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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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I really like the concept: lots of new players have no clue how many stories are available in the game and with levelling happening so fast it's easy to experience the whole SWTOR storyline in a weird and bizarre order if you don't pay attention. When I re-joined in December last year, playing through the game with my first new toon exactly like the LS/DS event proposes you do was awesome and convinced me to stick around: you see how the stories build on each other, you experience a progression of your character that is not just numbers, but also of place in the galaxy and by the time you reach KOTFE you have a deep emotional connection with them. So for newcomers or returning players I think it is a brilliant way to experience the game. Even better that you are being rewarded to do so in the case of this event!


But the one thing that is absolutely ridiculous and is infuriating to anyone who is not an absolute newcomer to the game is the requirement to level 8 toons to level 50. It is a major slap to the face of old players and it does not even thematically fit with the rest of the event! The event is all about story (from one or both sides, through the expansions, etc.) and that is just about "grind-level 8 characters that you will have no emotional connections to.


It would have made 1000x more sense for it to be instead "Your account must have achieved legendary status", that way:


1) Old players are rewarded for their loyalty (i.e. they most probably already comply with the hardest requirement of the event);

2) It does not force mindless level-grinding which is so against the "story-story-story" spirit of the game and the event;

3) You do not bump into the character-slots issue;

4) You encourage new players to see ALL the base story.


i.e. Up to Eternal level it remains the same and then to go from Eternal to Legendary Victor require Legendary Status + if you insist taking part in all the events, Ops and FPs as currently listed.


It's so obvious that I really do not understand why BW did not make it so...




I'm not sure, and I doubt that we can ever get a answer (though I would like one very much) is they made it like this so everyone is on the same footing to prevent people who have been playing the game for years form getting a head or jump start on all the new people. Which imo is very stupid for a one time event. Repeating events is fine for everyone starting on the same line, ie: Gree, Rak and bounty. Though I could be wrong and the reason why is because of the coding issues previously they cant make previous things count because then bugs would happen all over. ie: the romance bugs with KotFE, Legendary status with completing the 8 class storylines and a few others. I want it to be the first reason so I can rage at them for being selfish and stupid and non caring, but it really could be the latter reason. But for claritys sake we need a answer. (Though we most likely will never get one at all period because admitting to either is putting them in bad light, one is less then the other, but still they cant win with either reason. So they don't say anything and BOOM people cant get mad at them for something they said because they didn't say anything! (Yes I know, not saying anything is even stupider but that's their logic which makes sense, but if you talked and explained things to the community more, people will listen. Man I LOVED those patch previews, I loved it! It showed they were wanting to show the community more and be more open, and then.....nothing.....and nothing....and I wondered where they went. And then was told "Yeah we stopped doing it because we got to much bad backlash." *sigh* Its a preview! Its not 100% fullproof! They even said with it "Hey this is just a preview not a full list, the full list is on Monday." *sigh* Sorry for the rant, but its sad sometimes the community. I at least for all the raging I have done here (and its alot and I think the most I have ever done on the fourms lol) I have said I was sorry when the information was explained to me in a better more clear way, which helped lower my anger. (not all but some) Humbleness? I don't know, I have the mental age of a 12 year old.......

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Well, regardless of face slapping many good and loyal Veterans, including ME ofcourse, i've got question to you: is there at least any possibility to unlock this "New" LS or DS companion, like HK-51, for non-event Chracter trough Legacy perks?
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If you knew you were out of a job soon, would you care what your customers thought? Austin has ONE project...SWTOR. There's no way this game is actively being supported or developed any longer...this has to be clear to even the most ardent supporter of the game. They aren't fools...they're good people. The signs are very clear imo, this indicates that a new SW MMO/RPG will be taking this ones place in the near future (next 18 months), and until it's announced, we will be strung along with minimal effort and minimal content...just enough to keep some $ rolling in.

I don't think that's a valid conclusion.


BW have a history of withdrawing from the forum and community if they enrage them. There are plenty of examples where the community rep stepped in made a few early comments and as the forums descended into bedlam from the changes was never heard from again on the thread (cartel slot machine, removal of training costs ring any bells) those events were around 18 months ago and neither presaged the passing of SWTOR.

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If you knew you were out of a job soon, would you care what your customers thought? Austin has ONE project...SWTOR. There's no way this game is actively being supported or developed any longer...this has to be clear to even the most ardent supporter of the game. They aren't fools...they're good people. The signs are very clear imo, this indicates that a new SW MMO/RPG will be taking this ones place in the near future (next 18 months), and until it's announced, we will be strung along with minimal effort and minimal content...just enough to keep some $ rolling in.


