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Dark vs. Light Event


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I'm sorry but you need to rethink this.


Basically all that needs to be done to reach "Eternal Level" is fine, as it simply involves creating 2 new characters:

Get a "new" character to 25/50/65, get valor level 5 and complete the Eternal Championship? Not a problem.

Get a "new" character to complete all content up to and including KOTFE? Not a problem.

Get a "new" Alliance and a "new" Imperial character to 65 and do the story FlashPoints and complete all Flashpoints in Solo/Tactical mode? Not a problem.


But to reach "Legendary Level" you basically have to redo everything on a "new" character: relevel all 8 classes; relevel all 6 crafting skills; redo every Flashpoint in Hard Mode; go kill the world bosses again; redo every single event; gear up and do Operations; find 5 new datacrons; and more...


Are you really asking that I shelve the 8 character I have (1 of each class) and that I have played since Early Access? Characters that I am attached to? Characters that have things that are no longer available in game? Characters that are important to me?

Are you really asking me (and everyone else in the same position) to shelve them and start over?


I'm sorry but you really need to rethink this.


The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would be fair.

2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy.

3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


You should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). You're doing it with the Eternal Championship where you require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).


As it stands, it feels like you are punishing long time players...


I responded to another post kinda the same about removing the requirement for the crafting or 8 classes, but this seems like a better idea.

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I know...yet another female Force user. We have only 1 male Force-user companion in the game (2 if you count Chosa Raabat), compared to the 6 female Force users (7 if you count Veeroa Denz.) Why does BW have this weird aversion to male Force-using companions? It's been going on for so long that I'm starting to wonder if BW really thinks that most players are only want female ones.


Well there's Guss too, ...sort of :D

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So much this.


You have players that have played every part of your game. This event will make us leave if you only reward those who do it, but then don't reward those who won't do it again.


MAKE THESE RETROACTIVE. Don't force your most loyal fanbase to just redo the whole game for rewards. Give it to them if they have already completed the content. You will lose more subs because people will miss out due to not wanting to repeat content they already did vs getting new ones to sprint through the game in four months.


The achievements are brand new achievements, you don't need to remake a new legacy because the achievements are new. the dark V wont be the original one, it will be Light vs. Dark: Dark V, new achievement, or whatever its final name will be.

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And then to add more insult to injury both of the new companions are female. No male companions.


I don't agree with the rest of your arguments but this is rubbing me the wrong way, too. I would have loved to have a male and romanceable force user companion for my female characters.

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I really hope there will be an in game tracker for all objectives in all tiers. Otherwise... well, I will be confused half the time. And I don't mean achievment tracker or legacy achievment tracker, I mean like a full blown event tracker.


Also. 8 classes to 50, but it also said somewhere it needed to be on the same legacy? I'm capped on my main server, so I have to do 8 classes on another server and legacy but it will count towards my account? So is it possible to mix and match? I mean do, all legacy achievments on one server except for that one which I have to do on another server and it will count? Because I refuse to buy 8 more character slots on my main server.


I just feel this is not designed towards your faithful founders.


Legacy achievements are NOT across your account, like the cartel market unlocks are. Character slots are unlocked for all servers. So if you buy the max, which is 40 atm, you can make 40 characters on each server. But the rewards and the achievements being added to track this event are legacy ONLY, meaning server ONLY and will not go across your account, so yes the titles you will not get them, unless you server transfer a character over, which if your at max...you have to pay twice over. But the reward at the end of the "event, the speeders, pet and the companion, are ACCOUNT bound, just like Nico and all the other promotional speeders and pets and decos we have.

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Maybe some of us had hoped that bioware respected the veterans that put up with a lot of things and stayed and supported them through the years. It is like everything we did is for nothing. I don't particularly care for titles, (have too many) but I would have liked some of my achievements to have been counted, my crafting, my alliance, that I spent time doing, the EC championship I did but nope not counted. Nothing we did prior matters to them.


You don't understand. They are doing this "event" to celebrate their great achievement of surviving 5 years and for developing all of the great things that they have done for us.


We are supposed to be grateful to them for the opportunity to participate in an "event" that was designed to celebrate their greatness.

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You don't understand. They are doing this "event" to celebrate their great achievement of surviving 5 years and for developing all of the great things that they have done for us.


We are supposed to be grateful to them for the opportunity to participate in an "event" that was designed to celebrate their greatness.


Without the people that have supported them they wouldn't been here this long......:p

Edited by casirabit
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Is this event a couple months long, or forever?


Couple months. Sadly there is no where posted by the devs as to a end date. (which is wrong imo) People are thinking its either Oct 25th or Oct 29th or sometime in Dec. Though they did say "Ends in Fall" so sometime in Sep, Oct or Nov.

