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How to kill tick bombers (if you play on Harbinger, this guide is for you!)

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Step 1: Get a T1 gunship. That is, a Mangler or a Quarrel. (A T3 can work but a T1 is better suited to this.)


Step 2: Go under or above the satellite.


Step 3: Use ion to clear mines. Kill the idiot while he sits there and lets you.




Step 1: Get a quads and pods scout.


Step 2: Go under or above the satellite.


Step 3: Blow cooldowns and kill the idiot while he sits there and lets you. Take out mines and drones first (not that you have a choice).



The above steps apply to any build you happen to be playing, though BLC has a lot of trouble getting in close with some builds.


Seriously, stop doing stupid stuff like using EMP or flying your scout into their mines. And for crying out loud, don't let one just sit there. You can't capture the satellite with a mindless tick attached to the bottom of it. This isn't even a difficult tactic to counter. If you didn't know how, now you do.

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BLC/pod scout is fine, just kill the mines with pods and then swoop in for the BLC+pod kill.


Also, with T1 GS I would recommend killing the mines from a safe LoS spot (via ship or defense turret splash) before you go under/above the node. You want to limit your exposure time in danger zones like that or you'll get sniped before you can even hit the tick's hull.



Ideally you want one ion gunship to constantly splash the node while a BLC scout circles the node and kills everything. But to do that efficiently, that requires a team with voice. And everyone knows true Aces only solo queue :rolleyes:

Edited by RickDagles
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One additional tip: sometimes those ticks are pretty well embedded, and it's tricky to find an angle to actually rail the daylights out of them. Usually you can at least determine if he's above or below the node. So choose the appropriate direction (top or bottom), target the bomber itself (you may have to to tab through the bomber excrement, turrets, etcetera), then as you fly, periodically tap C to take a quick look at the bomber's position. Keep moving until you have LOS on him. Then stop, and begin hammering away.


If the enemy team is any good at all, you won't have a lot of time to do this...expect to put yourself in a bad position, ripe for your own demise. But deaths matter little in doms...it's worth it if you can dislodge the tick.

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Seriously, stop doing stupid stuff like using EMP or flying your scout into their mines.


Heh, this definitely made me smile.


I absolutely see people do crazy stuff, and they need to stop. If you're flying a ship that sucks against mines, you might need to do something a little suboptimal, but definitely don't pick a wonky ship with the goal of countering this.


Scout: If you have a burst laser cannon scout WITHOUT ranged capacitor, you have chosen the one ship in the game that should not engage the bomber. Go do something else. Otherwise, you can snipe the mines from out of their range while LOS of the bomber, then walk directly in and have a full damage rotation on the bomber.

Strike: Strike fighters are mediocre, but they are fine at this. Double your front shields as you kill the mines from out of range, and then walk in and focus on shooting, but also lock your dumb million-year missile.

Bomber: Snipe the mines, then, while staying out of LOS of him, face your butt such that your own mines will float near his stationary face, and press the mine-pooper buttons. You'll be there awhile if he has charged plating. If you are in a rush, then simply challenge him with heavies.

Gunship: If the enemy has unopposed bombers on the node, you should be switching to gunship ANYWAY. You put the slug in the bomber. You can do this all day long!



I don't see people misplay this too much, but when I do see it, it is just soooo puzzling.

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The more I think about it - the T1 scout with EMP/lasers/pods/wingman is actually probably just as good at this job as a Quad/pod T2 scout. Those two ships can actually accomplish similar things and they have similar weaknesses (i.e. they lose vs BLC scouts and CP bombers).


If you can only have one T2 scout, make sure it's BLC.

Edited by RickDagles
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The more I think about it - the T1 scout with EMP/lasers/pods/wingman is actually probably just as good at this job.


Yes ignoring this EMP build would be foolish. Many of us can remember Willie using it to great advantage


Also the fortress shield / rotationals gunship build is alot of fun for this :) .

Edited by lwiggles
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WOW so this the misinformation that became comemon practice when the valued Krixarcs leaves the country for only a short mission. u people are absolutely madeing I swear my lil 10 year old pals in Haiti could grasps simple strategy better


first of all DAKATH your thread (this one) reeks of self importance and know-it-all tones. guess what u aint the best in the game, not even close, and u aren't the one that should be serving up advice about how to kill anything except garden variety noobs and strike fighter weeds. ur tactics are like spraying pesticide all over a crop, but if you want it done right you ask krixarcs to build you a green house.


second sircaha sauce guess what not everyone cares about your intimate relationship with burst laser cannons so put your weiner back into its cage please thanks



third - I have said this too many times but I am a genuine humanitarian at hearts, so I will explain it one. more. time.

