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Dark vs. Light Event


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So, when players are victimized and by obviuous reasons are insulted, they shouldn't be allowed to get angry? Do you have for habit to be polite when someone offends you on purpose? -Well, i don't have that for habit and since it's me who's paying them i will express my irritation when i think it's called for.


You think there are better ways to go about? -Go ahead and do so.

If you feel that you are being victimized / insulted by a game company putting out a promotion that you don't find appealing, yeah - that's nerdrage right there.

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To those who believe they have to level 8 characters again -- No-where in the blog and information post does it say you have to level 8 toons again. There's only 2 sides, light and dark... therefore you need only level 2 new toons and roll 1 light side and 1 dark side.




Victor’s Titan Turret Tank Mount

Victorious Titan’s Armor Set

30 Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs (includes one “Best of” Dark or Light themed weapon, gear, mount, decoration, color crystal or dye from previous cartel packs plus either an XP Boost or Companion gift)

In-Game Title: “The Legendary Victor”



Reach Level 50 with all 8 classes

Earn 1M Credits on a Character

Reach Dark 5 Alignment

Reach Light 5 Alignment

Kill 5 Specific World Bosses

Kill 5 Specific Operations Bosses

Complete all Hard Mode Flashpoints

Complete the Eternal Championship

….and more!



Edited by casirabit
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This is annoying. I just took two characters, one republic and one empire all the way from level 1 to 65 and completed first 9 chapters of Knights. Now I have to do it again?


I can't even get passed 2nd round of Eternal Champion. I don't think thats fair to link new companion to completing this and doing a bunch of PVP.

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Honesty having to do all the stories and revan and ziost again 8 more times not to count all the blasted achievements I have since launch and not being able to group up for the EC and having it count I am not sure it is worth it. I play with my boyfriend and we do things together but making the EC have to be solo for it to count is beyond words. I don't play this game to have to play solo.


you only have to do revan and ziost on 1 character as well as the ops, datacrons, etc, the other 7 ones in the other classes you can delete at level 50. and you only need to do this on 1 character to get all the achievements till the last one.

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They got to play the game during that period. If that wasn't worth, on it's own, $15 a month, why subscribe?


They / we have every right to voice our frustration over this. Why anyone in their right mind would think otherwise, I have no idea. It would be like playing every final fantasy game made, buying each one over the years, then one year you buy it, and when you get in game, you find out it's just a complete remake of all the games you played, no new content, not even a graphics overhaul. But get cool rewards for doing it ALL over again, while some kid that just showed up does a tenth of what you did over the years and gets all the rewards.

You are correct about one thing thou. Now that our 15$ a month over a period of years isn't worth as much as a first day player's F2P time spent, why sub indeed?

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This is annoying. I just took two characters, one republic and one empire all the way from level 1 to 65 and completed first 9 chapters of Knights. Now I have to do it again?


I can't even get passed 2nd round of Eternal Champion. I don't think thats fair to link new companion to completing this and doing a bunch of PVP.


They should allow you to group up for the EC and have that count.

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To those who believe they have to level 8 characters again -- No-where in the blog and information post does it say you have to level 8 toons again. There's only 2 sides, light and dark... therefore you need only level 2 new toons and roll 1 light side and 1 dark side.


Actually, this is what it says in the Level Guide for Legendary status:


To complete the objective “The Story Continues”, you must take a Dark vs. Light event character and gain enough experience to gain Character level 50 with all eight Classes. In order to reach level 50, you simply need to play almost any part of Star Wars: The Old Republic. This includes Missions, Warzones, Flashpoints, and more! To track your progress, simply look at your character’s current level, listed next to your portrait.


You must have one level 50 of each of the following eight Classes:

Jedi Knight

Jedi Consular



Sith Warrior

Sith Inquisitor

Imperial Agent

Bounty Hunter

Once all eight Classes among your Characters have reached level 50, you will receive the Achievement “Dark vs. Light: Alliance Hero” to note that you have completed this objective.

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This is annoying. I just took two characters, one republic and one empire all the way from level 1 to 65 and completed first 9 chapters of Knights. Now I have to do it again?


I can't even get passed 2nd round of Eternal Champion. I don't think thats fair to link new companion to completing this and doing a bunch of PVP.


You seriously can't get through round 2? um ok, lets see, set your companion to heals, look at the scouting report, and if your still having trouble look at a dufly guide or video. i did all 10 rounds when it first came out on a mara with full 208 gear and a rank 19 heal companions without dying once, also use heroic moment if need be. It shouldn't be that hard.