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Maybe some of us had hoped that bioware respected the veterans that put up with a lot of things and stayed and supported them through the years. It is like everything we did is for nothing. I don't particularly care for titles, (have too many) but I would have liked some of my achievements to have been counted, my crafting, my alliance, that I spent time doing, the EC championship I did but nope not counted. Nothing we did prior matters to them.

You're a veteran but you had high expectations... I think I see where you went wrong ;)


The Devs were surprised that players reached end game so fast and tore through it. Devs of an MMO surprised at content locusts... i'll let that sink in as an indication to how inexperienced the devs were with regards an MMO.


Sorry, I remember how they treated the Slot Machine (pretend it never happened) and the removal of training costs during the release of SoR (early access beta tested the expansion and paid a million or so for levelling abilities, a week later non-early access got training costs removed).


This is summer content. It's there to try and pad out player numbers during the leaner times when players are off in the great outdoors, on holiday or doing exams. There's also the gap between season 1 and 2.


They've not taken anything away from you. If you want the companion, the xp boosting armour, the good looking armour set and the mount, the requirements are actually quite low and what I would have probably been doing anyway. Levelling up a couple new characters, only this time I may try a proper speed run rather than full story.


If you want Legendary then put the effort in.


If you're looking for new content with an end game theme keep your fingers crossed for the announcement of Season 2 and if they have any sense some proper group activities (individual OPs bosses or a full OP). Again my expectations are set to realistic though.

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You're a veteran but you had high expectations... I think I see where you went wrong ;)


The Devs were surprised that players reached end game so fast and tore through it. Devs of an MMO surprised at content locusts... i'll let that sink in as an indication to how inexperienced the devs were with regards an MMO.


Sorry, I remember how they treated the Slot Machine (pretend it never happened) and the removal of training costs during the release of SoR (early access beta tested the expansion and paid a million or so for levelling abilities, a week later non-early access got training costs removed).


This is summer content. It's there to try and pad out player numbers during the leaner times when players are off in the great outdoors, on holiday or doing exams. There's also the gap between season 1 and 2.


They've not taken anything away from you. If you want the companion, the xp boosting armour, the good looking armour set and the mount, the requirements are actually quite low and what I would have probably been doing anyway. Levelling up a couple new characters, only this time I may try a proper speed run rather than full story.


If you want Legendary then put the effort in.


If you're looking for new content with an end game theme keep your fingers crossed for the announcement of Season 2 and if they have any sense some proper group activities (individual OPs bosses or a full OP). Again my expectations are set to realistic though.


It took me forever to get the achievements I have now and that was not done in 2-4 months. I had to work at with the time I could play.


Yes I am a veteran been here since 2009 before launch and I have normally supported them, had a few things I didn't like but still supported them, but this time not supporting them in the way they did this. This doesn't mean I'm quitting just means I think the way they are handling the achievements and stuff is wrong.

Edited by casirabit
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Question on the new companion.

I know it says based on the event, the LS/DS choices. Does that mean after the event is over, we will only get the winning side companion? Example if there are more LS choices, then all players will only get the LS companion...even if I as a person create 16 characters DS? Or, is the companion based on a player per player basis, where my choices give me a DS companion but others will get the LS companion?


Also, I know you said diplomacy does not affect the event...but diplomacy does affect LS/DS gains, so will that tickmark for the event trigger for me to get level 5? If not, is there enough missions where there is LS/DS choices that I can get a character up to level 5?


This is a huge event, and it will be interesting the end metrics how many of each reward tier we all get to at the end.

I have posted some place else also, but the end companion will not be based on your account LS/DS points or choices. It will be based on the total across the ENTIRE game and all servers of the characters made from June 28th onward to the end date. Meaning that even if you go full lightside with all your characters and dark side wins, you will ONLY get the dark side companion and vice versa. (Thought some people have said that which ever one "losses" will end up in a cartel pack or the CM which is also just...just....sad.)

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The achievements are brand new achievements, you don't need to remake a new legacy because the achievements are new. the dark V wont be the original one, it will be Light vs. Dark: Dark V, new achievement, or whatever its final name will be.


The concern isn't about a new legacy. The concern is that these new achievements I've already done. The difference is that these new achievements will give cool rewards, but the ones I already have don't. I shouldn't have to redo the whole game because BW can't figure out/doesn't want to make the achievements many have already accomplished retroactive.


It makes no sense why they would alienate the players who have dedicated to COMPLETING their game and expect them to do it again. It isn't right and it makes zero sense for their business. Do they really think people are going to sub to play the same content AGAIN? Do you think they will get enough players who can burn through that content in 4-5 months?


