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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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Do you realise just bad a decision this is?


I have no intention of starting yet another character - and I certainly have no intention of running another character through KOTFE.


You've just made content that a significant portion of your playerbase is never going to touch.


Way to go!


All The Best


That's because it is meant to be a speedrun, you have 4 months to do a boatload of content, and the achievements are new for the event so you don't need to start over with a new legacy, you only need 2 character slots, because once one hits lv 50 you can delete it as Eric said beforehand.

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That's because it is meant to be a speedrun, you have 4 months to do a boatload of content, and the achievements are new for the event so you don't need to start over with a new legacy, you only need 2 character slots, because once one hits lv 50 you can delete it as Eric said beforehand.


So this "new event" is actually rerunning content I have already done at least 10 times EIGHT MORE TIMES!


Yeah, I'll sit this out and spend those 4 months of subs on another game.



All The Best

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And you can meet the OPs requirement and level 10 EC boss?


I've been offered by friends to run OP's so yea. I have ran some hard mode operations before and did almost all the hard mode flashpoints already. I already have those achievements for those which bioware says are useless now.

Edited by casirabit
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SMH ok look WE get that we DONT HAVE TO to this event as veterans , but you all are missing the point here. We would like to do this on our existing characters how hard is that to understand ? Please explain to me why any of us would relevel just to get top tier rewards when most of us all have 65s . Why would me make throw away toons that get these titles and stuff thats not legacy ? WHY? Like WE want the titles and rewards on our mains, like why in hell would we level only to get everything on our our throw away 50s ?? Also the packs wil prob be bind on pickup and the stuff inside the crates will be prob bop and bound to that toon as soon as you open it so why bother esp if you are going to just delete the toon after that makes no sense . That is the whole point of events esp in the past. I dont understand how hard it is to just implement a new event surrounded by some new content for existing people. Like all the people saying " idk why ppl are complaining for then dont level if you dont want to " .Because in order to do this achievement re-leveling all 8 classes is a new legacy trolls can tell me and give me examples of it not being ? They are basically telling us to re get legendary status . And from the lowest tier of rewards it would have to be a new toons anyways. Which is a bunch of BS to the people who have spent 4 1/2 yrs defending , supporting and playing the game .


I get it may be like time walking but the difference is time walking scales you down and you run through old content it doesn't make you relevel all 8 classes thats not time walking . Also this isn't a speed run contest idk who came up with that logic but it isn't . Mock all of us veterans that you want but until you've put in 4 1/2 yrs work of leveling and grinding out stuff for your legacy only to be told your toons cant join the event and you need to redo it all over AGAIN , then you have the right to talk . We have earned our rights to complain and it is a huge slap in the face .They are going to already drive away what community is left as it is and then maybe they will learn not to make us mad . Part of me thinks this is a business move and they are hoping the game will die out so they wont have to support it anymore , not that they do right now anyways .....

Edited by LordKitana
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Will I be able to transfer the rewards to different toons? Maybe through in game mail?


For instance I want to do this on a imp agent because I spent two hours and more than a few cartel coins on a maurader last night...but I want that revan outfit for her...if I do the event on my agent and get the outfit can I mail it to my maurader?

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I figure I'll likely do the first three tiers of the event and call it there. My available time to play will change come August so that cuts down what I'd be able to work towards for the final tier, but there's also I'm kinda meh about the rewards offered. I'm not particularly interested in gaining another companion since I feel I've got too many companions already for my needs especially after the companion revamp. I wouldn't mind being able to cull them down to only having a couple, but that's neither here nor there. The packs I can take or leave, mostly it depends on what the chance rolls grant me. Even creating/deleting characters to ding an achievement is no big deal for me since I'm apparently the aberration here with not being particularly attached to characters made.


Frankly, I'd be more excited about earning spendable points to be used at a event vendor for rewards compared to what this event's offering.

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Will I be able to transfer the rewards to different toons? Maybe through in game mail?


For instance I want to do this on a imp agent because I spent two hours and more than a few cartel coins on a maurader last night...but I want that revan outfit for her...if I do the event on my agent and get the outfit can I mail it to my maurader?


The pack items are said to BoP, but be unlockable in collections.

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SMH ok look WE get that we DONT HAVE TO to this event as veterans , but you all are missing the point here. We would like to do this on our existing characters how hard is that to understand ? Please explain to me why any of us would relevel just to get top tier rewards when most of us all have 65s . Why would me make throw away toons that get these titles and stuff thats not legacy ? WHY? It doesn't make any ******* sense !!! Like WE want the titles and rewards on our mains, like why in hell would we level only to get everything on our our throw away 50s ?? Also the packs wil prob be bind on pickup and the stuff inside the crates will be prob bop and bound to that toon as soon as you open it so why bother esp if you are going to just delete the toon after that makes no sense . That is the whole point of events esp in the past. I dont understand how hard it is to just implement a new event surrounded by some new content for existing people. Like all the people saying " idk why ppl are complaining for then dont level if you dont want to " .


