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Dark vs. Light Event


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I really hope you change your minds on that. Most people aren't going to want to reroll a complete set of 8 characters just to do this event.


This, exacly this. I am *NOT* restarting the game on another server to get all that stuff. No way in hell.

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This is pretty disappointing to those with 20+ toons already. I don't have the time to roll a new characters for each class, nor do I really want to.


I think you will only need 2 more. One that will be light and one that will be dark is my impression.

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Are you people high? Been smoking a little bit of the cigaweed that you should not be smoking? Make ANOTHER character to do these "challenges"? Some of us have leveled toons on boths sides already, and now you want us to do it again? You know, there comes a point in a mans life where he just throws his hands up and walks away. I cannot do this anymore. I am done.
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Now Thanks Bioware!!!

I have done every singel class story since launch. I have 33 Slots on my main server on 65. more on other server at least on 60 or 55. I did last week one from zero to 65 and now you expect me to do it 8 more times? Thank you. I really appriciate that!


And did I say, I dont have place for more characters and dont want to buy more slots and so on...

Edited by CarlGustaf
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Answer: Each level's objectives are tracked through the Legacy Achievement system. This means that you must finish the objectives within one Legacy in order to complete them.




This event in the single worst idea you idiots have come up with to date. Do you just sit around discussing ways to make this game worse? Or are you all just that lazy that you expect people to repeat old content they've spent the life of this game doing to death just because you're calling it event?


This game needs to die. You've clearly run out of any half-decent ideas.

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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




Sorry, but that's just nonsense. I've already levelled all 16 advanced classes to 65 (plus some extras) and you want me to level 8 more?



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Do the 8 characters that we need to level need to be active at the end of the event or can we delete them as we hit 50 to achieve the Alliance Hero requirement?


Many of us no longer have 8 free character slots on our primary legacy server and have no desire to delete high level toons to create throwaway 50s.


Edit: Oh and the Flashpoint Master achievement does not have a Light vs Dark tag appended. Is that a retroactive achievement?

Edited by Iymurra
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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




So what you are saying is anyone who does not have 8 character slots is screwed out of Legendary Level.

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Hey Eric. Anything in place for people who have no free character spots?


There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)


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Are you people high? Been smoking a little bit of the cigaweed that you should not be smoking? Make ANOTHER character to do these "challenges"? Some of us have leveled toons on boths sides already, and now you want us to do it again? You know, there comes a point in a mans life where he just throws his hands up and walks away. I cannot do this anymore. I am done.

What were you expecting exactly? This is EXACTLY what I expected...PLUS rewards!


Did you think it would be NEW content? When in the hell has Bioware released anything NEW to do? We haven't had anything new since GSF...no new events, no new PvE concepts, nothing new. Of course this was going to be playing the game all over again...that was obvious.

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I did feel as if there was one of my questions missing in the last post, and now I remember what it was. Two things, actually.


The third question: Will you handle the companion distribution on an absolute stance based on the decisions, or will you take the approach Blizzard Entertainment took a few years ago?


For everyone interested: Blizzard Entertainment had a robochopper promotion a while ago. An official vote was put up between an Alliance and a Horde inspired bike. The winning vote would be added free of charge. Seeing that this would effectively mean that the faction with more players wins, Blizzard took the approach of adding the second bike alongside it - with a penatly.


The Horde chopper (which won the vote) was given to players free of charge. The Alliance bike (which lost by a narrow percentage) was added to a vendor - 100,000 gold coins. Back then, I think it was a steep and good price.


Are we going to see this as a definite thing? It seems that by adding only one companion and scrapping the other, you would lose out on spent resources and an interesting credit sink. Will the second place companion be added to the mercenary vendor on the Fleet for a good credit price? Maybe something like 10,000,000 - 15,000,000. We've been waiting for some good credit sinks. This might be biased from me, seeing that it ties in with my fourth question.


Four: Why does it seem as if the premise of one companion (light) is more interesting than the opposite one (dark). It seems as if the light side companion has some genuine potential to tell a good story. A force-using Chiss, and a light sider to boot. That could make for some interesting conversations. How did she leave the Ascendancy? Why did she join the Jedi Order? And how could she afford not one, but two crossguard lightsabers?


The dark one seems less interesting, and more like a genuine stereotype. Darth Maul is one of the most anticipated and liked Sith in the EU. Just add an Iridonian in, which seems like an already default choice for a Sith character.


I'm not saying that the Iridonian can't have an interesting story behind her, but her "speciality" seems to seriously lack when paired against a Chiss light side force user.


Mind giving those two questions down the chain of command? ;)

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What were you expecting exactly? This is EXACTLY what I expected...PLUS rewards!


Did you think it would be NEW content? When in the hell has Bioware released anything NEW to do? We haven't had anything new since GSF...no new events, no new PvE concepts, nothing new. Of course this was going to be playing the game all over again...that was obvious.


My boyfriend and I might (stress might) do 2 more and only if we can run everything in groups including EC but 8 more nope. I like to see who the blazes came up with this idea.

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Do the 8 characters that we need to level need to be active at the end of the event or can we delete them as we hit 50 to achieve the Alliance Hero requirement?


Many of us no longer have 8 free character slots on our primary legacy server and have no desire to delete high level toons to create throwaway 50s.


Once you have completed the objective by receiving the achievement, that character no longer needs to be active. So you could level to 50 on a character, and then delete it.



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There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)



So force us to be on a different server from our friends (so no one groups up) or shell out cash?


Come on... just tell us you are ridding the game of all group content so those of us who are holding on to slim hopes we might get new group content can move on.

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So force us to be on a different server from our friends (so no one groups up) or shell out cash?


Come on... just tell us you are ridding the game of all group content so those of us who are holding on to slim hopes we might get new group content can move on.

I'm honest to god considering picking up and moving to WoW at this point.

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What were you expecting exactly? This is EXACTLY what I expected...PLUS rewards!


Did you think it would be NEW content? When in the hell has Bioware released anything NEW to do? We haven't had anything new since GSF...no new events, no new PvE concepts, nothing new. Of course this was going to be playing the game all over again...that was obvious.


Since this event is non recurring it would be a waste to put new stuff in if we are not going to see this event again. Tbh

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Once you have completed the objective by receiving the achievement, that character no longer needs to be active. So you could level to 50 on a character, and then delete it.




Can you get both light and dark achievements on different charactaers?


Can you do all this in groups including the EC and them count for the achievement?

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I'm honest to god considering picking up and moving to WoW at this point.


I'm considering moving to FFXIV again. It's not perfect, but at least they don't promote content from 1.0 as if it was some seriously big thing doing it on the twenty-third character in four years. It might sound sarcastic and hostile, but that's the genuine feeling I get.

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