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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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Apparently you don't remember the sh--storm surrounding the slot machines that offered cartel rep and certificates. I'm by no means the only CM customer who doesn't want to see items we paid real money for cheapened in that way.


I wouldn't mind items being available from multiple sources if it were that way from the beginning of that item's existence in the game, but you don't sell your customers something then give it away for free.


I was upset at the slot machines nerf, not because it gave them, but because it was removed. I like getting the rep and the certificates. And I think because of the backlash of that, they maybe removed them from the packs permanently? Could be wrong though, just thinking is all.

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The trouble was it all kicked off with a late in the week release cycyle.

There were some answers and clarifications, but really not enough time for internal feedback and decisions before the weekend hit. I would hope that there were some discussions over the weekend on how to handle things, even if the results are just a Producer Letter saying this event is a summer thing for new players.

The real test will be if we see and gold posts in the next 24 hours.


*nod* We shall wait and see.....remember the patch notes should be up soon.

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Apparently you don't remember the sh--storm surrounding the slot machines that offered cartel rep and certificates. I'm by no means the only CM customer who doesn't want to see items we paid real money for cheapened in that way.


Yeah, cartel reputation is quite a badge of honor.

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I was upset at the slot machines nerf, not because it gave them, but because it was removed. I like getting the rep and the certificates. And I think because of the backlash of that, they maybe removed them from the packs permanently? Could be wrong though, just thinking is all.

They significantly reduced the drop rates. Rep still drops but cartel certificates are a lot rarer (but apparently still somewhat profitable if you're prepared to put in the time)

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I for one will not be par taking in this new endeavor.

I played the old stories so many time with the classes i am sick of them.

I am loving the new story with KOTFE and at the moment i am playing through with 6 of my 12 toons now and when they are done i'll take the other 6 through. So i wont have the time or want to go through D.vs.L Event.

I also have real life to worry about and i already play as time in my real life allows me too.

But i just do not have the will, the passion or excitement, to put into the effort into creating another 8 characters and to make them interesting and unique enough to give them life when i already put so much time effort and uniqueness into my original 12. This event just will not get me fired up to do it all over again.


I wish you luck and loads of fun.


Take Care and Be Well....


To you as well sir, and yeah I wish this event had let existing characters be part of this "event" so people like you can have fun during the "event." (People who have made tons of characters and want to play on them not make new ones just to throw them away.)

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Yeah, cartel reputation is quite a badge of honor.

I know.


Kind of makes you feel sorry for the players that slogged their guts out getting BiS only to see the advantage evaporate next time an expansion launches with a level increase and new tiers of gear.

Or the unique look of Tiered OP gear appearing in Alliance crates that can be gathered with ease.

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This is ridiculous. I already have 12 lvl 65 toons. What on earth would I want to do ALL that over again, essentially everything I have ever done 12 + times....and do it again....ALL of it. Every FP, WZ, OPs that I have already done 100's of times and every Mission, Quest, etc....everything...all AGAIN. Honestly this has got to be the STUPIDEST event I have ever seen in an MMO. It is essentially just "create a new toon and do every singe thing there is to do in the game on that toon only". BORING!! This kind of crap is part of why I pretty much quit playing this game anymore. I used to be a daily player, but now I go through weeks without even logging in since 4.0. It's just not worth it anymore, and stiff like this just feels like a slap in the face. Essentially, all that hard work I put into the game the past 4+ years is worthless in this event. This event IS NOT EVEN FUN...and FUN is what events and games are supposed to be correct? Or am I just alone on that now days?


Let us take one toon of each side that we have already leveled and unlock the rewards for the event on them, then whatever that toon is missing objectives on to gain the reward, then that toon still has to do them. But, seriously, I am not about to spend 40+ hours grinding on a new toon for an "event" when I should be able to do stuff on the toons I already have and have WORKED HARD to get piles of stuff and achievements on.