They need to make it retroactive and/or make the underlying event permanent.

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Maybe we should turn this around. Every employee at BW has the same amount of time to get legendary. They have to do it all in groups of at least one other person not affiliated with BW where possible and having it signed off on twitter or something.


Then at least we'll all know they have actually played the game to realize what this all means. It will, at least, tell me that they actually played the content, possibly counted how many times they've had to type /stuck or died falling in Star Fortresses because of that stupid bug that's not fixed yet. Or the uncountable bugs in most FPs that cause enemies to become unkillable.. 'oh, it's inside the wall/computer/door and we can't affect it'... or how many times other players quit FPs at first sight knowing it's just instant death in a pug, or....


Sorry, small rant.

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This is some kind of super late April Fool's Day prank, right? There is no way you guys are serious about this. You can't be. You'd have to be really, really stupid to think this was a good idea.






I mean, you guys have done some really stupid stuff in the past, but no one is this dense. No one.


...you're serious, then. All right. I'll be playing ESO. Let me know when SWTOR cares about long-time players again.

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Maybe we should turn this around. Every employee at BW has the same amount of time to get legendary. They have to do it all in groups of at least one other person not affiliated with BW where possible and having it signed off on twitter or something.


This sounds like a good idea! Only you should add the requirement that they can only do it when not at work.

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Pretty sure the stumbling block is not the Legendary level. It's the requirement to make new characters. That is the most common complaint I've seen and it makes sense with why most of the solutions revolve around the "retroactive" application idea. People don't want to start over, with no respect to what they've already done. That's the deal-breaker here.


As for "hard," though it is true that what people find fun is not universal, there is a big difference between, for example, a challenge and a timesink with a recommended movie in the background. My comments about work and games are a bit ancillary to the problem here. That's just something that bothers me in general, about the defense of certain game design choices. The conversation usually goes something like this:

A: "This is too much."

B: "Put in the work or don't do it."


Thus getting the attention of that part of my brain that is mystified by the conjoining of "game" and "work." Perhaps in some cases, it is a misstep of language and the person using the word "work" means "put in the fun or don't do it"? But I find it hard to believe that is always the case. There seems to be a component to it of some people wanting a game to feel like a job, for whatever psychological reasons (not necessarily to do with fun at all).


But anyway, that's getting a bit off the mark.

A big problem is that the old MMO relied a lot on time sink filler and it's an aspect of the game that's hard to shake off.

If you focus on a skill barrier for achievement then you would have even fewer people able to accomplish it.

And 'game' does not necessarily equate to easy, or 'work' to hard.


Sometimes you just have to accept you don't have the skill or time to acquire something when it comes to a game and move on.

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Well, now we know. Our monthly fee isn't going to new content it is going to the drugs they took to design this event and the booze they are toasting with over the anger of the player base..


They have no respect the long time players, and this more than proves it. From the inane (start and level 8 new characters, no matter how many times you have done this already) to forcing PvP on the PVE crowd,, forcing FPs & Ops on the solo player, and then having PvP do the entire story in PvE and do FPs and Ops is just the icing on the cake.


This went from an event many were looking forward to the latest joke on the players. If they are proud of this event they are fooling themselves. They should be ashamed that this is how they are treating those who have supported the game.

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They should probably just ditch the Legendary level and redistribute the rewards around a 5-tier setup. Then, rather then a separate tier, have just some super-special title and one other "bragging rights" perk (like a platinum colored version of the Legendary Player display on your characters) for players who "go above-and-beyond" and do the list currently set up for Legendary tier.


Alternatively, as others have suggested, leave the existing tiers but have Legendary tier require you complete any 10 (or 12, whatever) of the 20 listed requirements, then give a unique title and bragging-rights reward to players who do all 20.


Personally, I see all the rewards as just bragging-rights rewards, so the idea off missing out on the Legendary tier doesn't bother me. But psychologically it's clear that plenty of players feel jipped if one of the event's full-fledged tiers seems prohibitively problematic to complete for them. Casting it as a proverbial cherry on top, rather than an actual layer of the sundae, might alleviate those qualms.

Edited by DarthDymond
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There's not a single character out of all the 40 slots you couldn't sacrifice to get the Legendary level?


I've seen quite a few mention they've filled out all 40 slots and I find it hard to believe they are all unique or have as strong attachment.


Even in a worst case scenario:


Sacrifice level 65 Sith Warrior number 4 (there must be duplicate ACs and disciplines over the 40 slots)

Level 1-50 Imperial Agent then delete.

Level 1-50 Bounty Hunter then delete.

Level 1-50 Sith Inquisitor then delete.