Because in order to do this achievement re-leveling all 8 classes is a new legacy trolls can tell me and give me examples of it not being ? They are basically telling us to re get legendary status . And from the lowest tier of rewards it would have to be a new toons anyways. Which is a bunch of BS to the people who have spent 4 1/2 yrs defending , supporting and playing the game . I get it may be like time walking but the difference is time walking scales you down and you run through old content it doesn't make you relevel all 8 classes thats not time walking .

Also this isn't a speed run contest idk who came up with that logic but it isn't . Mock all of us veterans that you want but until you've put in 4 1/2 yrs work of leveling and grinding out stuff for your legacy only to be told your toons cant join the event and you need to redo it all over AGAIN , then you have the right to talk . We have earned our rights to complain and it is a huge slap in the face . TBH they should have implemented something for everyone i understand they are in dire need of new players but this crosses the line . They are going to already drive away what community is left as it is and then maybe they will learn not to make us mad . Part of me thinks this is a business move and they are hoping the game will die out so they wont have to support it anymore , not that they do right now anyways .....:cool:


So true!


Just give the option for our mains to get to the 10 lvl and automatically add them to these Dark&Light character events!

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I just still don't get the idea of an event that your main characters are excluded from participating in


You can't re-level your main from 1-65 while the event is live, you can't re-participate in the SoR and KotFE while the event is live. At that point, you have to make new characters anyway.

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Will I be able to transfer the rewards to different toons? Maybe through in game mail?


For instance I want to do this on a imp agent because I spent two hours and more than a few cartel coins on a maurader last night...but I want that revan outfit for her...if I do the event on my agent and get the outfit can I mail it to my maurader?

You should note it may be a bit of a crap shoot as to whether you unlock the armour set, it's in three separate boxes.



A few extra details on the packs -the armor sets come in three separate boxes, Upper Body, Lower Body, and Supplementary. Each item that you earn from a Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Pack is Bind on Pickup, so they cannot be sold. However, these items do unlock in collections similar to other pack items.


Good question! The rewards are delivered in three different methods, depending on the reward:

  • Titles - These are tied to the Achievement and therefore are unlocked for each character in the Legacy.
  • Dark vs. Light Packs and Pioneer Armor Set - These will be delivered via in-game mail to the character who completes the final objective in that event level.
  • End of event Cosmetic Rewards - Things like the Companion and the vehicles will come at the end of the event and will be delivered to every character on the account, similar to the monthly sub rewards.


Edited by Vhaegrant
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The pack items are said to BoP, but be unlockable in collections.


Assuming that character obtains all 3 boxes for the armor set, i go in my guide how you should be able to get all the crates on just 1 toon if you play it carefully.

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And can you answer the inconsistency on the rewards page or you going to keep ignoring questions:


Complete all Flashpoints in Solo or Tactical Mode



Champion Level Guide

Below you will find each objective required to complete the Champion Tier of the Dark vs. Light event. Notice the “spoiler” button associated with each objective. If you would like more information on how to complete that objective, simply click that objectives spoiler button for more details.


To participate in the Dark vs. Light event, you must use a character created on or after June 28, 2016. You will know if your character is participating in the event if they have the following icon present on the Character Select screen.





Flashpoint Expert


To complete the objective “Flashpoint Expert”, you must take a Dark vs. Light event character and complete the following Tactical Flashpoints (in any order):




Now which one in the blazes is correct. You giving out separate information . So which one is correct can it be solo or does it have to be tacts. This does make a difference if people start doing the solo and it doesn't count. You think the forums are a problem now wait till that happens.

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And can you answer the inconsistency on the rewards page or you going to keep ignoring questions:


Complete all Flashpoints in Solo or Tactical Mode



Champion Level Guide

Below you will find each objective required to complete the Champion Tier of the Dark vs. Light event. Notice the “spoiler” button associated with each objective. If you would like more information on how to complete that objective, simply click that objectives spoiler button for more details.


To participate in the Dark vs. Light event, you must use a character created on or after June 28, 2016. You will know if your character is participating in the event if they have the following icon present on the Character Select screen.





Flashpoint Expert


To complete the objective “Flashpoint Expert”, you must take a Dark vs. Light event character and complete the following Tactical Flashpoints (in any order):




Now which one in the blazes is correct. You giving out separate information . So which one is correct can it be solo or does it have to be tacts. This does make a difference if people start doing the solo and it doesn't count. You think the forums are a problem now wait till that happens.


Holy bad editing, batman.


And while they're at it can they fix the Conquest tooltips that say "do the FPs in any mode"? Because solo doesn't count there.

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Just because I know BioWare watches these threads for feedback regardless of whether they choose to act on it or not which is entirely their choice, I want to express my both joy and sorrow for this event:



-This event is super cool! It takes you through all sorts of fun stuff that I have done to ridiculous extents seeing how I've been playing this game since before launch! While I can personally attest that not everything in this game people will find enjoyable, the carrot to at least try them for some neat swag is awesome!

