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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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And you think they've achieved this? 214 servers down to, like 3 that are "alive"? You think their customers are happy? You think there's a healthy player base right now?? I don't...and after THIS, it'll become less and less healthy.


The number of launch servers means nothing. They were smaller and faded quickly after the initial launch cycle was done (many failed before the Christmas holidays were even over) improving hardware server side has allowed for larger populations to play together.

Just remember that many of those lured to SWTOR by the promise of Bioware storytelling were put off from even levelling one character to endgame because of the traditional MMO elements like arbitrary travel restrictions and unnecessary grind.


I'm a customer, I'm content.


On TRE at three o'clock in the morning I can still get 3 other players to pug out a quick heroic run across Tatooine so yes the population is healthier than I've seen it since launch.


Sorry the game no longer seems focused on your playstyle.

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I just started a new toon that I was looking forward to leveling this summer, and I was wondering if there was a way to revert it to level 1 for the Dark vs. Light event, or will I need to delete it and hope my name is not taken by the time I recreate it? Thanks!
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wait, so i'm supposed to abandon everything, go to a new server, do all content again, on every class again? umm.....NO.


This MIGHT have been a good idea after a server merger, where people were forced to restart since BW can't figure out how to move guilds and such, but now??


Someone is smoking WAY to much crack, screw the unattractive armor sets, and the stupid mounts, not to mention companion number......what is it now about 20? we have so many already that serve ZERO purpose I can't keep track of them all.


not going to happen, and please don't rush in the fanboy brigade to shout me down with lies meant to convince readers how wonderful this is going to be, after all who doesn't want to abandon years of playtime and do it all over again!!! right??? /me pukes

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Let me guess they haven't come in and discuss anything about this today or answered any more questions. Seems they have gone into hiding to avoid the backlash.


What's sad is I would have done this if my achievements had counted since I still need others and I didn't have to make 8 new toons. Making and deleting toons isn't the way I do things. My toons have a reason when I create them and I find it very insulting for them to say oh make some and just delete them. That's how much respect they have for people and that is what is very sad and telling.

The larger an organization the slower it moves. You need meetings to organize when you have time to have a meeting.


I suspect the community team are collating the firestorm across all the internet outlets and talking to the metrics guys who are running a few figures to see what they can take to the producers to discuss any options.


Previous experience with the forums has led me not to expect any huge amount of interaction during a firestorm other than 'We're looking at our options.'


It may be we see no new communication at all, or maybe a nod during the dev stream for the Gemini Deception.


I can't remember if i'd asked you before... are you able to fulfill all the other Legendary challenges? I know I'll not be able to do the OPs boss kills or the 10th Boss on the Eternal Championship so the Legendary level is a wash for me.


As to just finding spaces for two new characters, you must be in a very niche player section. Given that they would end up as level 65s anyway you could substitute out any existing character (maybe not one with lots of unique items) and make a replica to level through the game again.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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And you think they've achieved this? 214 servers down to, like 3 that are "alive"? You think their customers are happy? You think there's a healthy player base right now?? I don't...and after THIS, it'll become less and less healthy.


Agreed. Going it alone a 3rd time through original content (circa 2011-13) will effectively STOP conquest altogether which is one of the last cohesive elements to the last remaining big guilds. Oddly enough Dulfy who usually answers questions on his/her forum in comments section has been absent.

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I just started a new toon that I was looking forward to leveling this summer, and I was wondering if there was a way to revert it to level 1 for the Dark vs. Light event, or will I need to delete it and hope my name is not taken by the time I recreate it? Thanks!


Just wait until the 28th then delete and start again.

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Same. I spend like 30 minutes deciding on facial features, hair color, skin color, eye color, make up, or facial hair. Then 10 minutes trying to choose a good name to go with that toon. Then trolling through GTN or my cargo looking for dyes, outfits, boots, etc to go with their personality, family colors if there is any, style, etc.


Yay! Someone else who does it also! *facepalm* I'm a dude and just typed that....man I need a girlfriend and get out of my head and house.....its the mental steel trap of a 12 year old....wow....I have no life rofl. Though my sibs and mom are on vacation so I have all the free time in the world! Yay! (Oldest of 12 so its amazing I have all the achievements I do lol I rub elbows with elitist jerks who drag my newby butt through things lol) Plus....its Star Wars!!!! and...as you can see I LOVE STAR WARS! May the Force be with you:D P.S. love your signature, I get the feels too!

Edited by Lakemine
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The larger an organization the slower it moves. You need meetings to organize when you have time to have a meeting.


I suspect the community team are collating the firestorm across all the internet outlets and talking to the metrics guys who are running a few figures to see what they can take to the producers to discuss any options.