I know EA is working on Battlefront 2, and Respawn on a action star wars game and Viseral on a RPG. Yeah I though either of those last 2 were going to be a MMO, but it doesn't look like it. Could be wrong considering we only saw early alpha footage and behind the scenes work. But I don't think another star wars MMO is being worked on atm. (Could be wrong though :D)

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I been in the game since beta, and this by far is the worst event conceived. Might not be for newer players but those that have characters, several at high level, and doing the same stuff over AGAIN for who knows the umpteenth time is not fun or is it worth doing. It seems they don't care about people who have been with the game since the beginning , i might be wrong but still. Making more characters on another server isn't my idea of fun either. Its just another sad state of the game its in that they cant come up with something original for a event. Lets do EVERYTHING AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN to celebrate doing things over and over! I have canceled my account and i will not ever do six month sub again its my bad but still. I know some might say i will come back , but I am pretty mad that they would do this and insult the existing communty of people who play. And I may not come back after this its just hard to let go after so long invested into this game.
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Well, regardless of face slapping many good and loyal Veterans, including ME ofcourse, i've got question to you: is there at least any possibility to unlock this "New" LS or DS companion, like HK-51, for non-event Chracter trough Legacy perks?

Good question! The rewards are delivered in three different methods, depending on the reward:

  • Titles - These are tied to the Achievement and therefore are unlocked for each character in the Legacy.
  • Dark vs. Light Packs and Pioneer Armor Set - These will be delivered via in-game mail to the character who completes the final objective in that event level.
  • End of event Cosmetic Rewards - Things like the Companion and the vehicles will come at the end of the event and will be delivered to every character on the account, similar to the monthly sub rewards.


Don't need to unlock them, as long as you achieve the Eternal level all characters will receive the companion in the mail at the end of the event.

It may not be the companion you were hoping for though!

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Well, regardless of face slapping many good and loyal Veterans, including ME ofcourse, i've got question to you: is there at least any possibility to unlock this "New" LS or DS companion, like HK-51, for non-event Chracter trough Legacy perks?


As of right now, nope. You must get to Eternal tier to unlock you account for getting the companion. Remember the companion does not come till the end of the event but you will get it on every character, even ones made after the event (ie: like Nico), and you can not pick which one you want. Its based on the winning side of the overall lightside and darkside points at the end of the event. Hope that helps :)

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I don't think that's a valid conclusion.


BW have a history of withdrawing from the forum and community if they enrage them. There are plenty of examples where the community rep stepped in made a few early comments and as the forums descended into bedlam from the changes was never heard from again on the thread (cartel slot machine, removal of training costs ring any bells) those events were around 18 months ago and neither presaged the passing of SWTOR.

Oh come on...there's no chance this "event" took more than 1 employee to devise. Add that to the fact that we've only had 2 Ops in the past 3 years...1 WZ, 1 Arena in the last 3-1/2. They've all but stopped development of this game. What does that indicate to you? Do you think they're just lazy? I don't. Are they THAT mismanaged? No way. They're obviously limping along to the finish line imo....there's just no way EA would allow such complete incompetence otherwise.

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I know EA is working on Battlefront 2, and Respawn on a action star wars game and Viseral on a RPG. Yeah I though either of those last 2 were going to be a MMO, but it doesn't look like it. Could be wrong considering we only saw early alpha footage and behind the scenes work. But I don't think another star wars MMO is being worked on atm. (Could be wrong though :D)


As long as this game makes good profit for EA they will not plan to make new SW MMO. And by profit i mean people buying cartel market packs. So far it looks like it generates quite a lot so we wont see much new content or new SW MMO near future besides some story chapters.

If suddenly players would stop buying cartel market items THEN EA could be starting to invest into new SW MMO project. Currently they will milk this game as much they can due to this game engine limits it cant go to next level anymore.

Edited by Divona
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I know EA is working on Battlefront 2, and Respawn on a action star wars game and Viseral on a RPG. Yeah I though either of those last 2 were going to be a MMO, but it doesn't look like it. Could be wrong considering we only saw early alpha footage and behind the scenes work. But I don't think another star wars MMO is being worked on atm. (Could be wrong though :D)

I don't think the next Star Wars MMO will be called an "MMO"...I think it'll be called an RPG or an Online co-op type of thing...it'll also be cross platform because THAT is where the true $ is. EA makes disposable games, not long term MMOs. Blizzard makes MMOs...EA makes games like Madden and FIFA, where a roster change allows them to charge $60 for a new title. They're done with MMOs.

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Oh come on...there's no chance this "event" took more than 1 employee to devise. Add that to the fact that we've only had 2 Ops in the past 3 years...1 WZ, 1 Arena in the last 3-1/2. They've all but stopped development of this game. What does that indicate to you? Do you think they're just lazy? I don't. Are they THAT mismanaged? No way. They're obviously limping along to the finish line imo....there's just no way EA would allow such complete incompetence otherwise.