Yes you are correct in some of what your saying and I agree with it. (Not letting current characters do the event, having to redo stuff ect ect) But just to be clear, you don't have to do EVERYTHING all over again. All the crafting skills to 550 and all 8 classes to lv50? That's only for the Legendary tier, not even required for the companion if that's all you want. Also the only storyline that is required is the starter fp on each side, the Revan storyline fps on each side (the mid level ones), SoR (shadow of revan storyline), Ziost and KotFE to chapter9 and then 16 (which comes out in July).


Also leveling will be, BEYOND stupid easy, because if you are going for Legendary, you will have the full legacy set that gives 50% boost while wearing it, and it will stack with the guild and other boosts!?!? Just do heroics with some random people or friends, better yet get some 65s to tag along for farming heroics for creds, BOOM lv50 in no time.


And remember, all the insane requirements being asked for (Yes I agree they are steep and high) are for the LEGENDARY tier, meaning its the final tier, its designed that way.


Just like ranked pvp, not everyone who plays ranked pvp gets to be at the top and get all the shinys, or even those titles "The best of <insert advanced class>" that only 96 players get each season. Same with Legnedary, though this is a bit easier in the fact that theoretically everyone CAN get it, if they grind it out. Though yes your are correct in people that have max character slots will not be able to complete it, that is a major problem, even then they can still go to another server and complete it, it still still stupid that they have to restart on another server and miss out on the achievements and legacy bound rewards, even if the end rewards are account bound.

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This is just something that drives me crazy with this company. They just seem to be so unorganized most of the time. They introduce features and abandon them if they don't work out as planned, they introduce new stuff but only answer a few questions instead of providing ongoing support for the next day, they only give the vaguest of information when people are desperate for some clarity....they just never manage to think things through from our perspective:mad:


Yep, and its sad when its Star Wars of all things! Wonder if I could get a meeting and talk things over.....Mom drilling into my head stuff like organization and thinking in someone elses shoes because of 11 other sibs running around rofl:D

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Clearly you haven't read the mile long list of things you need to do to gain all the titles/achivements/rewards. You essentially have to do every single thing in the game, everything, on THAT NEW character only. There is no way in heck I am going to create a new toon and spend 40+ hours on it earning all the new crap I HAVE ALREADY DONE on my other toons many times over.


Don't have to do heroics, don't have to get valor 100, don't have to get 75% or better accuracy with GSF, don't have to get top rank score in ranked pvp, don't have to complete the storyline from starter planet to Corellia, don't have to complete Makeb, don't have to complete Oricon storyline, (though you do need to get 50 kills there.) only have to do 5 ops and not even the entire op (but for one) and on SM no less, don't have to do TC, don't have to do Xeno, don't have to do Eyeless, don't to get all (or any companions for that matter) to influence lv50, don't have to complete the Bonus Series on each planet and....don't have to get "I'm a Fungi!" achievement or kill 500 bormus. So....you don't have to do EVERYTHING. And remember, it IS optional. And the really stupid requirements are needed for LEGENDARY ONLY, not even for the companion. Just making sure the truth is known. :)

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They still won't say if it matters if you do the SH intro mission at level 15 for example. Since you need it at a far greater tier than the first, doing it too early can really annoy people because they didn't know. It was asked long before they stopped responding in here. So it might be a non-issue, will it register and count or cause a flamewar?


Also, people in guild keep asking me when it'll end -exactly-. Anything more accurate than -fall-?


It most likely will not be retro active so you will have to make a new character to get that unlocked. (That's also a t3 requirement btw)


Sadly there is not a 100% confirmed end date. People are passing around dates like crazy. Imo, most likely the end of the Oct. Based on that is the latest date for a event required (The Gree event) and also KotFE was released on Oct of last year. Which means season 2 will either start in Oct or anywhere from there to Feb (as chapter 10 was released in Feb of this year.) Sorry I don't have a end date. But keep your eyes looking, they should answer it sooner or later. (Hopefully sooner)

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Don't have to do heroics, don't have to get valor 100, don't have to get 75% or better accuracy with GSF, don't have to get top rank score in ranked pvp, don't have to complete the storyline from starter planet to Corellia, don't have to complete Makeb, don't have to complete Oricon storyline, (though you do need to get 50 kills there.) only have to do 5 ops and not even the entire op (but for one) and on SM no less, don't have to do TC, don't have to do Xeno, don't have to do Eyeless, don't to get all (or any companions for that matter) to influence lv50, don't have to complete the Bonus Series on each planet and....don't have to get "I'm a Fungi!" achievement or kill 500 bormus. So....you don't have to do EVERYTHING. And remember, it IS optional. And the really stupid requirements are needed for LEGENDARY ONLY, not even for the companion. Just making sure the truth is known. :)


do you get payed for blandish this poor new event?

