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Dark vs. Light Event


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Did you forget the part where completing every HM flashpoint was also a requirement? Have fun with that.


Max didn't bring that up, and my post was a direct response to his. But yes, I do intend to have fun with it : )


Actually for me the HM FPs would be easy, (I farm them anyways for the 25 kill achievements, and running the ones I have at 25 times already, just once, is no biggy.) would much rather do all of them 2 or even 3 times over or run 200-300 heroics then level 6 characters to lv50 (not counting the other 2 because those are going to be 65 for the other requirement.)


Good news! You can probably get those six characters to Lv50 just by running 200-300 heroics! :rak_03:

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I have a feeling that the developers have no fantasy. Think about it people! Create a character from scratch again? Are you serious? From the point of view of the economy this is a great move, of course, but it's a slap in the face to those who all were more than a dozen times, by the way! SWTOR runs the risk of losing your rating if you don't stop to defame people this way! It is really a mockery! :(
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You only have to defeat five Ops bosses if you choose to go for Legendary Level, and you only have to complete one of the ops to clear the necessary boss (which happens to be the second-easiest Operation in the game). You don't have to actually do the Gree event, just farm 50 droid kills. You only have to level six of the characters to 50 and two to 65. You only have to take one character through KotFE, you don't have to do story missions at all in any of the other seven.


Have you even read the requirements?


Have you even read the post you were replying to? Have you even bothered with the context surrounding that post?


Don't bother answering, we already know what a truthful answer to either question would be.


No where did I state that you had to do the Gree event for this summer "event", and no where did I say anything about doing Ops for this summer "event". Those are both examples people have given of past repeated content as some sort of justification for this "event" being a massive repeat of all 8 classes -- and both are examples of something that is of an utterly different scale and scope than replaying all 8 classes from scratch.


Never mind that in order to redo all 8 classes at least to level 50 (and 2 to 65), you'd need 8 available and/or newly purchased character slots, or you'd need to start from scratch on another server, or you'd need to delete a bunch of characters.



Max didn't bring that up, and my post was a direct response to his.


Next time you post a "direct response" to something, try reading it first.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Never mind that in order to redo all 8 classes at least to level 50 (and 2 to 65), you'd need 8 available and/or newly purchased character slots, or you'd need to start from scratch on another server, or you'd need to delete a bunch of characters.


The entire event can be done, with all 85 packs going to one character, using two character slots - a quarter of what you're ************ about.

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The entire event can be done, with all 85 packs going to one character, using two character slots - a quarter of what you're ************ about.


Oh, ok, so what's all the talk about getting all 8 to 50 for this 'event"?


You only have to level six of the characters to 50 and two to 65.


So which is it? Are you sure you should be telling others to read the requirements?

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Oh, ok, so what's all the talk about getting all 8 to 50 for this 'event"?




So which is it? Are you sure you should be telling others to read the requirements?


You appear to insist on talking past him.


I get what he is saying, and I think you do as well.


Let's summarize:


1) To get to the final tier.. you level 6 characters to 50 and 2 more to 65. I'm sure we all agree on this.


2) since the core purpose of the characters it record progress by the player during the event.. the characters need not persist. Hence, you can in fact, if you like, do the entire event using just 2 character slots within one legacy and further you can do it in a manner such that all rewards aggregate to one character slot.


And yes.. somebody with no free character slots needs to plan for and do something for this event. If all their characters are too valuable to delete and they have 40 of them.. then yes.. they have a challenge to prepare for the event. That is a corner case and I would bet that not many players actually fall into this rock and hard-place. These players still have options as to how to overcome the limit. If there were significant in terms of player accounts, then I would expect the studio would see that in their data and probably add two slots to the maximum character count.


And NO.. sorry.. but no incremental real money would be required seeing as there is an active market in the GTNs for character slots for credits..AND subs get 500+ cartel coins per month and can buy directly if they are not simply spending down all their CCs on cartel packs every month. Most players understand that they need to budget and wisely spend their free CCs just like in game credits and real life money.