THE T2 GUNSHIP is the best ship for dislodging ticks. U shoot the guy with a proton OR a thermite torpedo and guess what he ***** his pants and deticks, at which point u finish him with slug railgun. I know what ur thinking krixarcs what if he doesn't move that would be smarter to just sit there what if hes smart?? well guess what hes tickin so IQ isnt his strong suit. If he sits there and takes it then you keep shootying his dummie brains with heavies guess what all 4 weapons I mentioned have armor piercing and shield piercing. go out and try It and then come back and thank me and maybe even make a donatation to krixarcs@gmail.com so I can keep my subscription

Edited by Krixarcs
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While I wouldn't play a type 2 gunship just for this, Krix does raise a good point: Tick bombers are absolutely targetable with torps. The issue here is that a "tick bomber" isn't a build, it is a playstyle- the bomber could, at any moment, start playing normally. Still, even with that, a type 2 gunship really can lock a thermite without having to clear the mines first. I don't really consider tick bombers a thing you need to side a ship in against- mostly it is bombers who have a playstyle that tricks a lot of players.
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THE T2 GUNSHIP is the best ship for dislodging ticks. U shoot the guy with a proton OR a thermite torpedo and guess what he ***** his pants and deticks, at which point u finish him with slug railgun. I know what ur thinking krixarcs what if he doesn't move that would be smarter to just sit there what if hes smart?? well guess what hes tickin so IQ isnt his strong suit. If he sits there and takes it then you keep shootying his dummie brains with heavies guess what all 4 weapons I mentioned have armor piercing and shield piercing. go out and try It and then come back and thank me and maybe even make a donatation to krixarcs@gmail.com so I can keep my subscription


That's a solid strategy. Nothing beats sitting out in the open, 11.5km from a node, and locking on a torp. Going in for a close range kill with a gunship that has slugs, however - that was the real eye opener to me.


I will make a donation ASAP, of course.


Off topic - any chance we will see the return of the SkyKaptains©™®? I have a couple of deserving nominees.

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Nice guide(s)- remember situational awareness people!


There is also the counter with your own bomber(s) and kill their ordnance while deploying yours. - I see this a lot on pubside when I'm flying with the imps. 2 or 3 bombers closing on one of ours - ticking or just flying close.


If it's one tick on 1 sat....and the enemy GS waiting to pounce on tick killers, Take the other two sats. - If the pubs are losing badly, I see this frequently. - No point getting greedy, 3-capping but killing the queue....!


But every game is different - That's what makes it so enjoyable!

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The only annoying Tick bombers are at B on Kuat and C on Lost, cause usually you end up in range of the turrets or it's a cluster**** of mines and drones cause the enemy team is using like 4 bombers.


Synthrash on JC did this kind of thing all the time. Except he did it on TDM too. Bury himself in the nook of a starship to spawncamp, or something similar.


Anything really works fine against it, if you know what you're doing. I don't even bother with all the drones and mines typically, just nuke the bomber.


~ Eudoxia

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Yea I love CP Pike with HLC and conc/cluster. It's awesome against bombers.


The problem is that it gets melted by BLC scouts that pick AP (lol@Krix) and Gunships. Picking a ship purely designed for one function (dislodging a tick or even just killing bombers in general) is a losing strategy against good opposition. IMO your ship should be designed to excel against at least 2 out of the 3 meta ship types and be at least half decent against the 3rd type (everything is good vs Strikes).



E.g. A Battlescout with BLC/cluster is good against scouts and gunships but it's a bit weak against bombers/satellites because you don't have rocket pods to kill mines/turrets/drones. Your BLC are still good vs bombers, but it's not an optimal setup because you die to seismic/snares more often.


A Battlescout with BLC/pod is good vs bombers and gunships, but it's kinda weak at dogfighting other scouts. You can still surprise them with BLC shots and even joust with BLC/pod if you have the cooldowns, so it's serviceable.

Edited by RickDagles
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Well, with five spaces on the bar, and multiple copies of girl bomber, battlescout, and type 1 gunship, I think you can afford to have some specialists. Moreso if you are trying to game the meta some. It's still overall solid advice, but if you have something built JUST to take out or defend against type 2 scouts, or boy bombers, or whatever, it can be just fine, even if you won't pick it much. I definitely don't think you need a ship just for one bomber strategy, and, as you say, you have a lot of good options against them with a ship that excels against meta ships in general.
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Yea there can be a bit of room for that, especially if you are playing a defined role as part of a team. I know you liked to run one T1 GS with snare to synergize with interdiction mines, for example. Scout pilots might pick one dogfighter and one gunship hunter. But those ships still meet the indications I listed. Edited by RickDagles
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  • 6 months later...

I got quite a decent kill on a tick with my B-4D recently. Embedded right in the satellite. Flew up to him and blasted with heavy cannons, then turned round and dumped a mine right on top of him.


I would have just used the cannons but he had team mates nearby who were actually bothering to play...

Edited by ghescwa
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Step 1: Get a T1 gunship. That is, a Mangler or a Quarrel. (A T3 can work but a T1 is better suited to this.)


Step 2: Go under or above the satellite.


Step 3: Use ion to clear mines. Kill the idiot while he sits there and lets you.




Step 1: Get a quads and pods scout.


Step 2: Go under or above the satellite.


Step 3: Blow cooldowns and kill the idiot while he sits there and lets you. Take out mines and drones first (not that you have a choice).



The above steps apply to any build you happen to be playing, though BLC has a lot of trouble getting in close with some builds.


Seriously, stop doing stupid stuff like using EMP or flying your scout into their mines. And for crying out loud, don't let one just sit there. You can't capture the satellite with a mindless tick attached to the bottom of it. This isn't even a difficult tactic to counter. If you didn't know how, now you do.


Thank you , kind sir.

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