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Dear Bioware, if you want us to leave just ask.


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The hyperbole in this thread over a simple event is breathtaking. It's almost like there are some players that were looking for an excuse to quit.


But I'm sure BW will relent, and people will get the free rewards they are demanding for doing some such content years ago.

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The hyperbole in this thread over a simple event is breathtaking. It's almost like there are some players that were looking for an excuse to quit.


Or rather, it seems small out of context... and yet is the straw that broke the camel's back.



But I'm sure BW will relent, and people will get the free rewards they are demanding for doing some such content years ago.


If they did the content... then how is the reward "free"?


Never mind that some people don't have any open character slots, have no desire to create yet another copy of the same class, and have no desire to start over from scratch on a different server with no legacy etc.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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If they did the content... then how is the reward "free"?


Never mind that some people don't have any open character slots, have no desire to create yet another copy of the same class, and have no desire to start over from scratch on a different server with no legacy etc.


It's a reward for doing it AGAIN, not for doing it once 18 months ago. I'm not understanding peoples argument here, they design an optional event to try an breathe new life into existing content and some players are demanding the rewards anyway because they completed it x number of years ago.


If the desire isn't there to do it all again then don't, again it's optional. Same with character slots, if the rewards don't merit deleting old toons to create new ones then don't do it.


Me personally, I'm looking forward to it. My only gripe is that I doubt the event will run long enough for me to complete parts of it.

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It's a reward for doing it AGAIN, not for doing it once 18 months ago. I'm not understanding peoples argument here, they design an optional event to try an breathe new life into existing content and some players are demanding the rewards anyway because they completed it x number of years ago.


If the desire isn't there to do it all again then don't, again it's optional. Same with character slots, if the rewards don't merit deleting old toons to create new ones then don't do it.


Me personally, I'm looking forward to it. My only gripe is that I doubt the event will run long enough for me to complete parts of it.


For many people, the "event" is locked behind deleting characters, buying character slots, or starting over from scratch on a new server. Nothing in the game merits deleting characters you've already put effort into. Nothing. Asking players to delete characters to participate in game content is asinine.


Some of us already have all the characters we're interested in playing created and fully or close to fully leveled.


Of all the ways to "breathe new life" into existing content, they could have chosen something that didn't lock existing characters out.


And if it's really about "breathing new life" into the older content, why is a chunk of it buried behind the KotFE wall?


Face it, this isn't about the content or the players, this is purely about keeping their summer metrics up while the next bowel movement of KotFE works its way down the pipes. And if they can sell a few slot unlocks or character transfers, and inflate the numbers on suffering servers, then that's a bonus for them.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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For many people, the "event" is locked behind deleting characters, buying character slots, or starting over from scratch on a new server. Nothing in the game merits deleting characters you've already put effort into. Nothing. Asking players to delete characters to participate in game content is asinine.


Some of us already have all the characters we're interested in playing created and fully or close to fully leveled.


Of all the ways to "breathe new life" into existing content, they could have chosen something that didn't lock existing characters out.


And if it's really about "breathing new life" into the older content, why is a chunk of it buried behind the KotFE wall?


Face it, this isn't about the content or the players, this is purely about keeping their summer metrics up while the next bowel movement of KotFE works its way down the pipes. And if they can sell a few slot unlocks or character transfers, and inflate the numbers on suffering servers, then that's a bonus for them.


I'm detecting an unhealthy level of cynicism here Max.


I suspect the number of players with character slots fully maxed would be low. However I can sympathise with their argument. Everything else I'm reading amongst these threads just sounds like sour grapes because it's not the content that suits their play style.

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It's an total insult this 'event'.



I can only come to the conclusion now that all EA funding is gone.

Bioware is running this game on a shoestring.


It's enraging to think all of the cartel money we've put into this game goes to EA and they in turn give nothing to Bioware but instead use our money to fund other projects. Bioware probably has to make due with the subscription money so by having an event that has enraged the longtime core of players who have played this game the most hours they are ultimately hurting their main stream of funding which is the subscriptions.

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Dear Bioware, If you want us to leave just ask......


I think this event translates to, Dear Vet players you mean very little to us here at Bioware and are expendable. At Bioware we want numbers not devoted long time subscribers that actually care about the game and complain when we don't improve our game...get lost!

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Also make the event permanent as well tbh


This.... a 1000 times this. The event rewards are what players should ALREADY GET for this level of achievement. Currently, we only get a couple titles \ mounts (nothing fancy) for completing what this event requires.


Take off the time limit, make this retroactive and permanent, that is the only way to save face here. Well, you "could" cancel the event, but that would be a waste of potential rewards.