I think it's more likely that they've studied the metrics and had a few discussions about the direction of game.

The next generation of gamers may not want to commit to defined play times with hours to complete OPs, they may be a more casual group that want to play the content they want when they like in short bursts.

Paradoxically this means an MMO that needs to shift focus to more skill based solo content with fewer time restrictions.


While the story chapters have not been overly difficult they have shown some of the best level design through out all the expansions (and no less linear than the quest hubs of the original game).

The inclusion of the Eternal Championship gives a passable skill test to all players.


Not sure why PvP needs a new warzone every other month like many seem to feel they are due, at a competitive level it's the players that make it not the map.


The shock is that the devs are moving the game away from the old mindset that only end game content counts and if a new OP isn't out every 6-12 months the game is dying.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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You must be dreaming... It will never happen.


Achievements are so screwed in the first place (hello deleted HK-55 achievements for 2 months now) that I am sure they are totally clueless how to track them and grant the achievements for this event retroactively.


^^ This yep, sad day indeed. Also Treek's are still bugged from 4.0 launch, and Nico's is missing his picture. And randomly the Huttball pin cushion is broke atm its the last one missing :jawa_angel:

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Thanks for reply guys :)


But many of you, and me, expected new Operation or Event of another sort, something like Gree/Rakghouls but, well, regardless how many veterans are, this "New majestic Event" is mostly directed for new players...


THINK ABOUT US TOO BW, sometimes, don't forget where your money come from.

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I'm sorry, I couldn't read over a hundred pages of posts; don't have the time for it. However ,when I saw this event (on the launcher screen), i thought yay!! The rewards seemed great, finally a cathar sword and satele shan's set. I looked at the requirement, make a new too and take it to level 25. Seems simple enough. Then I realized that I have to play all the current content. Was iffy up to the Eternal level, but certainly do-able. Then I saw the legendary level and got slapped with a *** across the face. The recoil was unpleasant.


I don't know who came up with the event but it is a giant load of crap. This is just plain ridiculous. Taking one new toon through the entire game is enough. But making 8 new toons; doing all flash points; hard modes ( no one wants to do Blood Hunt HM!); operations (lol?) world bosses; leveling all 6 crafting skills (hahahahaha); and God knows what else, are just plain stupid.


I tell you what? scratch the legendary level, and this event will be ok-ish. Restrict it to leveling just one character and that might earn you brownie points. I mean did you people seriously sat and came up with this, or is it a late April fool's joke?

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Thanks for reply guys :)


But many of you, and me, expected new Operation or Event of another sort, something like Gree/Rakghouls but, well, regardless how many veterans are, this "New majestic Event" is mostly directed for new players...


THINK ABOUT US TOO BW, sometimes, don't forget where your money come from.

I suspect their money is from subscribers who are running through the story chapters (and want the sub unlocks) and cartel market packs.


I suspect no long term decision is made without looking at the metrics, and they should know the pitfalls, and they'll see the OP content locusts will probably sub for a month maybe two while they blow through the bosses until it's old hat and then leave. But those that are here for the story and fluff will be around regardless of OP inclusion.

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Once you have completed the objective by receiving the achievement, that character no longer needs to be active. So you could level to 50 on a character, and then delete it.




Harsh and kind of antithetical to the concept of being in a guild. Sure some may form a guild for this but if everyone in it is going to end up killing their toon maybe perhaps we can call these groups of people death cults instead. When said member is reaching 50 the guild (aka cult) goes into the jungles of Yavin and ceremoniously deletes their toon.

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I'm sorry, I couldn't read over a hundred pages of posts; don't have the time for it. However ,when I saw this event (on the launcher screen), i thought yay!! The rewards seemed great, finally a cathar sword and satele shan's set. I looked at the requirement, make a new too and take it to level 25. Seems simple enough. Then I realized that I have to play all the current content. Was iffy up to the Eternal level, but certainly do-able. Then I saw the legendary level and got slapped with a *** across the face. The recoil was unpleasant.


I don't know who came up with the event but it is a giant load of crap. This is just plain ridiculous. Taking one new toon through the entire game is enough. But making 8 new toons; doing all flash points; hard modes ( no one wants to do Blood Hunt HM!); operations (lol?) world bosses; leveling all 6 crafting skills (hahahahaha); and God knows what else, are just plain stupid.


I tell you what? scratch the legendary level, and this event will be ok-ish. Restrict it to leveling just one character and that might earn you brownie points. I mean did you people seriously sat and came up with this, or is it a late April fool's joke?

So don't do the Legendary level, no big deal. You'll still get 55 crates to unlock and hope to get the Cathar sword.

