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Eternal Championship is too hard!


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Funny, I did the entire thing on my sniper just a few days ago because i wanted the shiny legacy weapons. Just died once because I didnt understand/remember the mechanics of the two slow gorillas and handler dude quick enough. You can still do the [solo+] with group which should be considerably easier. At least that was the case when i grouped for it when it first came out.


I did this one each on the 8 different classes to get the achievement. There were one or two spots that were a pain in the *** to do, but otherwise, it was easy and my gear was like 190 or 200. It takes more than just gear upgrades to play the slightly more difficult items in the game. It also takes skill. I've had times where my characters were sorely ungeared and a bit underleveled and I still triumphed.


I never found Copero before the nerf hard, just time consuming and I did it on dps, healers and a tank with Temple before rank 1. (Except for my agent who's Temple was rank 10).


I'm kind of tired of my fellow casuals making the game easier and easier because they lack skill. You CAN be a casual and be skilled. So the whole no time or money to get better gear is BS. It's more so skill than gear. Yes, gear helps, but I could be in 500 gear (doesn't exist, I'm exaggerating), but if I stand in stupid and let the bosses whack away at me, I could still die.

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I did this one each on the 8 different classes to get the achievement. There were one or two spots that were a pain in the *** to do, but otherwise, it was easy and my gear was like 190 or 200. It takes more than just gear upgrades to play the slightly more difficult items in the game. It also takes skill. I've had times where my characters were sorely ungeared and a bit underleveled and I still triumphed.


I never found Copero before the nerf hard, just time consuming and I did it on dps, healers and a tank with Temple before rank 1. (Except for my agent who's Temple was rank 10).


I'm kind of tired of my fellow casuals making the game easier and easier because they lack skill. You CAN be a casual and be skilled. So the whole no time or money to get better gear is BS. It's more so skill than gear. Yes, gear helps, but I could be in 500 gear (doesn't exist, I'm exaggerating), but if I stand in stupid and let the bosses whack away at me, I could still die.

I'm not sure if you noticed this is a pretty old thread.
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I just did got to TEC on an Assassin, in around 230 gear, and am currently hung up on the Batman and Robin analogs (due entirely to my being tired when I try the fights - the farthest I've gotten is the penultimate Big Droid Fight on other characters).


I'm a mouse-clicker for my character skills, and I wouldn't call myself any great shakes as far as player skill, and that's not what is causing me grief. If you can't Force Speed out of the AoE, that's a bug, though. (You shouldn't HAVE to Speed out of the AoE, but it does reduce the healing load on your comp).



TEC is All About The Mechanics - you have to be aware of the mechanics of each fight.

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I tried doing this on my 70 jugg tank with 240 gear. Think I got to 6 or so before repeatedly wiping. Tried it again a bit later after leveling my comp [pierce] to 30, still died.


I read the dulfy guides. I found them unhelpful. They rarely indicate what role your comp should be in for each fight. Most 'casual solos' have difficulty with EC, imo, because they are used to setting their comp to heal and unused to bosses enraging because of low dps. I'm used to keeping my comp on dps, but tried various combinations, still died.


Note - While I don't do FPs or raids, I'm aware of interrupts and kiting and all that. On this same character, I finished all the SF heroics solo. I also did the bonus boss on Umbara [you know the one] multiple times, so it's not like I'm mechanics-blind.


As far as the OP: should EC be nerfed? Well, no. But it would be nice if there was a story mode for EC for those of us who just want Bowdaar and are uninterested in all the e-peening, while saving veteran for those who've done it already. Technically I'm aware that I can just grind the first level over and over again dying each time until I get enough influence, but I find it strange to have to do this, yet I don't have to, say, find a group of competent GFers to carry me through BH every time I reach that point in the SOR story. Even with recent changes, BH is one of the more difficult FPs to do in vet, yet for story mode, just like all the FPs, it's faceroll easy.


Were we still in 2.0, or even 3.0, EC would make perfect sense. Can't do it? Tough luck, pal, this is an MMO so find a group. In the age of Jesusdroids and LS, it doesn't make sense that there isn't a more solo-friendly mode.