-Most of the items on the achievement list are things you will end up doing if you just play through all of what the story has to offer. Awesome to know that players don't have to go really far out of their way to complete this event, even if it does seem a bit daunting upon reading through the objectives. From one who has pretty much done it all, it really isn't that much like full achievement hunting.

-The rewards!!!



-Lack of retroactive rewards in certain aspects, specifically things such as the 8 classes to lvl 50. Having to make 1 or even 2 new characters (republic/empire) to perform a large portion of the event didn't bother me. There are class stories and classes in general that I could continue to level one after the other because I enjoy them that much! That said, I have to level all eight of the classes to lvl 50 to continue on the objective hunt for this event which does bother me as there are classes in this game that I absolutely despise from the story to how the class looks, feels, and animates on screen. To be specific for me: Trooper is the one that I absolutely despise to the point where I leveled one of each advanced class for it for the story and observing the differences and swore I'd never touch it again. I will have to break that in order to participate in this event which is like a hot iron to my chest. Others I would rather never do again but don't inspire such hatred would be Imperial Agent. Now if this part of the event was more in line as some of the others that involved hit or miss gameplay aspects like star fighter and warzones where it only requires very limited engagement to complete I'd be less upset about it as Starfighter is another aspect of the game I tried via test server before it's launch and just did not enjoy in the slightest but only having to do 5 matches is a drop in the hat and no worse then taking that medicine that you need but taste gross. Not making this specific item retroactive and setting a limit of lvl 50 to it means I not have to just spend a little time into something I KNOW I hate via already doing it (starfighter) but instead a lot of time into something I know I hate (Trooper Class).



Wow.... I guess that is really the only con I can think of personally in relation to me!


Don't get me wrong, I'll end up leveling the needed characters again even though I die a little on the inside even thinking about it, but I just feel like this specific Con could've been handled a bit differently and makes me sad.


All that said, I'm still excited to participate in this event! :)

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Sorry, I'm not engaging with this event. I'm not getting salty about things not being retrospective, I'll just forego the rewards from it. I will not encourage the concept that bribing me with shiny crap I don't need to replay content I've already done or do things I don't want to do is a good idea.


Because then you'll do it more.

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A friend just brought up a point. She said she wondered if this was a way of getting people to get to legendary status (where you have to have all 8 professions at 50) and therefore not having to deal with the comments in the forums from those that used instant 60 to create a toon .


I first thought maybe she was joking but maybe she's not so far off.

Edited by casirabit
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that still didnt really answer my question...i was just using the armor set as a example. lets say a mount?


Good question! The rewards are delivered in three different methods, depending on the reward:

  • Titles - These are tied to the Achievement and therefore are unlocked for each character in the Legacy.
  • Dark vs. Light Packs and Pioneer Armor Set - These will be delivered via in-game mail to the character who completes the final objective in that event level.
  • End of event Cosmetic Rewards - Things like the Companion and the vehicles will come at the end of the event and will be delivered to every character on the account, similar to the monthly sub rewards.



Look at the event cosmetic rewards such as the mounts... third item on list... sent to all characters across account.


More specifically with the armour, weapons from the crates you can unlock them in collections. A collections unlock is account wide.

For dyes you could send a legacy chest piece, there are quite a few out there to be found in Alliance crates and a level 9 vendor on fleet.

For weapon tunings, same deal if legacy weapons have the tuning slot.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Sorry, I'm not engaging with this event. I'm not getting salty about things not being retrospective, I'll just forego the rewards from it. I will not encourage the concept that bribing me with shiny crap I don't need to replay content I've already done or do things I don't want to do is a good idea.


Because then you'll do it more.


^ This is where I am at.


No point in reinforcing appalling behaviour and then complaining we get more appalling behaviour.


Anyone opting in to this "event" has no grounds to complain about there being nothing new in the game in the future.


All The Best

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A friend just brought up a point. She said she wondered if this was a way of getting people to get to legendary status (where you have to have all 8 professions at 50) and therefore not having to deal with the comments in the forums from those that used instant 60 to create a toon .


I first thought maybe she was joking but maybe she's not so far off.


How silly you think it can get?


To make an event to promote legendary status? It was already available for all to get that achivement even with 12x boost weeks we had many times. This is not the real agenda behind it. They dont have anything to offer until autumn content wise. After last chapter its done. So they created illusion to keep players busy calling this "event" to do OLD content from scratch. Thats it.

Edited by Divona
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A friend just brought up a point. She said she wondered if this was a way of getting people to get to legendary status (where you have to have all 8 professions at 50) and therefore not having to deal with the comments in the forums from those that used instant 60 to create a toon .


I first thought maybe she was joking but maybe she's not so far off.

I really don't think so.

The original Legendary status requires all Class stories to be completed.

The Dark vs Light event doesn't seem to require any class story completion at all, you need to do some SoR and KotFE but no actual class stories.

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For dyes you could send a legacy chest piece, there are quite a few out there to be found in Alliance crates and a level


??? Who will be stupid enough to put most expensive dyes into legacy armor? You cant extract dye after that.

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