Edited by Falor
Just a clairification
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Dear Bioware.


I am surprised your marketing people have not explained to you where the majority of your wages come from. It turns out that going free to play did not lead as you thought it would to millions of free to play customers logging in and spending vast sums of cash in the cartel market. It turned out if people didn't think the game was worth 15 bucks a month to play, didn't suddenly find the game was worth 15 bucks a month on cosmetic gear when it went free to play.


Where free to play aided you is that it ultimately allowed you to double dip off subscribers, they still paid 15 bucks a month, only now to get decent gear (and lets face it early on was shoulder pads and skirts) you could sell them this cosmetic gear in the market. Charging once for subscription and then again for decent looking gear which if it hadn't been free to play would have been included as in game rewards. Genius.


Only now some really bright spark has decided to annoy all the vets that have been subscribing for the last five years and buying coins to chase new players. Players that haven't played the game much or at all in the last five years, have not spent much on the game and unlikely to be gripped for long once the shinies are done with and have not in the last 5 years been interested in the game. You think this is a good business strategy.


It seems you either have yes men and idiots on the pay roll or and I suspect this is more likely EA has a new Star Wars MMO in the works set possibly in the canon universe without God Emperors and they want ToR to be retired. This then is an effort to sunset ToR though why anyone would want that on their CV is beyond me and your better off pulling the plug to make way for something new than tanking a game.

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Dear Bioware.


I am surprised your marketing people have not explained to you where the majority of your wages come from. It turns out that going free to play did not lead as you thought it would to millions of free to play customers logging in and spending vast sums of cash in the cartel market. It turned out if people didn't think the game was worth 15 bucks a month to play, didn't suddenly find the game was worth 15 bucks a month on cosmetic gear when it went free to play.


Where free to play aided you is that it ultimately allowed you to double dip off subscribers, they still paid 15 bucks a month, only now to get decent gear (and lets face it early on was shoulder pads and skirts) you could sell them this cosmetic gear in the market. Charging once for subscription and then again for decent looking gear which if it hadn't been free to play would have been included as in game rewards. Genius.


Only now some really bright spark has decided to annoy all the vets that have been subscribing for the last five years and buying coins to chase new players. Players that haven't played the game much or at all in the last five years, have not spent much on the game and unlikely to be gripped for long once the shinies are done with and have not in the last 5 years been interested in the game. You think this is a good business strategy.


It seems you either have yes men and idiots on the pay roll or and I suspect this is more likely EA has a new Star Wars MMO in the works set possibly in the canon universe without God Emperors and they want ToR to be retired. This then is an effort to sunset ToR though why anyone would want that on their CV is beyond me and your better off pulling the plug to make way for something new than tanking a game.


For some reason I'm inclined to think Disney wants EA out of the picture...I would like to see the license EA has bought out.


The best thing that can happen for this game or a new Star Wars MMO is an owner that puts furthering the Star Wars franchise in front of just the game itself being a cash cow. Not to say the game shouldn't make large profits but if the owner cares about the franchise as a whole then integrity lends to the game being fun and of high quality and reputation first and foremost.... Which is great for a dedicated Star Wars fan and gamer.

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For some reason I'm inclined to think Disney wants EA out of the picture...I would like to see the license EA has bought out.


The best thing that can happen for this game or a new Star Wars MMO is an owner that puts furthering the Star Wars franchise in front of just the game itself being a cash cow. Not to say the game shouldn't make large profits but if the owner cares about the franchise as a whole then integrity lends to the game being fun and of high quality and reputation first and foremost.... Which is great for a dedicated Star Wars fan and gamer.


I hope this happens I really do honestly. EA/BW doesn't respect their veteran player base or the amazing Star Wars IP.

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I hope this happens I really do honestly. EA/BW doesn't respect their veteran player base or the amazing Star Wars IP.


I think in 2013 when Disney signed a contract with EA they were probably expecting more......or at the very least I was expecting a heck of a lot more from this game.

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For many people, the "event" is locked behind deleting characters, buying character slots, or starting over from scratch on a new server. Nothing in the game merits deleting characters you've already put effort into. Nothing. Asking players to delete characters to participate in game content is asinine.


Some of us already have all the characters we're interested in playing created and fully or close to fully leveled.


Of all the ways to "breathe new life" into existing content, they could have chosen something that didn't lock existing characters out.


And if it's really about "breathing new life" into the older content, why is a chunk of it buried behind the KotFE wall?