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*high fives casirabit* Exactly. All of my toons are either related to each other and are one big huge happy family, or they are friends, associates, "college" roommates. (College meaning academy) My BH is my SW's sister, who has a jedi consular daughter with Torian, who has a kid with Tharan Cedrax and Iresso, who's son is Theron Shan's boyfriend, etc., etc.


I can't just make a toon and delete it willy nilly. It's the reason some classes I have 5 of (like Sith Warriors) and some I have 3 of (like Troopers). It's all RPing. I might not be on an actual RP server, but I still RP the **** out of my legacy on my main server.


I don't RP with other people, but I do the same thing. Hence why, and quoting Eric, "Oh you can just delete it once you get to lv50." Is so wrong and hurtful and showing that they have no respect nor care for us. :( Random thought......I need a girlfriend to RP with....*force speeds off to Star Wars Celebration or Comic Con to hopefully find one*

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The shock is that the devs are moving the game away from the old mindset that only end game content counts and if a new OP isn't out every 6-12 months the game is dying.

You act as if you're getting anything new...what does this event bring that's "new"?


And no...I act as though this game is dying because it is dying. Even Harbinger only has 2 Imp fleets lately, one with 46 players, the other full. Even POT5 had 2 Imp fleets this time last year...

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I'm sorry, I couldn't read over a hundred pages of posts; don't have the time for it. However ,when I saw this event (on the launcher screen), i thought yay!! The rewards seemed great, finally a cathar sword and satele shan's set. I looked at the requirement, make a new too and take it to level 25. Seems simple enough. Then I realized that I have to play all the current content. Was iffy up to the Eternal level, but certainly do-able. Then I saw the legendary level and got slapped with a *** across the face. The recoil was unpleasant.


I don't know who came up with the event but it is a giant load of crap. This is just plain ridiculous. Taking one new toon through the entire game is enough. But making 8 new toons; doing all flash points; hard modes ( no one wants to do Blood Hunt HM!); operations (lol?) world bosses; leveling all 6 crafting skills (hahahahaha); and God knows what else, are just plain stupid.


I tell you what? scratch the legendary level, and this event will be ok-ish. Restrict it to leveling just one character and that might earn you brownie points. I mean did you people seriously sat and came up with this, or is it a late April fool's joke?


I'm a idiot....I have been reading all 100 pages of this fourm rofl. Also you don't need to do storyline or all the fps on EACH lv 50 character, its really only one character that needs to do all the extra stuff, WBs, fps and ops. and only 2 need to get to 65 (one pub one imp) all the other ones just get to lv50, which with the 50% buff form the armor, and most likely it will stack with other buffs, it will be fast and easy, just run heroics (we farm them anyways for comms, boxes and creds). Be that as it may, yes I agree responding with "Eh you can just delete it after you get the tick on your achievement." Is....is....is just so wrong on so many levels rofl. Not only as game, but also from a custom service/community interaction stand point.

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You act as if you're getting anything new...what does this event bring that's "new"?


And no...I act as though this game is dying because it is dying. Even Harbinger only has 2 Imp fleets lately, one with 46 players, the other full. Even POT5 had 2 Imp fleets this time last year...


This event doesn't bring anything new, but then it's summer filler designed to try and incentivize play of existing content and boost the number of players in levelling content.

I'm not sure I've ever seen an MMO release new content during summer, they save that stuff for Autumn and the Winter months.


Play styles change, people don't sit around on fleet all day because OPs aren't really that rewarding. They are off doing story or running OP with their guild or running a few heroics or redecorating their stronghold. Or even, and wait for it as this might be too shocking to consider, playing a different game altogether.


As long as the subscribers are happy with their monthly chapter and ease of access to casual content I'm sure there will be a healthy player base. Just not the sort that hangs around fleet trying to make a PUG for an OP that will inevitably fall apart at the first boss.

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As long as the subscribers are happy with their monthly chapter and ease of access to casual content I'm sure there will be a healthy player base.

And you think they've achieved this? 214 servers down to, like 3 that are "alive"? You think their customers are happy? You think there's a healthy player base right now?? I don't...and after THIS, it'll become less and less healthy.

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Let me guess they haven't come in and discuss anything about this today or answered any more questions. Seems they have gone into hiding to avoid the backlash.


What's sad is I would have done this if my achievements had counted since I still need others and I didn't have to make 8 new toons. Making and deleting toons isn't the way I do things. My toons have a reason when I create them and I find it very insulting for them to say oh make some and just delete them. That's how much respect they have for people and that is what is very sad and telling.

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And you think they've achieved this? 214 servers down to, like 3 that are "alive"? You think their customers are happy? You think there's a healthy player base right now?? I don't...and after THIS, it'll become less and less healthy.


And therein lies the problem.... those are the people that they have ticked off the most with this event.

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