Edited by Andryah
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Oh, ok, so what's all the talk about getting all 8 to 50 for this 'event"?




So which is it? Are you sure you should be telling others to read the requirements?


Slot 1: Get your main DvL toon to level 25.

Slot 2: Raise a different class 1-50. Delete. Repeat 5x. Raise final class of opposite faction as main to 65.


So... Yeah. whynotboth.webm

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First defense is: They Didn't have to give us anything!


Side stepping offering old cartel market items for completing old content isn't much, this statement is wrong. SWTOR is a commodity which EAware want to charge for (at least subscribers) and as such you have to offer something that customers see as value for money. If there is a business out there that I get to charge people without providing anything I want in on that. So in an effort to get people to subscribe over the summer while waiting on Kofte season 2 they have come up with an 'Event' only in this case the 'Event' is a check list of old content with the reward of chance cubes.


Fair point but I'm personally mostly against the "give us it all retroactive" crowd.

In that sense your point above makes the event of even less value in a way.


They wake up tomorrow and still have nothing new to do but do have a few new shinies. At least the event gives them some minor motivation to play a bit longer perhaps.


This makes the root argument not that the event is bad, that the game is lacking in new content and THAT should be the nearly 200 page subject imo here.




The fourth Defense: People that don't like this are wingers, cry babies, stupid, entitled, spoiled etc.


Not really a defense, more an attempt to belittle other people so their views are considered childish or unimportant. This is where you know its indefensible and so you attack the people making the comments. This is common in the legal system where when a client is clearly guilty the lawyer attacks the officer involved, the procedure or tries to find a loop hole. Its not defending the event its not giving people a reason to check it out, rather its claiming that anyone that dislikes the event is using hyperbolic arguments, that they are just sad cause they have to work for a living and have other commitments so don't want to replay content they have been playing for the last few years.


Me personally, I've referred to a few players in this thread as whingers. I've also justified why it comes across at whinging - those are the "give us it all for free retroactively - i've done it before!" crowd and when put a point over as to why thisi s a bad idea and why they're WAYYY OTT posts are whinging you generally don't get a reply expect the odd good sport who decides to read it as "Oh' you're just calling them cry babies instead of seeing their real point".


Not the case which is why it IS important to quote people which you've chosen not to do because you've instantly decided to group everyone up on how you want rather than deal with any argument someone might be making on it's own merits ( or lack of ).


Perhaps worse than this is that if this was the plan for between season 1 and 2, the SWTOR development team is not being supported to allow it to produce content and is forced to use check lists of old content in place of an actual event. It definitely appears no one from EAware is half as keen as defending this as some of the forum goers are. Maybe they agree its an indefensible travesty, so in this case I believe their silence could be taken as consent.


Again ... lack of new content and any forseeable positive future for the game at this stage. I've been saying this for quite some time now and wish people would get on that bandwagon so we got new content ( well, maybe, probably not even in a 500 page thread heh ).


MY fear with these threads is "Here is retroactive achievements, enjoy!" everyone is happy ( or thinks they are ) and the root issue gets ignored as these "done it all" people go back to their daily grind in the game.

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Well, yes that would be at least a little helpful since I then could actually participate -at all-. Do you honestly think that being forced to do any of the following is not penalizing players?


1. Move to another server (and thereby missing 2 of 3 reward categories, since they are bound to Legacy/char)

2. Buy server slots

3. Delete your existing character(s)


So, yes - giving out a serverslot or two would at least allow ppl like me to actually participate in the event, which is my by far largest gripe in this whole ordeal.


Though i think being forced to delete several toons for an event is pretty weird and flawed from scratch. IMO they should either remove the requirement for having 8 characters doing the event and grant everyone 1 new slot OR they should grant everyone 8 new slots. I can't understand why anyone would make an event that requires players to create multiple toons and in many cases then delete most of them. It's just weird and completly non-personal.


Do I honestly think being forced to do any of those things isn't penalizing players? I've admitted a few times now one of the only legitimate penalties in this event is NOT giving people character slots to do it so no I don't think they aren't penalizing players there - you quoted me saying as much.