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Round 6 is the Breaktown Brawler, and that's where (IMO) TEC starts getting "hard." You have to manage positioning on 3 enemies, and you pretty much have to use a melee companion (so Maj Pierce is a bad choice, regardless of influence). This is a round where you don't need companion DPS, but you DO need them to stay in melee range of the kintans.


In general, I prefer to use melee companions in TEC, almost always set to heal unless there's a good reason NOT to set them there. (This is probably why I haven't beaten the Doom Droid, I'm pretty sure there's a soft enrage timer and I don't put out enough DPS on the characters I've gotten there with).

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I tried doing this on my 70 jugg tank with 240 gear. Think I got to 6 or so before repeatedly wiping. Tried it again a bit later after leveling my comp [pierce] to 30, still died.


I read the dulfy guides. I found them unhelpful. They rarely indicate what role your comp should be in for each fight. Most 'casual solos' have difficulty with EC, imo, because they are used to setting their comp to heal and unused to bosses enraging because of low dps. I'm used to keeping my comp on dps, but tried various combinations, still died.


Note - While I don't do FPs or raids, I'm aware of interrupts and kiting and all that. On this same character, I finished all the SF heroics solo. I also did the bonus boss on Umbara [you know the one] multiple times, so it's not like I'm mechanics-blind.


As far as the OP: should EC be nerfed? Well, no. But it would be nice if there was a story mode for EC for those of us who just want Bowdaar and are uninterested in all the e-peening, while saving veteran for those who've done it already. Technically I'm aware that I can just grind the first level over and over again dying each time until I get enough influence, but I find it strange to have to do this, yet I don't have to, say, find a group of competent GFers to carry me through BH every time I reach that point in the SOR story. Even with recent changes, BH is one of the more difficult FPs to do in vet, yet for story mode, just like all the FPs, it's faceroll easy.


Were we still in 2.0, or even 3.0, EC would make perfect sense. Can't do it? Tough luck, pal, this is an MMO so find a group. In the age of Jesusdroids and LS, it doesn't make sense that there isn't a more solo-friendly mode.


First, you can keep your comp in heals the whole time.

2nd, if you say where you are having problems, people here will help.

3rd, there already is a defacto story mode, you get influence for Bowdaar for every boss you kill so you can just keep killing the first boss a bunch of times and you'll eventually get him.

4th, this is not a main part of the story. In fact, aside from Bowdaar there is no story associated with this at all. BH is a part of the main story, so they wanted to make it passable by everyone. This is effectively training for operations, so some level of skill is required, as it should be.

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Round 6 is the Breaktown Brawler, and that's where (IMO) TEC starts getting "hard." You have to manage positioning on 3 enemies, and you pretty much have to use a melee companion (so Maj Pierce is a bad choice, regardless of influence). This is a round where you don't need companion DPS, but you DO need them to stay in melee range of the kintans.


In general, I prefer to use melee companions in TEC, almost always set to heal unless there's a good reason NOT to set them there. (This is probably why I haven't beaten the Doom Droid, I'm pretty sure there's a soft enrage timer and I don't put out enough DPS on the characters I've gotten there with).


Good to know, thanks.


3rd, there already is a defacto story mode, you get influence for Bowdaar for every boss you kill so you can just keep killing the first boss a bunch of times and you'll eventually get him.


Yeah, if you read my post you'll see I said that. I also said it was a dumb, unsatisfactory way of going about it.


This is effectively training for operations, so some level of skill is required, as it should be.


Thanks bruh. I guess I shouldn't do ops then, eh? Since I'm such a bad.

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Good to know, thanks.


Wasn't sure if you had given up or not, but if you accept advice, here's what works for me in Breaktown Brawler when using tank or dps with taunt. Though, warning -- THIS TAKES AGES, put some music in the background. :p


- Use healing companion (melee preferred, but I think I have completed it with ranged ones too -- the enemies jump to you anyway)

- Have your companion attack first and target one of the animal thingies (can't remember what they were actually called...kintans? Let's call them kintans)

- As soon as your companion has gotten the attention of one mob, taunt the main boss, and then start attacking the other kintan

- Then you start the dance. Your companion should be able to heal themselves and throw you the occasional heal, but not nearly enough for you to facetank the main boss and a kintan. So you have to kite. The main boss does insane damage if you try to facetank it, so use hit-and-run tactics and try to kill the kintan. Stay close enough to the bosses, however, so they won't try to jump to you. I've found it useful to run in circles around the kintan. Use your defensive cooldowns when you feel the need -- juggs have useful stuff that can get your health up fast, which may be the difference between victory and defeat.