Previous experience with the forums has led me not to expect any huge amount of interaction during a firestorm other than 'We're looking at our options.'


It may be we see no new communication at all, or maybe a nod during the dev stream for the Gemini Deception.


You mean if they don't cancel the stream due to the outcry in the forums that will most likely happen in the stream.

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I just started a new toon that I was looking forward to leveling this summer, and I was wondering if there was a way to revert it to level 1 for the Dark vs. Light event, or will I need to delete it and hope my name is not taken by the time I recreate it? Thanks!

Best advice for this is to go to the Character Editor in the Cartel Bazaar on fleet and make a note of all the customization options you made so you don't have to spend much time making a new level 1.


If you are ultra paranoid log on during an off peak time to give you a few extra seconds to confound those pesky name poachers ;)

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Best advice for this is to go to the Character Editor in the Cartel Bazaar on fleet and make a note of all the customization options you made so you don't have to spend much time making a new level 1.


If you are ultra paranoid log on during an off peak time to give you a few extra seconds to confound those pesky name poachers ;)


Or be stupid like me with no life and have 30-35 name saves on multiple servers.....

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you don't need every achievement to be on the same Legacy for each reward tier, do you?

I only want the new comp chiss jedi hopefully


The achievements are legacy, meaning if you do them on a different server you will NOT get the achievements. The rewards are legacy or character bound. But the rewards from the end of the event are account bound.

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You mean if they don't cancel the stream due to the outcry in the forums that will most likely happen in the stream.

They've acknowledged issues arising from bugs and expectations before in the dev stream.


But you're looking at 4 days till the event launches so I wouldn't be looking for too much.

Maybe a developer blog explaining their mind set behind the reward scheme.

I doubt you will see any changes to the requirements for Legendary.

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The achievements are legacy, meaning if you do them on a different server you will NOT get the achievements. The rewards are legacy or character bound. But the rewards from the end of the event are account bound.

Yet Bioware brilliantly suggest you just make toons on a new server...

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you don't need every achievement to be on the same Legacy for each reward tier, do you?

I only want the new comp chiss jedi hopefully

Yes, you need to do all the achievements on the same legacy.

However the companion reward and mounts will be across the account (so multiple legacies will benefit)

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I was really excited, until I found out I had to completely reroll everything. That's really, really hard, when you've invested a lot of time into 12+ toons.


I just wish there was some sort of alternative/concession for dedicated players who simply don't have the slots. Normally I'm all behind and supporting these sorts of things, it just seems very unfair to someone, like myself, who's played since beta and yet has to completely redo everything.

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Yet Bioware brilliantly suggest you just make toons on a new server...

For the rare few that have maxed out all 40 character slots or are too tight to contemplate using their complementary cartel coins to pick up a character slot unlock token. Look, they're even planning on making the unlocks cheaper...

There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)



The companion and mount rewards are unlocked across account.

Some of the crate rewards can be unlocked in collections, also an account wide unlock.


If you are really that keen to get the titles back to a main legacy you could potentially transfer one of the characters back.


Of course this depends if the new achievements are handled exactly the same as the old ones and merged on transfer.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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The hilarious part of all this "event" is that all new characters who started leveling recently will not be includued for rewards and have to start again.


This pretty much sums up how Bioware treats current players.

Edited by Divona
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oh ok that's crap then no need me doing the event then I can't bothered to do all that you should be able to do just part of it

[sarcasm]Yeah you're right you should be able to bypass levelling a toon to 25 and 50 and just jump straight to 65 ;) [/sarcasm]


I'm not sure I've ever seen a level based progression scheme where you could bypass the lower tiers and jump straight to the end. It's part and parcel of why they implement a level progression.

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oh ok that's crap then no need me doing the event then I can't bothered to do all that you should be able to do just part of it

You can just do part of it. Just do the first four or five tiers - four tiers can be done on a single character and the fifth only takes two. That'll still get you:

  • Five titles
  • 55 Dark v Light Packs
  • A Mini- pet (Shade Stalker Runt)
  • Two Full Armor Sets (Pioneer and Trailblazer)
  • A Mount (Victor's Trailblazer Bike)
  • The new Companion

Edited by DarthDymond
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[sarcasm]Yeah you're right you should be able to bypass levelling a toon to 25 and 50 and just jump straight to 65 ;) [/sarcasm]


I'm not sure I've ever seen a level based progression scheme where you could bypass the lower tiers and jump straight to the end. It's part and parcel of why they implement a level progression.

It's on the cartel market right now...it's a "START AT 60 TOKEN".

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