It's some of the other arguments around "ive done it before this penalizes me!" that are ridiculous.

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Slot 1: Get your main DvL toon to level 25.

Slot 2: Raise a different class 1-50. Delete. Repeat 5x. Raise final class of opposite faction as main to 65.


So... Yeah. whynotboth.webm



Because you'd be deleting characters after putting however many hours of effort into them, which includes ditching anything bound to that character.


For a game that's supposed to be focused on story and character, that's a pretty blase attitude for Bioware to takes towards characters and their stories...

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Did you forget the part where completing every HM flashpoint was also a requirement? Have fun with that.


Yes, to me that's feeling like probably far more tedious than just leveling 8 toons.

Especially as you reach the last ones and try to find people that happen to want to complete those very same last ones as well.

And if you were thinking about going completely random FP on it till the end... Good luck....

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Because you'd be deleted characters after putting however many hours of effort into them, which includes ditching anything bound to that character.


For a game that's supposed to be focused on story and character, that's a pretty blase attitude for Bioware to takes towards characters and their stories...


It's 1-50. You can do that in a few hours with Heroics; I may even remember to check /played time when I hit 50 to crunch some numbers on class efficiency. If I go the two-slot route (depends on the sale price of extra slots), I'll just be naming them "Thing One", "Thing Two" etc and using whatever the default appearance is. They're fodder in my quest for 30 extra packs, a mount, and a suit of armour. They're the little people I'll step on to get to the top. I already have over a dozen characters I'm quite attached to, and will add two more, minimum, with this event. But I don't see anything wrong with rolling throwaways in this exceedingly rare occasion where it may be necessary.

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Yes, to me that's feeling like probably far more tedious than just leveling 8 toons.

Especially as you reach the last ones and try to find people that happen to want to complete those very same last ones as well.

And if you were thinking about going completely random FP on it till the end... Good luck....


I got a good guild in both factions, so I'm not even worried about getting the HMFPs done - on Jung Ma. If you're one of those types to play on a more crowded server, you can filter your GF options to get the ones you still need. Three other blokes queuing for everything will still come into your Lost Island run if that's all you queue for. My guild does this regularly so three of our members can still get the Daily whilst queuing for a specific HM for Conquest.

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Yep, I agree. Though just to be clear, the ONLY "new" content I see is your right the gear and speeders and pet, and the 5 new datacrons. That's it....which...is sad :p


On a sidenote however where the datacrons are concerned. It's not certain yet weither they will be giving you any form of stats. I would assume they do, but I saw mention on torcommunity.com that they might not.

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I got a good guild in both factions, so I'm not even worried about getting the HMFPs done - on Jung Ma. If you're one of those types to play on a more crowded server, you can filter your GF options to get the ones you still need. Three other blokes queuing for everything will still come into your Lost Island run if that's all you queue for. My guild does this regularly so three of our members can still get the Daily whilst queuing for a specific HM for Conquest.


That's good for you then I guess.


This is my server; http://www.torstatus.net/the-progenitor/trends/60d


The odds might be favourable to you. This events' obejectives might be to your tastes. All the more power to you.

however, me, and I think it's safe to say a whole bunch of others, respectfully and wholeheartedly disagree.

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Max didn't bring that up, and my post was a direct response to his. But yes, I do intend to have fun with it : )




Good news! You can probably get those six characters to Lv50 just by running 200-300 heroics! :rak_03:


Oh I can get to 50 in less, MUCH less heroic runs. Just saying as I would like to run that many heroics over having to level 6 characters to 50 only to turn around and delete them. And before you say "Wait you just said you can do it in less heroics, yet you want heroic runs over leveling?" That's because I was responding to the statement of leveling to 50 with one character with 200-300 heroic runs, if can be done with less. But add up all those runs over leveling 6 characters with just them, and it would equal to the same or even more. And I would much rather run 200-300 heroics across all of my characters (or the 2 65s I'm making for the event) then level 6 characters just to delete. :D