- After you have gotten that one kintan killed, move on to the other. I haven't done EC with tank in ages so I'm not sure if jugg tank can tank main boss and 1 kintan at the same time, so I'd do some kiting just in case you can't -- just enough to make sure you don't get insane amounts of the stacking debuff from the main boss.

- After that, murder the main boss. Kite if needed, don't if you don't need to.


It's a slow and annoying strategy, but it's the only one that works for me every time -- at least after a few attempts of failed kiting.

Edited by Seireeni
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Good to know, thanks.




Yeah, if you read my post you'll see I said that. I also said it was a dumb, unsatisfactory way of going about it.




Thanks bruh. I guess I shouldn't do ops then, eh? Since I'm such a bad.


You did say that. But that's effectively what you are asking for anyway, just the first boss with a different skin on it for 10 rounds. How's that any different?


I didn't say you shouldn't do ops. The EC will help you develop the skill to do ops better. It'll teach you to figure out mechanics and execute them, and manage your class and abilities. As I mentioned (and you saw) there are plenty of people who are happy to give advice and help you through it if you are interested in learning. Trust me, the satisfaction you'll get from finally clearing it will be well worth it. :)

Edited by LordTurin
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TEC was designed first and foremost as an onramp to difficult content; IE, raids. This is from designer statements aroundt the time of its release. It is intended to be difficult in a different way from HSF.


It is also an entirely optional mode/

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General hints:

Not every advanced class is going to have the same ease/difficulty with the EC as other ACs. In fact, even disciplines within the same AC have trouble. I've certainly done it on healers, but it can be painful.


Not every companion will work, even for the same run through. As other's have mentioned, melee comps work really well for Breaktown Brawler round 6, and they can be helpful at round 10 in the final phase against Zotar to stay out of stupid on the ground or the rancor in round 8. Dual wielding companions tend to have more dps or hps than single-wielders. Ask yourself if its important for the comp to be able to hold aggro or not? Do you have a way to control aggro if you aren't a tank (i.e. dps with taunt)? Do you have companion attack/follow abilities easy to reach, so you can get them out of stupid? Have you maximized your Presence with datacrons and Chilled Corellian Cocktail? How high is their influence rank? Do you have decent defensive cooldowns available for when your companion is captured in round 7 with Nocturno and Drake Raven? Companion management is very important in this content.


Don't forget to use your heroic moment, legacy Unity ability, adrenals, medpacks, the med stations, clicky vs proc relics, etc. Its not designed to be a breeze/cakewalk so don't be afraid to use any tool available to you.


It's generally not a gear rating problem, even though better gear undoubtedly helps. 230 isn't that hot though, I mean, it will get you through story mode ops and vet mode flashpoints but those things are Bolstered which helps overcome the limitations of gear.

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  • 5 months later...

I have been playing this game since its Beta testing, left and came back to the game twice. I appreciate a challenge sometimes and a nice relaxing story at other times, depends on my mood. What I do not appreciate is when I am trying to do a chill playthrough of this new storyline and am suddenly thrust into an operations style challenge with no warning.


It is almost as if they made it deceptive on purpose with the "story" option as you have with the flashpoints. I'm the type that explores every nook and cranny and does every side quest possible because I want the full story, so it is a little bit infuriating when I cannot do that without dying 10 times to one boss with my pathetic healer. Ruins my immersion a bit ya know? I just wanted to get the full story, companions and loot be damned. Instead the Barsenthor of the Jedi order, slayer of Revan and the Sith Emperor himself lies defeated at the hands of some dude in a cowboy hat and his pet worm. 10/10 great story.


For those who just want a minimal challenge to enjoy the story and pretend to be an awesome force user for a little while, how about you make all the missions I get led into as a part of the story be the same difficulty as the difficulty I chose at the start of the story. Just remove the rewards, thats not what us casuals are after when we play on easy. Just after an interactive story where we pretend to be awesome.