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What are you talking about, it already is great for our community. I can't remember the last time the forums weren't boring to come to, much less actually read every single persons post. haha :p


:D Yeah, the only forums I have seen with more posts are ones started like 4-5 years ago, all the other ones i have read are anywhere from 80 pages to 2 lol And this has almost 200 in less then 3 days!??!? :eek:

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Sorry if this has been asked already but there are way to many pages to go through them all.


Have they said when the event will end?


Is the companion that we will be rewarded be determined on the servers light side / dark side decisions or the community at large?


No end date as of yet. Most likely at the end of Oct, but that's my guess based on a few things.


The companion will come at the end of the "event" and it is determinded based on the overall community across all servers. Meaning if you are completely lightside on EVERY one of you characters (that count for the event btw, only made on June 28th or after.) and darkside wins overall? You will ONLY get the darkside companion and not the lightside one, (most likely not ever) and vice versa.

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A few months is the closest official answer.

The community at large, the slider is on the main event page.


(Worryingly already at full lightside :o )


Oh...you bad boy huh?:eek: Imo I want a chiss sentinel (only 2 other sentinel companions in game atm) then a zabrak assassin (already have 3, if you count the shadow ones on the republic side) Plus....it is WAY to much fun to be lightside and get all the dakrside brooding people rillied up! rofl, heck even if the lightside losses, doesn't matter, I got under all the darkside peoples skin and ticked them off! :D:D:D:D Will be SO worth it. :D

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I can't understand why anyone is defending this travesty, even the Devs who get paid to defend it and whose idea it was can't defend it. They must be laughing at people that are trying, in the same vein as people that try to stop the tide by telling it to turn back.


At best people may be willing to participate in replaying old content for some shinnies but that doesn't make this list a good thing. If the devs re thought it and made it worth playing or retroactive or playable on existing characters this would have to be good things. Unless the only thing that someone likes about the list is its exclusivity in that you have to have no life and lots of free time to complete it. So are dead set against any changes cause that might allow people to be credited for past achievements and that's just robbing you of getting a slightly more unique title.


But I'm sure I'm seeing people that are saying the list is a great list and then saying though they have no interest in completing it cause that is too much work. If you who like the idea aren't going to do it who the hell do you think it is appealing to.

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OMG If that is true I'll be so happy.


I'm sorry! But, I was wrong, it was pointed out to me that we need to do the earlier tier, to move on to the next. :/ Good thing is, the companion should still, be fairly easy to get. Up to the Eternal tier, the challenges seem to lead up to it.


I can't understand why anyone is defending this travesty, even the Devs who get paid to defend it and whose idea it was can't defend it. They must be laughing at people that are trying, in the same vein as people that try to stop the tide by telling it to turn back.


At best people may be willing to participate in replaying old content for some shinnies but that doesn't make this list a good thing. If the devs re thought it and made it worth playing or retroactive or playable on existing characters this would have to be good things. Unless the only thing that someone likes about the list is its exclusivity in that you have to have no life and lots of free time to complete it. So are dead set against any changes cause that might allow people to be credited for past achievements and that's just robbing you of getting a slightly more unique title.


But I'm sure I'm seeing people that are saying the list is a great list and then saying though they have no interest in completing it cause that is too much work. If you who like the idea aren't going to do it who the hell do you think it is appealing to.


Oh, hey look another person who feels the need to speak for everyone! Just because I want to defend this even (yeah, I think it'll be good, so what?) then it automatically makes it a travesty! Good to know. Maybe I just don't care, then again, I'm someone, who to this day still watches the story cut scenes. But good to know, that you feel like you can speak, on my behalf, as well as insult me, and others like me. Good for you.