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It's 1-50. You can do that in a few hours with Heroics; I may even remember to check /played time when I hit 50 to crunch some numbers on class efficiency. If I go the two-slot route (depends on the sale price of extra slots), I'll just be naming them "Thing One", "Thing Two" etc and using whatever the default appearance is. They're fodder in my quest for 30 extra packs, a mount, and a suit of armour. They're the little people I'll step on to get to the top. I already have over a dozen characters I'm quite attached to, and will add two more, minimum, with this event. But I don't see anything wrong with rolling throwaways in this exceedingly rare occasion where it may be necessary.


And that's good for you but there are people that take the time to create characters that would not even consider making a throwaway toon as they make and plan their characters how to fit with the rest of them. I have read a few of those posts from them after this.


So you see not everyone considers toons to be throwaways. You might can but not everyone does.

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Have you even read the post you were replying to? Have you even bothered with the context surrounding that post?


Don't bother answering, we already know what a truthful answer to either question would be.


No where did I state that you had to do the Gree event for this summer "event", and no where did I say anything about doing Ops for this summer "event". Those are both examples people have given of past repeated content as some sort of justification for this "event" being a massive repeat of all 8 classes -- and both are examples of something that is of an utterly different scale and scope than replaying all 8 classes from scratch.


Never mind that in order to redo all 8 classes at least to level 50 (and 2 to 65), you'd need 8 available and/or newly purchased character slots, or you'd need to start from scratch on another server, or you'd need to delete a bunch of characters.





Next time you post a "direct response" to something, try reading it first.


Hey Max? Just to clarify, for the 8 classes to 50 (6 if you do one republic to 65 and one imperial to 65), you only need 1 character slot, 3 if you are making one republic to 65, and one imperial to 65. (And a argument can be made for only one slot if you want to level a 65 and then delete it and redo it, but that's really crazy. Because you can just level them to 50, get the tick on the achievement and then turn around and delete them and the slot is freed up and then rinse repeat. Yes, I agree with you, this is a stupid design and its flawed. But that is sadly the option the devs have given us. Just wanted to make sure you had accurate info. :)

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I have a family and lead an active life style - especially during the summer, which they now expect us to waste inside, sitting on a computer chair, grinding our lives away for a few rewards lol? I finally got my Legendary Player status after grinding all the character story line, some of which that were just god-awful and tedious, and now they expect us to delete characters or buy new slots and re-grind those exact same classes to 50?


This needs to be made available to pre-existing characters, and take into account all the hard work players have put into the game thus far. The concept is great and the rewards are nice; make it so that you can designate your existing characters as Light VS Dark and you might get less outrage over this.


I'll work hard and complete achievements to earn that new companion, but hell if I'm going to waste away my summer grinding characters I'll never look at again because Bioware poorly implemented a grindfest update event lol. Cheers.


You did all the class stories, many of which you found tedious and god-awful to get a pretty flag by your name in the game? I feel sorry for you personally. The amount of people who actually PAY to do things in this game they don't enjoy is becoming astonishing.


Wish I had star wars rights, I could probably bag up literal animal excrement and sell it as Star Wars Poo Doo "Great for your garden" and be an instant millionaire.

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Yes, and i would like to actually have the option to participate as the veteran i am, having my slots filled on my server. Replay value or not, grindfest or not, new content or not - doesn't matter when they automatically disqualify their longterm players by requiring us to make new characters when we have no slots.


They NEED to come up with a solution to that issue before they bring it live. But no, instead they just keep ignoring it....If i didn't know better i would think we all accidently used /stuck or something....


Agreed about the slots, wish more people were pushing this ACTUAL issue so that it might actually get some attention.

The retroactive nonsense just buries actual issues like this as I see it.