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This sounds like a fun event; I look forward to participating! I'm curious whether the achievement tracker will include a new section for this event so that we can see, definitively, whether or not we have met the requirements for any given level of rewards. There are a lot of things going on here, and I'm not sure all the moving parts can be reasonably tracked without such a tool.


Many thanks, -Wes-

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This is annoying. I just took two characters, one republic and one empire all the way from level 1 to 65 and completed first 9 chapters of Knights. Now I have to do it again?


I can't even get passed 2nd round of Eternal Champion. I don't think thats fair to link new companion to completing this and doing a bunch of PVP.

You only have to level one character through the story and expansions the other could just grind out flashpoints ;)


As to Eternal Champion have you looked at this guide http://dulfy.net/2016/04/02/swtor-eternal-championship-guide/ ?

The first 5 aren't too bad, 6 onwards is a larger step up in difficulty depending on AC and discipline.

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Whats with this new Companion? Darth Hexid? Can only the Event chars get him or can i unlock him for all of my characters?

Good question! The rewards are delivered in three different methods, depending on the reward:

  • Titles - These are tied to the Achievement and therefore are unlocked for each character in the Legacy.
  • Dark vs. Light Packs and Pioneer Armor Set - These will be delivered via in-game mail to the character who completes the final objective in that event level.
  • End of event Cosmetic Rewards - Things like the Companion and the vehicles will come at the end of the event and will be delivered to every character on the account, similar to the monthly sub rewards.


That should answer the question. Just hope there isn't any confusion as the challenges are all legacy specific but the companion and mount rewards seem to be Account wide.


Also, Dev checker is a handy polace during these moments :)http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php

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The merciless Darth Hexid Companion or the courageous Master Ranos Companion – your Dark or Light side decisions in-game will determine which Companion reward gets unlocked!




Answer this question please as there are different thoughts regarding this:


Is this based on your choices alone or with everyone's choices.


Can you get both companions if you have a light and dark character.


Thank you.


My only questions also! :) are there any companions atm who use double lightsabers like the chiss jedi there ? Thats the one I want, but both would be nice! you already have the skins for both only releasing one would be silly.

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What about the Legacy vendor? What about people who have already unlocked all 8 storylines? What about people who have been playing through the same content for years, who have max number of characters on their main server, and would rather claw their eyes out than play through ALL of it all over again?


It seems to me - and it is my personal opinion, feel free to disagree - that this even is aimed at new and F2P players, to tease them into paying for a sub. There's nothing even remotely attractive in it for veterans like myself. I mean, I've been here from the very beginning, I am so NOT going to slave through all the missions, flashpoints, operations all over again. Too much effort, too much time required, too little gain. Especially if the new companion ends up being a mute, useless decoration like Nico.


PS: I highly recommend reading through comments people leave on Dulfy's page about this event. Very telling.

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This sounds like a fun event; I look forward to participating! I'm curious whether the achievement tracker will include a new section for this event so that we can see, definitively, whether or not we have met the requirements for any given level of rewards. There are a lot of things going on here, and I'm not sure all the moving parts can be reasonably tracked without such a tool.


Many thanks, -Wes-

The level guides all make mention of achievements being unlocked.

http://www.swtor.com/dark-vs-light/rewards look behind the spoiler ;)

I suspect that there will be a Light vs Dark specific achievement tab in the normal achievement tracker.

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My only questions also! :) are there any companions atm who use double lightsabers like the chiss jedi there ? Thats the one I want, but both would be nice! you already have the skins for both only releasing one would be silly.


Ashara (Inq companion) and I believe the Nar Shaddaa Alliance recruit use double lightsabers.

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I'm sorry but you need to rethink this.


Basically all that needs to be done to reach "Eternal Level" is fine, as it simply involves creating 2 new characters:

Get a "new" character to 25/50/65, get valor level 5 and complete the Eternal Championship? Not a problem.

Get a "new" character to complete all content up to and including KOTFE? Not a problem.

Get a "new" Alliance and a "new" Imperial character to 65 and do the story FlashPoints and complete all Flashpoints in Solo/Tactical mode? Not a problem.


But to reach "Legendary Level" you basically have to redo everything on a "new" character: relevel all 8 classes; relevel all 6 crafting skills; redo every Flashpoint in Hard Mode; go kill the world bosses again; redo every single event; gear up and do Operations; find 5 new datacrons; and more...