Face it, this isn't about the content or the players, this is purely about keeping their summer metrics up while the next bowel movement of KotFE works its way down the pipes. And if they can sell a few slot unlocks or character transfers, and inflate the numbers on suffering servers, then that's a bonus for them.


summed it up nicely. I agree completely.

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Sounds like a good way to get the game shut down.


Exactly. As much as I'm annoyed and pissed off about this event, I don't want massive amounts of people to unsub and leave. Aside from Bioware being dullards and thinking this event the way it is now is a good idea, I still love this game and love playing it.


And because I collect companions, like some collect cars, I have to do just enough to get the companion (hopefully the Chiss Jedi).


Do I like that my previous work means jack ****? No. Do I like that I have to redo everything for the companion? No.


But as I said, a heated and angry as I am, I can't walk away from the game. I've spent too much time and money for the game to be shut down because someone is suggesting everyone who's pissed like I am, just unsub and leave. I just can't do that.

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Exactly. As much as I'm annoyed and pissed off about this event, I don't want massive amounts of people to unsub and leave. Aside from Bioware being dullards and thinking this event the way it is now is a good idea, I still love this game and love playing it.



That's because the hk chapter and ending of KOTFE.


some people will stay sub at least the next month to get chapter 16

there are also people like me which for some reason were subb'd few months BEFORE Korfe to get Nico and the pod racer etc so bit more for the hk chapter cause why not but then I plan to resub only (if the game still exists *cross fingers*) when last chapter of season 2 is out.

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It's a reward for doing it AGAIN, not for doing it once 18 months ago. I'm not understanding peoples argument here, they design an optional event to try an breathe new life into existing content and some players are demanding the rewards anyway because they completed it x number of years ago.



There are two arguments here: Want retroactivity vs. wanting new content.


I originally (the first 3-4 hours after this info was released) wanted retroactivity. I still slightly do (I've done all this stuff 100 times, why should I get rewarded for my 101st playthrough?).


Bottom line is they "breathed life into existing content" once already. Resclaing OPS anyone? Bottom line is the vets (long time subs) want something more to do than 45 minutes of story once per month. We want something NEW!!!!

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There are two arguments here: Want retroactivity vs. wanting new content.



And while those two things are opposed to each other within the argument neither address the most important part of the equation:


What Bioware can actually give.

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Ok my first thought was we have the 1st of April again...Honestly what should do all the original players who has already leveled the whole bunch of characters to fill the contend gabs?

That is just low...Now we should lvl another twink for some items? It would be a better idea to create some contend or something for the max lvl player.


Oh a server merge would be a much better idea. Jar'kai is dead for PVP and nearly for flashpoints...


Ahahaha wait you earn money for transfers....and starting with that event even for leveling...Sorry it seems that event is just a bad joke...

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When I saw the event I was like '' Cool I already did that with all my characters '' , each class and race... but then I read '' you have to start from scratch with ANOTHER lvl 1 '' .... and we don't even know if the rewards are account bound rather than bound to that character alone....


Sure it sounds great for welcoming new players but how about the players that is keeping the game alive ? We get nothing.

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When I saw the event I was like '' Cool I already did that with all my characters '' , each class and race... but then I read '' you have to start from scratch with ANOTHER lvl 1 '' .... and we don't even know if the rewards are account bound rather than bound to that character alone....


Sure it sounds great for welcoming new players but how about the players that is keeping the game alive ? We get nothing.


So.. it was cool to you when you thought you would get instant credit for past efforts and complete the event... and thus qualify for the rewards...


...but since.. being an event you are required (like all events) to participate in specific event activities in order to receive the rewards and that makes I uncool for you?




Here is something everyone is probably over-looking.... They are collecting a consolidated rollup of everyones LS vs DS choices during the event and using that as a voting system for determining which companion they award. That requires players to actually do the activities while they have their servers recording the data. and INB4 someone claims they can simply read everone's achievements and get this for veterans.. um no.. not really. Yes. they could record the achievements.. but they could not record the day to day LS/DS choices within a specific time frame.. hence the need for players to actually play the event in the parameters they presented to us.

Edited by Andryah
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When I saw the event I was like '' Cool I already did that with all my characters '' , each class and race... but then I read '' you have to start from scratch with ANOTHER lvl 1 '' .... and we don't even know if the rewards are account bound rather than bound to that character alone....


Sure it sounds great for welcoming new players but how about the players that is keeping the game alive ? We get nothing.


Not true! You get the wonderful experience to help these new players, with their level 10 green armor and missing armor slots, level up in flashpoints to get their titles and cool armor! Get your healer fired up, it's time for battle! CHARGE! :D

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