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Since this got necro'd again, I want to make a confession:


I still haven't been able to finish the Eternal Championship solo with any of my chars. And I tried a lot! With every char, there is at least one fight I am simply not able to beat. Usually the one with the two monsters you have to get separated.


I meanwhile have full 248 sets and every char has at least one companion with influence 50. I still get my buttocks kicked in Eternal Championship.


I think that managing the companion is my biggest problem. The second biggest is being annoyed. I breeze through the first five fights. And I always have to repeat them to get to the fights which are the problematic ones. I wished they would let us choose the fights directly. Like a training round. By the time I am at the 6th round, I am already so annoyed that I can only try it two, maybe three times and then I log off, because the whole thing already took too much of my little free time.

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Since this got necro'd again, I want to make a confession:


I still haven't been able to finish the Eternal Championship solo with any of my chars. And I tried a lot! With every char, there is at least one fight I am simply not able to beat. Usually the one with the two monsters you have to get separated.

I found the easiest way to beat this fight was with a melee-healer companion. Order them to attack one monster, and let them hold his aggro, while you work on the other monster and keep the trainer dude following you as well. (also, you need to be inside their circle thing to damage them, otherwise your damage will be reflected back to you outside the circle, even dot damage)

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Well it does take a little bit of skill to do this one when you do it with a dps companion, but it should be no issue with a healer companion, mainly if he is rank 50 (which shouldnt be an issue at this point of the game).


If people need help they can check the guides, there were also many videos made for this, for every boss. The bosses are mostly so easy that your dps will make all the mechanics irrelevant. The fights are for 230 gear so if you have 248 it should be very easy.

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if you can't pass the eternal championship,

there could be two major issues...


1.) you don't know your class enough

dps-rotation, range of attacks, ocd, dcd, utilities


2.) you don't know the fight.

different bosses, different mechanics



you could pass the EC even with a level 1 companion,

by knowing the fight and your class.


but both points are important to pass the challenges.



there are even more tweeks you can do:

- using legacy attacks

- using special companion dcds

- using buff food (+presence +regeneration out of fight)

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Since this got necro'd again, I want to make a confession:


I still haven't been able to finish the Eternal Championship solo with any of my chars. And I tried a lot! With every char, there is at least one fight I am simply not able to beat. Usually the one with the two monsters you have to get separated.


I meanwhile have full 248 sets and every char has at least one companion with influence 50. I still get my buttocks kicked in Eternal Championship.


I think that managing the companion is my biggest problem. The second biggest is being annoyed. I breeze through the first five fights. And I always have to repeat them to get to the fights which are the problematic ones. I wished they would let us choose the fights directly. Like a training round. By the time I am at the 6th round, I am already so annoyed that I can only try it two, maybe three times and then I log off, because the whole thing already took too much of my little free time.


Use Zoom as heals, Shae as DPS, Legacy abilities and Unity, Med Units - not Med Pacs, YouTube for guide, Presence buff - Peppered Steak.


Should be Sprint Champ by end of day. If not, well Fortnite might be having some skin sales.

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  • 3 months later...

Alot of condescending nerfherders here. As a tank it seems pretty easy or tank specialized one with best gear.

However, breaktown brawler does seem to be the stumble point for me.

As dps character with healer comp it just impossible to pass through. They just draw either one of the two beast and the beastmaster or just the beastmaster and still can't hold that one on their own.


I used to be able to in the past a few times with luck, but since I've returned (few months ago) it seemed like the comp also doesn't heal as it used to. To be honest, that boss is the only one I've had issues with. None of the others really bother or trouble me.

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Your post is unnecessarily hostile. She explained she prefers the stronghold mechanics over the other functions of the game, and that her gear was not up to spec. Why attack her over things she readily admits? Would it not be more satisfying to encourage her to try and gear up, and really play the game? A little positivity, man.


He raised a valid point.


He contradicted the OP for lacking in knowledge of the mechanics and locking in the wrong spec without the proper statistics to meet the standards of the challenge.


And he did so via a rather comical sarcastic reaction.


There's always a way to accomplish something in video games, you just have to find out how.


Demanding nerfs and changes just to make it easier isn't rewarding and takes away any sense of progression and or success. Great example World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth.

Edited by lassiaf
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Alot of condescending nerfherders here. As a tank it seems pretty easy or tank specialized one with best gear.