Are you really asking that I shelve the 8 character I have (1 of each class) and that I have played since Early Access? Characters that I am attached to? Characters that have things that are no longer available in game? Characters that are important to me?

Are you really asking me (and everyone else in the same position) to shelve them and start over?


I'm sorry but you really need to rethink this.


The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would be fair.

2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy.

3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


You should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). You're doing it with the Eternal Championship where you require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).


As it stands, it feels like you are punishing long time players...

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I really hope there will be an in game tracker for all objectives in all tiers. Otherwise... well, I will be confused half the time. And I don't mean achievment tracker or legacy achievment tracker, I mean like a full blown event tracker.


Also. 8 classes to 50, but it also said somewhere it needed to be on the same legacy? I'm capped on my main server, so I have to do 8 classes on another server and legacy but it will count towards my account? So is it possible to mix and match? I mean do, all legacy achievments on one server except for that one which I have to do on another server and it will count? Because I refuse to buy 8 more character slots on my main server.


I just feel this is not designed towards your faithful founders.

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What about the Legacy vendor? What about people who have already unlocked all 8 storylines? What about people who have been playing through the same content for years, who have max number of characters on their main server, and would rather claw their eyes out than play through ALL of it all over again?


It seems to me - and it is my personal opinion, feel free to disagree - that this even is aimed at new and F2P players, to tease them into paying for a sub. There's nothing even remotely attractive in it for veterans like myself. I mean, I've been here from the very beginning, I am so NOT going to slave through all the missions, flashpoints, operations all over again. Too much effort, too much time required, too little gain. Especially if the new companion ends up being a mute, useless decoration like Nico.


PS: I highly recommend reading through comments people leave on Dulfy's page about this event. Very telling.



I have 2 friends who are preferred but this would not make them come back as subs. In fact it did quite the opposite.

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Question on the new companion.

I know it says based on the event, the LS/DS choices. Does that mean after the event is over, we will only get the winning side companion? Example if there are more LS choices, then all players will only get the LS companion...even if I as a person create 16 characters DS? Or, is the companion based on a player per player basis, where my choices give me a DS companion but others will get the LS companion?


Also, I know you said diplomacy does not affect the event...but diplomacy does affect LS/DS gains, so will that tickmark for the event trigger for me to get level 5? If not, is there enough missions where there is LS/DS choices that I can get a character up to level 5?


This is a huge event, and it will be interesting the end metrics how many of each reward tier we all get to at the end.

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Wow. I am not one to go all ragey over game stuff like most, but I finished reviewing the stuff surrounding this event. So I am gonna vent a bit.


My main was started on July 11, 2012. Delectus-Nox is my baby. I feel attached to him and I do most of the game content with him exclusively. I have other characters that I have done for story and PVE endgame stuff, but that is all.


I have spent upwards of 5,000+ hours on this game. And I am being told that to do anything with this new event I need to start everything over again?!? I am gonna guess these rewards will all be character bound, naturally.


So the new companion, all of this stuff can only be experienced with a new toon? **** that. I am just going to ignore this entire event. I am not abandoning my main for a bunch of rewards. No reward is worth the wipe.


More frustrating is that BW has devoted how many man hours developing this event?? Meanwhile we are stuck with endless bugs and PVE players are playing the same 9 ops, week after week.


I continue playing because of ops with my guild. I enjoy new cartel packs but the content in each has dropped considerably, decos used to be plentiful and more flooding in all the time. Now it is a trickle. I want to continue enjoying the Star Wars universe with my main, since Disney has decimated this once titanic fandom, this is all I have left. I foresee a new routine for me.


Log in daily just to check in with the guild, log in for my hard mode progression group twice a week doing the same old ops until I have 100% 224 gear. May log in more for the Gree event as the rewards for that are pretty great. Log in for new chapters and new cartel packs. Not seeing much else to do that I have not already done many times over and I am not going to spend another thousand hours for a new event for some ******* rewards and an exclusive companion.

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So will level 50 legacy people be able to do this event or will we need to swap servers and unlock another legacy so that we don't have have any of the achievements? I noticed someone said below that they would most likely add a new achievement tab so we don't have to create a whole new legacy and I also got that impression from the "Unlock HK-51 from your legacy tab" but I'm just wanting to make sure so I can properly plan ahead and begin my preparation for the grindfest that'll be this event. Edited by JargoFett
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