content we had for four and a half years completely ignores any design philosophy they announced prior to 4.0.

Edited by Alssaran
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I think they don't realize how this event is completely wrong to their reroll logical and even gathering in a global way.


Talking about the general event that will provide a new companion


wanna SOLO ?

Well, either you got 40 toons or 50 toons, if you actually REALLY would like to play that event, you would have to put a side Half of your characters to focus only the Dark/ Light ones ?



wanna GROUP ?

The first flashpoint

Why do i go group research for a flashpoint where my affiliation choice will be canceled by my teammate who made the contrary one?

I would rather run it SOLO to ensure my choice will be counted.

Even worse if most of my group make the contrary choice, i would just participate the other choice to win ... and there you can give a real purpose to ruin it << Darth side will win this game >>


All that thing that prevent me from playing

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6/10 for incentivising me to make new characters and rewarding me for it. I am also quite curious about the outcome.


However I feel like I have to rush through the content, which is bad. And the last tier requirements are WAY to high for me to even consider trying. They can be done, sure, but I have other things to do than play SWTOR all day.



Just to be clear, I am judging it on how it adds to my fun. Not on the creativity or how it caters to all the players or what the effects are on the community, or how fair it is, etc.


EDIT: also, I see it as an addition to what we can do at the moment. Most people here only see it for what it is not. It is like BW promised a great new event with all new content and you got this. But they did not. You have to choose between arguments since you can't use them both, either you

A: feel they put a lot of effort in a bad event, or

B: they put in no effort in the event

You can't have it both ways. If they did not put a lot of effort in it, you should not be ranting about the event or rate it -shintysix/10 because your problem is with their effort, not necessarily the event.

Ah what am I saying, this thread is not about the event at all anyway, but about people's dissapointment with lack of content...

Edited by Gokkus
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Still find it humorous that this event is practically hated unanimously on the forums by everyone. Normally its split between the two parties, and heck, even some of the inner circle of fanboys are even dissing the event.


I'm sure the development team will put some spin on it, like 'We have seen a massive influx of free to play players creating new characters!' or 'We have never seen the forums so active!'


While I think the credibility of the team maybe long gone, after all we have been told every Chapter of Kofte was the best one. Putting a spin on this would kill the slight hope they could ever be trusted again.

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From 0 to Turd? I would rate this Diarrhea.


Come with all the spit and polish you wish, its still Diarrhea.




At times like these, its good to remember:

5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75%

80% of your company’s future revenue will come from just 20% of your existing customers

Attracting new customers will cost your company 5 times more than keeping an existing customer

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I have 16 chars (out of 18) in the harbinger server that I have leveled from lv1 to lv65 before this event.

2 of each class, 8 on each faction; and now you are telling me that I have to do the same thing for this event?

Why I should have 32 chars instead of 16 ??


Why you do not retroactive rewards to those that already leveled the 4 classes on each faction before this event in order to encourage new players (or players that have not do it yet) to get the achievement?


I think my modest proposal is fair for those subscribers who have devoted much time to take several characters from level 1 to level 65


I hope Bioware are listening, because the lack of new operations and now this new event that does not reward those who have already done before the event will upset many subscribers who could leave their subscription until Bioware make the new operations (or racing pods :p).

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I'd rate this as a 2/10. I took this as an opportunity to finally get around to learning commando and merc healing so I've had that as motivation along with going through with a few friends which has made this enjoyable. But, the rewards are blah. Being bound to the character has stunk after getting duplicate mounts in two of the initial five packs. I like the new character perks but they aren't tied to the event. If I end up doing these two characters for the chiss Jedi and don't get the chiss then I'll drop the rating lower.


What's really disheartening is how companions have been treated post 4.0. Having companions with identities and stories that progress as I progress is absolutely great. Kotfe has far too many and has relegated nearly all of them to a meaningless capacity. There's also just way too many. And losing my companions for kotfe now stings a bit more since it's all fresh. I don't hate the kotfe story. I've enjoyed most of the chapters, but overall this event has made me miss the way they told stories in vanilla. So much so. Vanilla type story telling was the way to go. And it's semi depressing to experience the change first hand again. Makes me realize how awesome the game really was and how far it's strayed. It's still great, but it's more because of us the community than the game itself these days. Sucks to feel like the game itself is the weaker portion.