However, breaktown brawler does seem to be the stumble point for me.

As dps character with healer comp it just impossible to pass through. They just draw either one of the two beast and the beastmaster or just the beastmaster and still can't hold that one on their own.


I used to be able to in the past a few times with luck, but since I've returned (few months ago) it seemed like the comp also doesn't heal as it used to. To be honest, that boss is the only one I've had issues with. None of the others really bother or trouble me.


So, this fight is a hard one because of needing to keep them separate and engaging in melee range. I usually use a melee dual wielding comp for that fight, like Master Ranos, Ashara Zavros, or Veeroa Denz for example. They all HAVE to get into melee range, and at influence rank 50, they can usually hold out for quite a bit. I send Ranos off to "heal-tank" one of the beasts plus Brawler, then I grab the other beats and dps that one. Its important to get on my beast ASAP. If I'm on, say, my slinger or scoundrel, who lack taunts, I have to make sure my dps is up to par and frequently have to drag the beast I'm on away from Ranos when it jumps to her. The Legacy ability and the heroic moment are key here to reduce incoming damage TO RANOS at times. You have to move around a lot, to keep the beasts apart of course, but also to try and stay out of Breaktown Brawler's purple circle as much as possible. So changing utilities around to favor movement bonuses and instant casts is important.


But I think the big key is to remember that your comp will take a lot of reflect damage if they are ranged and it takes some time for the beast to get to them. Eckard Lokin isn't the best tank by parsing numbers (I think one of his skills is broken), but his Rakghoul form has no cooldown on his gap closer, so he's another option, if you're a healer or can respect for the fight.

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I did something I never thought I would, I actually got Eternal Champion-title. I had always ignored it, but now when my main (deception assassin) had lvl 50 comps to use and relatively good gear (but not bis), I decided to try it. I play SWTOR very casually and I'm far from a good player, but I've been a good player in some other games.


What it requieres is to change your attitude from what you have learned earlier (aka nothing). Game is so mind numbingly easy for a solo player, casual players probably have learned to not even try to full any potential they might have. Especially if you haven't done any group content, or just went through all flashpoints with pure luck. This is the first time you might have to learn what tactics the bosses use, and how to counter them. Also, I believe the fights are little harder now after new level cap. Nevertheless, you also have better gear, or at least should have.


After getting my *** handed me I got angry and decided I can't be that bad. I Googled every fight to see what tactics the bosses use, there is no need to be stubborn and not to do it. Other people have figured them out, take advantage of the information available.


First one giving me real headache is, like for most, the Breakdown Brawler. I had lvl50 Theron, lvl50 Lana and lvl45 Arcann to choose from. I had used Theron before this fight, but realised a melee is now needed. Dulfy has the best break down of this fight, and about next ones too so I don't indulge in them, all you need to know is here: http://dulfy.net/2016/04/02/swtor-eternal-championship-guide/ My tip is to put your comp to heal, and use melee for Breakdown Brawler. Others just see what works for you. I mainly used Theron and Arcann.


The last hurdle was the last fight, and there I just had to use Arcann with me and realise to put him to passive to make him to follow me to the middle of the arena in phase three (contrary to Dulfys guide). I also killed all the fire support droids. Remember you need a defensive ability at phase 2, whatever you have, I used Unity.


And then I suddenly stood looking at Zotars dead body and I had finished the whole shabang.


But the most important in every fight is: DON'T STAND IN STUPID. If you have managed to eat every hit this far because your comp can overheal you, it is not possible now. You have to move away from AOE. You have to figure out what they do, and how to get out of the harms way.


I want more content like this. I honestly wish there would be a solo option for Uprisings.


I'm surprised that a first reaction some people have when they are bad at something, is to demand a nerf for the content. World doesn't work that way, and it shouldn't. If you can't do something, you learn to do it or you accept that you don't want to see the trouble and let it be.

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I couldn't get past the second round when I played this the first few times, but boredom made me go back and work on it with the help of the Dulfy guides. It's true that knowing what they're going to do is half the fight. I go in with a melee companion at level 50.


The stumbling block for me with the EC now is level 9, the Doom Droid. I can't get turn the censors off fast enough to stop the insta-kill. I'm going to try it again at some point with a character that has Force Speed to see if that makes a difference.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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