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Yep! :D Which is weird, because I know a lot of people didn't like Makeb, but I actually liked both sides storylines there. (Well not the first half of the imperial side, but after that weird sith dude left (didn't kill him but still wanted him gone) then I liked it much more.) And having all the different lines for all the different companions (even HK-51!:D) made me go back there repeatedly to see what new line of dialogue I could find on all the different companions. Some or just meh because it was a character just seeing something, but some were really really funny. HK-51: "Statement. Master, cliffs are are a efficient means of disposing of enemies." And Elara wanting to help people and go on a vacation, Mako thinking she got fat because of how heavily encrypted the Holonet signal is there and go on a vacation, Blizz wanting to build things, and M1-4X wanting to "Crush these scum with the boot of Republic justice!" to name a few.:D


Hah I'd actually lol if the only update we got to this whole thread was "We've followed this thread and are pleased to announce that Makeb is now added to the list of things required for legendary! Enjoy!"


Imagine the actual rage some people wouldn't literally scream at their monitor upon reading it.

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Fair point but I'm personally mostly against the "give us it all retroactive" crowd.

In that sense your point above makes the event of even less value in a way.


They wake up tomorrow and still have nothing new to do but do have a few new shinies. At least the event gives them some minor motivation to play a bit longer perhaps.


This makes the root argument not that the event is bad, that the game is lacking in new content and THAT should be the nearly 200 page subject imo here.






Me personally, I've referred to a few players in this thread as whingers. I've also justified why it comes across at whinging - those are the "give us it all for free retroactively - i've done it before!" crowd and when put a point over as to why thisi s a bad idea and why they're WAYYY OTT posts are whinging you generally don't get a reply expect the odd good sport who decides to read it as "Oh' you're just calling them cry babies instead of seeing their real point".


Not the case which is why it IS important to quote people which you've chosen not to do because you've instantly decided to group everyone up on how you want rather than deal with any argument someone might be making on it's own merits ( or lack of ).




Again ... lack of new content and any forseeable positive future for the game at this stage. I've been saying this for quite some time now and wish people would get on that bandwagon so we got new content ( well, maybe, probably not even in a 500 page thread heh ).


MY fear with these threads is "Here is retroactive achievements, enjoy!" everyone is happy ( or thinks they are ) and the root issue gets ignored as these "done it all" people go back to their daily grind in the game.


Oh trust me at least, I don't say it every post, but I'm sad there is not new or more content. And not just storyline or new events, or new missions to do. (fps and ops included) But also features, I have been wanting Hood Toggle since 1.5 and Back Handed lightsaber stance (Like Starkiller and Ahsoka:D) And each time I see some new post or new dev post I'm hoping to see some new content or feature, but I also have a realist personality that takes over and kowing that Bioware has been gutted by EA to move people to work on DA:I and ME4, it means ALOT less people working on SWTOR, which means less content and features. So even though I want more, I do try to keep a realist mindset. (And continue to hope and wish more people would get transferred to SWTOR to work on it.)

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Hey Max? Just to clarify, for the 8 classes to 50 (6 if you do one republic to 65 and one imperial to 65), you only need 1 character slot, 3 if you are making one republic to 65, and one imperial to 65. (And a argument can be made for only one slot if you want to level a 65 and then delete it and redo it, but that's really crazy. Because you can just level them to 50, get the tick on the achievement and then turn around and delete them and the slot is freed up and then rinse repeat. Yes, I agree with you, this is a stupid design and its flawed. But that is sadly the option the devs have given us. Just wanted to make sure you had accurate info. :)


I understand that part, but I'm not putting all that effort and time and in-game credits and bound gear into a character, just to delete it.

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Because you'd be deleting characters after putting however many hours of effort into them, which includes ditching anything bound to that character.


For a game that's supposed to be focused on story and character, that's a pretty blase attitude for Bioware to takes towards characters and their stories...


Yep, which is why its stupid and flawed design. But if you are using the legacy gear with the 15-50% exp boots, plus the guild boost, plus regular exp boost, and then just run heroics with your friends, either them leveling characters also, or better yet someone who has a lv65, you will be lv50 in no time. Still stupid and flawed design. And yes I think it odd and wrong and stupid for a game that boasts "Storyline is our focus!" to promote....really space barring and skipping it all.

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