Level 1-50 Trooper then delete.

Level 1-50 Smuggler then delete.

Level 1-50 Jedi Consular then delete.

Level 1-65 Jedi Knight then delete.

Remake Sith Warrior number 4 level 1-65 through Shadow of Revan and Knights of the Fallen EMpire content.


One character slot used up, all levelling achievements acquired and left with roster intact.


Sorry, but when i read that... level a char, then delete it, level a char then delete it... and that 7 times. I mean... really? What a waste of time, for an event that delivers no... absolutly no new content. What a fail in gameplay and what kind of stupid grinding. Sure, it is not a big deal for veteran players to get all the achievements from this event... but what the hell... why? why should anyone play 1-65 for the x-time? Do they not deserve, at least, a little bit of diversification?


OMG what a disappointment!


Is this what we can expect for the future of this game?


Could we please get the devs back that were in charge before 3.0? looking back... 2.x were really good swtor days.

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Maybe we should turn this around. Every employee at BW has the same amount of time to get legendary. They have to do it all in groups of at least one other person not affiliated with BW where possible and having it signed off on twitter or something.


Then at least we'll all know they have actually played the game to realize what this all means. It will, at least, tell me that they actually played the content, possibly counted how many times they've had to type /stuck or died falling in Star Fortresses because of that stupid bug that's not fixed yet. Or the uncountable bugs in most FPs that cause enemies to become unkillable.. 'oh, it's inside the wall/computer/door and we can't affect it'... or how many times other players quit FPs at first sight knowing it's just instant death in a pug, or....


Sorry, small rant.


This sounds like a good idea! Only you should add the requirement that they can only do it when not at work.


Yes and yes. BW - get a dozen of your employees to do this, and I will stay subbed beyond August. Otherwise, I'm pulling the cord.

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There is something bowering me :


Reward drop from pack right ? and their number is limited no ? so we have no guaranties to get what we want in the end ?

Nope no guarantee just like regular Cartel Packs.


I feel sorry for the folk, like myself, that have spent a fortune acquiring the armour sets from the GTN and will now get a Bind on Pickup set that can't be sold.


I've yet to work it out but I think it makes half the rewards from the crates pointless for me.

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I don't mind working for my rewards, but I've done all this MANY times. Why in God's name, do I have to do this crap again? If I want to make 30 new level 1s, then fine, but if I don't because I've done every single class story at the very LEAST 2-3 times EACH class, I don't want to have to go to another server that is not my main, that doesn't have my items and blood, sweat and tears.


If they made it retroactive and made us work for something else as veterans, awesome, but as per usual they're telling us, the veterans, who have been here YEARS during the good and the bad that they don't give a **** about us and only care about the newbs who have nothing.


*sigh* I like the idea of the event, I truly do. I think overall, generally speaking this event could be pretty damn cool, but I am not redoing all the classes and the operations and all the other OLD content for MAYBE getting a pretty. As it is, I'm now a military reservist who will be going to tech school in the next few months, I don't want to waste my fun time of playing normally with my ALREADY level 65, still waiting on their husbands, toons and play a level 1 newb again.


Eric, Devs, etc, PLEASE think about this. You're going to piss off more people than excite them. TRUST me. I've been here 5 years, I don't plan to leave, but you're going to have a LOT of back tracking and my bads if you leave this event as is. You'll be lucky IF 0.5% of any player does this at all.

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Sorry, but when i read that... level a char, then delete it, level a char then delete it... and that 7 times. I mean... really? What a waste of time, for an event that delivers no... absolutly no new content. What a fail in gameplay and what kind of stupid grinding. Sure, it is not a big deal for veteran players to get all the achievements from this event... but what the hell... why? why should anyone play 1-65 for the x-time? Do they not deserve, at least, a little bit of diversification?


OMG what a disappointment!


Is this what we can expect for the future of this game?


Could we please get the devs back that were in charge before 3.0? looking back... 2.x were really good swtor days.

I'm not saying they should. I was just suggesting a method of getting Legendary just using one character slot.

Don't aim for Legendary and pretty much all of the complaints evaporate.

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So a few questions here ...

1)whats the point with the XP gear? Is it like legacy heirloom gear that we can put on any toon and it levels them faster ?

2) What about the each 8 classes to lvl 50 achievement ? Do i have to relevel all 8 classes to qualify or does it auto count it from my achievements if i already have legendary status ?


3) Also will the XP gear be class specific? like for example only warriors or inquisitors ? What level can toon wear them ? level 1? level 10?


4) If we have already done some of these achievements they are asking does it auto unlock for us , or do we have to go redo those achievements in order to qualify ?

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