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It's bad because it forces people who have been playing to basically start over. It's also bad because the prizes kind of suck. Some gear that is either ugly or been around so long that everyone has it. Crystals same thing. Oh, also it's FRAGGING RANDOM! It's one thing to sell your packs on the cartel market but when you're grinding all day for an exploration bonus and an XP boost? Eff off Bioware. You have dropped the ball this time. I don't see the problem with grind a bit and you get THIS SPECIFIC gear set. It's a kick in the *** to open up an exploration XP boost.
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+3 for something else to do, minus 900 quintillion for unoriginal, warmed over, bantha poodoo. (Okay, enough zeros to put this thread out of commission, but you should my point.) This is the same thing Bioware did with Mass Effect series. Made you think that all your building up of characters, your good versus evil stuff, and everything else, mattered. They say, nope, nothing you have done matters, it's all revoked, and you have to start over, and maybe it will matter. There is nothing new to this content. There is only the same thing we have been doing since beta stages, and that is trying to play the game the best we can. Thanks again Bioware/EA for this monumental screw up. Release a raid, and this might be salvaged, otherwise, you will lose players.
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I would like to have a reply from Musco, but sadly he will only adress posts which have positive feedback. It is a shame that for players who have been supporting swtor for years this is the reward we get.


Overall i think i can say the event is a sucess, that is how bioware sees things. Sure most will do from the companion, but apart from that what is the interest. I personally give a 2/10. Just don't give zero or one because i dislike to give awful feedback

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Levelling up a character isn't an event worthy thing. Either BioWare's SWTOR team doesn't have the manpower and resources to do what they want to do, or they're both lazy and astoundingly incompetent. :(

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I'd give it a 2/10. IMO, it's a fun concept to see what can happen with a clean slate from a start time to and end time. But their complete disregard for their loyal subscriber base lost them all their points from me.


The content of the event doesn't have me annoyed. Objectives are objectives. Doesn't really matter to me that it's more of the exact same grind we've been doing.


What has me annoyed is the requirement to do this on new characters.


I have a main character that I've been playing for over 4 years. That's the character I do all of this kind of stuff on. But now BW insults me and says that my character isn't qualified for their fancy event. Even though I've put in A LOT of time and money into this game (on that character, might I add.)


And, on top of that, the rewards are BoP. So even if I DID make a new (fodder) toon and I DID get rewards, I might as well just trash them right away since I can't send them to a toon that I'd actually use them on.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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Numerical ratings so far.


(Rating:number of votes)





























42.9% of the current 98 votes are values below the bounds of the OP's actual rating scale.


55.1% of the current 98 votes are 1/10 or below. More than half were the worst score possible or lower.


68.3% of the current 98 votes are 2/10 or below.


77.6% of the current 98 votes are 5/10 or below.


Only counting the (somewhat arbitrary) values between -11 and 11, the average score is 1.504 and the median score is 1.


There's some metrics for you.

Edited by UTlNNl
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Numerical ratings so far.


(Rating:number of votes)





























42.9% of the current 98 votes are values below the bounds of the OP's actual rating scale.


55.1% of the current 98 votes are 1/10 or below. More than half were the worst score possible or lower.


68.3% of the current 98 votes are 2/10 or below.


77.6% of the current 98 votes are 5/10 or below.


Only counting the (somewhat arbitrary) values between -11 and 11, the average score is 1.504 and the median score is 1.


There's some metrics for you.


Don't worry. On tomorrow's stream, they'll flip it. So it will be like golf. A low score is good.

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Numerical ratings so far.


(Rating:number of votes)





























42.9% of the current 98 votes are values below the bounds of the OP's actual rating scale.


55.1% of the current 98 votes are 1/10 or below. More than half were the worst score possible or lower.