Edited by TyonYlle
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They not going to answer the questions still pending


(1) Can you get the item on another tier before you finish the tier

(2) Which flashpoints count considering on one page of the champion it says solo or tacticals and on the guild for the champions it says tacticals.


They not going to come here as they already know that some individuals are upset so they are going to stay hidden instead of answering questions.


1.Item? Are you talking about the rewards? Or the requirements needed for each tier? Either way, you can not get another tiers rewards nor progress until you have unlocked it by completing the previous tier.


2. Solo should count. I will try it on Tuesday and report back with my findings!:D


Sadly I wish they would. Would help calm some people down and smooth over some fears. (Not all but some.) Remember, they might not be just avoiding us, real life happens and working with other people can take a lot out of you or is VERY time consuming, I know being the oldest of 12 lol. So until we get 100% confirmation they are activity avoiding us, I'm sticking to it might just be them being overloaded. (Dang, if I could help them out I would, wonder if I could get paid, but even then just volunteering would be fine by me to help people. :D)

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I'd say that's too early to say. By my clock it's still morning in Austin, at least give them till the end of the day and allow them to collate some of the genuine questions from the tears before you write them off.


But, your two questions are definitely two that have been cropping up a lot (esp 1) ) and could do with some gold text to clarify.


*nod* Just remembering that they are human too (flaws and all) so just give it some time. But if its midnight...yeah we arnt getting anything lol.

Edited by Lakemine
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Probably as many vets that would have come back without the event.

I don't see the event as the reason only an excuse.

The real reason for many is the lack of new content that they play, and somehow they had conceived a summer event would hold copious amounts of new content :o


I think BW will have the metrics on hand to see how well 'Shadow of Revan' performed compared to 'Knights of the Fallen Empire'.


What will be interesting is if there will be a spike of pickup with a load of old players subbing for one month to gain all of Season One in one go.


I would like to see those numbers also. I have been here the entire time, so I I'm not in that boat lol

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I know.


Kind of makes you feel sorry for the players that slogged their guts out getting BiS only to see the advantage evaporate next time an expansion launches with a level increase and new tiers of gear.

Or the unique look of Tiered OP gear appearing in Alliance crates that can be gathered with ease.


I was very glad for them adding the ops gear looks in the crates. (As Underworld trooper chest and boots and Underworld Smuggler chest piece are 3 of my most fav pieces ingame atm, and now I can put them on multiple characters, even the other faction!?!? BOOYAH!) Though I would have liked them on a vendor so I could pick and choose and buy what I wanted. Going through over 200+ crates and only getting ONE smuggler chest piece? It stinks because my friend got 10 of them within 80 crates. :mad: So wish that was changed. :)

And the BiS thing, that happens with EVERY xpac ever. So its expected.

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Don't worry it had/has most of us confused also. But Eric did respond saying you can not get credit for a higher tier (ie: Legendary) until the previous one is completed. (ie: Eternal) The wording in the post you quoted is a bit confusing so I hope I can clear it up. Each tier will also have achievements tied to each tier so you can keep track of the progress you doing, I think that's what they mean by completing their legacy.


So yes, if you earn 1 million credits, earn Lightside V, level all 8 classes to 50 or get all 6 crafting skills to 550, they will not count until you have the Legendary tier unlocked. (Which we can't even start on until the end of July as one of the requiremnets for a earlier tier is complete all of KotFE, including chapter 16, which has not been released yet and will come out at the end of July.)


But I'm guessing that once you unlock the Legendary tier they will be retroactive, but ONLY FOR THE NEW CHARACTERS MADE ON OR AFTER JUNE 28TH WITH THE LITTLE LIGHTSIDE/DARKSIDE EVENT FLAG.


But imo, play it safe. Like with the crafting, get it to 540, and then once you get Legnedary unlocked, just get the last 10 BOOM done. Same with earning 1 mil creds, just run heroics easy. Hope I helped.:)


Thank you! Yes this makes total sense e.g. retro-active on new characters made on or after June 28.

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