68.3% of the current 98 votes are 2/10 or below.


77.6% of the current 98 votes are 5/10 or below.


Only counting the (somewhat arbitrary) values between -11 and 11, the average score is 1.504 and the median score is 1.


There's some metrics for you.


Yeah, things seem more lively in starter areas, but my general feeling is that this event has gone down like a lead balloon. I don't think they event itself is the sole reason, but it's a mix of little new group content for a while and very short chapters for the expansions piled on top. It comes off as just an attempt to stretch content as far as possible while squeezing money out of people. Kind of sad in many ways.

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Don't worry. On tomorrow's stream, they'll flip it. So it will be like golf. A low score is good.


Yeah, they will either spin it or ignore it and then blame the state of the game (almost all light servers all the time) on the stupid players.

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Totally agree! I've also lost both family and friends to cancer.....you do *not* joke about it.....period.


I've lost 3 out of 4 grandparents, an aunt, and too many family friends to count to cancer. I laughed at the comment everyone else seems so upset about, and I certainly didn't find it any way offensive.


Everyone seems so eager to be offended these days, and they fail to realise that someone can't "give offence" only they can "take offence".


It is a deep-seated human trait to make light of that which scares the heck out of us - it's how we cope.


All The Best

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I'd give it a 1/10. If they wanted to try and sort things out to make it better, they could start by making the prizes bind to LEGACY. People are earning these prizes by grinding ancient content, so they should at least get a say which toon gets to use the reward they earn. It shouldn't be restricted to the toon in the event. Why even have a Legacy system in place when stuff like this is done. It's careless and lazy. Prizes need to be bound to Legacy. Edited by Lunafox
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I've lost 3 out of 4 grandparents, an aunt, and too many family friends to count to cancer. I laughed at the comment everyone else seems so upset about, and I certainly didn't find it any way offensive.


Everyone seems so eager to be offended these days, and they fail to realise that someone can't "give offence" only they can "take offence".


It is a deep-seated human trait to make light of that which scares the heck out of us - it's how we cope.


All The Best


While I wish he would of used a different analogy to take from, imo, as long as he specifically doesn't use it in a hurtful context, than its fine my be. Maybe its because of my personal experiences as I have yet to experience the death of any family members and such, but I wasn't offended either.

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This event is pretty damn mediocre. The armour so far is the best thing of come out of it.


These "best of" packs are dropping complete garbage. Being one of the bigger attractions of the event makes them even more disappointing Almost everyone I've talked to says the same thing, the packs are dropping items you'd think came from a chance cube.


Most of the items that are dropping are items you'd consider to be "Junk items" from packs, items I can purchase from the GTN for 100k or less, We're getting double or more of the same speeders, crystals and armour sets. All these items are bound making it even less useful, at least make some of this stuff bind to legacy?


overall I'd give this event a 3/10 at least it's getting me GSF pops to grind out requisition on people who can't even avoiding crashing

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if i read valor 5 is hard to reach or so bad as a pve guy, i could start to vomit! shows people have no rotten clue about the game itself. valor 5 is exactly 3-4 wzs!!!!!! OMG that could make people pvp guys. stop whining, start leaving, no one cares.:mad:
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if i read valor 5 is hard to reach or so bad as a pve guy, i could start to vomit! shows people have no rotten clue about the game itself. valor 5 is exactly 3-4 wzs!!!!!! OMG that could make people pvp guys. stop whining, start leaving, no one cares.:mad:


I get that English isn't your first language, but your telling people to quit because reading their dislike of PvP would make you vomit or could make you starting vomiting? I'm not really sure what you are trying to say, is it that they type things that make you physically sick. As if this is the case I would advise that you don't read the forums or in game chat as I am sure there are far worse things than people not being happy about a PvP requirement


Likewise people having no rotten clue, generally rotting is not a good thing so a rotting clue would be a bad clue and to not have a bad clue must be a good thing. As it is bad clues that lead people to come to the wrong conclusion. So people writing Valor 5 is hard are not jumping to the wrong conclusions about the game. Which makes you sick.

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